/* program name : RNX2CRX */
/* */
/* RINEX file compression program for UNIX/MS-DOS system. */
/* convert the RINEX format to Compact RINEX format */
/* Created by Yuki HATANAKA / Geospatial Information Authority of Japan */
/* */
/* ver. */
/* 4.0.0 2007-02-05 test version Y. Hatanaka */
/* - CRINEX 1/3 for RINEX 2.x/3.x */
/* 4.0.1 2007-05-08 */
/* - elimination of supports for VMS and SUN OS 4.1.x */
/* - output not to the current directory but the same */
/* directory as the input file. */
/* - the same code for DOS and UNIX */
/* 4.0.2 2007-06-07 */
/* - fixing incompatibility of argument and format */
/* string of printf. */
/* 4.0.3 2007-06-21 */
/* - nothing was changed from 4.0.2 except for the */
/* version string to be the same as crx2rnx.c */
/* 4.0.4 2009-06-31 Y. Hatanaka */
/* - rename function getline to ggetline */
/* - correct typos in error messages */
/* 4.0.5 2012-07-1x Y. Hatanaka */
/* - check length of input file name */
/* - minor changes to suppress warning messages */
/* at compilation. */
/* - initialize "dummy" in main routine */
/* 4.0.6 2014-03-24 Y. Hatanaka */
/* - "include" statements are moved to the top. */
/* - Manipulation of file names in the new file naming */
/* convention (*.rnx/crx) is added. */
/* 4.0.7 2016-04-14 Y. Hatanaka */
/* - increase the following constants */
/* MAXSAT 90 -> 100 */
/* MAXTYPE 50 -> 100 */
/* MAXCLM 1024 -> 2048 */
/* MAX_BUFF_SIZE 131072 -> 204800 */
/* 4.0.8 2019-07-12 Y. Hatanaka */
/* - Correction of a bug which eliminates clock offset */
/* data periodically when used with the option "-e". */
/* - New option "-d" is added to delete input file after */
/* successful conversion. */
/* 4.1.0 2021-12-16 Y. Hatanaka */
/* - RINEX ver.4.xx files are accepted and converted to */
/* Compact RINEX ver. 3 format */
/* - Following bugs are fixed: */
/* + Error in case the number of special records exceeds */
/* 99 in RINEX ver.2 files */
/* + Error in case clock offset is padded with spaces */
/* in RINEX ver. 3 or 4 files. */
/* + Error in case a bad GNSS type is detected even if */
/* option -s is specified. */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 2007 Geospatial Information Authority of Japan */
/* */
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#define VERSION "ver.4.1.0"
/**** Exit codes are defined here. ****/
#define EXIT_WARNING 2
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
/*** define macro to flush or clear the output buffer ***/
#define FLUSH_BUFF printf("%s",top_buff), *(p_buff = top_buff)='\0'
#define CLEAR_BUFF *(p_buff = top_buff) = '\0'
#define CRX_VERSION1 "1.0" /* CRINEX version for RINEX 2.x */
#define CRX_VERSION2 "3.0" /* CRINEX version for RINEX 3.x */
#define MAXSAT 100 /* Maximum number of satellites observed at one epoch */
#define MAXTYPE 100 /* Maximum number of data types for a GNSS system */
#define MAXCLM 2048 /* Maximum columns in one line (>MAXTYPE*19+3) */
#define MAX_BUFF_SIZE 204800 /* Maximum size of output buffer (>MAXSAT*(MAXTYPE*19+4)+60 */
#define ARC_ORDER 3 /* order of difference to take */
/* define data structure for fields of clock offset and observation records */
/* Those data will be handled as integers after eliminating decimal points. */
/* Since their size may exceeds range between LONG_MIN and LONG_MAX, */
