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setup.py 65.97 KB
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torzdf 提交于 2023-07-14 01:40 . macos fixes
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Install packages for faceswap.py """
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
import logging
import ctypes
import json
import locale
import platform
import operator
import os
import re
import sys
import typing as T
from shutil import which
from subprocess import list2cmdline, PIPE, Popen, run, STDOUT
from pkg_resources import parse_requirements
from lib.logger import log_setup
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
backend_type: T.TypeAlias = T.Literal['nvidia', 'apple_silicon', 'directml', 'cpu', 'rocm']
# Packages that are explicitly required for setup.py
_INSTALLER_REQUIREMENTS: list[tuple[str, str]] = [("pexpect>=4.8.0", "!Windows"),
("pywinpty==2.0.2", "Windows")]
# Conda packages that are required for a specific backend
# TODO zlib-wapi is required on some Windows installs where cuDNN complains:
# Could not locate zlibwapi.dll. Please make sure it is in your library path!
# This only seems to occur on Anaconda cuDNN not conda-forge
_BACKEND_SPECIFIC_CONDA: dict[backend_type, list[str]] = {
"nvidia": ["cudatoolkit", "cudnn", "zlib-wapi"],
"apple_silicon": ["libblas"]}
# Packages that should only be installed through pip
_FORCE_PIP: dict[backend_type, list[str]] = {"nvidia": ["tensorflow"]}
# Revisions of tensorflow GPU and cuda/cudnn requirements. These relate specifically to the
# Tensorflow builds available from pypi
_TENSORFLOW_REQUIREMENTS = {">=2.10.0,<2.11.0": [">=11.0,<12.0", ">=8.0,<9.0"]}
# ROCm min/max version requirements for Tensorflow
_TENSORFLOW_ROCM_REQUIREMENTS = {">=2.10.0,<2.11.0": ((5, 2, 0), (5, 4, 0))}
# TODO tensorflow-metal versioning
# Mapping of Python packages to their conda names if different from pip or in non-default channel
_CONDA_MAPPING: dict[str, tuple[str, str]] = {
"fastcluster": ("fastcluster", "conda-forge"),
"ffmpy": ("ffmpy", "conda-forge"),
"imageio-ffmpeg": ("imageio-ffmpeg", "conda-forge"),
"nvidia-ml-py": ("nvidia-ml-py", "conda-forge"),
"tensorflow-deps": ("tensorflow-deps", "apple"),
"libblas": ("libblas", "conda-forge"),
"zlib-wapi": ("zlib-wapi", "conda-forge")}
# Force output to utf-8
sys.stdout.reconfigure(encoding="utf-8", errors="replace") # type:ignore[attr-defined]
class Environment():
""" The current install environment
updater: bool, Optional
``True`` if the script is being called by Faceswap's internal updater. ``False`` if full
setup is running. Default: ``False``
_backends = (("nvidia", "apple_silicon", "directml", "rocm", "cpu"))
def __init__(self, updater: bool = False) -> None:
self.updater = updater
# Flag that setup is being run by installer so steps can be skipped
self.is_installer: bool = False
self.backend: backend_type | None = None
self.enable_docker: bool = False
self.cuda_cudnn = ["", ""]
self.rocm_version: tuple[int, ...] = (0, 0, 0)
def encoding(self) -> str:
""" Get system encoding """
return locale.getpreferredencoding()
def os_version(self) -> tuple[str, str]:
""" Get OS Version """
return platform.system(), platform.release()
def py_version(self) -> tuple[str, str]:
""" Get Python Version """
return platform.python_version(), platform.architecture()[0]
def is_conda(self) -> bool:
""" Check whether using Conda """
return ("conda" in sys.version.lower() or
os.path.exists(os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'conda-meta')))
def is_admin(self) -> bool:
""" Check whether user is admin """
retval = os.getuid() == 0 # type: ignore
except AttributeError:
retval = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 # type: ignore
return retval
def cuda_version(self) -> str:
""" str: The detected globally installed Cuda Version """
return self.cuda_cudnn[0]
def cudnn_version(self) -> str:
""" str: The detected globally installed cuDNN Version """
return self.cuda_cudnn[1]
def is_virtualenv(self) -> bool:
""" Check whether this is a virtual environment """
if not self.is_conda:
retval = (hasattr(sys, "real_prefix") or
(hasattr(sys, "base_prefix") and sys.base_prefix != sys.prefix))
prefix = os.path.dirname(sys.prefix)
retval = os.path.basename(prefix) == "envs"
return retval
def _process_arguments(self) -> None:
""" Process any cli arguments and dummy in cli arguments if calling from updater. """
args = [arg for arg in sys.argv] # pylint:disable=unnecessary-comprehension
if self.updater:
from lib.utils import get_backend # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel
for arg in args:
if arg == "--installer":
self.is_installer = True
if not self.backend and (arg.startswith("--") and
arg.replace("--", "") in self._backends):
self.backend = arg.replace("--", "").lower() # type:ignore
def _check_permission(self) -> None:
""" Check for Admin permissions """
if self.updater:
if self.is_admin:
logger.info("Running as Root/Admin")
logger.info("Running without root/admin privileges")
def _check_system(self) -> None:
""" Check the system """
if not self.updater:
logger.info("The tool provides tips for installation and installs required python "
logger.info("Setup in %s %s", self.os_version[0], self.os_version[1])
if not self.updater and not self.os_version[0] in ["Windows", "Linux", "Darwin"]:
logger.error("Your system %s is not supported!", self.os_version[0])
if self.os_version[0].lower() == "darwin" and platform.machine() == "arm64":
self.backend = "apple_silicon"
if not self.updater and not self.is_conda:
logger.error("Setting up Faceswap for Apple Silicon outside of a Conda "
"environment is unsupported")
def _check_python(self) -> None:
""" Check python and virtual environment status """
logger.info("Installed Python: %s %s", self.py_version[0], self.py_version[1])
if self.updater:
if not ((3, 10) <= sys.version_info < (3, 11) and self.py_version[1] == "64bit"):
logger.error("Please run this script with Python version 3.10 64bit and try "
def _output_runtime_info(self) -> None:
""" Output run time info """
if self.is_conda:
logger.info("Running in Conda")
if self.is_virtualenv:
logger.info("Running in a Virtual Environment")
logger.info("Encoding: %s", self.encoding)
def _check_pip(self) -> None:
""" Check installed pip version """
if self.updater:
import pip # noqa pylint:disable=unused-import,import-outside-toplevel
except ImportError:
logger.error("Import pip failed. Please Install python3-pip and try again")
def _upgrade_pip(self) -> None:
""" Upgrade pip to latest version """
if not self.is_conda:
# Don't do this with Conda, as we must use Conda version of pip
logger.info("Upgrading pip...")
