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main.go 9.07 KB
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/* Copyright(C) 2022-2023. Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// Package main implements initialization of the startup parameters of the device plugin.
package main
import (
const (
// socket name
defaultLogPath = "/var/log/mindx-dl/devicePlugin/devicePlugin.log"
// defaultListWatchPeriod is the default listening device state's period
defaultListWatchPeriod = 5
// maxListWatchPeriod is the max listening device state's period
maxListWatchPeriod = 60
// minListWatchPeriod is the min listening device state's period
minListWatchPeriod = 3
maxLogLineLength = 1024
// defaultLinkdownTimeout is the default linkdown timeout duration
defaultLinkdownTimeout = 30
// maxLinkdownTimeout is the max linkdown timeout duration
maxLinkdownTimeout = 30
// minLinkdownTimeout is the min linkdown timeout duration
minLinkdownTimeout = 1
var (
fdFlag = flag.Bool("fdFlag", false, "Whether to use fd system to manage device (default false)")
useAscendDocker = flag.Bool("useAscendDocker", true, "Whether to use ascend docker. "+
"This parameter will be deprecated in future versions")
volcanoType = flag.Bool("volcanoType", false,
"Specifies whether to use volcano for scheduling when the chip type is Ascend310 or Ascend910 (default false)")
version = flag.Bool("version", false, "Output version information")
edgeLogFile = flag.String("edgeLogFile", "/var/alog/AtlasEdge_log/devicePlugin.log",
"Log file path in edge scene")
listWatchPeriod = flag.Int("listWatchPeriod", defaultListWatchPeriod,
"Listen and watch device state's period, unit second, range [3, 60]")
autoStowing = flag.Bool("autoStowing", true, "Whether to automatically stow the fixed device")
logLevel = flag.Int("logLevel", 0,
"Log level, -1-debug, 0-info, 1-warning, 2-error, 3-critical(default 0)")
logMaxAge = flag.Int("maxAge", common.MaxAge,
"Maximum number of days for backup run log files, range [7, 700] days")
logFile = flag.String("logFile", defaultLogPath,
"The log file path, if the file size exceeds 20MB, will be rotate")
logMaxBackups = flag.Int("maxBackups", common.MaxBackups,
"Maximum number of backup log files, range is (0, 30]")
presetVirtualDevice = flag.Bool("presetVirtualDevice", true, "Open the static of "+
"computing power splitting function, only support Ascend910 and Ascend310P")
use310PMixedInsert = flag.Bool("use310PMixedInsert", false, "Whether to use mixed insert "+
"ascend310P-V, ascend310P-VPro, ascend310P-IPro card mode")
hotReset = flag.Int("hotReset", -1, "set hot reset mode: -1-close, 0-infer, "+
"1-train-online, 2-train-offline")
shareDevCount = flag.Uint("shareDevCount", 1, "share device function, enable the func by setting "+
"a value greater than 1, range is [1, 100], only support 310B")
linkdownTimeout = flag.Int64("linkdownTimeout", defaultLinkdownTimeout, "linkdown timeout duration, "+
", range [1, 30]")
dealWatchHandler = flag.Bool("dealWatchHandler", false,
"update pod cache when receiving pod informer watch errors")
checkCachedPods = flag.Bool("checkCachedPods", true, "check pods in cache periodically, default true")
var (
// BuildName show app name
BuildName string
// BuildVersion show app version
BuildVersion string
// BuildScene show app staring scene
BuildScene string
func initLogModule(ctx context.Context) error {
var loggerPath string
loggerPath = *logFile
if *fdFlag {
loggerPath = *edgeLogFile
if !common.CheckFileUserSameWithProcess(loggerPath) {
return fmt.Errorf("check log file failed")
hwLogConfig := hwlog.LogConfig{
LogFileName: loggerPath,
LogLevel: *logLevel,
MaxBackups: *logMaxBackups,
MaxAge: *logMaxAge,
MaxLineLength: maxLogLineLength,
if err := hwlog.InitRunLogger(&hwLogConfig, ctx); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("hwlog init failed, error is %v\n", err)
return err
return nil
func checkParam() bool {
if *listWatchPeriod < minListWatchPeriod || *listWatchPeriod > maxListWatchPeriod {
hwlog.RunLog.Errorf("list and watch period %d out of range", *listWatchPeriod)
