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logger.go 13.15 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2020 Ye Zi Jie. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: FishGoddess
// Email: fishgoddess@qq.com
// Created at 2020/02/29 15:39:02
package logit
import (
// Logger is the core type of logit. All functions is provided by it.
type Logger struct {
// level is the level representation of the Logger.
// In this version of logit, there are five levels:
// DebugLevel, InfoLevel, WarnLevel, ErrorLevel, OffLevel.
// The righter level has higher visibility which means
// one debug message will not be logged in one Logger in InfoLevel.
// That's we called level-based logging.
// In particular, OffLevel is the highest level, so if you set one
// logger to OffLevel, it will never log anything.
level Level
// handlers is the slice of log handlers.
// You can add your handler for some situations.
// See logit.Handler.
handlers []Handler
// needCaller is a flag to check if msg should contain caller info.
// This step is useful but too expensive, so default is false.
needCaller bool
// logs is an object pool cache some Log holders.
// Use a pool is for reducing memory allocation.
logs *sync.Pool
// mu is for safe concurrency.
mu *sync.RWMutex
// NewLogger creates a logger with given level and handlers.
// The level is the level of this Logger.
// The handlers is all logger handlers for handling each log.
// Notice that at least one handler should be added or a panic will happen.
func NewLogger(level Level, handlers ...Handler) *Logger {
// 至少添加一个日志处理器,否则直接报错
if len(handlers) < 1 {
panic("You must add at least one handler!")
// 创建 logger 对象
logger := &Logger{
level: level,
handlers: handlers,
needCaller: false,
mu: &sync.RWMutex{},
// 初始化 logs 对象池
logger.logs = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &Log{
logger: logger,
return logger
// ChangeLevelTo will change the logger level of current logger to newLevel.
// It returns old level of current logger.
func (l *Logger) ChangeLevelTo(newLevel Level) Level {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
oldLevel := l.level
l.level = newLevel
return oldLevel
// Level returns the logger level of current Logger.
func (l *Logger) Level() Level {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
return l.level
// AddHandlers adds more handlers to current logger, and all handlers added before
// will be retained. If you want to remove all handlers, try l.SetHandlers().
// See logit.Handler.
func (l *Logger) AddHandlers(handlers ...Handler) {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
l.handlers = append(l.handlers, handlers...)
// SetHandlers replaces l.handlers with newHandlers, all handlers added before will be removed.
// If you want to add more handlers rather than replace them, try l.AddHandlers.
// Notice that at least one handler should be added, so if len(newHandlers) < 1, it returns false
// which means setting failed. Return true if setting is successful.
// See logit.Handler.
func (l *Logger) SetHandlers(newHandlers ...Handler) bool {
// 必须添加至少一个处理器
if len(newHandlers) < 1 {
return false
// 先清空原本的日志处理器,再添加新的日志处理器
defer l.mu.Unlock()
l.handlers = nil
l.handlers = append(l.handlers, newHandlers...)
return true
// Handlers returns all handlers of current logger in a copy slice.
func (l *Logger) Handlers() []Handler {
defer l.mu.RUnlock()
// 返回的是日志处理器的副本,防止被非法篡改
handlers := make([]Handler, 0, len(l.handlers)+2)
return append(handlers, l.handlers...)
// EnableFileInfo means every log will contain file info like line number.
// However, you should know that this is expensive in time.
// So be sure you really need it or keep it disabled.
func (l *Logger) EnableFileInfo() {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
l.needCaller = true
// DisableFileInfo means every log will not contain file info like line number.
// If you want file info again, try l.EnableFileInfo().
func (l *Logger) DisableFileInfo() {
defer l.mu.Unlock()
l.needCaller = false
// newLog returns a Log holder from object pool.
// Notice that not every holder returned is new, as you know, that is why we use a pool.
func (l *Logger) newLog(level Level, msg string) *Log {
log := l.logs.Get().(*Log)
log.level = level
log.now = time.Now()
log.msg = msg
return log
// releaseLog releases log to object pool so that this log can be reused next time.
func (l *Logger) releaseLog(log *Log) {
log.file = ""
log.line = 0
const (
// callDepth is the depth of the method calling stack, which is about file name and line number.
callDepth = 3
// log handles msg by l.handlers, and level will affect the visibility of this msg.
// Notice that callDepth is caller sensitive.
func (l *Logger) log(callDepth int, level Level, msg string) {
// 加上读锁
// 日志记录器的级别高于日志的级别,不进行记录
if l.level > level {
// 提前释放读锁,后续操作非常消耗时间,可以不用加锁了,彻底释放并发的天性
// 但是 needCaller 的获取需要保证并发安全,就在释放锁之前拷贝一份副本
// 即使释放锁之后有人修改了这个属性,也和这里无关了,因为在执行这个 log 方法的时间点上,
// 这个属性的值就已经确定了,并且不允许被修改了,这类似于 copy on write 的解决思路
// 这个解决并发竞争的方案是否没有问题,需要时间的验证才知道
needCaller := l.needCaller
// 处理日志
log := l.newLog(level, msg)
defer l.releaseLog(log)
// 如果需要调用者的信息,对当前的 msg 进行包装
if needCaller {
wrapLogWithCaller(callDepth, log)
// handleLog handles log with l.handlers.
// Notice that if one handler returns false, then all handlers after it
// will not be used anymore.
func (l *Logger) handleLog(log *Log) {
for _, handler := range l.handlers {
if !handler.Handle(log) {
// wrapLogWithCaller wraps log with caller info.
// This function is too expensive because of runtime.Caller.