/* they will be read with being divided properly into upper and lower digits */
typedef struct clock_format{
long u[ARC_ORDER+1]; /* upper X digits */
long l[ARC_ORDER+1]; /* lower 8 digits (can be 9-10 digits for deltas)*/
} clock_format;
typedef struct data_format{
long u[ARC_ORDER+1]; /* upper X digits */
long l[ARC_ORDER+1]; /* lower 5 digits (can be 6-7 digits for deltas) */
int order;
} data_format;
/* define global variables */
long ep_count = 0;
long ep_reset = 0;
long nl_count = 0;
int rinex_version; /* =2, 3 or 4 */
int nsat,ntype,ntype_gnss[UCHAR_MAX],ntype_record[MAXSAT],clk_order = -1;
int exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
int skip_strange_epoch = 0; /* default : stop with error */
int delete_if_no_error = 0; /* default : not delete */
int n_infile = 0; /* number of input file (must be 0 or 1) */
clock_format clk1,clk0 = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
clock_format clk1,clk0 = {{0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0}};
data_format dy0[MAXSAT][MAXTYPE], dy1[MAXSAT][MAXTYPE];
char flag0[MAXSAT][MAXTYPE*2], flag[MAXSAT][MAXTYPE*2];
char out_buff[MAX_BUFF_SIZE] = {'x','\0'}; /**** a character is put as a stopper to avoid memory overflow ****/
char *top_buff=&out_buff[1],*p_buff; /**** therefore, actual buffer start from the second character ****/
char infile[MAXCLM]; /**** name of input file ****/
size_t C1 = sizeof(""); /* size of one character */
size_t C2 = sizeof(" "); /* size of 2-character string */
size_t C3 = sizeof(" "); /* size of 3-character string */
size_t C14 = sizeof(" "); /* size of 14-character string */
char oldline[MAXCLM] = {'&','\0'};
int nsat_old = 0;
/* declaration of functions */
void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[]);
void header(void);
int get_next_epoch(char *p_line);
void skip_to_next(char *p_line);
void initialize_all(char *oldline,int *nsat_old, int count);
void put_event_data(char *p_line);
void read_clock(char *line,int shift_cl);
void process_clock(void);
int set_sat_table(char *p_new, char *p_old, int nsat_old,int *sattbl);
int read_more_sat(int n, char *p);
void data(int *sattbl);
char *strdiff(char *s1, char *s2, char *ds);
int ggetline(data_format *py1, char *flag, char *sat_id, int *ntype_rec);
void read_value(char *p, long *pu, long *pl);
void take_diff(data_format *py1, data_format *py0);
void putdiff(long dddu, long dddl);
void put_clock(long du, long dl, int clk_order);
int read_chk_line(char *line);
void error_exit(int error_no, char *string);
void no_error_exit();
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
char newline[MAXCLM];
char dummy[2] = {'\0','\0'};
char *p,*p_event,*p_nsat,*p_satlst,*p_satold,*p_clock;
int sattbl[MAXSAT],i,j,shift_clk;
/* sattbl[i]: order (at the previous epoch) of i-th satellite */
/* (at the current epoch). -1 is set for the new satellites */
for(i=0;i<UCHAR_MAX;i++) ntype_gnss[i] = -1; /** -1 unless GNSS type is defined **/
if (rinex_version==2){
p_event = &newline[28]; /** pointer to event flag **/
p_nsat = &newline[29]; /** pointer to n_sat **/
p_satlst = &newline[32]; /** pointer to satellite list **/
p_satold = &oldline[32]; /** pointer to n_sat of the previous epoch **/
p_clock = &newline[68]; /** pointer to clock offset data **/
shift_clk = 1;
p_event = &newline[31];
p_nsat = &newline[32];
