# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import torch
import random
import scipy.io
import numpy as np
import geatpy as ea # 导入geatpy库
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from sys import path as paths
from os import path
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from crossover import DE_rand_1, ProcessBound, RecRL, Best_cro, Recsbx
from mutation import Best_mut, MutRL, Mutpolyn
class moea_MOEAD_DRA_templet(ea.MoeaAlgorithm):
def __init__(self, problem, population, MAXGEN):
ea.MoeaAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem, population) # 先调用父类构造方法
if population.ChromNum != 1:
raise RuntimeError('传入的种群对象必须是单染色体的种群类型。')
self.name = 'MOEA/D-DQN'
self.uniformPoint, self.NIND = ea.crtup(self.problem.M, population.sizes) # 生成在单位目标维度上均匀分布的参考点集
# 此时种群大小可能小于设计的大小,为了保证评价次数不变,需要增加进化代数
MAXGEN = round((MAXGEN * population.sizes) / self.NIND + 0.5)
# self.DQN = DQN(problem.Dim, 4)
if population.Encoding == 'RI':
# self.xovOper = RecRL(problem, self.uniformPoint, MAXGEN, self.NIND)
# self.countOper = RecRL(problem, self.uniformPoint, MAXGEN, self.NIND)
# self.de_rand_1 = DE_rand_1()
# self.countOper = Best_cro(problem, self.uniformPoint, MAXGEN, population.Encoding, population.Field)
# self.xovSbx = Recsbx()
# self.countOper = Best_mut(problem, self.uniformPoint, MAXGEN, population.Encoding, population.Field)
# self.mutOper = MutRL(problem, self.uniformPoint, population.Encoding, population.Field, MAXGEN, self.NIND)
self.mutPolyn = ea.Mutpolyn(Pm=1 / self.problem.Dim, DisI=20, FixType=1) # 生成多项式变异算子对象
self.processBound = ProcessBound(population.Field)
raise RuntimeError('编码方式必须为''RI''.')
if self.problem.M <= 20:
self.decomposition = ea.tcheby # 采用切比雪夫权重聚合法
self.decomposition = ea.pbi # 采用pbi权重聚合法
self.Ps = 0.9 # (Probability of Selection)表示进化时有多大的概率只从邻域中选择个体参与进化
# self.neighborSize = max(self.NIND // 10, 20)
self.neighborSize = 20
# self.nr = max(self.NIND // 100, 3)
self.nr = 2
self.learn_interval = 5 # 每5代更新DQN网络
# self.SW = np.zeros((2, self.NIND // 2)) # 滑动窗口,可以记录算子的情况
self.run_times = 0
def tournamentSelection(self, K, N, pi):
return: list
ind = []
for _ in range(N):
# 采样K个
parent = np.random.choice(self.NIND, K, replace=True) # replace=False不重复采样
parent = np.sort(parent)
# 找出K个中pi最大的元素在种群中的索引, pi值越大,表示在这个子问题上的提升越明显
maxind = parent[np.argmax(pi[parent])]
return ind
def reinsertion(self, indices, population, offspring, idealPoint, referPoint):
indices: 父代池,里面的个体可以被替换
i: 父代,它的决策变量应该作为RL的state
idealPoint: 理想点,每个目标上的最优点
referPoint: 参考点,权重向量
weights = referPoint[indices, :]
pop_ObjV = population.ObjV[indices, :] # 获取邻居个体的目标函数值
# 获取邻居个体的违反约束程度矩阵
pop_CV = population.CV[indices, :] if population.CV is not None else None
CombinObjV = self.decomposition(pop_ObjV, weights, idealPoint, pop_CV, self.problem.maxormins)
off_CombinObjV = self.decomposition(offspring.ObjV, weights, idealPoint, offspring.CV, self.problem.maxormins)
