/* Statistical routines for gamma distributions.
* Contents:
* 1. Routines for evaluating densities and distributions
* 2. Generic API routines: for general interface w/ histogram module
* 3. Dumping plots for files
* 4. Sampling
* 5. ML fitting to complete data
* 6. Test driver
* 7. Example
* Xref: STL10/65
* To do:
* - Fit*() functions should return eslEINVAL on n=0, eslENORESULT
* on failure due to small n. Compare esl_gumbel. xref J12/93.
* SRE, Wed Nov 27 11:18:19 2013
#include "esl_config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "easel.h"
#include "esl_histogram.h"
#include "esl_random.h"
#include "esl_stats.h"
#include "esl_gamma.h"
static int tau_by_moments(double *x, int n, double mu, double *ret_tau,
double *ret_mean, double *ret_logsum);
static int tau_by_moments_binned(ESL_HISTOGRAM *g, double mu, double *ret_tau,
double *ret_mean, double *ret_logsum);
static double tau_function(double tau, double mean, double logsum);
* 1. Routines for evaluating densities and distributions
/* Function: esl_gam_pdf()
* Purpose: Calculates the gamma PDF $P(X=x)$ given value <x>,
* location parameter <mu>, scale parameter <lambda>, and shape
* parameter <tau>.
esl_gam_pdf(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
double y = lambda * (x - mu);
double gamtau;
double val;
if (y < 0.) return 0.;
esl_stats_LogGamma(tau, &gamtau);
val = ((tau*log(lambda) + (tau-1.)*log(x-mu)) - gamtau) - y;
return exp(val);
/* Function: esl_gam_logpdf()
* Purpose: Calculates log of the probability density function
* for the gamma, $\log P(X=x)$, given value <x>,
* location parameter <mu>, scale parameter <lambda>, and
* shape parameter <tau>.
esl_gam_logpdf(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
double y = lambda * (x - mu);
double gamtau;
double val;
if (x < 0.) return -eslINFINITY;
esl_stats_LogGamma(tau, &gamtau);
val = ((tau*log(lambda) + (tau-1.)*log(x-mu)) - gamtau) - y;
return val;
/* Function: esl_gam_cdf()
* Purpose: Calculates the cumulative distribution function
* for the gamma, $P(X \leq x)$, given value <x>,
* location parameter <mu>, scale parameter <lambda>, and
* shape parameter <tau>.
* (For $\mu=0$, $\lambda = 1$, this is the
* incomplete Gamma function $P(\tau,x)$.)
esl_gam_cdf(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
double y = lambda * (x - mu);
double val;
if (y <= 0.) return 0.;
esl_stats_IncompleteGamma(tau, y, &val, NULL);
return val;
/* Function: esl_gam_logcdf()
* Purpose: Calculates the log of the cumulative distribution function
* for the gamma, $\log P(X \leq x)$, given value <x>, location
* parameter <mu>, scale parameter <lambda>, and shape
* parameter <tau>.
esl_gam_logcdf(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
double y = lambda * (x - mu);
double val;
if (y <= 0.) return -eslINFINITY;
esl_stats_IncompleteGamma(tau, y, &val, NULL);
return log(val);
/* Function: esl_gam_surv()
* Purpose: Calculates the survival function for the gamma, $P(X > x)$,
* given value <x>, location parameter <mu>, scale parameter
* <lambda>, and shape parameter <tau>.
esl_gam_surv(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
double y = lambda * (x - mu);
double val;
if (y <= 0.) return 1.0;
esl_stats_IncompleteGamma(tau, y, NULL, &val);
return val;
/* Function: esl_gam_logsurv()
* Purpose: Calculates the log of the survival function for the gamma,
* $\log P(X > x)$, given value <x>, location parameter <mu>,
* scale parameter <lambda>, and shape parameter <tau>.
* Relies on <esl_stats_IncompleteGamma()>, which has limited
* dynamic range. Any result of < -700 or so will be -infinity.