pipexe = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip"]
pipexe.extend(["install", "--no-cache-dir", "-qq", "--upgrade"])
if not self.is_admin and not self.is_virtualenv:
run(pipexe, check=True)
import pip # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel
pip_version = pip.__version__
logger.info("Installed pip: %s", pip_version)
def set_config(self) -> None:
""" Set the backend in the faceswap config file """
config = {"backend": self.backend}
pypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
config_file = os.path.join(pypath, "config", ".faceswap")
with open(config_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as cnf:
json.dump(config, cnf)
logger.info("Faceswap config written to: %s", config_file)
def _set_env_vars(self) -> None:
""" There are some foibles under Conda which need to be worked around in different
Update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable when activating a conda environment
and revert it when deactivating.
From Tensorflow 2.7, installing Cuda Toolkit from conda-forge and tensorflow from pip
causes tensorflow to not be able to locate shared libs and hence not use the GPU.
We update the environment variable for all instances using Conda as it shouldn't hurt
anything and may help avoid conflicts with globally installed Cuda
if not self.is_conda:
linux_update = self.os_version[0].lower() == "linux" and self.backend == "nvidia"
if not linux_update:
conda_prefix = os.environ["CONDA_PREFIX"]
activate_folder = os.path.join(conda_prefix, "etc", "conda", "activate.d")
deactivate_folder = os.path.join(conda_prefix, "etc", "conda", "deactivate.d")
os.makedirs(activate_folder, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(deactivate_folder, exist_ok=True)
activate_script = os.path.join(conda_prefix, activate_folder, "env_vars.sh")
deactivate_script = os.path.join(conda_prefix, deactivate_folder, "env_vars.sh")
if os.path.isfile(activate_script):
# Only create file if it does not already exist. There may be instances where people
# have created their own scripts, but these should be few and far between and those
# people should already know what they are doing.
conda_libs = os.path.join(conda_prefix, "lib")
activate = ["#!/bin/sh\n\n",
f"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='{conda_libs}':${{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}\n"]
deactivate = ["#!/bin/sh\n\n",
logger.info("Cuda search path set to '%s'", conda_libs)
with open(activate_script, "w", encoding="utf8") as afile:
with open(deactivate_script, "w", encoding="utf8") as afile:
class Packages():
""" Holds information about installed and required packages.
Handles updating dependencies based on running platform/backend
environment: :class:`Environment`
Environment class holding information about the running system
def __init__(self, environment: Environment) -> None:
self._env = environment
self._conda_required_packages: list[tuple[str, ...]] = [("tk", ), ("git", )]
self._installed_packages = self._get_installed_packages()
self._conda_installed_packages = self._get_installed_conda_packages()
self._required_packages: list[tuple[str, list[tuple[str, str]]]] = []
self._missing_packages: list[tuple[str, list[tuple[str, str]]]] = []
self._conda_missing_packages: list[tuple[str, ...]] = []
def prerequisites(self) -> list[tuple[str, list[tuple[str, str]]]]:
""" list: Any required packages that the installer needs prior to installing the faceswap
environment on the specific platform that are not already installed """
all_installed = self._all_installed_packages
candidates = self._format_requirements(
[pkg for pkg, plat in _INSTALLER_REQUIREMENTS
if self._env.os_version[0] == plat or (plat[0] == "!" and
self._env.os_version[0] != plat[1:])])
retval = [(pkg, spec) for pkg, spec in candidates
if pkg not in all_installed or (
pkg in all_installed and
not self._validate_spec(spec, all_installed.get(pkg, ""))
return retval
def packages_need_install(self) -> bool:
"""bool: ``True`` if there are packages available that need to be installed """
return bool(self._missing_packages or self._conda_missing_packages)
def to_install(self) -> list[tuple[str, list[tuple[str, str]]]]:
""" list: The required packages that need to be installed """
return self._missing_packages
def to_install_conda(self) -> list[tuple[str, ...]]:
""" list: The required conda packages that need to be installed """
return self._conda_missing_packages
def _all_installed_packages(self) -> dict[str, str]:
""" dict[str, str]: The package names and version string for all installed packages across
pip and conda """
return {**self._installed_packages, **self._conda_installed_packages}
def _update_backend_specific_conda(self) -> None:
""" Add backend specific packages to Conda required packages """
assert self._env.backend is not None
to_add = _BACKEND_SPECIFIC_CONDA.get(self._env.backend)
if not to_add:
logger.debug("No backend packages to add for '%s'. All optional packages: %s",
self._env.backend, _BACKEND_SPECIFIC_CONDA)
for pkg in to_add:
pkg, channel = _CONDA_MAPPING.get(pkg, (pkg, ""))
if pkg == "zlib-wapi" and self._env.os_version[0].lower() != "windows":
# TODO move this front and center
if pkg in ("cudatoolkit", "cudnn"): # TODO Handle multiple cuda/cudnn requirements
idx = 0 if pkg == "cudatoolkit" else 1
pkg = f"{pkg}{list(_TENSORFLOW_REQUIREMENTS.values())[0][idx]}"
if pkg.startswith("cudnn"):
# We add cudnn first so that dependency resolver does not need to re-download cuda
# if an incompatible version was installed
self._conda_required_packages.insert(0, (pkg, channel))
self._conda_required_packages.append((pkg, channel))
logger.debug("Adding conda required package '%s' for backend '%s')",
pkg, self._env.backend)
def _format_requirements(cls, packages: list[str]
) -> list[tuple[str, list[tuple[str, str]]]]:
""" Parse a list of requirements.txt formatted package strings to a list of pkgresource
formatted requirements """
return [(package.unsafe_name, package.specs)
for package in parse_requirements(packages)
if package.marker is None or package.marker.evaluate()]
def _validate_spec(cls,
required: list[tuple[str, str]],
existing: str) -> bool:
""" Validate whether the required specification for a package is met by the installed
required: list[tuple[str, str]]
The required package version spec to check
existing: str
The version of the installed package
``True`` if the required specification is met by the existing specification
ops = {"==": operator.eq, ">=": operator.ge, "<=": operator.le,
">": operator.gt, "<": operator.lt}
if not required:
return True
return all(ops[spec[0]]([int(s) for s in existing.split(".")],
[int(s) for s in spec[1].split(".")])
