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parse_excel.py 6.96 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
private-user 提交于 2020-09-23 17:09 . bugfix:估值导出
import os
import xlrd
import xlwt
from xlutils.copy import copy
from xlutils.filter import process,XLRDReader,XLWTWriter
import datetime
def copy2(wb):
w = XLWTWriter()
return w.output[0][1], w.style_list
# 估值表类型
# 中债
V_CNBD = 0x0001
# 中证
V_CSI1 = 0x0002
# 交易场所类型
# 银行间
EX_IB = 0x1001
# 交易所
EX_SHSZ = 0x1002
def generate_excel(PATH):
today = datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y%m%d")
today2 = datetime.datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
output = "债券估值导入模板.xls"
outputdate = ""
datefreq = {}
files = [x for x in os.listdir(PATH) if x.endswith('.xls')
and (x.find('中债估值2')>= 0 or x.find('中证估值2')>=0)]
# 保存解析到的债券信息
global_dict = {}
for item in files:
# 估值表类型: 中债估值(cnbd)、中证估值(csi1)
file_type = None
# 交易场所类型: 银行间(IB)、交易所(SHSZ)
ex_type = None
if item.find('中债') >= 0:
file_type = V_CNBD
file_type = V_CSI1
if item.find('.IB') > 0:
ex_type = EX_IB
ex_type = EX_SHSZ
# 债券ID
code = item[item.find('(')+1:item.find(')')].split('.')
code = ''.join(code)
if code not in global_dict:
global_dict[code] = {}
global_dict[code]['value_date'] = ''
global_dict[code]['remain_date'] = ''
global_dict[code]['dirty_price'] = ''
global_dict[code]['net_value'] = ''
global_dict[code]['modidura_value'] = ''
global_dict[code]['cnvxty_value'] = ''
global_dict[code]['vobp_value'] = ''
global_dict[code]['yield_value'] = ''
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join(PATH, item))
sheet = wb.sheets()[0]
# bugfix: 2020-09-15 17:00:51
#data = sheet.row(1)
data = [ x for x in sheet.get_rows() if x[1].value == '推荐' ][0]
# 文件日期
file_date = item[4:14].replace('-', '/')
global_dict[code]['file_date'] = file_date
# 估值日期
value_date = data[0].value.split('-')
# 统计估值日期出现频率
key = "".join(value_date)
if not key in datefreq:
datefreq[key] = 1
datefreq[key] += 1
final_value_date = "/".join(value_date)
#final_value_date = '/'.join([x for x in map(lambda x: str(int(x)), value_date)])
global_dict[code]['value_date'] = final_value_date
# 剩余期限 只有中债文件有
remain_date = ""
if file_type == V_CNBD:
remain_date = data[2].value
global_dict[code]['remain_date'] = remain_date
# 市价全价
dirty_price = ""
# 银行间使用中债的价格
if file_type == V_CNBD and ex_type == EX_IB:
dirty_price = data[3].value
elif file_type == V_CSI1 and ex_type == EX_SHSZ:
dirty_price = data[5].value
if global_dict[code]['dirty_price'] == "":
global_dict[code]['dirty_price'] = dirty_price
# 市价净价
net_value = ""
if file_type == V_CNBD and ex_type == EX_IB:
net_value = data[5].value
elif file_type == V_CSI1 and ex_type == EX_SHSZ:
net_value = data[7].value
if global_dict[code]['net_value'] == "":
global_dict[code]['net_value'] = net_value
# 市价久期
modidura_value = ""
if file_type == V_CNBD and ex_type == EX_IB:
modidura_value = data[8].value
elif file_type == V_CSI1 and ex_type == EX_SHSZ:
modidura_value = data[9].value
if global_dict[code]['modidura_value'] == "":
global_dict[code]['modidura_value'] = modidura_value
# 市价凸性
cnvxty_value = ""
if file_type == V_CNBD and ex_type == EX_IB:
cnvxty_value = data[9].value
elif file_type == V_CSI1 and ex_type == EX_SHSZ:
cnvxty_value = data[10].value
if global_dict[code]['cnvxty_value'] == "":
global_dict[code]['cnvxty_value'] = cnvxty_value
# 基点价值
vobp_value = ""
if file_type == V_CNBD:
vobp_value = data[10].value
global_dict[code]['vobp_value'] = vobp_value
# 市价收益率
yield_value = ""
if file_type == V_CNBD and ex_type == EX_IB:
yield_value = data[6].value
elif file_type == V_CSI1 and ex_type == EX_SHSZ:
yield_value = data[8].value
if global_dict[code]['yield_value'] == "":
global_dict[code]['yield_value'] = yield_value
# 打开模板excel文件 并保留原文件格式
rdbook = xlrd.open_workbook(os.path.join(PATH, output), formatting_info=True)
# 获取总行数
rdsheet = rdbook.sheet_by_index(0)
# 获取拷贝
wtbook, style_list = copy2(rdbook)
# 获取xlwd可以操作的sheeet
wtsheet = wtbook.get_sheet(0)
rownum = 1
for code in global_dict.keys():
# 债券ID
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(0, 0)
wtsheet.write(rownum, 0, code, style_list[xf_index])
# 估值日
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(0, 1)
wtsheet.write(rownum, 1, global_dict[code]['value_date'], style_list[xf_index])
# 剩余期限
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(0, 2)
wtsheet.write(rownum, 2, global_dict[code]['remain_date'], style_list[xf_index])
# 市价全价
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(0, 3)
wtsheet.write(rownum, 3, global_dict[code]['dirty_price'], style_list[xf_index])
# 市价净价
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(0, 4)
wtsheet.write(rownum, 4, global_dict[code]['net_value'], style_list[xf_index])
# 市价久期
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(0, 5)
wtsheet.write(rownum, 5, global_dict[code]['modidura_value'], style_list[xf_index])
# 市价凸性
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(0, 6)
wtsheet.write(rownum, 6, global_dict[code]['cnvxty_value'], style_list[xf_index])
# 基点价值
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(0, 7)
wtsheet.write(rownum, 7, global_dict[code]['vobp_value'], style_list[xf_index])
# 市价收益率
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(0, 12)
wtsheet.write(rownum, 12, global_dict[code]['yield_value'], style_list[xf_index])
rownum += 1
outputdate = sorted(datefreq.items(), key=lambda kv:(kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True)[0][0]
wtbook.save(os.path.join(PATH, '债券估值导入{}.xls'.format(outputdate)))
return "处理成功"
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = input()
ret = generate_excel(path)
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