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run-tests.js 9.85 KB
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Igor Kroitor 提交于 2019-06-26 03:13 . run-tests.js catch warnings
"use strict";
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
A tests launcher. Runs tests for all languages and all exchanges, in
parallel, with a humanized error reporting.
Usage: node run-tests [--php] [--js] [--python] [--python2] [--python3] [exchange] [symbol]
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const fs = require ('fs')
const log = require ('ololog')//.configure ({ indent: { pattern: ' ' }})
const ansi = require ('ansicolor').nice
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
process.on ('uncaughtException', e => { log.bright.red.error (e); process.exit (1) })
process.on ('unhandledRejection', e => { log.bright.red.error (e); process.exit (1) })
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const [,, ...args] = process.argv
const keys = {
'--js': false, // run JavaScript tests only
'--php': false, // run PHP tests only
'--python': false, // run Python tests only
'--python2': false, // run Python 2 tests only
'--python3': false, // run Python 3 tests only
let exchanges = []
let symbol = 'all'
let maxConcurrency = 5 // Number.MAX_VALUE // no limit
for (const arg of args) {
if (arg.startsWith ('--')) { keys[arg] = true }
else if (arg.includes ('/')) { symbol = arg }
else if (Number.isFinite (Number (arg))) { maxConcurrency = Number (arg) }
else { exchanges.push (arg) }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (!exchanges.length) {
if (!fs.existsSync ('./exchanges.json')) {
log.bright.red ('\n\tNo', 'exchanges.json'.white, 'found, please run', 'npm run build'.white, 'to generate it!\n')
process.exit (1)
exchanges = require ('./exchanges.json').ids
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const sleep = s => new Promise (resolve => setTimeout (resolve, s*1000))
const timeout = (s, promise) => Promise.race ([ promise, sleep (s).then (() => { throw new Error ('timed out') }) ])
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const exec = (bin, ...args) =>
/* A custom version of child_process.exec that captures both stdout and
stderr, not separating them into distinct buffers — so that we can show
the same output as if it were running in a terminal. */
timeout (120, new Promise (return_ => {
const ps = require ('child_process').spawn (bin, args)
let output = ''
let stderr = ''
let hasWarnings = false
ps.stdout.on ('data', data => { output += data.toString () })
ps.stderr.on ('data', data => { output += data.toString (); stderr += data.toString (); hasWarnings = true })
ps.on ('exit', code => {
output = ansi.strip (output.trim ())
stderr = ansi.strip (stderr)
const regex = /^\[[^\]]+\]/mg
let match = undefined
const warnings = []
match = regex.exec (output)
do {
if (match = regex.exec (output)) {
warnings.push (match[0])
} while (match);
return_ ({
failed: code !== 0,
hasOutput: output.length > 0,
hasWarnings: hasWarnings || warnings.length > 0,
warnings: warnings,
})).catch (e => ({
failed: true,
output: e.message
})).then (x => Object.assign (x, { hasOutput: x.output.length > 0 }))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// const execWithRetry = () => {
// // Sometimes execution (on a remote CI server) is just fails with no
// // apparent reason, leaving an empty stdout/stderr behind. I suspect
// // it's related to out-of-memory errors. So in that case we will re-try
// // until it eventually finalizes.
// }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
let numExchangesTested = 0
/* Tests of different languages for the same exchange should be run
sequentially to prevent the interleaving nonces problem.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
const sequentialMap = async (input, fn) => {
const result = []
for (const item of input) { result.push (await fn (item)) }
return result
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
const testExchange = async (exchange) => {
/* Run tests for all/selected languages (in parallel) */
const args = [exchange, ...symbol === 'all' ? [] : symbol]
, allTests = [
{ language: 'JavaScript', key: '--js', exec: ['node', 'js/test/test.js', ...args] },
{ language: 'Python', key: '--python', exec: ['python', 'python/test/test.py', ...args] },
{ language: 'Python 2', key: '--python2', exec: ['python2', 'python/test/test.py', ...args] },
{ language: 'Python 3', key: '--python3', exec: ['python3', 'python/test/test_async.py', ...args] },
{ language: 'PHP', key: '--php', exec: ['php', '-f', 'php/test/test.php', ...args] }
, selectedTests = allTests.filter (t => keys[t.key])
, scheduledTests = selectedTests.length ? selectedTests : allTests
, completeTests = await sequentialMap (scheduledTests, async test => Object.assign (test, await exec (...test.exec)))
, failed = completeTests.find (test => test.failed)
, hasWarnings = completeTests.find (test => test.hasWarnings)
, warnings = completeTests.reduce ((total, { warnings }) => total.concat (warnings), [])
/* Print interactive log output */
const percentsDone = ((numExchangesTested / exchanges.length) * 100).toFixed (0) + '%'
log.bright (('[' + percentsDone + ']').dim, 'Testing', exchange.cyan, (failed ? 'FAIL'.red :
(hasWarnings ? (warnings.length ? warnings.join (' ') : 'WARN').yellow
: 'OK'.green)))
/* Return collected data to main loop */
return {
explain () {
for (const { language, failed, output, hasWarnings } of completeTests) {
if (failed || hasWarnings) {
if (!failed && output.indexOf('[Skipped]') >= 0)
if (failed) { log.bright ('\nFAILED'.bgBrightRed.white, exchange.red, '(' + language + '):\n') }
else { log.bright ('\nWARN'.yellow.inverse, exchange.yellow, '(' + language + '):\n') }
log.indent (1) (output)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
function TaskPool (maxConcurrency) {
const pending = []
, queue = []
let numActive = 0
return {
run (task) {
if (numActive >= maxConcurrency) { // queue task
return new Promise (resolve => queue.push (() => this.run (task).then (resolve)))
} else { // execute task
let p = task ().then (x => {
return (queue.length && (numActive < maxConcurrency))
? queue.shift () ().then (() => x)
: x
pending.push (p)
return p
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
async function testAllExchanges () {
const taskPool = TaskPool (maxConcurrency)
const results = []
for (const exchange of exchanges) {
taskPool.run (() => testExchange (exchange).then (x => results.push (x)))
await Promise.all (taskPool.pending)
return results
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
(async function () {
log.bright.magenta.noPretty ('Testing'.white, Object.assign (
{ exchanges, symbol, keys },
maxConcurrency >= Number.MAX_VALUE ? {} : { maxConcurrency }))
const tested = await testAllExchanges ()
, warnings = tested.filter (t => !t.failed && t.hasWarnings)
, failed = tested.filter (t => t.failed)
, succeeded = tested.filter (t => !t.failed && !t.hasWarnings)
log.newline ()
warnings.forEach (t => t.explain ())
failed.forEach (t => t.explain ())
log.newline ()
if (failed.length) { log.noPretty.bright.red ('FAIL'.bgBrightRed.white, failed.map (t => t.exchange)) }
if (warnings.length) { log.noPretty.bright.yellow ('WARN'.inverse, warnings.map (t => t.exchange)) }
log.newline ()
log.bright ('All done,', [failed.length && (failed.length + ' failed') .red,
succeeded.length && (succeeded.length + ' succeeded').green,
warnings.length && (warnings.length + ' warnings') .yellow].filter (s => s).join (', '))
if (failed.length) {
await sleep (10) // to fight TravisCI log truncation issue, see https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/8189
process.exit (1)
} else {
process.exit (0)
}) ();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
马建仓 AI 助手