// Notice that callDepth is the depth of calling stack. See callDepth.
func wrapLogWithCaller(callDepth int, log *Log) {
// 这个 callDepth 是 runtime.Caller 方法的参数,表示要获取第几层调用者的信息
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(callDepth)
if !ok {
log.file = "unknown file"
log.line = -1
log.file = file
log.line = line
// Debug will output msg as a debug message.
func (l *Logger) Debug(msg string) {
l.log(callDepth, DebugLevel, msg)
// Info will output msg as an info message.
func (l *Logger) Info(msg string) {
l.log(callDepth, InfoLevel, msg)
// Warn will output msg as a warn message.
func (l *Logger) Warn(msg string) {
l.log(callDepth, WarnLevel, msg)
// Error will output msg as an error message.
func (l *Logger) Error(msg string) {
l.log(callDepth, ErrorLevel, msg)
// ================================== extension ==================================
// NewLoggerFrom returns a logger parsed from reader which returns a config.
// The reader is the reader of your config. A config looks like:
// "level": "debug",
// "caller": false,
// "handlers": {
// "console": {
// # I am a comment...
// }
// }
// Check config file templates to know about more information.
func NewLoggerFrom(reader io.Reader) *Logger {
// 解析配置
conf, err := parseConfigFrom(reader)
if err != nil {
// 根据配置创建并初始化 logger
logger := NewLogger(parseLevel(conf.Level), parseHandlersFrom(conf)...)
if conf.Caller {
return logger
// NewLoggerFromPath returns a logger parsed from config file.
// pathOfConfigFile is the path of your config file. A config file
// is a file like "xxx.conf", and its content looks like:
// "level": "debug",
// "caller": false,
// "handlers": {
// "console": {
// # I am a comment...
// }
// }
// Check config file templates to know about more information.
func NewLoggerFromPath(pathOfConfigFile string) *Logger {
// 打开配置文件
file, err := os.Open(pathOfConfigFile)
if err != nil {
return NewLoggerFrom(file)
// DebugFunc will output msg as a debug message.
// The msg is the return value of msgGenerator.
// This is the better way to output a long log made from many variables.
func (l *Logger) DebugFunc(msgGenerator func() string) {
l.log(callDepth, DebugLevel, msgGenerator())
// InfoFunc will output msg as an info message.
// The msg is the return value of msgGenerator.
// This is the better way to output a long log made from many variables.
func (l *Logger) InfoFunc(msgGenerator func() string) {
l.log(callDepth, InfoLevel, msgGenerator())
// WarnFunc will output msg as a warn message.
// The msg is the return value of msgGenerator.
// This is the better way to output a long log made from many variables.
func (l *Logger) WarnFunc(msgGenerator func() string) {
l.log(callDepth, WarnLevel, msgGenerator())
// ErrorFunc will output msg as an error message.
// The msg is the return value of msgGenerator.
// This is the better way to output a long log made from many variables.
func (l *Logger) ErrorFunc(msgGenerator func() string) {
l.log(callDepth, ErrorLevel, msgGenerator())
// generateMessage generates a message from format and params.
func generateMessage(format string, params ...interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, params...)
// Debugf will output msg as a debug message.
// The msg is the return value of generateMessage.
// This is a way to output a long log made from many variables.
// The msgFormat is the same as format in fmt.Printf, so you can use
// all format it supports, such as '%d'.
// msgParams is the params msgFormat needs, and it is variable-length, so
// you can add all your params here.
// You should know that this way to output msg is the most expensive way in time,
// but it's still faster than other logging libs. If you care about performance,
// than you should think about it, and if you don't, just use it without thinking.
func (l *Logger) Debugf(msgFormat string, msgParams ...interface{}) {
l.log(callDepth, DebugLevel, generateMessage(msgFormat, msgParams...))
// Infof will output msg as an info message.
// The msg is the return value of generateMessage.
// This is a way to output a long log made from many variables.
// The msgFormat is the same as format in fmt.Printf, so you can use
// all format it supports, such as '%d'.
// msgParams is the params msgFormat needs, and it is variable-length, so
// you can add all your params here.
// You should know that this way to output msg is the most expensive way in time,
// but it's still faster than other logging libs. If you care about performance,
// than you should think about it, and if you don't, just use it without thinking.
func (l *Logger) Infof(msgFormat string, msgParams ...interface{}) {
l.log(callDepth, InfoLevel, generateMessage(msgFormat, msgParams...))
// Warnf will output msg as a warn message.
// The msg is the return value of generateMessage.
// This is a way to output a long log made from many variables.
// The msgFormat is the same as format in fmt.Printf, so you can use
// all format it supports, such as '%d'.
// msgParams is the params msgFormat needs, and it is variable-length, so
// you can add all your params here.
// You should know that this way to output msg is the most expensive way in time,
// but it's still faster than other logging libs. If you care about performance,
// than you should think about it, and if you don't, just use it without thinking.
func (l *Logger) Warnf(msgFormat string, msgParams ...interface{}) {
l.log(callDepth, WarnLevel, generateMessage(msgFormat, msgParams...))
// Errorf will output msg as an error message.
// The msg is the return value of generateMessage.
// This is the better way to output a long log made from many variables.
// The msgFormat is the same as format in fmt.Printf, so you can use
// all format it supports, such as '%d'.
// msgParams is the params msgFormat needs, and it is variable-length, so
// you can add all your params here.
// You should know that this way to output msg is the most expensive way in time,
// but it's still faster than other logging libs. If you care about performance,
// than you should think about it, and if you don't, just use it without thinking.
func (l *Logger) Errorf(msgFormat string, msgParams ...interface{}) {
l.log(callDepth, ErrorLevel, generateMessage(msgFormat, msgParams...))
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