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OverrideFunc.go 8.05 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
springrain 提交于 2023-10-27 11:18 . 完善开源协议注释
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zorm
import (
// OverrideFunc 重写ZORM的函数,当你使用这个函数时,你必须知道自己在做什么
//oldInsertFunc 默认的Insert实现
var oldInsertFunc func(ctx context.Context, entity zorm.IEntityStruct) (int, error)
//newInsertFunc 新的Insert实现
var newInsertFunc = func(ctx context.Context, entity zorm.IEntityStruct) (int, error) {
i, err := oldInsertFunc(ctx, entity)
return i, err
// 在init函数中注册覆盖老的函数
func init() {
ok, oldFunc, err := zorm.OverrideFunc("Insert", newInsertFunc)
if ok && err == nil {
oldInsertFunc = oldFunc.(func(ctx context.Context, entity zorm.IEntityStruct) (int, error))
// OverrideFunc 重写ZORM的函数,用于风险监控,只要查看这个函数的调用,就知道哪些地方重写了函数,避免项目混乱.当你使用这个函数时,你必须知道自己在做什么
// funcName 是需要重写的方法命,funcObject是对应的函数. 返回值bool是否重写成功,interface{}是重写前的函数
// 一般是在init里调用重写
func OverrideFunc(funcName string, funcObject interface{}) (bool, interface{}, error) {
if funcName == "" {
return false, nil, errors.New("->OverrideFunc-->funcName不能为空")
// oldFunc 老的函数
var oldFunc interface{} = nil
switch funcName {
case "Transaction":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, doTransaction func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = transaction
transaction = newFunc
case "QueryRow":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, finder *Finder, entity interface{}) (bool, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = queryRow
queryRow = newFunc
case "Query":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, finder *Finder, rowsSlicePtr interface{}, page *Page) error)
if ok {
oldFunc = query
query = newFunc
case "QueryRowMap":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, finder *Finder) (map[string]interface{}, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = queryRowMap
queryRowMap = newFunc
case "QueryMap":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, finder *Finder, page *Page) ([]map[string]interface{}, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = queryMap
queryMap = newFunc
case "UpdateFinder":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, finder *Finder) (int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = updateFinder
updateFinder = newFunc
case "Insert":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entity IEntityStruct) (int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = insert
insert = newFunc
case "InsertSlice":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entityStructSlice []IEntityStruct) (int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = insertSlice
insertSlice = newFunc
case "Update":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entity IEntityStruct) (int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = update
update = newFunc
case "UpdateNotZeroValue":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entity IEntityStruct) (int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = updateNotZeroValue
updateNotZeroValue = newFunc
case "Delete":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entity IEntityStruct) (int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = delete
delete = newFunc
case "InsertEntityMap":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entity IEntityMap) (int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = insertEntityMap
insertEntityMap = newFunc
case "InsertEntityMapSlice":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entity []IEntityMap) (int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = insertEntityMapSlice
insertEntityMapSlice = newFunc
case "UpdateEntityMap":
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entity IEntityMap) (int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = updateEntityMap
updateEntityMap = newFunc
case "reBuildSQL": //重建语句,用于占位符替换等
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, config *DataSourceConfig, sqlstr *string, args *[]interface{}) (*string, *[]interface{}, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = reBuildSQL
reBuildSQL = newFunc
case "reBuildUpdateSQL": //重建更新语句,处理特殊场景,例如 clickhouse的 UPDATE 和 DELETE 等
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, config *DataSourceConfig, sqlstr *string) error)
if ok {
oldFunc = reBuildUpdateSQL
reBuildUpdateSQL = newFunc
case "wrapPageSQL": //分页SQL
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, config *DataSourceConfig, sqlstr *string, page *Page) error)
if ok {
oldFunc = wrapPageSQL
wrapPageSQL = newFunc
case "wrapInsertSQL": //Insert IEntityStruct SQL
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, config *DataSourceConfig, typeOf *reflect.Type, entity IEntityStruct, columns *[]reflect.StructField, values *[]interface{}) (*string, int, string, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = wrapInsertSQL
wrapInsertSQL = newFunc
case "wrapAutoIncrementInsertSQL": //Insert IEntityStruct 主键自增值的SQL
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, config *DataSourceConfig, pkColumnName string, sqlstr *string, values *[]interface{}) (*int64, *int64))
if ok {
oldFunc = wrapAutoIncrementInsertSQL
wrapAutoIncrementInsertSQL = newFunc
case "wrapInsertSliceSQL": //批量插入 IEntityStruct 的SQL
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, config *DataSourceConfig, typeOf *reflect.Type, entityStructSlice []IEntityStruct, columns *[]reflect.StructField, values *[]interface{}) (*string, int, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = wrapInsertSliceSQL
wrapInsertSliceSQL = newFunc
case "wrapInsertEntityMapSQL": //插入 IEntityMap 的SQL
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, config *DataSourceConfig, entity IEntityMap) (string, *[]interface{}, bool, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = wrapInsertEntityMapSQL
wrapInsertEntityMapSQL = newFunc
case "wrapInsertEntityMapSliceSQL": //批量插入 IEntityMap 的SQL
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, config *DataSourceConfig, entityMapSlice []IEntityMap) (*string, *[]interface{}, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = wrapInsertEntityMapSliceSQL
wrapInsertEntityMapSliceSQL = newFunc
case "wrapDeleteSQL": //删除 IEntityStruct 的SQL
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entity IEntityStruct) (string, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = wrapDeleteSQL
wrapDeleteSQL = newFunc
case "wrapUpdateSQL": //更新 IEntityStruct 的SQL
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, typeOf *reflect.Type, entity IEntityStruct, columns *[]reflect.StructField, values *[]interface{}) (string, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = wrapUpdateSQL
wrapUpdateSQL = newFunc
case "wrapUpdateEntityMapSQL": //更新 IEntityMap 的SQL
newFunc, ok := funcObject.(func(ctx context.Context, entity IEntityMap) (*string, *[]interface{}, error))
if ok {
oldFunc = wrapUpdateEntityMapSQL
wrapUpdateEntityMapSQL = newFunc
return false, oldFunc, errors.New("->OverrideFunc-->函数" + funcName + "暂不支持重写或不存在")
if oldFunc == nil {
return false, oldFunc, errors.New("->OverrideFunc-->请检查传入的" + funcName + "函数实现,断言转换失败.")
return true, oldFunc, nil
马建仓 AI 助手