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merge_changepoints.m 4.84 KB
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Roemer Vlasveld 提交于 2014-01-07 17:31 . Run for results
%MERGE_CLOSE Merge change points that are close together
% Merge a series of increasing VALUES that are less than CLOSENESS
% different from each.
% The VALUES argument must be a n-by-3 matrix.
% The first column is the index of the change point,
% the second column is the timestamp of the change point and
% the third column is the type of change:
% - 0 indicates from low-to-high (passing high-threshold)
% - 1 indicates from high-to-low (passing low-threshold)
% For 0-typed change points, the first `time` of a merged segment will be
% used.
% For 1-typed change points, the last `time` of a merged segment will be
% used.
% The returned MARGED contains all the VALUES(:,2) that have a larger gap
% than CLOSENESS between them.
% Input arguments:
% - VALUES: the series to merge as an n-by-3 matrix
% - CLOSENESS: the amount which the elements need to differ. Default: 5
% Output value:
% - MERGED: the merged elements of VALUES(:,2)
function merged_values = merge_changepoints( values, closeness )
% Assume VALUES is a n-by-3 matrix.
% The first column is the index i,
% the second column in the timestamp and
% the third column is the type of change:
% - 0 indicates from low-to-high (passing high-threshold)
% - 1 indicates from high-to-low (passing low-threshold)
% For 0-typed change points, the first `time` of a merged segment
% should be used.
% For 1-typed change points, the last `time` of a merged segment should
% be used.
if nargin < 2; closeness = 5; end
column = 1;
if size(values, 2) > 1; column = 2; end
disp(['Merging with closeness: ' num2str(closeness) ' on column ' num2str(column)]);
values = sortrows(values, column)
sfigure(4); clf;
draw_vertical_lines(values(:,column), 'g');
% Copy last value to make sure it is considered as a change point
values(end+1,:) = values(end,:);
diffs = diff(values(:,column))
diff_cp = diffs <= closeness
[values(1:end-1,column) diffs diff_cp]
too_close_indices = find(diff_cp == 1) + 1
values(too_close_indices, :) = 0
% diff_composed = [diff_cp values(1:end-1,3)]
% indices = [];
% splits = SplitVec(diff_cp)
% counter = 1;
% for k = 1:length(splits)
% k
% counter
% split = splits{k}
% % split_indices = cumsum(split)' + counter-1;
% split_indices = cumsum(ones(size(split,1),1))' + counter-1;
% split_indices
% disp('Values of this split:')
% values(split_indices, :)
% if length(split) > 0
% if split(1) == 1
% % Serie of large enough distances
% disp('Long series');
% if length(split) > 1
% disp('Length > 1, high passing change points');
% % Only use values for high-passing change points
% % sum = cumsum(split)
% % values(split_indices, :)
% % low_cp_values = (values(sum + counter-1, 3) < 1)'
% % split = cumsum( (split' .* low_cp_values) )
% % split = cumsum(split) + counter;
% % indices = unique([indices (split+counter)])
% indices = unique([indices split_indices]);
% % values(indices,:)
% end
% else
% % Serie of small distances.
% disp('Small distances');
% % Determine whether to use first or last, depending on type
% if sum(values(split_indices, 3)) == 0
% % high-passing type, use first
% disp('Use first')
% use_changepoint = counter;
% % Remove first changepoint of new segment
% if k < length(splits)
% split_next = splits{k+1}
% if split_next(1) == 1
% % Next split has large value of next
% split_next = split_next(2:end)
% splits{k+1} = split_next
% end
% end
% else
% % low-passing type, use last
% disp('Use last')
% use_changepoint = counter + length(split);
% end
% indices
% use_changepoint
% indices = [indices use_changepoint];
% end
% counter = counter + size(split, 1);
% else
% counter = counter + 1;
% end
% indices
% end
merged_values = values(find(values(:,column) > 0 ),column)
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