for spec in required)
def _get_installed_packages(self) -> dict[str, str]:
""" Get currently installed packages and add to :attr:`_installed_packages`
dict[str, str]
The installed package name and version string
installed_packages = {}
with Popen(f"\"{sys.executable}\" -m pip freeze --local", shell=True, stdout=PIPE) as chk:
installed = chk.communicate()[0].decode(self._env.encoding,
for pkg in installed:
if "==" not in pkg:
item = pkg.split("==")
installed_packages[item[0]] = item[1]
return installed_packages
def _get_installed_conda_packages(self) -> dict[str, str]:
""" Get currently installed conda packages
dict[str, str]
The installed package name and version string
if not self._env.is_conda:
return {}
chk = os.popen("conda list").read()
installed = [re.sub(" +", " ", line.strip())
for line in chk.splitlines() if not line.startswith("#")]
retval = {}
for pkg in installed:
item = pkg.split(" ")
retval[item[0]] = item[1]
return retval
def get_required_packages(self) -> None:
""" Load the requirements from the backend specific requirements list """
req_files = ["_requirements_base.txt", f"requirements_{self._env.backend}.txt"]
pypath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
requirements = []
for req_file in req_files:
requirements_file = os.path.join(pypath, "requirements", req_file)
with open(requirements_file, encoding="utf8") as req:
for package in req.readlines():
package = package.strip()
if package and (not package.startswith(("#", "-r"))):
self._required_packages = self._format_requirements(requirements)
def _update_tf_dep_nvidia(self) -> None:
""" Update the Tensorflow dependency for global Cuda installs """
if self._env.is_conda: # Conda handles Cuda and cuDNN so nothing to do here
tf_ver = None
cuda_inst = self._env.cuda_version
cudnn_inst = self._env.cudnn_version
if len(cudnn_inst) == 1: # Sometimes only major version is reported
cudnn_inst = f"{cudnn_inst}.0"
for key, val in _TENSORFLOW_REQUIREMENTS.items():
cuda_req = next(parse_requirements(f"cuda{val[0]}")).specs
cudnn_req = next(parse_requirements(f"cudnn{val[1]}")).specs
if (self._validate_spec(cuda_req, cuda_inst)
and self._validate_spec(cudnn_req, cudnn_inst)):
tf_ver = key
if tf_ver:
# Remove the version of tensorflow in requirements file and add the correct version
# that corresponds to the installed Cuda/cuDNN versions
self._required_packages = [pkg for pkg in self._required_packages
if pkg[0] != "tensorflow"]
tf_ver = f"tensorflow{tf_ver}"
self._required_packages.append(("tensorflow", next(parse_requirements(tf_ver)).specs))
"The minimum Tensorflow requirement is 2.10 \n"
"Tensorflow currently has no official prebuild for your CUDA, cuDNN combination.\n"
"Either install a combination that Tensorflow supports or build and install your own "
"CUDA Version: %s\r\n"
"cuDNN Version: %s\r\n"
"Building Tensorflow: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_sources\r\n"
"Tensorflow supported versions: "
self._env.cuda_version, self._env.cudnn_version)
custom_tf = input("Location of custom tensorflow wheel (leave blank to manually "
"install): ")
if not custom_tf:
custom_tf = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(custom_tf))
global _INSTALL_FAILED # pylint:disable=global-statement
if not os.path.isfile(custom_tf):
logger.error("%s not found", custom_tf)
elif os.path.splitext(custom_tf)[1] != ".whl":
logger.error("%s is not a valid pip wheel", custom_tf)
elif custom_tf:
self._required_packages.append((custom_tf, [(custom_tf, "")]))
def _update_tf_dep_rocm(self) -> None:
""" Update the Tensorflow dependency for global ROCm installs """
if not any(self._env.rocm_version): # ROCm was not found and the install will be aborted
global _INSTALL_FAILED # pylint:disable=global-statement
candidates = [key for key, val in _TENSORFLOW_ROCM_REQUIREMENTS.items()
if val[0] <= self._env.rocm_version <= val[1]]
if not candidates:
logger.error("No matching Tensorflow candidates found for ROCm %s in %s",
".".join(str(v) for v in self._env.rocm_version),
# set tf_ver to the minimum and maximum compatible range
tf_ver = f"{candidates[0].split(',')[0]},{candidates[-1].split(',')[-1]}"
# Remove the version of tensorflow-rocm in requirements file and add the correct version
# that corresponds to the installed ROCm version
self._required_packages = [pkg for pkg in self._required_packages
if not pkg[0].startswith("tensorflow-rocm")]
tf_ver = f"tensorflow-rocm{tf_ver}"
def update_tf_dep(self) -> None:
""" Update Tensorflow Dependency.