* To fix this, we need a log version of <esl_stats_IncompleteGamma()>.
esl_gam_logsurv(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
double y = lambda * (x - mu);
double val;
if (y <= 0.) return 0.;
esl_stats_IncompleteGamma(tau, y, NULL, &val);
return log(val);
/* Function: esl_gam_invcdf()
* Purpose: Calculates the inverse CDF for a gamma with location
* parameter <mu>, scale parameter <lambda> and shape
* parameter <tau>, returning the value <x> at which the
* CDF is <p>.
* This inverse CDF is solved by a computationally expensive,
* brute force bisection search on the CDF of <x>.
esl_gam_invcdf(double p, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
double x1, x2, xm; /* low, high guesses at x */
double f2, fm;
double tol = 1e-6;
x1 = 0.;
x2 = tau / lambda;
do { /* bracket */
x2 = x2*2.;
f2 = esl_gam_cdf(x2, mu, lambda, tau);
} while (f2 < p);
do { /* bisection */
xm = (x1+x2)/ 2.;
fm = esl_gam_cdf(xm, mu, lambda, tau);
if (fm > p) x2 = xm;
else if (fm < p) x1 = xm;
else return xm; /* unlikely exact fm==p */
} while ( (x2-x1)/(x1+x2) > tol);
xm = (x1+x2)/2.;
return xm;
/*-------------------- end densities & distributions ------------------------*/
* 2. Generic API routines: for general interface w/ histogram module
/* Function: esl_gam_generic_pdf()
* Purpose: Generic-API wrapper around <esl_gam_pdf()>, taking
* a void ptr to a double array containing $\mu$, $\lambda$,
* $\tau$ parameters.
esl_gam_generic_pdf(double x, void *params)
double *p = (double *) params;
return esl_gam_pdf(x, p[0], p[1], p[2]);
/* Function: esl_gam_generic_cdf()
* Purpose: Generic-API wrapper around <esl_gam_cdf()>, taking
* a void ptr to a double array containing $\mu$, $\lambda$,
* $\tau$ parameters.
esl_gam_generic_cdf(double x, void *params)
double *p = (double *) params;
return esl_gam_cdf(x, p[0], p[1], p[2]);
/* Function: esl_gam_generic_surv()
* Purpose: Generic-API wrapper around <esl_gam_surv()>, taking
* a void ptr to a double array containing $\mu$, $\lambda$,
* $\tau$ parameters.
esl_gam_generic_surv(double x, void *params)
double *p = (double *) params;
return esl_gam_surv(x, p[0], p[1], p[2]);
/* Function: esl_gam_generic_invcdf()
* Purpose: Generic-API wrapper around <esl_gam_invcdf()>, taking
* a void ptr to a double array containing $\mu$, $\lambda$,
* $\tau$ parameters.
esl_gam_generic_invcdf(double x, void *params)
double *p = (double *) params;
return esl_gam_invcdf(x, p[0], p[1], p[2]);
/*------------------------ end generic API ---------------------------------*/
* 3. Dumping plots for files
/* Function: esl_gam_Plot()
* Purpose: Plot some gamma distribution function <func> (for instance,
* <esl_gam_pdf()>) for parameters <mu>, <lambda>, and <tau>, for
* a range of values x from <xmin> to <xmax> in steps of <xstep>;
* output to an open stream <fp> in xmgrace XY input format.
* Returns: <eslOK> on success.
* Throws: <eslEWRITE> on any system write error, such as a filled disk.
esl_gam_Plot(FILE *fp, double mu, double lambda, double tau,
double (*func)(double x, double mu, double lambda, double tau),
double xmin, double xmax, double xstep)
double x;
for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x += xstep)
if (fprintf(fp, "%f\t%g\n", x, (*func)(x, mu, lambda, tau)) < 0) ESL_EXCEPTION_SYS(eslEWRITE, "gamma plot write failed");
if (fprintf(fp, "&\n") < 0) ESL_EXCEPTION_SYS(eslEWRITE, "gamma plot write failed");
return eslOK;
/*-------------------- end plot dumping routines ---------------------------*/
* 4. Sampling
/* Function: esl_gam_Sample()
* Purpose: Sample a gamma-distributed random variate.
esl_gam_Sample(ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, double mu, double lambda, double tau)
double x;
x = esl_rnd_Gamma(r, tau);
return (mu + x / lambda);
/*--------------------------- end sampling ---------------------------------*/
* 5. ML fitting to complete data
/* Function: esl_gam_FitComplete()
* Purpose: Given complete data consisting of <n> samples <x[0]..x[n-1]>,
* and a known location parameter <mu>, determine and return
* maximum likelihood parameters <ret_lambda> and <ret_tau>.