return false
if !(*presetVirtualDevice) && !(*volcanoType) {
hwlog.RunLog.Error("presetVirtualDevice is false, volcanoType should be true")
return false
if *use310PMixedInsert && *volcanoType {
hwlog.RunLog.Error("use310PMixedInsert is true, volcanoType should be false")
return false
if *use310PMixedInsert && *shareDevCount > 1 {
hwlog.RunLog.Error("use310PMixedInsert is true, shareDevCount should be 1")
return false
if !(*presetVirtualDevice) && *shareDevCount > 1 {
hwlog.RunLog.Error("presetVirtualDevice is false, shareDevCount should be 1")
return false
if *volcanoType && *shareDevCount > 1 {
hwlog.RunLog.Error("volcanoType is true, shareDevCount should be 1")
return false
switch *hotReset {
case common.HotResetClose, common.HotResetInfer, common.HotResetTrainOnLine, common.HotResetTrainOffLine:
hwlog.RunLog.Error("hot reset mode param invalid")
return false
if BuildScene != common.EdgeScene && BuildScene != common.CenterScene {
hwlog.RunLog.Error("unSupport build scene, only support edge and center")
return false
if (*linkdownTimeout) < minLinkdownTimeout || (*linkdownTimeout) > maxLinkdownTimeout {
hwlog.RunLog.Warn("linkdown timeout duration out of range")
return false
return checkShareDevCount()
func checkShareDevCount() bool {
if *shareDevCount < 1 || *shareDevCount > common.MaxShareDevCount {
hwlog.RunLog.Error("share device function params invalid")
return false
return true
func main() {
if *version {
fmt.Printf("%s version: %s\n", BuildName, BuildVersion)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
if err := initLogModule(ctx); err != nil {
if !checkParam() {
hwlog.RunLog.Infof("ascend device plugin starting and the version is %s", BuildVersion)
hwlog.RunLog.Infof("ascend device plugin starting scene is %s", BuildScene)
hdm, err := InitFunction()
if err != nil {
go hdm.ListenDevice(ctx)
// InitFunction init function
func InitFunction() (*server.HwDevManager, error) {
devM, err := devmanager.AutoInit("")
if err != nil {
hwlog.RunLog.Errorf("init devmanager failed, err: %v", err)
return nil, err
hdm := server.NewHwDevManager(devM)
if hdm == nil {
hwlog.RunLog.Error("init device manager failed")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("init device manager failed")
hwlog.RunLog.Info("init device manager success")
common.ParamOption.EnableSwitchFault = true
if common.ParamOption.RealCardType == common.Ascend910A3 && common.ParamOption.EnableSwitchFault {
switchDevMgr := deviceswitch.NewSwitchDevManager()
if err := switchDevMgr.InitSwitchDev(); err != nil {
hwlog.RunLog.Warnf("failed to init switch switch device manager, will not deal with switch fault, "+
"err: %s", err.Error())
common.ParamOption.EnableSwitchFault = false
// will not return err, to ensure dp keep running while switch is not reachable
return hdm, nil
hdm.SwitchDevManager = switchDevMgr
return hdm, nil
func setParameters() {
common.ParamOption = common.Option{
GetFdFlag: *fdFlag,
UseAscendDocker: *useAscendDocker,
UseVolcanoType: *volcanoType,
AutoStowingDevs: *autoStowing,
ListAndWatchPeriod: *listWatchPeriod,
PresetVDevice: *presetVirtualDevice,
Use310PMixedInsert: *use310PMixedInsert,
HotReset: *hotReset,
BuildScene: BuildScene,
ShareCount: *shareDevCount,
LinkdownTimeout: *linkdownTimeout,
DealWatchHandler: *dealWatchHandler,
CheckCachedPods: *checkCachedPods,
func setUseAscendDocker() {
*useAscendDocker = true
ascendDocker := os.Getenv("ASCEND_DOCKER_RUNTIME")
if ascendDocker != "True" {
*useAscendDocker = false
hwlog.RunLog.Debugf("get ASCEND_DOCKER_RUNTIME from env is: %#v", ascendDocker)
if common.ParamOption.Use310PMixedInsert {
*useAscendDocker = false
hwlog.RunLog.Debugf("310P mixed insert mode do not use ascend docker")
if len(common.ParamOption.ProductTypes) == 1 && common.ParamOption.ProductTypes[0] == common.Atlas200ISoc {
*useAscendDocker = false
hwlog.RunLog.Debugf("your device-type is: %v", common.Atlas200ISoc)
common.ParamOption.UseAscendDocker = *useAscendDocker
hwlog.RunLog.Infof("device-plugin set ascend docker as: %v", *useAscendDocker)
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