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cot_led.h 3.94 KB
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constzpc 提交于 2023-11-05 20:48 . ✨ feat: 增加亮灭设置函数
* @file cot_led.h
* @brief 该文件提供LED灯控制功能函数原型
* @author const_zpc any question please send mail to const_zpc@163.com
* @version V1.0.0
* @date 2023-11-05
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifndef _COT_LED_H_
#define _COT_LED_H_
/* Includes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
/* Exported types ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// 状态bit位所使用的byte数,bit之间的控制时间为时间颗粒度
* @brief LED亮灭枚举定义
typedef enum{
COT_LED_OFF = 0, /*!< (0)灯灭 */
COT_LED_ON = !COT_LED_OFF /*!< (1)灯亮 */
} cotLedState_e;
typedef void (*cotLedCtrl_f)(cotLedState_e state);
typedef uint16_t led_t;
typedef struct
uint8_t validBits; /*!< 状态有效bit位 */
uint8_t offset; /*!< 状态bit位偏移 */
uint8_t count; /*!< 控制次数 */
uint8_t isSetCount : 1; /*!< 是否设置了控制次数 */
uint8_t defState : 1; /*!< 默认状态 */
uint8_t curState : 1; /*!< 当前状态 */
uint8_t pwmDir : 1; /*!< PWM增减方向 */
uint8_t isPwm : 1; /*!< PWM模式 */
uint16_t tic; /*!< 时间计数器 */
uint16_t interval; /*!< 每次控制的时间颗粒度,单位为1ms */
uint16_t onTime; /*!< 亮的时长 */
uint16_t tic; /*!< PWM计时 */
} pwm;
uint8_t state[LED_STATE_BYTE_NUM]; /*!< 状态bit位 */
} data;
} cotLedProc_t;
typedef struct
cotLedProc_t proc;
cotLedCtrl_f pfnLedCtrl;
} cotLedCfg_t;
/* Exported constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported macro ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
extern int cotLed_Init(cotLedCfg_t pCfgTable[], size_t num);
extern int cotLed_SetState(led_t led, cotLedState_e state);
extern int cotLed_SetStateWithTime(led_t led, cotLedState_e state, uint16_t time);
extern int cotLed_ON(led_t led);
extern int cotLed_OFF(led_t led);
extern int cotLed_Toggle(led_t led);
extern int cotLed_Twinkle(led_t led, uint16_t time);
extern int cotLed_TwinkleWithCount(led_t led, uint16_t time, uint8_t count, cotLedState_e defState);
extern int cotLed_Breathe(led_t led, uint16_t period);
extern int cotLed_BreatheWithCount(led_t led, uint16_t period, uint8_t count, cotLedState_e defState);
extern int cotLed_Custom(led_t led, ...);
extern int cotLed_CustomWithCount(led_t led, uint8_t count, cotLedState_e defState, ...);
extern int cotLed_Marquee(led_t led[], uint8_t ledNum, int32_t time);
extern int cotLed_MarqueeWithCount(led_t led[], uint8_t ledNum, int32_t time, uint8_t count, cotLedState_e defState);
extern int cotLed_Waterfall(led_t led[], uint8_t ledNum, int32_t time);
extern int cotLed_WaterfallWithCount(led_t led[], uint8_t ledNum, int32_t time, uint8_t count, cotLedState_e defState);
extern int cotLed_Ctrl(uint32_t sysTime);
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