* Args: x - complete gamma-distributed data [0..n-1]
* n - number of samples in <x>
* mu - known location parameter
* ret_lambda - RETURN: ML estimate of lambda
* ret_tau - RETURN: ML estimate of tau
* Returns: <eslOK> on success.
* Throws: <eslENOHALT> if bracketing or bisection fails;
* <eslEINVAL> if data cannot be gamma distributed (some <x[i] < mu>,
* or zero variance in x).
* Xref: STL10/65.
esl_gam_FitComplete(double *x, int n, double mu, double *ret_lambda, double *ret_tau)
double mean, logsum;
int i;
double c, fc;
double a, fa;
double b, fb;
int status;
if ((status = tau_by_moments(x, n, mu, &c, &mean, &logsum) != eslOK)) goto ERROR;
a = b = c;
fc = tau_function(c, mean, logsum);
/* Rootfinding, 1.: bracketing the root with points a,b.
if (fc > 0.) /* fx>0 means tau is too small, search right */
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) /* 100 = max iterations */
b = a * 2.;
fb = tau_function(b, mean, logsum);
if (fb < 0.) break; /* a,b now bracket */
a = b; /* else fb>0, so b is a better left bracket than a */
if (i == 100) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslENOHALT, "failed to bracket");
else if (fc < 0.) /* fx<0 means tau is too large, search left */
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
a = b/2.;
fa = tau_function(a, mean, logsum);
if (fa > 0.) break; /* a,b now bracket */
b = a; /* else fa<0, so a is a better right bracket than b */
if (i == 100) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslENOHALT, "failed to bracket");
/* Rootfinding, 2.: Bisection search.
* We have the root in interval (a,b).
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
c = (a+b)/2.; /* bisection */
fc = tau_function(c, mean, logsum);
if (fc > 0.) a = c;
else if (fc < 0.) b = c;
else break; /* unlikely event that we nail it */
if ((b-a) <= 2.* DBL_EPSILON) {
c = (a+b)/2.;
if (i == 100) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslENOHALT, "bisection search failed");
*ret_lambda = c / mean;
*ret_tau = c;
return eslOK;
*ret_lambda = 0.0;
*ret_tau = 0.0;
return status;
/* tau_by_moments()
* Obtain an initial estimate for tau by
* matching moments. Also returns mean and
* logsum, which we need for ML fitting.
* To obtain a lambda estimate, use
* lambda = tau / mean.
static int
tau_by_moments(double *x, int n, double mu, double *ret_tau, double *ret_mean, double *ret_logsum)
int i;
double mean, var, logsum;
mean = var = logsum = 0.;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (x[i] < mu) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "No x[i] can be < mu in gamma data");
mean += x[i] - mu; /* mean is temporarily just the sum */
logsum += log(x[i] - mu);
var += (x[i]-mu)*(x[i]-mu); /* var is temporarily the sum of squares */
var = (var - mean*mean/(double)n) / ((double)n-1); /* now var is the variance */
mean /= (double) n; /* and now mean is the mean */
logsum /= (double) n;
if (var == 0.) /* and if mean = 0, var = 0 anyway. */
ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "Zero variance in allegedly gamma-distributed dataset");
if (ret_tau != NULL) *ret_tau = mean * mean / var;
if (ret_mean != NULL) *ret_mean = mean;
if (ret_logsum != NULL) *ret_logsum = logsum;
return eslOK;
/* tau_function()
* This is the rootfinding equation for tau...
* \ref{eqn:gamma_tau_root} in the documentation.
* mean is 1/N \sum (x_i - \mu)
* logsum is 1/N \sum \log (x_i - \mu)
* These are both independent of tau, and dependent
* on all data points, so we require the caller to
* precalculate them for us.
