// ==UserScript==
// @name zzzz-removeTabMoveAnimation.uc.js
// @namespace http://space.geocities.yahoo.co.jp/gl/alice0775
// @description remove tab move animation
// @include main
// @compatibility Firefox29+
// @author Alice0775
// @note no tab related addon installed
// @version 2014/05/05 10:30 Fixed for Fx29
// @version 2014/05/05 09:00 Fx29
// @version 2013/11/19 19:00 getShortcutOrURI
// @version 2012/12/05 16:00 tst
// ==/UserScript==
// @version 2014/05/05 10:30 Fx29-Fx32
// @version 2014/05/05 09:00 Fx29
// @version 2012/12/05 00:40 cleanup
// @version 2012/12/04 18:40 pinned
// @version 2012/12/04 01:00
if (window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'] &&
"tabsDragUtils" in window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'] &&
"canAnimateDraggedTabs" in window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].tabsDragUtils) {
window['piro.sakura.ne.jp'].tabsDragUtils.canAnimateDraggedTabs = function TDU_canAnimateDraggedTabs(aEvent) {
return false;
} else {
gBrowser.tabContainer.getShortcutOrURI = function getShortcutOrURI(aURI) {
// Firefox 24 and older
if ("getShortcutOrURI" in window)
return getShortcutOrURI(aURI);
// Firefox 25 and Fx30
var getShortcutOrURIAndPostData = window.getShortcutOrURIAndPostData;
var done = false;
Task.spawn(function() {
var data = yield getShortcutOrURIAndPostData(aURI);
aURI = data.url;
done = true;
// this should be rewritten in asynchronous style...
var thread = Cc['@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1'].getService().mainThread;
while (!done)
return aURI;
gBrowser.tabContainer._onDragOver = function(event) {
var effects = this._setEffectAllowedForDataTransfer(event);
var ind = this._tabDropIndicator;
if (effects == "" || effects == "none") {
ind.collapsed = true;
var tabStrip = this.mTabstrip;
var ltr = (window.getComputedStyle(this, null).direction == "ltr");
// autoscroll the tab strip if we drag over the scroll
// buttons, even if we aren't dragging a tab, but then
// return to avoid drawing the drop indicator
var pixelsToScroll = 0;
if (this.getAttribute("overflow") == "true") {
var targetAnonid = event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid");
switch (targetAnonid) {
case "scrollbutton-up":
pixelsToScroll = tabStrip.scrollIncrement * -1;
case "scrollbutton-down":
pixelsToScroll = tabStrip.scrollIncrement;
if (pixelsToScroll)
tabStrip.scrollByPixels((ltr ? 1 : -1) * pixelsToScroll);
//if (effects == "move" &&
// this == event.dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, 0).parentNode) {
//ind.collapsed = true;
if (effects == "link") {
let tab = this._getDragTargetTab(event);
if (tab) {
if (!this._dragTime)
this._dragTime = Date.now();
if (Date.now() >= this._dragTime + this._dragOverDelay)
this.selectedItem = tab;
ind.collapsed = true;
var rect = tabStrip.getBoundingClientRect();
var newMargin;
if (pixelsToScroll) {
// if we are scrolling, put the drop indicator at the edge
// so that it doesn't jump while scrolling
let scrollRect = tabStrip.scrollClientRect;
let minMargin = scrollRect.left - rect.left;
let maxMargin = Math.min(minMargin + scrollRect.width,
if (!ltr)
[minMargin, maxMargin] = [this.clientWidth - maxMargin,
this.clientWidth - minMargin];
newMargin = (pixelsToScroll > 0) ? maxMargin : minMargin;
else {
let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event);
if (newIndex == this.childNodes.length) {
let tabRect = this.childNodes[newIndex-1].getBoundingClientRect();
if (ltr)
newMargin = tabRect.right - rect.left;
newMargin = rect.right - tabRect.left;
else {
let tabRect = this.childNodes[newIndex].getBoundingClientRect();
if (ltr)
newMargin = tabRect.left - rect.left;
newMargin = rect.right - tabRect.right;
ind.collapsed = false;
newMargin += ind.clientWidth / 2;
if (!ltr)
newMargin *= -1;
ind.style.transform = "translate(" + Math.round(newMargin) + "px)";
ind.style.MozMarginStart = (-ind.clientWidth) + "px";
gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("dragover", gBrowser.tabContainer._onDragOver, true);
gBrowser.tabContainer._onDrop = function(event) {
var dt = event.dataTransfer;
var dropEffect = dt.dropEffect;
var draggedTab;
if (dropEffect != "link") { // copy or move
draggedTab = dt.mozGetDataAt(TAB_DROP_TYPE, 0);
// not our drop then
if (!draggedTab)
this._tabDropIndicator.collapsed = true;
if (draggedTab && dropEffect == "copy") {
// copy the dropped tab (wherever it's from)
let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event);
let newTab = this.tabbrowser.duplicateTab(draggedTab);
this.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(newTab, newIndex);
if (draggedTab.parentNode != this || event.shiftKey)
this.selectedItem = newTab;
} else if (draggedTab && draggedTab.parentNode == this) {
// actually move the dragged tab
//if ("animDropIndex" in draggedTab._dragData) {
// let newIndex = draggedTab._dragData.animDropIndex;
// if (newIndex > draggedTab._tPos)
// newIndex--;
// this.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(draggedTab, newIndex);
let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event);
if (newIndex > draggedTab._tPos)
let numPinned = this.tabbrowser._numPinnedTabs;
if (newIndex < numPinned && !draggedTab.pinned) {
} else if (numPinned <= newIndex && draggedTab.pinned) {
this.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(draggedTab, newIndex);
} else if (draggedTab) {
// swap the dropped tab with a new one we create and then close
// it in the other window (making it seem to have moved between
// windows)
let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event);
let newTab = this.tabbrowser.addTab("about:blank");
let newBrowser = this.tabbrowser.getBrowserForTab(newTab);
// Stop the about:blank load
// make sure it has a docshell
let numPinned = this.tabbrowser._numPinnedTabs;
if (newIndex < numPinned || draggedTab.pinned && newIndex == numPinned)
this.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(newTab, newIndex);
this.tabbrowser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(newTab, draggedTab);
// We need to select the tab after we've done
// swapBrowsersAndCloseOther, so that the updateCurrentBrowser
// it triggers will correctly update our URL bar.
this.tabbrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
} else {
// Pass true to disallow dropping javascript: or data: urls
let url;
try {
url = browserDragAndDrop.drop(event, { }, true);
} catch (ex) {}
// valid urls don't contain spaces ' '; if we have a space it isn't a valid url.
if (!url || url.contains(" "))
let bgLoad = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground");
if (event.shiftKey)
bgLoad = !bgLoad;
let tab = this._getDragTargetTab(event);
if (Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIXULAppInfo).version.split(".")[0] < 31) {
if (!tab || dropEffect == "copy") {
// We're adding a new tab.
let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event);
let newTab = this.tabbrowser.loadOneTab(this.getShortcutOrURI(url), {inBackground: bgLoad});
this.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(newTab, newIndex);
} else {
// Load in an existing tab.
try {
if (!bgLoad)
this.selectedItem = tab;
} catch(ex) {
// Just ignore invalid urls
} else {
if (!tab || dropEffect == "copy") {
// We're adding a new tab.
let newIndex = this._getDropIndex(event);
getShortcutOrURIAndPostData(url, data => {
if (data.url) {
let newTab = this.tabbrowser.loadOneTab(data.url, {inBackground: bgLoad});
this.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(newTab, newIndex);
} else {
// Load in an existing tab.
try {
getShortcutOrURIAndPostData(url, data => {
if (data.url) {
if (!bgLoad)
this.selectedItem = tab;
} catch(ex) {
// Just ignore invalid urls
if (draggedTab) {
delete draggedTab._dragData;
gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("drop", gBrowser.tabContainer._onDrop, true);
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