' gdipMonth
' Copyright (c) 2024 CM.Wang
' Freeware. Use at your own risk.
#include once "gdipMonth.bi"
Destructor gdipMonth
If mFontName Then Deallocate mFontName
'Erase mClr
End Destructor
Constructor gdipMonth
WLet(mFontName, "微软雅黑")
End Constructor
Private Function gdipMonth.DataExpire(pWidth As Single, pHeight As Single, pSelectDate As Double) As Boolean
Dim sYear As Integer = Year(pSelectDate)
Dim sMonth As Integer = Month(pSelectDate)
Dim sDay As Integer = Day(pSelectDate)
Dim sDate As Double = DateSerial(sYear, sMonth, sDay)
If CBool(mForceUpdate = False) And CBool(mWidth = pWidth) And CBool(mHeight = pHeight) And CBool(mSelectDate = sDate) Then Return False
If mWidth <> pWidth Then mByHeight = False
If mHeight <> pHeight Then mByHeight = True
mSelectDate = sDate
mWidth = pWidth
mHeight = pHeight
mForceUpdate = False
If mByHeight Then
If mShowControls Then
mFontSize = mHeight / 19
mFontSize = mHeight / 16
End If
If mShowWeeks Then
mFontSize = mWidth / 26
mFontSize = mWidth / 23
End If
End If
mOffsetY = mFontSize * 0.1
mDayStart = DateSerial(sYear, sMonth, 1)
mDayCount = DateDiff("d", mDayStart, DateAdd("m", 1, mDayStart))
'当月第一天星期几 (星期日为每周第一天)
mWeekStart = Weekday(mDayStart) - 2
mLineCount = (mWeekStart + mDayCount) \ 7 + 2
mCellWidth = mWidth / IIf(mShowWeeks, 8, 7)
If mShowWeeks Then
mWeeksWidth = mCellWidth
mWeeksWidth = 0
End If
mCellHeight = mHeight / (mLineCount + IIf(mShowControls, 1, 0))
mControlHeight = IIf(mShowControls, mCellHeight, 0)
Return True
End Function
Private Sub gdipMonth.Background(pWidth As Single, pHeight As Single, pSelectDate As Double)
If DataExpire(pWidth, pHeight, pSelectDate) = False Then Exit Sub
Dim sTxt As String
Dim sClr As ULong
Dim sBrush As Any Ptr
Dim i As Integer
Static sTmpBitmap As gdipBitmap
Dim sGdipTxt As gdipText
mBackBitmap.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
sGdipTxt.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
sGdipTxt.SetFont(*mFontName, mFontSize, FontStyleBold)
If mPanelEnabled Then
sTmpBitmap.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
GdipGraphicsClear(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, mBackAlpha(MonthPanel) + mBackColor(MonthPanel))
mBackBitmap.DrawImage(sTmpBitmap.Image, 0, 0)
End If
If mTrayEnabled Then
sTmpBitmap.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
If mShowControls Then
GdipCreateSolidFill(mBackAlpha(MonthControl) + mBackColor(MonthControl), @sBrush)
GdipFillRectangle(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sBrush, 0, 0, mWidth, mCellHeight)
End If
GdipCreateSolidFill(mBackAlpha(MonthWeek) + mBackColor(MonthWeek), @sBrush)
GdipFillRectangle(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sBrush, 0, mControlHeight, mWidth, mCellHeight)
GdipCreateSolidFill(mBackAlpha(MonthDay) + mBackColor(MonthDay), @sBrush)
GdipFillRectangle(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sBrush, 0, mCellHeight + mControlHeight, mWidth, mHeight - mCellHeight - mControlHeight)
mBackBitmap.DrawImage(sTmpBitmap.Image, 0, 0)
End If
sTmpBitmap.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
If mShowControls Then
sClr = mForeAlpha(MonthControl) + mForeColor(MonthControl)
sTxt = Format(mSelectDate, "yyyy/mm/dd")
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, (mWeeksWidth + mCellWidth * 2 - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, (mCellHeight - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt)) / 2, sClr)
sTxt = "v"
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, mWeeksWidth + mCellWidth * 2 + (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, (mCellHeight - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt)) / 2, sClr)
sTxt = "<<"
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, mWeeksWidth + mCellWidth * 3 + (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, (mCellHeight - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt)) / 2, sClr)
sTxt = ">>"
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, mWeeksWidth + mCellWidth * 4 + (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, (mCellHeight - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt)) / 2, sClr)
