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andeyalee 提交于 2022-06-26 23:41 . chore: rename mod
// Copyright 2015-2019 HenryLee. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package erpc
import (
type (
// LoggerOutputter writes log.
LoggerOutputter interface {
// Output writes log, can append time, line and so on information.
Output(calldepth int, msgBytes []byte, loggerLevel LoggerLevel)
// Flush writes any buffered log to the underlying io.Writer.
Flush() error
// LoggerLevel defines all available log levels for log messages.
LoggerLevel int
// Logger logger interface
Logger interface {
// Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
Printf(format string, a ...interface{})
// Fatalf is equivalent to Criticalf followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{})
// Panicf is equivalent to Criticalf followed by a call to panic().
Panicf(format string, a ...interface{})
// Criticalf logs a message using CRITICAL as log level.
Criticalf(format string, a ...interface{})
// Errorf logs a message using ERROR as log level.
Errorf(format string, a ...interface{})
// Warnf logs a message using WARNING as log level.
Warnf(format string, a ...interface{})
// Noticef logs a message using NOTICE as log level.
Noticef(format string, a ...interface{})
// Infof logs a message using INFO as log level.
Infof(format string, a ...interface{})
// Debugf logs a message using DEBUG as log level.
Debugf(format string, a ...interface{})
// Tracef logs a message using TRACE as log level.
Tracef(format string, a ...interface{})
// Logger levels.
const (
OFF LoggerLevel = iota
var loggerLevelMap = map[LoggerLevel]string{
var loggerLevel = DEBUG
func (l LoggerLevel) String() string {
s, ok := loggerLevelMap[l]
if !ok {
return "unknown"
return s
type easyLoggerOutputter struct {
output func(calldepth int, msgBytes []byte, loggerLevel LoggerLevel)
flush func() error
// Output writes log.
func (e *easyLoggerOutputter) Output(calldepth int, msgBytes []byte, loggerLevel LoggerLevel) {
e.output(calldepth, msgBytes, loggerLevel)
// Flush writes any buffered log to the underlying io.Writer.
func (e *easyLoggerOutputter) Flush() error {
return e.flush()
var loggerOutputter = func() LoggerOutputter {
type msg struct {
logBytes []byte
loggerLevel LoggerLevel
var p = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return new(msg)
var loggerLevelTagMap = map[LoggerLevel]string{
OFF: color.Bold("OFF"),
PRINT: color.Bold("PRIN"),
CRITICAL: color.Magenta(color.Bold("CRIT")),
ERROR: color.Red(color.Bold("ERRO")),
WARNING: color.Yellow(color.Bold("WARN")),
NOTICE: color.Green(color.Bold("NOTI")),
INFO: color.Green(color.Bold("INFO")),
DEBUG: color.Cyan(color.Bold("DEBU")),
TRACE: color.Cyan(color.Bold("TRAC")),
var c = make(chan *msg, 1024)
go func() {
for m := range c {
if m == nil {
if m.loggerLevel > ERROR || m.loggerLevel == PRINT {
} else {
return &easyLoggerOutputter{
output: func(calldepth int, msgBytes []byte, loggerLevel LoggerLevel) {
m := p.Get().(*msg)
buf := utils.AcquireByteBuffer()
buf.WriteString("[" + time.Now().Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05.000") + "]")
buf.WriteString(" [" + loggerLevelTagMap[loggerLevel] + "] ")
line := goutil.GetCallLine(calldepth + 1)
if !strings.Contains(line, "github.com/andeya/erpc") &&
!strings.Contains(line, "github.com/andeya/goutil/graceful") {
buf.WriteString(" <" + line + ">\n")
} else {
m.logBytes = goutil.StringToBytes(buf.String())
m.loggerLevel = loggerLevel
c <- m
flush: func() error {
c <- nil
for len(c) > 0 {
return nil
// FlushLogger writes any buffered log to the underlying io.Writer.
func FlushLogger() error {
return loggerOutputter.Flush()
// SetLoggerOutputter sets logger outputter.
// NOTE: Concurrent is not safe!
func SetLoggerOutputter(outputter LoggerOutputter) (flusher func() error) {
loggerOutputter = outputter
return FlushLogger
// SetLoggerLevel sets the logger's level by string.
func SetLoggerLevel(level string) (flusher func() error) {
for k, v := range loggerLevelMap {
if v == level {
loggerLevel = k
return FlushLogger
log.Printf("Unknown level string: %s", level)
return FlushLogger
// SetLoggerLevel2 sets the logger's level by number.
func SetLoggerLevel2(level LoggerLevel) (flusher func() error) {
_, ok := loggerLevelMap[level]
if !ok {
log.Printf("Unknown level number: %d", level)
return FlushLogger
loggerLevel = level
return FlushLogger
// GetLoggerLevel gets the logger's level.
func GetLoggerLevel() LoggerLevel {
return loggerLevel
// EnableLoggerLevel returns if can print the level of log.
func EnableLoggerLevel(level LoggerLevel) bool {
if level <= loggerLevel {
return level != OFF
return false
// GetLogger returns the global logger object.
func GetLogger() Logger {
return logger
func loggerOutput(loggerLevel LoggerLevel, format string, a ...interface{}) {
if !EnableLoggerLevel(loggerLevel) {
loggerOutputter.Output(3, goutil.StringToBytes(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)), loggerLevel)
// ************ global logger functions ************
// Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(PRINT, format, a...)
