################## 模块导入 #####################
import sensor, image, time
from pyb import LED
from pyb import UART,Timer
#from pid import PID
#rho_pid = PID(p=0.4, i=0)
#theta_pid = PID(p=0.001, i=0)
################## 初始化 #####################
uart = UART(3,115200)#初始化串口 波特率 115200
sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQQVGA) # 80x60 (4,800 pixels) - O(N^2) max = 2,3040,000.
sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # WARNING: If you use QQVGA it may take seconds
clock = time.clock() # to process a frame sometimes.
################## 自定义阈值范围 ###############
up_roi = [5, 0, 70, 5]#上采样区0 [0, 0, 80, 15]
down_roi = [5, 55, 70, 5]#下采样区0 [0, 55, 80, 15]
mid_roi = [5, 5, 70, 50]#中心横向采样区 [15, 15, 50, 30]
left_roi = [0, 0, 5, 60]#左采样区0 [0, 0, 25, 60]
righ_roi = [75, 0, 5, 60]#右采样区0 [55, 0, 25, 40]
BINARY_THRESHOLD = (20, 142) # Grayscale threshold for dark things... (5, 70, -23, 15, -57, 0)(18, 100, 31, -24, -21, 70) (0, 100)
thresholds = [(30, 0, -128, 127, -128, 127)]# [0, 144]#自定义灰度阈值
centre_thresholds = [0, 144]
# 像素阈值
verticle_pixels_threshold = [200, 300]
track_line_pixels_threshold = [100, 200]
barcode_pixels_threshold = [150, 200]
qrcode_pixels_threshold = [200, 250]
x_width = 80
y_height = 60
centre_area_x = [35, 45] #自定义中心检测区域
centre_area_y = [25, 35]
old_cross_x = 0
old_cross_y = 0
img_num = 1
#no_vertical_angle = 1
#条形码 二维码检测标志
barcode_is_detected = False
qrcode_is_detected = False
################ 自定义类 #######################
class Dot(object):
x = 0
y = 0
pixels = 0
num = 0
ok = 0
flag = 0
class Line(Dot):
x_angle = 0
y_angle = 0
flag = 0
centre_x = 0
centre_y = 0
class singleline_check():
flager = 0
rho_err = 0
theta_err = 0
is_verticle = 0
class receive(object):
uart_buf = []
_data_len = 0
_data_cnt = 0
state = 0
# 工作模式
class ctrl(object):
work_mode = 0x02 #工作模式.默认是点检测,可以通过串口设置成其他模式 0x01:点模式 0x02:线模式
check_show = 1 #开显示,在线调试时可以打开,离线使用请关闭,可提高计算速度
dot = Dot()
up = Line()
down = Line()
left = Line()
righ = Line()
line = Line()
mid = Line()
singleline_check = singleline_check()
line.flag = 0
################### 数据打包 #############################
# 线检测数据打包
def pack_line_data():
singleline_check.rho_err = 0
singleline_check.theta_err = 0
lens = len(pack_data)#数据包大小
pack_data[3] = lens-5;#有效数据个数 #?是否修改? 考虑
i = 0
sum = 0
while i<(lens-1):
sum = sum + pack_data[i]
i = i+1
pack_data[lens-1] = sum;
return pack_data
# 点检测数据打包
def pack_dot_data():
dot.x = 0
dot.y = 0
lens = len(pack_data)#数据包大小
pack_data[3] = lens-5;#有效数据个数
i = 0
sum = 0
while i<(lens-1):
sum = sum + pack_data[i]
i = i+1
pack_data[lens-1] = sum;
return pack_data
################### 串口 ####################
# 串口数据解析
def Receive_Anl(data_buf,num):
sum = 0
i = 0
while i<(num-1):
sum = sum + data_buf[i]
i = i + 1
sum = sum%256 #求余
if sum != data_buf[num-1]:
#if data_buf[2]==0x01:
# print("receive 1 ok!")
#if data_buf[2]==0x02:
# print("receive 2 ok!")
if data_buf[2]==0xFC:
ctr.work_mode = data_buf[4]
#print("Set work mode success!")