* This is a decreasing function of tau:
* the return value is > 0 when tau is too small,
* and < 0 when tau is too large.
static double
tau_function(double tau, double mean, double logsum)
double psitau;
esl_stats_Psi(tau, &psitau);
return ( ((log(tau) - psitau) - log(mean)) + logsum );
/* Function: esl_gam_FitCompleteBinned()
* Purpose: Fit a complete exponential distribution to the observed
* binned data in a histogram <g>, where each
* bin i holds some number of observed samples x with values from
* lower bound l to upper bound u (that is, $l < x \leq u$);
* determine and return maximum likelihood estimates for the
* parameters $\mu, \lambda, \tau$ and
* return them in <*ret_mu>, <*ret_lambda>, <*ret_tau>.
* Unlike the <esl_exp_FitCompleteBinned()> case where the
* ML fit optimizes $\sum_i n_i \log P(a_i \leq x < b_i)$
* where $a_i \leq b_i$ are the bounds of bin i with
* occupancy $n_i$, here we take the approximation that
* $c_i = a_i + 0.5*(b_i-a_i)$ and optimize $\log P(a_i
* \leq x < b_i) \simeq \log(w) + \log P(x=c_i)$.
* Since $b_i-a_i = w$ is fixed, optimizing the above
* becomes equivalent to optimizing $\sum_i n_i * log P(x=c_i)$.
* The optimization is then equivalent to the non-binned case,
* but subsituting in averages such as $\sum_i x(i)$ by
* $\sum_i n_i*c_i i$, and so forth.
* If the binned data in <g> were set to focus on
* a tail by virtual censoring, the "complete" exponential is
* fitted to this tail. The caller then also needs to
* remember what fraction of the probability mass was in this
* tail.
* Args: g - histogram
* ret_mu - RETURN: given by the histogram
* ret_lambda - RETURN: ML estimate of lambda
* ret_tau - RETURN: ML estimate of tau
* Returns: <eslOK> on success.
* Throws: <eslENOHALT> if bracketing or bisection fails;
* <eslEINVAL> if data cannot be gamma distributed (some <x[i] < mu>,
* or zero variance in x).
* Returns: <eslOK> on success.
* Throws: <eslEINVAL> if dataset is true-censored.
esl_gam_FitCompleteBinned(ESL_HISTOGRAM *g, double *ret_mu, double *ret_lambda, double *ret_tau)
double mu = 0.;
double mean, logsum;
int i;
double c, fc;
double a, fa;
double b, fb;
double tol = 1e-6;
int maxit = 100;
int status;
if (g->dataset_is == COMPLETE)
if (g->is_rounded) mu = esl_histogram_Bin2LBound(g, g->imin);
else mu = g->xmin;
else if (g->dataset_is == VIRTUAL_CENSORED) /* i.e., we'll fit to tail */
mu = g->phi;
else if (g->dataset_is == TRUE_CENSORED)
ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "can't fit true censored dataset");
if ((status = tau_by_moments_binned(g, mu, &c, &mean, &logsum) != eslOK)) goto ERROR;
a = b = c;
if (c == 1.0) {
*ret_mu = mu;
*ret_lambda = c / mean;
*ret_tau = c;
return eslOK;
fc = tau_function(c, mean, logsum);
/* Rootfinding, 1.: bracketing the root with points a,b.
if (fc > 0.) /* fx>0 means tau is too small, search right */
for (i = 0; i < maxit; i++) /* max iterations */
b = a * 2.;
fb = tau_function(b, mean, logsum);
if (fb < 0.) break; /* a,b now bracket */
a = b; /* else fb>0, so b is a better left bracket than a */
if (i == maxit) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslENOHALT, "failed to bracket");
else if (fc < 0.) /* fx<0 means tau is too large, search left */
for (i = 0; i < maxit; i++)
a = b/2.;
fa = tau_function(a, mean, logsum);
if (fa > 0.) break; /* a,b now bracket */
b = a; /* else fa<0, so a is a better right bracket than b */
if (i == maxit) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslENOHALT, "failed to bracket");
/* Rootfinding, 2.: Bisection search.
