同步操作将从 leopku/UnblockNeteaseMusic 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
const cli = {
width: 80,
_program: {},
_options: [],
program: (information = {}) => {
cli._program = information
return cli
option: (flags, addition = {}) => {
// name or flags - Either a name or a list of option strings, e.g. foo or -f, --foo.
// dest - The name of the attribute to be added to the object returned by parse_options().
// nargs - The number of command-line arguments that should be consumed. // N, ?, *, +, REMAINDER
// action - The basic type of action to be taken when this argument is encountered at the command line. // store, store_true, store_false, append, append_const, count, help, version
// const - A constant value required by some action and nargs selections. (supporting store_const and append_const action)
// metavar - A name for the argument in usage messages.
// help - A brief description of what the argument does.
// required - Whether or not the command-line option may be omitted (optionals only).
// default - The value produced if the argument is absent from the command line.
// type - The type to which the command-line argument should be converted.
// choices - A container of the allowable values for the argument.
flags = Array.isArray(flags) ? flags : [flags]
addition.dest = addition.dest || flags.slice(-1)[0].toLowerCase().replace(/^-+/, '').replace(/-[a-z]/g, character => character.slice(1).toUpperCase())
addition.help = addition.help || {'help': 'output usage information', 'version': 'output the version number'}[addition.action]
cli._options.push(Object.assign(addition, {flags: flags, positional: !flags[0].startsWith('-')}))
return cli
parse: argv => {
let positionals = cli._options.map((option, index) => option.positional ? index : null).filter(index => index !== null), optionals = {}
cli._options.forEach((option, index) => option.positional ? null : option.flags.forEach(flag => optionals[flag] = index))
cli._program.name = cli._program.name || require('path').parse(argv[1]).base
let args = argv.slice(2).reduce((result, part) => /^-[^-]/.test(part) ? result.concat(part.slice(1).split('').map(string => '-' + string)) : result.concat(part), [])
let pointer = 0
while(pointer < args.length){
let part = args[pointer], value = null
let index = part.startsWith('-') ? optionals[part] : positionals.shift()
if(index == undefined) part.startsWith('-') ? error(`no such option: ${part}`) : error(`extra arguments found: ${part}`)
if(part.startsWith('-')) pointer += 1
let action = cli._options[index].action
if(['help', 'version'].includes(action)){
if(action === 'help') help()
else if(action === 'version') version()
else if(['store_true', 'store_false'].includes(action)){
value = action === 'store_true'
let gap = args.slice(pointer).findIndex(part => part in optionals)
let next = gap === -1 ? args.length : pointer + gap
value = args.slice(pointer, next)
if(value.length === 0){
error(`the following arguments are required: ${part}`)
else if(cli._options[index].nargs === '+')
error(`argument ${part}: expected at least one argument`)
error(`argument ${part}: expected one argument`)
if(cli._options[index].nargs != '+'){
value = value[0]
pointer += 1
pointer = next
cli[cli._options[index].dest] = value
if(positionals.length) error(`the following arguments are required: ${positionals.map(index => cli._options[index].flags[0]).join(', ')}`)
// cli._options.forEach(option => console.log(option.dest, cli[option.dest]))
return cli
const pad = length => (new Array(length + 1)).join(' ')
const usage = () => {
let options = cli._options.map(option => {
let flag = option.flags[0]
let name = option.metavar || option.dest
if(option.nargs === '+')
return `${name} [${name} ...]`
return `${name}`
if(['store_true', 'store_false', 'help', 'version'].includes(option.action))
return `[${flag}]`
else if(option.nargs === '+')
return `[${flag} ${name} [${name} ...]]`
return `[${flag} ${name}]`
let maximum = cli.width
let title = `usage: ${cli._program.name}`
let lines = [title]
options.map(name => ' ' + name).forEach(option => {
lines[lines.length - 1].length + option.length < maximum ?
lines[lines.length - 1] += option :
lines.push(pad(title.length) + option)
const help = () => {
let positionals = cli._options.filter(option => option.positional)
.map(option => [option.metavar || option.dest, option.help])
let optionals = cli._options.filter(option => !option.positional)
.map(option => {
let flags = option.flags
let name = option.metavar || option.dest
let use = ''
if(['store_true', 'store_false', 'help', 'version'].includes(option.action))
use = flags.map(flag => `${flag}`).join(', ')
else if(option.nargs === '+')
use = flags.map(flag => `${flag} ${name} [${name} ...]`).join(', ')
use = flags.map(flag => `${flag} ${name}`).join(', ')
return [use, option.help]
let align = Math.max.apply(null, positionals.concat(optionals).map(option => option[0].length))
align = align > 30 ? 30 : align
rest = cli.width - align - 4
const publish = option => {
const slice = string =>
Array.from(Array(Math.ceil(string.length / rest)).keys())
.map(index => string.slice(index * rest, (index + 1) * rest))
.join('\n' + pad(align + 4))
option[0].length < align ?
console.log(` ${option[0]}${pad(align - option[0].length)} ${slice(option[1])}`) :
console.log(` ${option[0]}\n${pad(align + 4)}${slice(option[1])}`)
if(positionals.length) console.log('\npositional arguments:')
if(optionals.length) console.log('\noptional arguments:')
const version = () => {
const error = message => {
console.log(cli._program.name + ':', 'error:', message)
module.exports = cli
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