# population[indices[np.where(off_CombinObjV <= CombinObjV)[0][:self.nr]]] = offspring
replace = np.where(off_CombinObjV <= CombinObjV)[0][:self.nr] # 更新个体的索引
population[indices[replace]] = offspring # 更新子代
if replace.size == 0: # 没得替换
# 被取代的父代的平均值作为状态
# 直系父代的决策变量作为state
# state = np.mean(population.Chrom[indices[replace]], axis=0)
# state = population.Chrom[i]
# state_ = offspring.Chrom[0]
# if not isinstance(self.xovOper, RecRL): # 既然不是强化学习的策略,也就不需要后面的更新了
# 子代相比父代适应度提高的相对率
FIR = (CombinObjV[replace] - off_CombinObjV[replace]) / CombinObjV[replace]
r = FIR.sum()
# print(r)
# if self.currentGen % self.learn_interval == 0:
if random.random() < 6:
# self.xovOper.learn(r)
# self.mutOper.learn(r)
def run(self, prophetPop=None): # prophetPop为先知种群(即包含先验知识的种群)
self.run_times += 1
# ==========================初始化配置===========================
self.countOper = RecRL(self.problem, self.uniformPoint, self.MAXGEN, self.NIND)
# self.countOper.dqn.eval_net.load_state_dict(torch.load('./igd_desc/UF1_model.pth'))
population = self.population
# NOTE: 在使用crtup生成单位目标维度均匀分布的参考点集时NIND可能不是种群大小。
# NOTE: 为了保证评价次数不变,要更改MAXGEN
# self.MAXGEN = round((self.MAXGEN * population.sizes) / self.NIND + 0.5)
# ===========================准备进化============================
uniformPoint, NIND = self.uniformPoint, self.NIND
# self.MAXGEN = round((self.MAXGEN * population.sizes) / self.NIND + 0.5)
# 初始化种群染色体矩阵,此时种群规模将调整为uniformPoint点集的大小,initChrom函数会把种群规模给重置
self.call_aimFunc(population) # 计算种群的目标函数值
# 生成由所有邻居索引组成的矩阵
neighborIdx = np.argsort(cdist(uniformPoint, uniformPoint), axis=1, kind='mergesort')[:, :self.neighborSize]
# 计算理想点
idealPoint = ea.crtidp(population.ObjV, population.CV, self.problem.maxormins)
# =========================MOEA/D-DRA=============================
pi = np.ones((NIND, 1)) # 初始化pi作为子问题选择基准
oldObj = self.decomposition(population.ObjV, uniformPoint, idealPoint, None, self.problem.maxormins)
PopCountOpers = [] # 统计不同进化阶段算子选择的结果
PF = self.problem.getReferObjV() # 获取真实前沿,详见Problem.py中关于Problem类的定义
igd_desc = []
# CountOpers = np.zeros((self.NIND,self.mutDE.n)) # 统计不同子问题算子选择结果
# ===========================开始进化============================
while not self.terminated(population):
for _ in range(5):
# 这里的边界是指weight在M-1个方向上权重为0
Bounday = np.where(np.sum(self.uniformPoint < 0.0001, 1) == (self.problem.M - 1))[0].tolist()
# 利用10元竞赛选出pi最大的N/5-problem.M个体的索引
I = self.tournamentSelection(10, NIND // 5 - self.problem.M, pi) + Bounday
select_rands = np.random.rand(NIND) # 生成一组随机数
for i in I:
if select_rands[i] < self.Ps:
indices = neighborIdx[i, :] # Ps的概率从邻域中选
indices = np.arange(NIND)
# 实例化一个种群对象用于存储进化的后代(这里只进化生成一个后代)
offspring = ea.Population(population.Encoding, population.Field, 1)
# offspring.Chrom = self.countOper.do(population.Chrom, i, indices, idealPoint, self.currentGen) # Best_cro
offspring.Chrom = self.countOper.do(population.Chrom, i, indices, self.currentGen) # RL
# offspring.Chrom = self.de_rand_1.do(population.Chrom, i, indices) # de rand 1
# offspring.Chrom = self.xovSbx.do(population.Chrom, i, indices) # sbx模拟二进制交叉
offspring.Chrom = self.mutPolyn.do(offspring.Encoding, offspring.Chrom, offspring.Field) # 多项式变异