p_satlst = &newline[41];
p_satold = &oldline[41];
p_clock = &newline[41];
shift_clk = 4;
if( ! get_next_epoch(newline) ) no_error_exit();
/*** if event flag > 1, then (1)output event data */
/*** (2)initialize all data arcs, and continue to next epoch ***/
if( atoi(strncpy(dummy,p_event,C1)) > 1) {
if( ep_reset > 0 && ++ep_count > ep_reset ) initialize_all(oldline,&nsat_old,1);
if(strchr(newline,'\0') > p_clock){
read_clock(p_clock,shift_clk); /**** read clock offset ****/
clk_order = -1; /*** reset data arc for clock offset ***/
nsat = atoi(p_nsat);
if(nsat > MAXSAT) error_exit(8,newline);
if(nsat > 12 && rinex_version == 2) read_more_sat(nsat,p_satlst); /*** read continuation lines ***/
/**** get observation ****/
for(i=0,p=p_satlst ; i<nsat ; i++,p+=3) {
if( ggetline(dy1[i],flag[i],p,&ntype_record[i]) ) {
exit_status = EXIT_WARNING;
goto SKIP;
*p = '\0'; /*** terminate satellite list ***/
if(set_sat_table(p_satlst,p_satold,nsat_old,sattbl) ){
exit_status = EXIT_WARNING;
/**** print change of the line & clock offset difference ****/
/**** and data difference ****/
p_buff = strdiff(oldline,newline,p_buff);
if(clk_order > -1) {
if(clk_order > 0) process_clock(); /**** process clock offset ****/
*p_buff++ = '\n';
data(sattbl); *p_buff = '\0';
/**** save current epoch to buffer ****/
nsat_old = nsat;
clk0 = clk1;
for(j=0;j<ntype_record[i];j++) dy0[i][j] = dy1[i][j];
void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[]){
char *p,outfile[MAXCLM],*progname;
int force = 0, help = 0;
int nfout = 0; /*** =0 default output file name ***/
/*** =1 standard output ***/
FILE *ifp;
progname = argv[0];
if((*argv)[0] != '-'){
}else if(strcmp(*argv,"-") == 0){
nfout = 1; /* output to standard output */
}else if(strcmp(*argv,"-f") == 0){
force = 1; /* overwrite if the output file exists */
}else if(strcmp(*argv,"-d") == 0){
delete_if_no_error = 1; /* delete the original file if
no error in the conversion */
}else if(strcmp(*argv,"-s") == 0){
skip_strange_epoch = 1;
}else if(strcmp(*argv,"-e") == 0){
}else if(strcmp(*argv,"-h") == 0){
help = 1;
help = 1;
if(strlen(infile) == MAXCLM) error_exit(14,infile);
if(help == 1 || n_infile > 1 || n_infile < 0) error_exit(1,progname);
if(n_infile == 0) return; /*** stdin & stdout will be used if input file name is not given ***/
/*** open input file ***/
p = strrchr(infile,'.');
if(p == NULL || *(p+4) != '\0'
|| ( toupper(*(p+3)) != 'O'
&& strcmp(p+1,"RNX") != 0
&& strcmp(p+1,"rnx") != 0 )
) error_exit(4,p);
if((ifp=fopen(infile,"r")) == NULL) error_exit(5,infile);
/*** open output file ***/
if(nfout == 0){
p = strrchr(outfile,'.');
if (*(p+3) == 'o') { *(p+3) = 'd';}
else if(*(p+3) == 'O') { *(p+3) = 'D';}
else if( strcmp(p+1,"rnx") == 0) { strcpy((p+1),"crx");}
else if( strcmp(p+1,"RNX") == 0) { strcpy((p+1),"CRX");}
if((freopen(outfile,"r",stdout)) != NULL && force == 0){
fprintf(stderr,"The file %s already exists. Overwrite?(n)",outfile);
if(getchar() != 'y') exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
void header(void){
char line[MAXCLM], line2[41], timestring[20];
time_t tc = time(NULL);
struct tm *tp;
if( (tp = gmtime(&tc)) == NULL) tp = localtime(&tc);
strftime(timestring, C1*20, "%d-%b-%y %H:%M", tp);
/*** Check RINEX VERSION / TYPE ***/
if(strncmp(&line[60],"RINEX VERSION / TYPE",C1*20) != 0 ||
