// Settings.cpp
#include "Settings.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
using std::string;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::copy;
using std::find;
using std::vector;
using std::runtime_error;
struct OptionChange {
bool ⌖
bool targetStatus;
OptionChange(bool &target, bool targetStatus);
const char defaultCompressorIdentifier[GlobalSettings::COMPRESSOR_IDENTIFIER_SIZE] = {'H', 'U', 'F', 'M', 'A', 'N', 'Z'};
const unsigned defaultCompressorVersion = 2U;
const string defaultCompressorVersionStr = "0.10-beta";
const unsigned defaultFileSignature = 0xaabbccddU;
const string defaultFileSuffix = ".huffmanzip";
const string defaultProgramName = "huffmanzip";
const bool defaultShowHelp = false;
const bool defaultShowVersion = false;
const bool defaultCompress = true;
const bool defaultVerboseMode = false;
const bool defaultKeepOriginalFile = true;
const bool defaultUseStdin = true;
const bool defaultUseStdout = false;
const string defaultInFilePath = "";
const string defaultOutFilePath = "";
const vector<char> shortArgs = {'c', 'd', 'h', 'k', 'v', 'V'};
const vector<string> longArgs = {
const vector<OptionChange> optionChanges = {
OptionChange(sessionSettings.useStdout, true),
OptionChange(sessionSettings.compress, false),
OptionChange(sessionSettings.showHelp, true),
OptionChange(sessionSettings.keepOriginalFile, false),
OptionChange(sessionSettings.verboseMode, true),
OptionChange(sessionSettings.showVersion, true)
GlobalSettings globalSettings;
SessionSettings sessionSettings;
GlobalSettings::GlobalSettings() :
fileSuffix(defaultFileSuffix) {
copy(defaultCompressorIdentifier, defaultCompressorIdentifier + COMPRESSOR_IDENTIFIER_SIZE, compressorIdentifier);
SessionSettings::SessionSettings() :
outFilePath(defaultOutFilePath) {}
OptionChange::OptionChange(bool &target, bool targetStatus) : target(target), targetStatus(targetStatus) {}
void parseArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) {
string programName = argv[0];
string::size_type pos = programName.find_last_of('/'),
backslashPos = programName.find_last_of('\\');
if (pos == string::npos || (backslashPos != string::npos && pos < backslashPos))
pos = backslashPos;
if (pos != string::npos)
programName = programName.substr(pos + 1);
string::size_type dotPos = programName.find_last_of('.');
if (dotPos != string::npos)
programName = programName.substr(0, dotPos);
if (!programName.empty())
sessionSettings.programName = programName;
bool needFurtherPath = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (argv[i][0] != '-') {
if (needFurtherPath) {
sessionSettings.outFilePath = argv[i];
needFurtherPath = false;
} else {
sessionSettings.useStdin = false;
sessionSettings.inFilePath = argv[i];
} else if (argv[i][1] != '-') {
for (int j = 1; argv[i][j] != '\0'; ++j) {
if (argv[i][j] == 'o') {
sessionSettings.useStdout = false;
needFurtherPath = true;
} else {
vector<char>::const_iterator iter = find(shortArgs.begin(), shortArgs.end(), argv[i][j]);
if (iter == shortArgs.end()) {
ostringstream errMsg;
errMsg << "Unrecognized option -" << argv[i][j];
sendMessage(MSG_ERROR, errMsg.str() + "; use -h/--help to get help");
throw runtime_error(errMsg.str());
} else {
vector<OptionChange>::const_iterator optionChangeIter = optionChanges.begin() + (iter - shortArgs.begin());
optionChangeIter->target = optionChangeIter->targetStatus;
} else {
string option = argv[i] + 2;
if (option == "output") {
sessionSettings.useStdout = false;
needFurtherPath = true;
} else {
vector<string>::const_iterator iter = find(longArgs.begin(), longArgs.end(), argv[i] + 2);
if (iter == longArgs.end()) {
ostringstream errMsg;
errMsg << "Unrecognized option " << argv[i];
sendMessage(MSG_ERROR, errMsg.str() + "; use -h/--help to get help");
throw runtime_error(errMsg.str());
} else {
vector<OptionChange>::const_iterator optionChangeIter = optionChanges.begin() + (iter - longArgs.begin());
optionChangeIter->target = optionChangeIter->targetStatus;
if (sessionSettings.showHelp || sessionSettings.showVersion)
if (!sessionSettings.useStdin) {
string::size_type suffixPos = sessionSettings.inFilePath.rfind(globalSettings.fileSuffix);
bool endsWithSuffix;
if (suffixPos + globalSettings.fileSuffix.size() == sessionSettings.inFilePath.size()) {
endsWithSuffix = true;
sessionSettings.compress = false;
if (!sessionSettings.useStdout && sessionSettings.outFilePath.empty())
sessionSettings.outFilePath = sessionSettings.compress ? sessionSettings.inFilePath + globalSettings.fileSuffix : (endsWithSuffix ? sessionSettings.inFilePath.substr(0, suffixPos) : "");
if (!sessionSettings.useStdin && sessionSettings.inFilePath.empty()) {
sendMessage(MSG_ERROR, "Missing input file; use -h/--help to get help");
throw runtime_error("Missing input file");
if (!sessionSettings.useStdout && sessionSettings.outFilePath.empty()) {
sendMessage(MSG_ERROR, "Missing output file; use -h/--help to get help");
throw runtime_error("Missing output file");
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