Selects a compatible version of Tensorflow for a globally installed GPU library
if self._env.backend == "nvidia":
if self._env.backend == "rocm":
def _check_conda_missing_dependencies(self) -> None:
""" Check for conda missing dependencies and add to :attr:`_conda_missing_packages` """
if not self._env.is_conda:
for pkg in self._conda_required_packages:
reqs = next(parse_requirements(pkg[0])) # TODO Handle '=' vs '==' for conda
key = reqs.unsafe_name
specs = reqs.specs
if key not in self._conda_installed_packages:
if not self._validate_spec(specs, self._conda_installed_packages[key]):
def check_missing_dependencies(self) -> None:
""" Check for missing dependencies and add to :attr:`_missing_packages` """
for key, specs in self._required_packages:
if self._env.is_conda: # Get Conda alias for Key
key = _CONDA_MAPPING.get(key, (key, None))[0]
if key not in self._all_installed_packages:
# Add not installed packages to missing packages list
self._missing_packages.append((key, specs))
if not self._validate_spec(specs, self._all_installed_packages.get(key, "")):
self._missing_packages.append((key, specs))
class Checks(): # pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods
""" Pre-installation checks
environment: :class:`Environment`
Environment class holding information about the running system
def __init__(self, environment: Environment) -> None:
self._env: Environment = environment
self._tips: Tips = Tips()
# Checks not required for installer
if self._env.is_installer:
# Checks not required for Apple Silicon
if self._env.backend == "apple_silicon":
if self._env.os_version[0] == "Windows":
def _rocm_ask_enable(self) -> None:
""" Set backend to 'rocm' if OS is Linux and ROCm support required """
if self._env.os_version[0] != "Linux":
logger.info("ROCm support:\r\nIf you are using an AMD GPU, then select 'yes'."
"\r\nCPU/non-AMD GPU users should answer 'no'.\r\n")
i = input("Enable ROCm Support? [y/N] ")
if i in ("Y", "y"):
logger.info("ROCm Support Enabled")
self._env.backend = "rocm"
def _directml_ask_enable(self) -> None:
""" Set backend to 'directml' if OS is Windows and DirectML support required """
if self._env.os_version[0] != "Windows":
logger.info("DirectML support:\r\nIf you are using an AMD or Intel GPU, then select 'yes'."
"\r\nNvidia users should answer 'no'.")
i = input("Enable DirectML Support? [y/N] ")
if i in ("Y", "y"):
logger.info("DirectML Support Enabled")
self._env.backend = "directml"
def _user_input(self) -> None:
""" Get user input for AMD/DirectML/ROCm/Cuda/Docker """
if not self._env.backend:
if self._env.os_version[0] != "Linux" and (self._env.enable_docker
and self._env.backend == "nvidia"):
if self._env.enable_docker:
def _docker_ask_enable(self) -> None:
""" Enable or disable Docker """
i = input("Enable Docker? [y/N] ")
if i in ("Y", "y"):
logger.info("Docker Enabled")
self._env.enable_docker = True
logger.info("Docker Disabled")
self._env.enable_docker = False
def _docker_confirm(self) -> None:
""" Warn if nvidia-docker on non-Linux system """
logger.warning("Nvidia-Docker is only supported on Linux.\r\n"
"Only CPU is supported in Docker for your system")
if self._env.enable_docker:
logger.warning("CUDA Disabled")
self._env.backend = "cpu"
def _docker_tips(self) -> None:
""" Provide tips for Docker use """
if self._env.backend != "nvidia":
def _cuda_ask_enable(self) -> None:
""" Enable or disable CUDA """
i = input("Enable CUDA? [Y/n] ")
if i in ("", "Y", "y"):
logger.info("CUDA Enabled")
self._env.backend = "nvidia"
def _check_cuda(self) -> None:
""" Check for Cuda and cuDNN Locations. """
if self._env.backend != "nvidia":
logger.debug("Skipping Cuda checks as not enabled")
if self._env.is_conda:
logger.info("Skipping Cuda/cuDNN checks for Conda install")
if self._env.os_version[0] in ("Linux", "Windows"):
global _INSTALL_FAILED # pylint:disable=global-statement
check = CudaCheck()
if check.cuda_version:
self._env.cuda_cudnn[0] = check.cuda_version
logger.info("CUDA version: %s", self._env.cuda_version)
logger.error("CUDA not found. Install and try again.\n"
"Recommended version: CUDA 10.1 cuDNN 7.6\n"
"CUDA: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads\n"
"cuDNN: https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-download")
if check.cudnn_version:
self._env.cuda_cudnn[1] = ".".join(check.cudnn_version.split(".")[:2])
logger.info("cuDNN version: %s", self._env.cudnn_version)
logger.error("cuDNN not found. See "
"cudnn for instructions")
# If we get here we're on MacOS
logger.warning("Cannot find CUDA on macOS")
self._env.cuda_cudnn[0] = input("Manually specify CUDA version: ")
def _check_rocm(self) -> None:
""" Check for ROCm version """
if self._env.backend != "rocm" or self._env.os_version[0] != "Linux":
logger.info("Skipping ROCm checks as not enabled")
global _INSTALL_FAILED # pylint:disable=global-statement
check = ROCmCheck()
str_min = ".".join(str(v) for v in check.version_min)
str_max = ".".join(str(v) for v in check.version_max)
if check.is_valid:
self._env.rocm_version = check.rocm_version
logger.info("ROCm version: %s", ".".join(str(v) for v in self._env.rocm_version))
if check.rocm_version:
msg = f"Incompatible ROCm version: {'.'.join(str(v) for v in check.rocm_version)}"
msg = "ROCm not found"
"A compatible version of ROCm must be installed to proceed.\n"
"ROCm versions between %s and %s are supported.\n"
"ROCm install guide: https://docs.amd.com/bundle/ROCm_Installation_Guide"
class ROCmCheck(): # pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods
""" Find the location of system installed ROCm on Linux """
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.version_min = min(v[0] for v in _TENSORFLOW_ROCM_REQUIREMENTS.values())
self.version_max = max(v[1] for v in _TENSORFLOW_ROCM_REQUIREMENTS.values())
self.rocm_version: tuple[int, ...] = (0, 0, 0)
if platform.system() == "Linux":
def is_valid(self):
""" bool: `True` if ROCm has been detected and is between the minimum and maximum
compatible versions otherwise ``False`` """
return self.version_min <= self.rocm_version <= self.version_max
def _rocm_check(self) -> None:
""" Attempt to locate the installed ROCm version from the dynamic link loader. If not found
with ldconfig then attempt to find it in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If found, set the
:attr:`rocm_version` to the discovered version
chk = os.popen("ldconfig -p | grep -P \"librocm-core.so.\\d+\" | head -n 1").read()
if not chk and os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"):
for path in os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"].split(":"):
chk = os.popen(f"ls {path} | grep -P -o \"librocmcore.so.\\d+\" | "
"head -n 1").read()
if chk:
if not chk:
rocm_vers = chk.strip()
version = re.search(r"rocm\-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", rocm_vers)
if version is None:
self.rocm_version = tuple(int(v) for v in version.groups()[0].split("."))