strncmp(&line[20],"O",C1) != 0 ) error_exit(15,line);
rinex_version = atoi(line);
if ( rinex_version == 2 ){printf("%-20.20s",CRX_VERSION1);}
else if ( rinex_version == 3 || rinex_version == 4 ){printf("%-20.20s",CRX_VERSION2);}
else {error_exit(15,line);}
printf("%-40.40s%-20.20s\n","COMPACT RINEX FORMAT","CRINEX VERS / TYPE");
sprintf(line2,"%s %s",PROGNAME,VERSION);
printf("%-40.40s%-20.20sCRINEX PROG / DATE\n",line2,timestring);
if (strncmp(&line[60],"# / TYPES OF OBSERV",C1*19) == 0 && line[5] != ' '){
ntype = atoi(line); /** for RINEX2 **/
} else if(strncmp(&line[60],"SYS / # / OBS TYPES",C1*19) == 0){ /** for RINEX3 **/
if (line[0] != ' ') ntype_gnss[(unsigned int)line[0]] = atoi(&line[3]);
if (ntype_gnss[(unsigned int)line[0]] > MAXTYPE) error_exit(16,line);
}while( strncmp(&line[60],"END OF HEADER",C1*13) != 0);
int get_next_epoch(char *p_line){
/**** find next epoch line. ****/
/**** If the line seems to be abnormal, print warning message ****/
/**** and skip until next epoch is found ****/
/**** return value 0 : end of the file ****/
/**** 1 : normal end ****/
/**** 2 : trouble in the line ****/
char *p;
if( fgets(p_line,MAXCLM,stdin) == NULL ) return 0; /*** EOF: exit program successfully ***/
if( (p = strchr(p_line,'\n')) == NULL) {
if( *p_line == '\032' ) return 0; /** DOS EOF **/
if( *p_line != '\0' || feof(stdin) == 0 ) {
if( ! skip_strange_epoch ) error_exit(12,p_line);
return 2;
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: null characters are detected at the end of file --> neglected.\n");
exit_status = EXIT_WARNING;
return 0;
if( *(p-1) == '\r' ){*(--p)='\0';}; /*** remove DOS CR/LF ***/
while(*--p == ' ' && p>p_line){};*++p = '\0'; /*** chop blank ***/
if (rinex_version == 2) {
if( strlen(p_line)<29 || *p_line != ' '
|| *(p_line+27) != ' ' || ! isdigit(*(p_line+28))
|| (*(p_line+29) != ' ' && ! isdigit(*(p_line+29)) && *(p_line+29) != '\0') ) {
/**** ------- something strange is found in the epoch line ****/
if( ! skip_strange_epoch ) error_exit(6,p_line);
if(*(p_line+18) != '.') CLEAR_BUFF;
return 2;
}else{ /* rinex_version == 3 or 4 */
if( *p_line != '>' ){
if( ! skip_strange_epoch ) error_exit(6,p_line);
return 2;
while(p < (p_line+41)) *p++ = ' '; /*** pad blank ***/
*p = '\0';
return 1;
void skip_to_next(char *p_line){
fprintf(stderr," WARNING at line %ld: strange format. skip to next epoch.\n",nl_count);
exit_status = EXIT_WARNING;
if (rinex_version == 2) {
do { /**** try to find next epoch line ****/
} while( strlen(p_line) <29 || *p_line!=' ' || *(p_line+3) != ' '
|| *(p_line+6) != ' ' || *(p_line+9) != ' '
|| *(p_line+12) != ' ' || *(p_line+15) != ' '
|| *(p_line+26) != ' ' || *(p_line+27) != ' '
|| ! isdigit(*(p_line+28)) || ! isspace(*(p_line+29))
|| (strlen(p_line)>68 && *(p_line+70)!='.') );
}else{ /*** for RINEX3 ***/
do {
} while( *p_line != '>');
initialize_all(oldline,&nsat_old,0); /**** initialize all data ***/
void initialize_all(char *oldline,int *nsat_old,int count){
strcpy(oldline,"&"); /**** initialize the epoch data arc ****/
clk_order = -1; /**** initialize the clock data arc ****/
*nsat_old = 0; /**** initialize the all satellite arcs ****/
ep_count = count;
void put_event_data(char *p_line){
/**** This routine is called when event flag >1 is set. ****/
/**** read # of event information lines and output ****/
int i,n;