* We have the root in interval (a,b).
for (i = 0; i < maxit; i++)
c = (a+b)/2.; /* bisection */
fc = tau_function(c, mean, logsum);
if (fc > 0.) a = c;
else if (fc < 0.) b = c;
else break; /* unlikely event that we nail it */
if ((b-a) <= tol) {
c = (a+b)/2.;
if (i == maxit) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslENOHALT, "bisection search failed");
*ret_mu = mu;
*ret_lambda = (mean > 0.)? c / mean : 0.0;
*ret_tau = c;
return eslOK;
*ret_mu = 0.;
*ret_lambda = 0.;
*ret_tau = 0.;
return status;
/* tau_by_moments_binned()
* similar to tau_by_moments()
* where mean=\sum_i x_i now becomes mean=\sum_i n(i)*ci, ...
* note: the whole method relies on the property log(sum) >= logsum;
* which works if all points are valide, that is positive;
* log(0) = -inf is not a valid point,
* and the inequality (Jensen's inequality) does not hold.
static int
tau_by_moments_binned(ESL_HISTOGRAM *g, double mu, double *ret_tau, double *ret_mean, double *ret_logsum)
int i;
double ai, bi, ci;
double sum, mean, var, logsum;
double tol = 1e-6;
sum = mean = var = logsum = 0.;
for (i = g->cmin+1; i <= g->imax; i++) /* for each occupied bin */
if (g->obs[i] == 0) continue;
ai = esl_histogram_Bin2LBound(g,i);
bi = esl_histogram_Bin2UBound(g,i);
ci = ai + 0.5 * (bi-ai);
if (ci < mu) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "No point can be < mu in gamma data");
sum += (double)g->obs[i];
mean += (double)g->obs[i] * (ci-mu); /* mean is temporarily just the sum */
logsum += (ci>mu)? (double)g->obs[i] * log(ci-mu):0.0;
var += (double)g->obs[i] * (ci-mu) * (ci-mu); /* var is temporarily the sum of squares */
var = (sum > 1.)? (var - mean*mean/sum) / (sum-1.) : 0.0; /* now var is the variance */
mean /= (sum > 0.)? sum : 1.; /* and now mean is the mean */
logsum /= (sum > 0.)? sum : 1.;
if (ret_tau != NULL) *ret_tau = (var < tol || mean == 0.)? 1. : mean * mean / var;
if (ret_mean != NULL) *ret_mean = mean;
if (ret_logsum != NULL) *ret_logsum = logsum;
return eslOK;
* 6. Test driver
/* Compile:
gcc -g -Wall -I. -I ~/src/easel -L ~/src/easel -o test -DeslGAMMA_TESTDRIVE\
esl_gamma.c -leasel -lm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "easel.h"
#include "esl_random.h"
#include "esl_histogram.h"
#include "esl_gamma.h"
main(int argc, char **argv)
double mu = -5.0;
double lambda = 2.0;
double tau = 0.7;
int n = 10000;
double binwidth = 0.0001;
double emu, elambda, etau;
int i;
double x;
double *data;
int ndata;
int opti;
int be_verbose = FALSE;
char *plotfile = NULL;
FILE *pfp = stdout;
int plot_pdf = FALSE;
int plot_logpdf = FALSE;
int plot_cdf = FALSE;
int plot_logcdf = FALSE;
int plot_surv = FALSE;
int plot_logsurv = FALSE;
int xmin_set = FALSE;
double xmin;
int xmax_set = FALSE;
double xmax;
int xstep_set = FALSE;
double xstep;
for (opti = 1; opti < argc && *(argv[opti]) == '-'; opti++)
if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-m") == 0) mu = atof(argv[++opti]);
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-l") == 0) lambda = atof(argv[++opti]);
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-n") == 0) n = atoi(argv[++opti]);
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-o") == 0) plotfile = argv[++opti];
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-t") == 0) tau = atof(argv[++opti]);
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-v") == 0) be_verbose = TRUE;
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-w") == 0) binwidth = atof(argv[++opti]);
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-C") == 0) plot_cdf = TRUE;
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-LC") == 0) plot_logcdf = TRUE;
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-P") == 0) plot_pdf = TRUE;