except ValueError:
class CudaCheck(): # pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods
""" Find the location of system installed Cuda and cuDNN on Windows and Linux. """
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.cuda_path: str | None = None
self.cuda_version: str | None = None
self.cudnn_version: str | None = None
self._os: str = platform.system().lower()
self._cuda_keys: list[str] = [key
for key in os.environ
if key.lower().startswith("cuda_path_v")]
self._cudnn_header_files: list[str] = ["cudnn_version.h", "cudnn.h"]
logger.debug("cuda keys: %s, cudnn header files: %s",
self._cuda_keys, self._cudnn_header_files)
if self._os in ("windows", "linux"):
def _cuda_check(self) -> None:
""" Obtain the location and version of Cuda and populate :attr:`cuda_version` and
Initially just calls `nvcc -V` to get the installed version of Cuda currently in use.
If this fails, drills down to more OS specific checking methods.
with Popen("nvcc -V", shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) as chk:
stdout, stderr = chk.communicate()
if not stderr:
version = re.search(r".*release (?P<cuda>\d+\.\d+)",
stdout.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding(), errors="ignore"))
if version is not None:
self.cuda_version = version.groupdict().get("cuda", None)
locate = "where" if self._os == "windows" else "which"
path = os.popen(f"{locate} nvcc").read()
if path:
path = path.split("\n")[0] # Split multiple entries and take first found
while True: # Get Cuda root folder
path, split = os.path.split(path)
if split == "bin":
self.cuda_path = path
# Failed to load nvcc, manual check
getattr(self, f"_cuda_check_{self._os}")()
logger.debug("Cuda Version: %s, Cuda Path: %s", self.cuda_version, self.cuda_path)
def _cuda_check_linux(self) -> None:
""" For Linux check the dynamic link loader for libcudart. If not found with ldconfig then
attempt to find it in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. """
chk = os.popen("ldconfig -p | grep -P \"libcudart.so.\\d+.\\d+\" | head -n 1").read()
if not chk and os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"):
for path in os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"].split(":"):
chk = os.popen(f"ls {path} | grep -P -o \"libcudart.so.\\d+.\\d+\" | "
"head -n 1").read()
if chk:
if not chk: # Cuda not found
cudavers = chk.strip().replace("libcudart.so.", "")
self.cuda_version = cudavers[:cudavers.find(" ")]
self.cuda_path = chk[chk.find("=>") + 3:chk.find("targets") - 1]
def _cuda_check_windows(self) -> None:
""" Check Windows CUDA Version and path from Environment Variables"""
if not self._cuda_keys: # Cuda environment variable not found
self.cuda_version = self._cuda_keys[0].lower().replace("cuda_path_v", "").replace("_", ".")
self.cuda_path = os.environ[self._cuda_keys[0][0]]
def _cudnn_check_files(self) -> bool:
""" Check header files for cuDNN version """
cudnn_checkfiles = getattr(self, f"_get_checkfiles_{self._os}")()
cudnn_checkfile = next((hdr for hdr in cudnn_checkfiles if os.path.isfile(hdr)), None)
logger.debug("cudnn checkfiles: %s", cudnn_checkfile)
if not cudnn_checkfile:
return False
found = 0
with open(cudnn_checkfile, "r", encoding="utf8") as ofile:
for line in ofile:
if line.lower().startswith("#define cudnn_major"):
major = line[line.rfind(" ") + 1:].strip()
found += 1
elif line.lower().startswith("#define cudnn_minor"):
minor = line[line.rfind(" ") + 1:].strip()
found += 1
elif line.lower().startswith("#define cudnn_patchlevel"):
patchlevel = line[line.rfind(" ") + 1:].strip()
found += 1
if found == 3:
if found != 3: # Full version not determined
return False
self.cudnn_version = ".".join([str(major), str(minor), str(patchlevel)])
logger.debug("cudnn version: %s", self.cudnn_version)
return True
def _cudnn_check(self) -> None:
""" Check Linux or Windows cuDNN Version from cudnn.h and add to :attr:`cudnn_version`. """
if self._cudnn_check_files():
if self._os == "windows":
chk = os.popen("ldconfig -p | grep -P \"libcudnn.so.\" | head -n 1").read()
if not chk:
cudnnvers = chk.strip().replace("libcudnn.so.", "").split()[0]
if not cudnnvers:
self.cudnn_version = cudnnvers
logger.debug("cudnn version: %s", self.cudnn_version)
def _get_checkfiles_linux(self) -> list[str]:
""" Return the the files to check for cuDNN locations for Linux by querying
the dynamic link loader.
List of header file locations to scan for cuDNN versions
chk = os.popen("ldconfig -p | grep -P \"libcudnn.so.\\d+\" | head -n 1").read()
chk = chk.strip().replace("libcudnn.so.", "")
if not chk:
return []
cudnn_vers = chk[0]
header_files = [f"cudnn_v{cudnn_vers}.h"] + self._cudnn_header_files
cudnn_path = os.path.realpath(chk[chk.find("=>") + 3:chk.find("libcudnn") - 1])
cudnn_path = cudnn_path.replace("lib", "include")
cudnn_checkfiles = [os.path.join(cudnn_path, header) for header in header_files]
return cudnn_checkfiles
def _get_checkfiles_windows(self) -> list[str]:
""" Return the check-file locations for Windows. Just looks inside the include folder of
the discovered :attr:`cuda_path`
List of header file locations to scan for cuDNN versions
# TODO A more reliable way of getting the windows location
if not self.cuda_path:
return []
scandir = os.path.join(self.cuda_path, "include")
cudnn_checkfiles = [os.path.join(scandir, header) for header in self._cudnn_header_files]
return cudnn_checkfiles
class Install(): # pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods
""" Handles installation of Faceswap requirements
environment: :class:`Environment`
Environment class holding information about the running system
is_gui: bool, Optional
``True`` if the caller is the Faceswap GUI. Used to prevent output of progress bars
which get scrambled in the GUI
def __init__(self, environment: Environment, is_gui: bool = False) -> None:
self._env = environment
self._packages = Packages(environment)
self._is_gui = is_gui
if self._env.os_version[0] == "Windows":
self._installer: type[Installer] = WinPTYInstaller
self._installer = PexpectInstaller
if not self._env.is_installer and not self._env.updater:
if self._env.updater and not self._packages.packages_need_install:
logger.info("All Dependencies are up to date")
logger.info("Installing Required Python Packages. This may take some time...")