char *p;
if (rinex_version == 2 ) {
if(*(p_line+26) == '.') error_exit(6,p_line);
if( strlen(p_line) > 29 ){
n = atoi((p_line+29)); /** n: number of lines to follow **/
if(strncmp((p_line+60),"# / TYPES OF OBSERV",C1*19) == 0 && *(p_line+5) != ' ') {
*flag[0] = '\0';
ntype = atoi(p_line);
if (ntype > MAXTYPE) error_exit(16,p_line);
} else {
if( strlen(p_line)<35 || *(p_line+29) == '.') error_exit(6,p_line);
/* chop blanks that were padded in get_next_epoch */
p = strchr(p_line+35,'\0');while(*--p == ' '){};*++p = '\0';
n = atoi((p_line+32)); /** n: number of lines to follow **/
if(strncmp((p_line+60),"SYS / # / OBS TYPES",C1*19) == 0 && *p_line != ' '){
*flag[0] = '\0';
ntype_gnss[(unsigned int)*p_line] = atoi((p_line+3));
if (ntype_gnss[(unsigned int)*p_line] > MAXTYPE) error_exit(16,p_line);
void read_clock(char *p_clock,int shift_clk){
/**** read the clock offset value ****/
/** *p_clock : pointer to beginning of clock data **/
char *p_dot; /** pointer for decimal point **/
p_dot = p_clock + 2;
if(*p_dot != '.')error_exit(7,p_clock);
strncpy(p_dot,p_dot+1,C1*shift_clk); /**** shift digits because of too ****/
*(p_dot+shift_clk) = '.'; /**** many digits for fractional part ****/
if(*p_clock == '-' || *(p_clock+1) == '-') clk1.l[0] = -clk1.l[0];
if(clk_order < ARC_ORDER) clk_order++;
*p_clock = '\0';
void process_clock(void){
int i;
clk1.u[i+1] = clk1.u[i]-clk0.u[i];
clk1.l[i+1] = clk1.l[i]-clk0.l[i];
int set_sat_table(char *p_new, char *p_old, int nsat_old,int *sattbl){
/**** sattbl : order of the satellites in the previous epoch ****/
/**** if *sattbl is set to -1, the data arc for the satellite ****/
/**** will be initialized ****/
int i,j;
char *ps;
for (i=0;i< nsat;i++,p_new+=3){
*sattbl = -1;
ps = p_old;
if(strncmp(p_new,ps,C3) == 0){
*sattbl = j;
/*** check double entry ***/
for(j=i+1,ps=p_new+3 ; j<nsat ; j++,ps+=3){
if(strncmp(p_new,ps,C3) == 0){
if( ! skip_strange_epoch ) error_exit(13,p_new);
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING:Duplicated satellite in one epoch at line %ld. ... skip\n",nl_count);
return 1;
return 0;
int read_more_sat(int n, char *p){
/**** read continuation line of satellite list (for RINEX2) ****/
char line[MAXCLM];
do {
p += 36;
if( read_chk_line(line) ) return 1;
/**** append satellite table ****/
if(line[2] == ' '){
}else{ /*** for the files before clarification of format ***/
sprintf(p,"%s",&line[0]); /*** by W.Gurtner (IGS mail #1577) ***/
n -= 12;
} while(n>12);
return 0;
void data(int *sattbl){
/* Function : output the 3rd order difference of data */
/* u : upper X digits of the data */
/* l : lower 5 digits of the data */
/* ( y = u*100 + l/1000 ) */
/* py->u : upper digits of the 3rd order difference of the data */
/* py->l : lower digits of the 3rd order difference of the data */
data_format *py1;
int i,j,*i0;
char *p;
for(i=0,i0 = sattbl ; i<nsat ; i++,i0++){
for(j=0,py1=dy1[i] ; j<ntype_record[i] ; j++,py1++){
if( py1->order >= 0 ){ /*** if the numerical data field is non-blank ***/
if(*i0 < 0 || dy0[*i0][j].order == -1){
/**** initialize the data arc ****/
py1->order = 0; p_buff += sprintf(p_buff,"%d&",ARC_ORDER);
if(labs( py1->u[py1->order]) > 100000){
/**** initialization of the arc for large cycle slip ****/
py1->order = 0; p_buff += sprintf(p_buff,"%d&",ARC_ORDER);
}else if(*i0 >= 0 && rinex_version == 2){