# 串口通信协议接收
def Receive_Prepare(data):
if R.state==0:
if data == 0xAA:#帧头
R.state = 1
R.state = 0
elif R.state==1:
if data == 0xAF:#帧头
R.state = 2
R.state = 0
elif R.state==2:
if data <= 0xFF:#控制字
R.state = 3
R.state = 0
elif R.state==3:#数据个数
if data <= 33:
R.state = 4
R._data_len = data
R._data_cnt = 0
R.state = 0
elif R.state==4:
if R._data_len > 0:
R. _data_len = R._data_len - 1
if R._data_len == 0:
R.state = 5
R.state = 0
elif R.state==5:
R.state = 0
R.state = 0
# 读取串口缓存
def uart_read_buf():
i = 0
buf_size = uart.any()
while i<buf_size:
i = i + 1
################## 点检测 #############################
# 点检测函数
def check_dot(img):
#thresholds为黑色物体颜色的阈值,是一个元组,需要用括号[ ]括起来可以根据不同的颜色阈值更改;pixels_threshold 像素个数阈值,
#如果色块像素数量小于这个值,会被过滤掉area_threshold 面积阈值,如果色块被框起来的面积小于这个值,会被过滤掉;merge 合并,如果
#设置为True,那么合并所有重叠的blob为一个;margin 边界,如果设置为5,那么两个blobs如果间距5一个像素点,也会被合并。
for blob in img.find_blobs(thresholds, pixels_threshold=80, area_threshold=80, merge=True, margin=5):
if dot.pixels<blob.pixels():#寻找最大的黑点
#对图像边缘进行侵蚀,侵蚀函数erode(size, threshold=Auto),size为kernal的大小,去除边缘相邻处多余的点。threshold用
dot.pixels=blob.pixels() #将像素值赋值给dot.pixels
dot.x = blob.cx() #将识别到的物体的中心点x坐标赋值给dot.x
dot.y = blob.cy() #将识别到的物体的中心点x坐标赋值给dot.x
dot.ok= 1
img.draw_cross(dot.x, dot.y, color=127, size = 10)
img.draw_circle(dot.x, dot.y, 5, color = 127)
print("centre_x = %d, centre_y = %d"%(dot.x, dot.y))
#判断标志位 赋值像素点数据
dot.flag = dot.ok
dot.num = dot.pixels
dot.pixels = 0
dot.ok = 0
############################### 直角检测 #####################################
# min_degree = 0 # 直线最小角度
# max_degree = 179 # 直线最大角度
# 判断是否为直角的阈值
#right_angle_threshold = (70, 100)
#binary_threshold = [(0, 60)]
#forget_ratio = 0.8
#move_threshold = 5
#def calculate_angle(line1, line2):
# 利用四边形的角公式, 计算出直线夹角
# angle = (180 - abs(line1.theta() - line2.theta()))
# if angle > 90:
# angle = 180 - angle
# return angle
#def is_right_angle(line1, line2):
# global right_angle_threshold
# 判断两个直线之间的夹角是否为直角
# angle = calculate_angle(line1, line2)
# if angle >= right_angle_threshold[0] and angle <= right_angle_threshold[1]:
# # 判断在阈值范围内
# print("The angle is", angle)
# return True
# return False
#def find_verticle_lines(lines):
# line_num = len(lines)
# for i in range(line_num -1):
# for j in range(i, line_num):
# if is_right_angle(lines[i], lines[j]):
# return (lines[i], lines[j])
# return (None, None)
#def calculate_intersection(line1, line2):
# 计算两条线的交点
# a1 = line1.y2() - line1.y1()
# b1 = line1.x1() - line1.x2()
# c1 = line1.x2()*line1.y1() - line1.x1()*line1.y2()
# a2 = line2.y2() - line2.y1()
# b2 = line2.x1() - line2.x2()
# c2 = line2.x2() * line2.y1() - line2.x1()*line2.y2()
# if (a1 * b2 - a2 * b1) != 0 and (a2 * b1 - a1 * b2) != 0:
# cross_x = int((b1*c2-b2*c1)/(a1*b2-a2*b1))
# cross_y = int((c1*a2-c2*a1)/(a1*b2-a2*b1))
# return (cross_x, cross_y)
# return (-1, -1)
#def draw_cross_point(cross_x, cross_y):