if self._env.updater:
logger.info("All python3 dependencies are met.\r\nYou are good to go.\r\n\r\n"
"Enter: 'python faceswap.py -h' to see the options\r\n"
" 'python faceswap.py gui' to launch the GUI")
logger.error("Some packages failed to install. This may be a temporary error which "
"might be fixed by re-running this script. Otherwise please install "
"these packages manually.")
def _ask_continue(self) -> None:
""" Ask Continue with Install """
text = "Please ensure your System Dependencies are met"
if self._env.backend == "rocm":
text += ("\r\nROCm users: Please ensure that your AMD GPU is supported by the "
"installed ROCm version before proceeding.")
text += "\r\nContinue? [y/N] "
inp = input(text)
if inp in ("", "N", "n"):
logger.error("Please install system dependencies to continue")
def _format_package(cls, package: str, version: list[tuple[str, str]]) -> str:
""" Format a parsed requirement package and version string to a format that can be used by
the installer.
package: str
The package name
version: list
The parsed requirement version strings
The formatted full package and version string
return f"{package}{','.join(''.join(spec) for spec in version)}"
def _install_setup_packages(self) -> None:
""" Install any packages that are required for the setup.py installer to work. This
includes the pexpect package if it is not already installed.
Subprocess is used as we do not currently have pexpect
for pkg in self._packages.prerequisites:
pkg_str = self._format_package(*pkg)
if self._env.is_conda:
cmd = ["conda", "install", "-y"]
if any(char in pkg_str for char in (" ", "<", ">", "*", "|")):
pkg_str = f"\"{pkg_str}\""
cmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--no-cache-dir"]
if self._env.is_admin:
clean_pkg = pkg_str.replace("\"", "")
installer = SubProcInstaller(self._env, clean_pkg, cmd, self._is_gui)
if installer() != 0:
logger.error("Unable to install package: %s. Process aborted", clean_pkg)
def _install_conda_packages(self) -> None:
""" Install required conda packages """
logger.info("Installing Required Conda Packages. This may take some time...")
for pkg in self._packages.to_install_conda:
channel = "" if len(pkg) != 2 else pkg[1]
self._from_conda(pkg[0], channel=channel, conda_only=True)
def _install_python_packages(self) -> None:
""" Install required pip packages """
conda_only = False
assert self._env.backend is not None
for pkg, version in self._packages.to_install:
if self._env.is_conda:
mapping = _CONDA_MAPPING.get(pkg, (pkg, ""))
channel = "" if mapping[1] is None else mapping[1]
pkg = mapping[0]
pip_only = pkg in _FORCE_PIP.get(self._env.backend, [])
pkg = self._format_package(pkg, version) if version else pkg
if self._env.is_conda and not pip_only:
if self._from_conda(pkg, channel=channel, conda_only=conda_only):
def _install_missing_dep(self) -> None:
""" Install missing dependencies """
self._install_conda_packages() # Install conda packages first
def _from_conda(self,
package: str,
channel: str = "",
conda_only: bool = False) -> bool:
""" Install a conda package
package: str
The full formatted package, with version, to be installed
channel: str, optional
The Conda channel to install from. Select empty string for default channel.
Default: ``""`` (empty string)
conda_only: bool, optional
``True`` if the package is only available in Conda. Default: ``False``
``True`` if the package was succesfully installed otherwise ``False``
# Packages with special characters need to be enclosed in double quotes
success = True
condaexe = ["conda", "install", "-y"]
if channel:
condaexe.extend(["-c", channel])
if any(char in package for char in (" ", "<", ">", "*", "|")):
package = f"\"{package}\""
clean_pkg = package.replace("\"", "")
installer = self._installer(self._env, clean_pkg, condaexe, self._is_gui)
retcode = installer()
if retcode != 0 and not conda_only:
logger.info("%s not available in Conda. Installing with pip", package)
elif retcode != 0:
logger.warning("Couldn't install %s with Conda. Please install this package "
"manually", package)
success = retcode == 0 and success
return success
def _from_pip(self, package: str) -> None:
""" Install a pip package
package: str
The full formatted package, with version, to be installed
pipexe = [sys.executable, "-u", "-m", "pip", "install", "--no-cache-dir"]
# install as user to solve perm restriction
if not self._env.is_admin and not self._env.is_virtualenv:
installer = self._installer(self._env, package, pipexe, self._is_gui)
if installer() != 0:
logger.warning("Couldn't install %s with pip. Please install this package manually",
global _INSTALL_FAILED # pylint:disable=global-statement
class ProgressBar():
""" Simple progress bar using STDLib for intercepting Conda installs and keeping the
terminal from getting jumbled """
def __init__(self):
self._width_desc = 21
self._width_size = 9
self._width_bar = 35
self._width_pct = 4
self._marker = "█"
self._cursor_visible = True
self._current_pos = 0
self._bars = []
def _display_cursor(cls, visible: bool) -> None:
""" Sends ANSI code to display or hide the cursor
visible: bool
``True`` to display the cursor. ``False`` to hide the cursor
code = "\x1b[?25h" if visible else "\x1b[?25l"
print(code, end="\r")
def _format_bar(self, description: str, size: str, percent: int) -> str:
""" Format the progress bar for display
description: str
The description to display for the progress bar
size: str
The size of the download, including units
percent: int
The percentage progress of the bar
size = size[:self._width_size].ljust(self._width_size)
bar_len = int(self._width_bar * (percent / 100))
progress = f"{self._marker * bar_len}"[:self._width_bar].ljust(self._width_bar)
pct = f"{percent}%"[:self._width_pct].rjust(self._width_pct)
return f" {description}| {size} | {progress} | {pct}"
def _move_cursor(self, position: int) -> str:
""" Generate ANSI code for moving the cursor to the given progress bar's position
position: int
The progress bar position to move to
The ansi code to move to the given position
move = position - self._current_pos
retval = "\x1b[A" if move < 0 else "\x1b[B" if move > 0 else ""
retval *= abs(move)
return retval
def __call__(self, description: str, size: str, percent: int) -> None:
""" Create or update a progress bar
description: str
The description to display for the progress bar
size: str
The size of the download, including units
percent: int
The percentage progress of the bar
if self._cursor_visible:
desc = description[:self._width_desc].ljust(self._width_desc)
if desc not in self._bars:
position = self._bars.index(desc)
pbar = self._format_bar(desc, size, percent)
output = f"{self._move_cursor(position)} {pbar}"
self._current_pos = position + 1
def close(self) -> None:
""" Reset all progress bars and re-enable the cursor """
print(self._move_cursor(len(self._bars)), end="\r")
self._cursor_visible = True
self._current_pos = 0
self._bars = []
class Installer():
""" Parent class for package installers.