/**** CRINEX1 (RINEX2) initialize flags for blank field, not put '&' ****/
flag0[*i0][j*2] = flag0[*i0][j*2+1] = ' ';
if(j < ntype_record[i]-1) *p_buff++ = ' '; /** ' ' :field separator **/
*(p_buff++) = ' '; /* write field separator */
if(*i0 < 0){ /* if new satellite initialize all LLI & SN flags */
if(rinex_version == 2){
p_buff = strdiff("", flag[i],p_buff);
}else{ /* replace space with '&' for CRINEX3(RINEX3) */
for(p=flag[i]; *p != '\0' ; p++) *p_buff++ = (*p == ' ')? '&':*p;
*p_buff++ = '\n'; *p_buff = '\0';
p_buff = strdiff(flag0[*i0],flag[i],p_buff);
char *strdiff(char *s1, char *s2, char *ds){
/** copy only the difference of string s2 from string s1 **/
/** '&' is marked when some character changed to a space **/
/** trailing blank is eliminated and '/n' is added **/
for(; *s1 != '\0' && *s2 != '\0' ; s2++){
if(*s2 == *(s1++))
*ds++ = ' ';
else if(*s2 == ' ')
*ds++ = '&';
*ds++ = *s2;
for(;*ds;ds++){ if(*ds != ' ') *ds = '&'; }
while(*s2) *ds++ = *s2++;
for(ds-- ; *ds == ' ' ; ds--); /*** find pointer of last non-space character ***/
*++ds = '\n'; *++ds = '\0'; /*** chop spaces at the end of the line ***/
return ds;
int ggetline(data_format *py1, char *flag, char *sat_id, int *ntype_rec){
/**** read data line for one satellite and ****/
/**** set data difference and flags to variables ****/
char line[MAXCLM],*p,*pmax,*p_1st_rec;
int i,j,nfield,max_field;
if( read_chk_line(line) ) return 1;
if(rinex_version == 2 ) { /** for RINEX2 **/
max_field = 5; /** maximum data types in one line **/
*ntype_rec = ntype; /** # of data types for the satellite **/
p_1st_rec = line; /** pointer to the start of the first record **/
}else{ /** for RINEX3 **/
strncpy(sat_id,line,C3); /** put satellite ID to the list of satellites **/
max_field = *ntype_rec = ntype_gnss[(unsigned int)line[0]]; /*** # of data types for the GNSS system ***/
if(max_field<0) {
if( ! skip_strange_epoch ) error_exit(21,line);
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING at line %ld. : GNSS type '%c' is not defined in the header. ... skip\n",nl_count,(unsigned int)line[0]);
return 1;
p_1st_rec = line+3;
for(i=0;i<*ntype_rec;i+=max_field){ /* for each line */
nfield = (*ntype_rec-i < max_field ? *ntype_rec-i:max_field); /*** expected # of data fields in the line ***/
pmax = p_1st_rec + 16*nfield;
/*** Cut or pad spaces. Detect error if there is any character after *pmax ***/
p = strchr(line,'\0');
if(p < pmax ) {
while(p<pmax) *p++ = ' ';*p='\0';
for(*p = ' ' ; p > pmax && *p == ' ' ; p--){};
if(p > pmax) {
if( ! skip_strange_epoch ) error_exit(9,line);
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: mismatch of number of the data types at line %ld. ... skip\n",nl_count);
return 1;
/*** parse the line (read value into py1) ***/
for(j=0,p=p_1st_rec; j<nfield; j++,p+=16,py1++){
if( *(p+10) == '.' ){
*flag++ = *(p+14);
*flag++ = *(p+15);
*(p+14) = '\0';
py1->order = 0;
}else if( strncmp(p," ",C14) == 0 ){
if( rinex_version == 2 && strncmp((p+14)," ",C2) != 0 ) error_exit(20,line);
*flag++ = *(p+14);
*flag++ = *(p+15);
py1->order = -1;
if( ! skip_strange_epoch ) error_exit(10,p);
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: abnormal data field at line %ld....skip\n",nl_count);
return 1;
if(i+max_field < *ntype_rec){
if( read_chk_line(line) ) return 1; /* read continuation line */
