The openEuler kernel is the core of the openEuler OS, serving as the foundation of system performance and stability and a bridge between processors, devices, and services.
最近更新: 9分钟前The Community repo is to store all the information about openEuler Community, inclouding governance, SIGs(project teams), Communications and etc.
最近更新: 12小时前开放课程《循序渐进,学习开发一个 RISC-V 上的操作系统》配套教材代码仓库。 mirror to https://github.com/plctlab/riscv-operating-system-mooc
最近更新: 6个月前上海交通大学 IPADS《现代操作系统:原理与实现》ChCore 课程实验 v1,新版请见 https://gitee.com/ipads-lab/chcore-lab-v2
最近更新: 1年前