# img.draw_cross(cross_x, cross_y, color = 127)
# img.draw_circle(cross_x, cross_y, 5, color = 127)
# img.draw_circle(cross_x, cross_y, 10, color = 127)
# All lines also have `x1()`, `y1()`, `x2()`, and `y2()` methods to get their end-points
# and a `line()` method to get all the above as one 4 value tuple for `draw_line()`.
# 判断是否为直角
#def check_whether_verticle_lines(img, lines):
# global old_cross_x, old_cross_y
# #lines = img.find_lines(threshold = 2000, theta_margin = 40, rho_margin = 20, roi = mid_roi) #roi=(5, 5, 150,110)
#for line in lines:
# pass
# img.draw_line(line.line(), color = (255, 0, 0))
# 如果画面中有两条直线
#if len(lines) >= 2:
# (line1, line2) = find_verticle_lines(lines)
# if (line1 == None or line2 == None):
# 没有垂直的直线
# draw_cross_point(old_cross_x, old_cross_y)
# LED(2).off() #熄灯
# LED(3).off() #熄灯
# no_vertical_angle = 1
# return False
# LED(2).toggle() #亮灯
# no_vertical_angle = 0
# 画线
# img.draw_line(line1.line(), color = 127)
# img.draw_line(line2.line(), color = 127)
# 计算交点
# (cross_x, cross_y) = calculate_intersection(line1, line2)
# print("cross_x: %d, cross_y: %d"%(old_cross_x, old_cross_y))
# if cross_x != -1 and cross_y != -1:
# if abs(cross_x - old_cross_x) < move_threshold and abs(cross_y - old_cross_y) < move_threshold:
# 小于移动阈值, 不移动
# pass
# else:
# old_cross_x = int(old_cross_x * (1 - forget_ratio) + cross_x * forget_ratio)
# old_cross_y = int(old_cross_y * (1 - forget_ratio) + cross_y * forget_ratio)
# draw_cross_point(old_cross_x, old_cross_y)
#print("FPS %f" % clock.fps())
################################### 找线 ########################################
# 检测是否有两条以上直线
#def check_whether_muti_lines(img):
# lines = img.find_lines(threshold = 2000, theta_margin = 50, rho_margin = 50, roi = mid_roi) #threshold = 2000, theta_margin = 40, rho_margin = 20, roi=(5, 5, 150,110)
# for line in lines:
# pass
# if len(lines) >= 2:
# return [True, lines]
# else:
# return [False, None]
# 检测像素变化
def count_pixels_with_movement(img):
global x_width, y_height
x_pos = 0
y_pos = 0
total_white_pixels = 0
for x_pos in range(x_width):
for y_pos in range(y_height):
if img.get_pixel(x_pos, y_pos) == 255:
total_white_pixels += 1
print("total white pixels are", total_white_pixels)
if total_white_pixels >= verticle_pixels_threshold[0] and \
total_white_pixels <= verticle_pixels_threshold[1]: #直角
singleline_check.is_verticle = 2
elif total_white_pixels >= track_line_pixels_threshold[0] and \
total_white_pixels <= track_line_pixels_threshold[1]: #巡线
singleline_check.is_verticle = 1
elif total_white_pixels >= barcode_pixels_threshold[0] and \
total_white_pixels <= barcode_pixels_threshold[1]: #条形码
singleline_check.is_verticle = 0
barcode_is_detected = True
elif total_white_pixels >= qrcode_pixels_threshold[0] and \
total_white_pixels <= qrcode_pixels_threshold[1]: #二维码
singleline_check.is_verticle = 0
qrcode_is_detected = True
print("is verticle flag:", singleline_check.is_verticle)
# 寻找区域中心坐标
#def find_area_centre(img,area,area_roi):
# img.invert()
# blobs = img.find_blobs([centre_thresholds], roi=area_roi, pixels_threshold=3, area_threshold=3, merge=True, margin=5)
# if blobs:
# most_pixels = 0
# largest_blob = 0
# for i in range(len(blobs)):
# if blobs[i].pixels() > most_pixels:
# most_pixels = blobs[i].pixels()
# largest_blob = i
# img.draw_rectangle(blobs[largest_blob].rect())
# img.draw_cross(blobs[largest_blob].cx(),
# blobs[largest_blob].cy())
# area.centre_x = blobs[largest_blob].cx()
# area.centre_y = blobs[largest_blob].cy()
# img.invert()
edge_roi = [0, 25, 80, 10]