PyWinPty is used for Windows, Pexpect is used for Linux, as these can provide us with realtime
Subprocess is used as a fallback if any of the above fail, but this caches output, so it can
look like the process has hung to the end user
environment: :class:`Environment`
Environment class holding information about the running system
package: str
The package name that is being installed
command: list
The command to run
is_gui: bool
``True`` if the process is being called from the Faceswap GUI
def __init__(self,
environment: Environment,
package: str,
command: list[str],
is_gui: bool) -> None:
logger.info("Installing %s", package)
logger.debug("argv: %s", command)
self._env = environment
self._package = package
self._command = command
self._is_conda = "conda" in command
self._is_gui = is_gui
self._progess_bar = ProgressBar()
self._re_conda = re.compile(
self._re_pip_pkg = re.compile(rb"^\s*Downloading\s(?P<lib>\w+-.+?)-")
self._re_pip = re.compile(rb"(?P<done>\d+\.?\d*)/(?P<tot>\d+\.?\d*\s\w+)")
self._pip_pkg = ""
self._seen_lines: set[str] = set()
def __call__(self) -> int:
""" Call the subclassed call function
The return code of the package install process
returncode = self.call()
except Exception as err: # pylint:disable=broad-except
logger.debug("Failed to install with %s. Falling back to subprocess. Error: %s",
self.__class__.__name__, str(err))
returncode = SubProcInstaller(self._env, self._package, self._command, self._is_gui)()
logger.debug("Package: %s, returncode: %s", self._package, returncode)
return returncode
def call(self) -> int:
""" Override for package installer specific logic.
The return code of the package install process
raise NotImplementedError()
def _print_conda(self, text: bytes) -> None:
""" Output progress for Conda installs
text: bytes
The text to print
data = self._re_conda.match(text)
if not data:
lib = data.groupdict()["lib"].decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
size = data.groupdict()["tot"].decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
progress = int(data.groupdict()["prg"].decode("utf-8", errors="replace")[:-1])
self._progess_bar(lib, size, progress)
def _print_pip(self, text: bytes) -> None:
""" Output progress for Pip installs
text: bytes
The text to print
pkg = self._re_pip_pkg.match(text)
if pkg:
logger.debug("Collected pip package '%s'", pkg)
self._pip_pkg = pkg.groupdict()["lib"].decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
data = self._re_pip.search(text)
if not data:
done = float(data.groupdict()["done"].decode("utf-8", errors="replace"))
size = data.groupdict()["tot"].decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
progress = int(round(done / float(size.split()[0]) * 100, 0))
self._progess_bar(self._pip_pkg, size, progress)
def _non_gui_print(self, text: bytes) -> None:
""" Print output to console if not running in the GUI
text: bytes
The text to print
if self._is_gui:
if self._is_conda:
def _seen_line_log(self, text: str) -> None:
""" Output gets spammed to the log file when conda is waiting/processing. Only log each
unique line once.
text: str
The text to log
if text in self._seen_lines:
class PexpectInstaller(Installer): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
""" Package installer for Linux/macOS using Pexpect
Uses Pexpect for installing packages allowing access to realtime feedback
environment: :class:`Environment`
Environment class holding information about the running system
package: str
The package name that is being installed
command: list
The command to run
is_gui: bool
``True`` if the process is being called from the Faceswap GUI
def call(self) -> int:
""" Install a package using the Pexpect module
The return code of the package install process
import pexpect # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel,import-error
proc = pexpect.spawn(" ".join(self._command), timeout=None)
while True:
proc.expect([b"\r\n", b"\r"])
line: bytes = proc.before
self._seen_line_log(line.decode("utf-8", errors="replace").rstrip())
except pexpect.EOF:
return proc.exitstatus
class WinPTYInstaller(Installer): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
""" Package installer for Windows using WinPTY
Spawns a pseudo PTY for installing packages allowing access to realtime feedback
environment: :class:`Environment`
Environment class holding information about the running system
package: str
The package name that is being installed
command: list
The command to run
is_gui: bool
``True`` if the process is being called from the Faceswap GUI
def __init__(self,
environment: Environment,
package: str,
command: list[str],
is_gui: bool) -> None:
super().__init__(environment, package, command, is_gui)
self._cmd = which(command[0], path=os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath))
self._cmdline = list2cmdline(command)
logger.debug("cmd: '%s', cmdline: '%s'", self._cmd, self._cmdline)
self._pbar = re.compile(r"(?:eta\s[\d\W]+)|(?:\s+\|\s+\d+%)\Z")
self._eof = False
self._read_bytes = 1024
self._lines: list[str] = []
self._out = ""
def _read_from_pty(self, proc: T.Any, winpty_error: T.Any) -> None:
""" Read :attr:`_num_bytes` from WinPTY. If there is an error reading, recursively halve
the number of bytes read until we get a succesful read. If we get down to 1 byte without a
succesful read, assume we are at EOF.