# offspring.Chrom = self.mutOper.do(population.Chrom, offspring.Chrom, i, self.currentGen)
# offspring.Chrom = self.countOper.do(population.Chrom, offspring.Chrom, i, idealPoint, self.currentGen)
# offspring.Chrom = self.processBound.do(offspring.Chrom)
self.call_aimFunc(offspring) # 求进化后个体的目标函数值
# 更新理想点
idealPoint = ea.crtidp(offspring.ObjV, offspring.CV, self.problem.maxormins, idealPoint)
# 重插入更新种群个体
self.reinsertion(indices, population, offspring, idealPoint, uniformPoint)
# 每一代记录一下算子选择的结果
# PopCountOpers.append(self.countOper.countOpers)
# self.countOper.countOpers = np.zeros(self.countOper.n) # 清空算子选择记录器
IGD = ea.indicator.IGD(population.ObjV, PF) # 计算IGD指标
if self.currentGen % 10 == 0:
newObj = self.decomposition(population.ObjV, uniformPoint, idealPoint, None, self.problem.maxormins)
delta = (oldObj - newObj) / oldObj
temp = delta < 0.001
pi[~temp] = 1
pi[temp] = (0.95 + 0.05 * delta[temp] / 0.001) * pi[temp]
oldObj = newObj
# PopCountOpers.append(self.countOper.countOpers / sum(self.countOper.countOpers))
# self.countOper.countOpers = np.zeros(self.countOper.n) # 清空算子选择记录器
# 画出不同进化阶段算子选择的结果
BestSelection = np.array(PopCountOpers[:])
np.save('./ops_/ops_moeaddqn_' + self.problem.name + '_' + str(IGD), BestSelection)
N, D = BestSelection.shape
# 画出不同子问题算子选择的结果
# BestSelection = CountOpers
# matplotlib.use('agg')
markers = ['o', '^', 's', 'p']
for i in range(self.countOper.n):
plt.plot(BestSelection[:, i], '.', label=self.countOper.Opers[i].name, marker=markers[i])
plt.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'family': 'Times New Roman'})
# 坐标轴刻度
# xticks = list(map(str, np.linspace(1, D, D)))
xticks = list(map(str, np.arange(1, N + 1, 1)))
plt.xticks(range(0, N, 1), xticks, fontsize=12)
# 坐标轴名称
plt.xlabel('Generation (×10)', fontdict={'family': 'Times New Roman', 'fontsize': 14})
plt.ylabel('Percentage of operators applied', fontdict={'family': 'Times New Roman', 'fontsize': 14})
plt.savefig('C:/Users/lxp/Desktop/pic/' + self.problem.name + str(int(time.time())) + '.pdf')
IGD = ea.indicator.IGD(population.ObjV, PF) # 计算IGD指标
x = population.ObjV[:, 0]
y = population.ObjV[:, 1]
objs = population.ObjV
scipy.io.savemat('moeaddqn_objs_' + self.problem.name + '_' + str(IGD) + '_.mat', {'objs': objs})
plt.plot(x, y, 'o', markerfacecolor='none')
plt.plot(PF[:, 0], PF[:, 1])
igd = np.array([igd_desc])
# scipy.io.savemat('igd_desc/moeaddqn_' + self.problem.name + '_' + str(self.run_times) + '_.mat', {'igd_desc': igd})
np.save('./igd_desc/moeaddqn_1.0_' + self.problem.name + '_' + str(self.run_times), igd)
# plt.plot(igd_desc)
# plt.show()
# 保存网络模型
# torch.save(obj=self.countOper.dqn.eval_net.state_dict(), f="igd_desc/" + self.problem.name + "_model_" + str(igd_desc[-1]) + ".pth")
return self.finishing(population), population, plt # 调用finishing完成后续工作并返回结果
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