#def find_it(img)
# blobs = img.find_blobs([centre_thresholds], roi = edge_roi, )
# 感兴趣区边界检测
def fine_border(img,area,area_roi):
line.flag = img.get_regression([(255,255)],roi=area_roi, robust = True)
if (line.flag):
#dot.flag = dot.ok
#dot.pixels = 0
#dot.ok = 0
# 找线
def found_line(img):
singleline_check.flager = img.get_regression([(255,255)], robust = True)
if (singleline_check.flager):
singleline_check.rho_err = abs(singleline_check.flager.rho())-0
#if singleline_check.flager.theta()>90:
# singleline_check.theta_err = singleline_check.flager.theta()-0
# singleline_check.theta_err = singleline_check.flager.theta()-0
position = singleline_check.flager.line()
pos_x1 = abs((position[0] - position[2]) / 2) + min(position[0], position[2])
pos_y1 = abs((position[1] - position[3]) / 2) + min(position[1], position[3])
LED(3).on() #亮灯
pos_x2 = 0
pos_y2 = pos_y1
pos_x3 = 80
pos_y3 = pos_y1
y_send = int(pos_y1)
singleline_check.rho_err = y_send #.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little', signed=True)
line_new = (int(pos_x3), int(pos_y3), int(pos_x2), int(pos_y2))
img.draw_line(line_new, color = 127)
img.draw_line(singleline_check.flager.line(), color = 127)
print("y: %d"%(pos_y1))
LED(3).off() #亮灯
# 找线总函数
def check_line(img):
fine_border(img,mid,mid_roi) #
line.flag = 0
if up.ok:
line.flag = line.flag | 0x01
if down.ok:
line.flag = line.flag | 0x02
if left.ok:
line.flag = line.flag | 0x04
if righ.ok:
line.flag = line.flag | 0x08
if mid.ok:
line.flag = line.flag | 0x10 #
up.ok = down.ok = left.ok = righ.ok = mid.ok = 0
up.num = down.num = left.num = righ.num = mid.num = 0
up.pixels = down.pixels = left.pixels = righ.pixels = mid.pixels = 0
#[Flag, lines] = check_whether_muti_lines(img)
#if Flag: #检测是否有两条以上的线
# LED(2).off()
# LED(3).off()
#time.sleep(50) #延时150ms
# check_whether_verticle_lines(img, lines) # 寻找直角
# LED(2).off()
# LED(3).toggle() #亮灯
#time.sleep(50) #延时150ms
# count_pixels_with_movement(img)
found_line(img) #巡线
# 拍摄照片
#def shot_images_while_tracking_lines():
# global img_num
# barcode_name = "barcode_" + str(img_num)
# qrcode_name = "qrcode_" + str(img_num)
#if barcode_is_detected:
# sensor.snapshot().save(barcode_name + ".jpg")
# LED(1).toggle() #红灯
# time.sleep(1)
# LED(1).toggle()
# print(barcode_name + ".jpg is saved!")
# img_num += 1
# if img_num >= 3:
# img_num = 1
#if qrcode_is_detected:
# LED(3).toggle() #蓝灯
# time.sleep(1)
# LED(3).toggle()
# sensor.snapshot().save(qrcode_name + ".jpg")
# img_num += 1
# if img_num >= 3:
# img_num = 1
########################## 主函数 ##############################
while True:
#img = sensor.snapshot().binary([THRESHOLD])
#img = sensor.snapshot()
if (ctr.work_mode&0x01)!=0:
img = sensor.snapshot()
LED(1).toggle() #亮灯
#time.sleep(50) #延时150ms
if (ctr.work_mode&0x02)!=0:
img = sensor.snapshot().binary([BINARY_THRESHOLD]).erode(0)
#LED(3).toggle() #亮灯
#time.sleep(50) #延时150ms
#if (no_vertical_angle):
#LED(3).on() #亮灯
#time.sleep(10) #延时150ms
#if (ctr.work_mode&0x03)!=0:
# sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.GRAYSCALE)
# img = sensor.snapshot().binary([BINARY_THRESHOLD])
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