proc: :class:`winpty.PTY`
The WinPTY process
winpty_error: :class:`winpty.WinptyError`
The winpty error exception. Passed in as WinPTY is not in global scope
from_pty = proc.read(self._read_bytes)
except winpty_error:
# TODO Reinsert this check
# The error message "pipe has been ended" is language specific so this check
# fails on non english systems. For now we just swallow all errors until no
# bytes are left to read and then check the return code
# if any(val in str(err) for val in ["EOF", "pipe has been ended"]):
# # Get remaining bytes. On a comms error, the buffer remains unread so keep
# # halving buffer amount until down to 1 when we know we have everything
# if self._read_bytes == 1:
# self._eof = True
# from_pty = ""
# self._read_bytes //= 2
# else:
# raise
# Get remaining bytes. On a comms error, the buffer remains unread so keep
# halving buffer amount until down to 1 when we know we have everything
if self._read_bytes == 1:
self._eof = True
from_pty = ""
self._read_bytes //= 2
self._out += from_pty
def _out_to_lines(self) -> None:
""" Process the winpty output into separate lines. Roll over any semi-consumed lines to the
next proc call. """
if "\n" not in self._out:
if self._out.endswith("\n") or self._eof: # Ends on newline or is EOF
self._out = ""
else: # roll over semi-consumed line to next read
self._out = self._lines[-1]
self._lines = self._lines[:-1]
def call(self) -> int:
""" Install a package using the PyWinPTY module
The return code of the package install process
import winpty # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel,import-error
# For some reason with WinPTY we need to pass in the full command. Probably a bug
proc = winpty.PTY(
backend=winpty.enums.Backend.WinPTY, # ConPTY hangs and has lots of Ansi Escapes
agent_config=winpty.enums.AgentConfig.WINPTY_FLAG_PLAIN_OUTPUT) # Strip all Ansi
if not proc.spawn(self._cmd, cmdline=self._cmdline):
del proc
raise RuntimeError("Failed to spawn winpty")
while True:
self._read_from_pty(proc, winpty.WinptyError)
for line in self._lines:
self._non_gui_print(line.encode("utf-8", errors="replace"))
self._lines = []
if self._eof:
returncode = proc.get_exitstatus()
del proc
return returncode
class SubProcInstaller(Installer):
""" The fallback package installer if either of the OS specific installers fail.
Uses the python Subprocess module to install packages. Feedback does not return in realtime
so the process can look like it has hung to the end user
environment: :class:`Environment`
Environment class holding information about the running system
package: str
The package name that is being installed
command: list
The command to run
is_gui: bool
``True`` if the process is being called from the Faceswap GUI
def __init__(self,
environment: Environment,
package: str,
command: list[str],
is_gui: bool) -> None:
super().__init__(environment, package, command, is_gui)
self._shell = self._env.os_version[0] == "Windows" and command[0] == "conda"
def __call__(self) -> int:
""" Override default call function so we don't recursively call ourselves on failure. """
returncode = self.call()
logger.debug("Package: %s, returncode: %s", self._package, returncode)
return returncode
def call(self) -> int:
""" Install a package using the Subprocess module
The return code of the package install process
with Popen(self._command,
bufsize=0, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=self._shell) as proc:
while True:
if proc.stdout is not None:
lines = proc.stdout.readline()
returncode = proc.poll()
if lines == b"" and returncode is not None:
for line in lines.split(b"\r"):
self._seen_line_log(line.decode("utf-8", errors="replace").rstrip())
return returncode
class Tips():
""" Display installation Tips """
def docker_no_cuda(cls) -> None:
""" Output Tips for Docker without Cuda """
"1. Install Docker from: https://www.docker.com/get-started\n\n"
"2. Enter the Faceswap folder and build the Docker Image For Faceswap:\n"
" docker build -t faceswap-cpu -f Dockerfile.cpu .\n\n"
"3. Launch and enter the Faceswap container:\n"
" a. Headless:\n"
" docker run --rm -it -v ./:/srv faceswap-cpu\n\n"
" b. GUI:\n"
" xhost +local: && \\ \n"
" docker run --rm -it \\ \n"
" -v ./:/srv \\ \n"
" -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \\ \n"
" -e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} \\ \n"
" faceswap-cpu \n")
logger.info("That's all you need to do with docker. Have fun.")
def docker_cuda(cls) -> None:
""" Output Tips for Docker with Cuda"""
"1. Install Docker from: https://www.docker.com/get-started\n\n"
"2. Install latest CUDA 11 and cuDNN 8 from: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-"
"3. Install the the Nvidia Container Toolkit from https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/"
"4. Restart Docker Service\n\n"
"5. Enter the Faceswap folder and build the Docker Image For Faceswap:\n"
" docker build -t faceswap-gpu -f Dockerfile.gpu .\n\n"
"6. Launch and enter the Faceswap container:\n"
" a. Headless:\n"
" docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm -it -v ./:/srv faceswap-gpu\n\n"
" b. GUI:\n"
" xhost +local: && \\ \n"
" docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm -it \\ \n"
" -v ./:/srv \\ \n"
" -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \\ \n"
" -e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} \\ \n"
" faceswap-gpu \n")
logger.info("That's all you need to do with docker. Have fun.")
def macos(cls) -> None:
""" Output Tips for macOS"""
"setup.py does not directly support macOS. The following tips should help:\n\n"
"1. Install system dependencies:\n"
"XCode from the Apple Store\n"
"XQuartz: https://www.xquartz.org/\n\n"
"2a. It is recommended to use Anaconda for your Python Virtual Environment as this\n"
"will handle the installation of CUDA and cuDNN for you:\n"
"2b. If you do not want to use Anaconda you will need to manually install CUDA and "
"CUDA: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads"
"cuDNN: https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-download\n\n")
def pip(cls) -> None:
""" Pip Tips """
logger.info("1. Install PIP requirements\n"
"You may want to execute `chcp 65001` in cmd line\n"
"to fix Unicode issues on Windows when installing dependencies")
if __name__ == "__main__":
logfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), "faceswap_setup.log")
log_setup("INFO", logfile, "setup")
logger.debug("Setup called with args: %s", sys.argv)
ENV = Environment()
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