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-LP") == 0) plot_logpdf = TRUE;
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-S") == 0) plot_surv = TRUE;
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-LS") == 0) plot_logsurv = TRUE;
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-XL") == 0) { xmin_set = TRUE; xmin = atof(argv[++opti]); }
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-XH") == 0) { xmax_set = TRUE; xmax = atof(argv[++opti]); }
else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-XS") == 0) { xstep_set = TRUE; xstep = atof(argv[++opti]); }
else esl_fatal("bad option");
if (be_verbose)
printf("Parametric: mu = %f lambda = %f tau = %f\n", mu, lambda, tau);
r = esl_randomness_Create(0);
h = esl_histogram_CreateFull(mu, 100., binwidth);
if (plotfile != NULL) {
if ((pfp = fopen(plotfile, "w")) == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open plotfile");
if (! xmin_set) xmin = mu;
if (! xmax_set) xmax = mu+40*(1./lambda);
if (! xstep_set) xstep = 0.1;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
x = esl_gam_Sample(r, mu, lambda, tau);
esl_histogram_Add(h, x);
esl_histogram_GetData(h, &data, &ndata);
esl_gam_FitComplete(data, ndata, mu, &elambda, &etau);
if (be_verbose)
printf("Complete data fit: mu = %f lambda = %f tau = %f\n", mu, elambda, etau);
if (fabs( (elambda-lambda)/lambda ) > 0.10) esl_fatal("Error in (complete) fitted lambda > 10%%\n");
if (fabs( (etau-tau)/tau ) > 0.10) esl_fatal("Error in (complete) fitted tau > 10%%\n");
esl_gam_FitCompleteBinned(h, &emu, &elambda, &etau);
if (be_verbose) printf("Binned data fit: mu = %f lambda = %f tau = %f\n", emu, elambda, etau);
if (fabs( (emu-mu)/mu ) > 0.01) esl_fatal("Error in (binned) fitted mu > 1%%\n");
if (fabs( (elambda-lambda)/lambda ) > 0.10) esl_fatal("Error in (binned) fitted lambda > 10%%\n");
if (fabs( (etau-tau)/tau ) > 0.10) esl_fatal("Error in (binned) fitted tau > 10%%\n");
if (plot_pdf) esl_gam_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, tau, &esl_gam_pdf, xmin, xmax, xstep);
if (plot_logpdf) esl_gam_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, tau, &esl_gam_logpdf, xmin, xmax, xstep);
if (plot_cdf) esl_gam_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, tau, &esl_gam_cdf, xmin, xmax, xstep);
if (plot_logcdf) esl_gam_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, tau, &esl_gam_logcdf, xmin, xmax, xstep);
if (plot_surv) esl_gam_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, tau, &esl_gam_surv, xmin, xmax, xstep);
if (plot_logsurv) esl_gam_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, tau, &esl_gam_logsurv, xmin, xmax, xstep);
if (plotfile != NULL) fclose(pfp);
return 0;
#endif /*eslGAMMA_TESTDRIVE*/
* Example main()
#include <stdio.h>
#include "easel.h"
#include "esl_random.h"
#include "esl_histogram.h"
#include "esl_gamma.h"
main(int argc, char **argv)
double mu = -5.0;
double lambda = 2.0;
double tau = 0.7;
ESL_HISTOGRAM *h = esl_histogram_CreateFull(mu, 100., 0.1);
ESL_RANDOMNESS *r = esl_randomness_Create(0);
int n = 10000;
double elam, etau;
int i;
double x;
double *data;
int ndata;
/* Take <n> gamma-distributed random samples. */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
x = esl_gam_Sample(r, mu, lambda, tau);
esl_histogram_Add(h, x);
esl_histogram_GetData(h, &data, &ndata);
/* Plot the empirical (sampled) and expected survivals */
esl_histogram_PlotSurvival(stdout, h);
esl_gam_Plot(stdout, mu, lambda, tau,
&esl_gam_surv, h->xmin, h->xmax, 0.1);
/* ML fit to complete data, and plot fitted survival curve */
esl_gam_FitComplete(data, ndata, mu, &elam, &etau);
esl_gam_Plot(stdout, mu, elam, etau,
&esl_gam_surv, h->xmin, h->xmax, 0.1);
return 0;
#endif /*eslGAMMA_EXAMPLE*/
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