*flag = '\0';
return 0;
void read_value(char *p, long *pu, long *pl){
/**** divide the data into lower 5 digits and upper digits ****/
/**** input p : pointer to one record (14 characters + '\0') ****/
/**** output *pu, *pl: upper and lower digits the data ****/
char *p7,*p8,*p9;
p7 = p +7;
p8 = p7+1;
p9 = p8+1;
*(p9+1) = *p9; /* shift two digits: ex. 123.456 -> 1223456, -.345 -> -345 */
*p9 = *p8; /* -12.345 -> -112345, -1.234 -> --1234 */
*pl = atol(p9); /* 0.123 -> . 0123, -0.123 -> --0123 */
if(*p7 == ' '){
*pu = 0;
}else if(*p7 == '-'){
*pu = 0;
*pl = -*pl;
*p8 = '.';
*pu = atol(p);
if(*pu < 0) *pl = -*pl;
void take_diff(data_format *py1, data_format *py0){
int k;
py1->order = py0->order;
if(py1->order < ARC_ORDER) (py1->order)++;
if(py1->order > 0){
py1->u[k+1] = py1->u[k] - py0->u[k];
py1->l[k+1] = py1->l[k] - py0->l[k];
void putdiff(long dddu, long dddl){
dddu += dddl/100000 ; dddl %= 100000;
if(dddu<0 && dddl>0){
dddu++ ; dddl -= 100000;
}else if(dddu>0 && dddl<0){
dddu-- ; dddl += 100000;
if(dddu == 0){
p_buff += sprintf(p_buff,"%ld",dddl);
p_buff += sprintf(p_buff,"%ld%5.5ld",dddu,labs(dddl));
void put_clock(long du, long dl, int c_order){
/**** output clock diff. data ****/
du += dl/100000000 ; dl %= 100000000;
if(du<0 && dl>0){
du++ ; dl -= 100000000;
}else if(du>0 && dl<0){
du-- ; dl += 100000000;
if(c_order == 0) p_buff += sprintf(p_buff,"%d&",ARC_ORDER);
if(du == 0){
p_buff += sprintf(p_buff,"%ld\n",dl);
p_buff += sprintf(p_buff,"%ld%8.8ld\n",du,labs(dl));
int read_chk_line(char *line){
char *p;
/* Read and check one line. */
/* The end of the line should be '\n'. */
if( fgets(line,MAXCLM,stdin) == NULL ) error_exit(11,line);
if( (p = strchr(line,'\n')) == NULL) {
if( fgetc(stdin) == EOF ) {
if( ! skip_strange_epoch ) error_exit(12,line);
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: null character is found or the line is too long (>%d) at line %ld.\n",MAXCLM,nl_count);
return 1;
if( *(p-1) == '\r' )p--; /*** check DOS CR/LF ***/
while(*--p == ' ' && p>line){}; *++p = '\0'; /** Chop blank **/
return 0;
void error_exit(int error_no, char *string){
if(error_no == 1 ){
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [file] [-] [-f] [-e # of epochs] [-s] [-d] [-h]\n",string);
fprintf(stderr," stdin and stdout are used if input file name is not given.\n");
fprintf(stderr," - : output to stdout\n");
fprintf(stderr," -f : force overwrite of output file\n");
fprintf(stderr," -e # : initialize the compression operation at every # epochs\n");
fprintf(stderr," When some part of the Compact RINEX file is lost, the data\n");
fprintf(stderr," can not be recovered thereafter until all the data arc are\n");
fprintf(stderr," initialized for differential operation. This option may be used to\n");
fprintf(stderr," increase chances to recover parts of data by using an option of\n");
fprintf(stderr," CRX2RNX(ver. 4.0 or after) with cost of increase of file size.\n");
fprintf(stderr," -s : warn and skip strange epochs (default: stop with error status)\n");
fprintf(stderr," -d : delete the input file if conversion finishes without errors\n");
fprintf(stderr," (i.e. exit code = %d or %d).\n",EXIT_SUCCESS,EXIT_WARNING);
fprintf(stderr," This option does nothing if stdin is used for the input.\n");
fprintf(stderr," -h : display this message\n\n");