// Fatalf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
func Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Panicf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to panic().
func Panicf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Criticalf logs a message using CRITICAL as log level.
func Criticalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Errorf logs a message using ERROR as log level.
func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(ERROR, format, a...)
// Warnf logs a message using WARNING as log level.
func Warnf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(WARNING, format, a...)
// Noticef logs a message using NOTICE as log level.
func Noticef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(NOTICE, format, a...)
// Infof logs a message using INFO as log level.
func Infof(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(INFO, format, a...)
// Debugf logs a message using DEBUG as log level.
func Debugf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(DEBUG, format, a...)
// Tracef logs a message using TRACE as log level.
func Tracef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(TRACE, format, a...)
// ************ globalLogger logger methods ************
type globalLogger struct{}
var (
logger = new(globalLogger)
_ Logger = logger
_ graceful.LoggerWithFlusher = logger
func (globalLogger) Flush() error {
return FlushLogger()
// Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func (globalLogger) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(PRINT, format, a...)
// Fatalf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
func (globalLogger) Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Panicf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to panic().
func (globalLogger) Panicf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Criticalf logs a message using CRITICAL as log level.
func (globalLogger) Criticalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Errorf logs a message using ERROR as log level.
func (globalLogger) Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(ERROR, format, a...)
// Warnf logs a message using WARNING as log level.
func (globalLogger) Warnf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(WARNING, format, a...)
// Noticef logs a message using NOTICE as log level.
func (globalLogger) Noticef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(NOTICE, format, a...)
// Infof logs a message using INFO as log level.
func (globalLogger) Infof(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(INFO, format, a...)
// Debugf logs a message using DEBUG as log level.
func (globalLogger) Debugf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(DEBUG, format, a...)
// Tracef logs a message using TRACE as log level.
func (globalLogger) Tracef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(TRACE, format, a...)
// ************ *session logger methods ************
// Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func (s *session) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(PRINT, format, a...)
// Fatalf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
func (s *session) Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Panicf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to panic().
func (s *session) Panicf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Criticalf logs a message using CRITICAL as log level.
func (s *session) Criticalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Errorf logs a message using ERROR as log level.
func (s *session) Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(ERROR, format, a...)
// Warnf logs a message using WARNING as log level.
func (s *session) Warnf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(WARNING, format, a...)
// Noticef logs a message using NOTICE as log level.
func (s *session) Noticef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(NOTICE, format, a...)
// Infof logs a message using INFO as log level.
func (s *session) Infof(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(INFO, format, a...)
// Debugf logs a message using DEBUG as log level.
func (s *session) Debugf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(DEBUG, format, a...)
// Tracef logs a message using TRACE as log level.
func (s *session) Tracef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(TRACE, format, a...)
// ************ *handlerCtx Pure Logger Methods ************
// Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func (c *handlerCtx) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(PRINT, format, a...)
// Fatalf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
func (c *handlerCtx) Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Panicf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to panic().
func (c *handlerCtx) Panicf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Criticalf logs a message using CRITICAL as log level.
func (c *handlerCtx) Criticalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Errorf logs a message using ERROR as log level.
func (c *handlerCtx) Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(ERROR, format, a...)
// Warnf logs a message using WARNING as log level.
func (c *handlerCtx) Warnf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(WARNING, format, a...)
// Noticef logs a message using NOTICE as log level.
func (c *handlerCtx) Noticef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(NOTICE, format, a...)
// Infof logs a message using INFO as log level.
func (c *handlerCtx) Infof(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(INFO, format, a...)
// Debugf logs a message using DEBUG as log level.
func (c *handlerCtx) Debugf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(DEBUG, format, a...)
// Tracef logs a message using TRACE as log level.
func (c *handlerCtx) Tracef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(TRACE, format, a...)
// ************ *callCmd Pure Logger Methods ************
// Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard output.
// It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
func (c *callCmd) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(PRINT, format, a...)
// Fatalf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
func (c *callCmd) Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Panicf is equivalent to l.Criticalf followed by a call to panic().
func (c *callCmd) Panicf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
panic(fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
// Criticalf logs a message using CRITICAL as log level.
func (c *callCmd) Criticalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(CRITICAL, format, a...)
// Errorf logs a message using ERROR as log level.
func (c *callCmd) Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(ERROR, format, a...)
// Warnf logs a message using WARNING as log level.
func (c *callCmd) Warnf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(WARNING, format, a...)
// Noticef logs a message using NOTICE as log level.
func (c *callCmd) Noticef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(NOTICE, format, a...)
// Infof logs a message using INFO as log level.
func (c *callCmd) Infof(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(INFO, format, a...)
// Debugf logs a message using DEBUG as log level.
func (c *callCmd) Debugf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(DEBUG, format, a...)
// Tracef logs a message using TRACE as log level.
func (c *callCmd) Tracef(format string, a ...interface{}) {
loggerOutput(TRACE, format, a...)
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