fprintf(stderr," exit code = %d (success)\n",EXIT_SUCCESS);
fprintf(stderr," = %d (error)\n", EXIT_FAILURE);
fprintf(stderr," = %d (warning)\n",EXIT_WARNING);
fprintf(stderr," [version : %s]\n",VERSION);
if(error_no == 4 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : invalid file name %s\n",string);
fprintf(stderr,"The extension of the input file name should be [.??o] or [.rnx].\n");
fprintf(stderr,"To convert the files whose name is not fit to the above conventions,\n");
fprintf(stderr,"use of this program as a filter is also possible. \n");
fprintf(stderr," for example) cat file.in | %s - > file.out\n",PROGNAME);
if(error_no == 5 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : can't open %s\n",string);
if(error_no == 6 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR when reading line %ld.\n",nl_count);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 7 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld: invalid format for clock offset.\n",nl_count);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 8 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld : number of satellites exceed the maximum(%d).\n",nl_count,MAXSAT);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 9 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld : mismatch of number of the data types.\n",nl_count);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 10){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld : abnormal data field.\n",nl_count);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 11){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : The RINEX file seems to be truncated in the middle.\n");
fprintf(stderr," The conversion is interrupted after reading line %ld :\n",nl_count);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 12 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld. : null character is found or the line is too long (>%d).\n",nl_count,MAXCLM);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 13 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld. : Duplicated satellite in one epoch.\n",nl_count);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 14 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld. : Length of file name exceed MAXCLM(%d).\n",nl_count,MAXCLM);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 15 ){
fprintf(stderr,"The first line is :\n%s\n\n",string);
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR : The file format is not valid. This program is applicable\n");
fprintf(stderr," only to RINEX Version 2/3/4 Observation file.\n");
if(error_no == 16 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld. : Number of data types exceed MAXTYPE(%d).\n",nl_count,MAXTYPE);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 20 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld. : data is blank but there is flag.\n",nl_count);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
if(error_no == 21 ){
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR at line %ld. : GNSS type '%c' is not defined in the header.\n",nl_count,(unsigned int)string[0]);
fprintf(stderr," start>%s<end\n",string);
void no_error_exit() {
if (delete_if_no_error && exit_status != 2 && n_infile == 1) remove(infile);
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