sTxt = "<"
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, mWeeksWidth + mCellWidth * 5 + (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, (mCellHeight - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt)) / 2, sClr)
sTxt = ">"
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, mWeeksWidth + mCellWidth * 6 + (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, (mCellHeight - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt)) / 2, sClr)
End If
If mShowWeeks Then
sClr = mForeAlpha(MonthWeek) + mForeColor(MonthWeek)
sTxt = "周"
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, mControlHeight + (mCellHeight - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt)) / 2, sClr)
For i = 1 To mLineCount - 1
sTxt = "" & DatePart("ww", DateAdd("d", (i - 1) * 7, mDayStart))
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, mControlHeight + (mCellHeight * i) + (mCellHeight - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt)) / 2, sClr)
End If
sClr = mForeAlpha(MonthWeek) + mForeColor(MonthWeek)
For i = 0 To 6
sTxt = mCalendar.WeekName(i + 1)
'sTxt = Format(DateAdd("d", i - mWeekStart - 1, mDayStart), "ddd")
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, mWeeksWidth + i * mCellWidth + (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, mControlHeight + (mCellHeight - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt)) / 2, sClr)
mBackBitmap.DrawImage(sTmpBitmap.Image, 0, 0)
If mBackEnabled Then
sTmpBitmap.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
If mBackBlur Then
FastBoxBlurHV(sTmpBitmap.Image, mBackBlur)
End If
mBackBitmap.DrawAlphaImage(sTmpBitmap.Image, mBackAlpha(MonthImageFile) Shr 24)
End If
mBackBitmap.DrawImage(MonthCalendar(), 0, 0)
If mOutlineEnabled Then
sTmpBitmap.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
Dim sPen As GpPen Ptr
GdipCreatePen1(mForeAlpha(MonthPanel) + mForeColor(MonthPanel), mOutlineSize, UnitPixel, @sPen)
GdipDrawRectangle(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sPen, 0, 0, mWidth, mHeight)
mBackBitmap.DrawImage(sTmpBitmap.Image, 0, 0)
End If
End Sub
Private Function gdipMonth.DateCalculate(pType As String, pAdd As Integer) As Double
Return DateAdd(pType, pAdd, mSelectDate)
End Function
Private Function gdipMonth.MonthCalendar() As GpImage Ptr
Dim sYear As Integer
Dim sMonth As Integer
Dim sDay As Integer
Dim sBrush As Any Ptr
Dim sPen As GpPen Ptr
Dim sX As Integer
Dim sY As Integer
Dim sTxt As String
Dim sClr As ARGB
Dim sToday As Double = DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now), Day(Now))
Dim sDrawDate As Double
Dim i As Integer
Static sTmpBitmap As gdipBitmap
sTmpBitmap.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
Dim sGdipTxt As gdipText
sGdipTxt.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
For i = 1 To (mLineCount - 1) * 7
sDrawDate = DateAdd("d", i - mWeekStart - 2, mDayStart)
sYear = Year(sDrawDate)
sMonth = Month(sDrawDate)
sDay = Day(sDrawDate)
sX = (i - 1) Mod 7
sY = (i - 1) \ 7 + 2
If mSelectDate = sDrawDate Then
mSelectDateX = sX
mSelectDateY = sY
GdipCreateSolidFill(mBackAlpha(MonthSelect) + mBackColor(MonthSelect), @sBrush)
GdipCreatePen1(mForeAlpha(MonthSelect) + mForeColor(MonthSelect), mBorderSize, UnitPixel, @sPen)
GdipFillRectangle(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sBrush, mWeeksWidth + sX * mCellWidth, (sY - 1) * mCellHeight + mControlHeight, mCellWidth, mCellHeight)
GdipDrawRectangle(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sPen, mWeeksWidth + sX * mCellWidth, (sY - 1) * mCellHeight + mControlHeight, mCellWidth, mCellHeight)
End If
sTxt = "" & sDay
If sToday = sDrawDate Then
sClr = mForeAlpha(MonthToday) + mForeColor(MonthToday)
If (i > (mWeekStart + 1)) And (i < (mDayCount + mWeekStart + 2)) Then
sClr = mForeAlpha(MonthDay) + mForeColor(MonthDay)
sClr = mForeAlpha(MonthOther) + mForeColor(MonthOther)
End If
End If
sGdipTxt.SetFont(*mFontName, mFontSize, FontStyleBold)
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, mWeeksWidth + sX * mCellWidth + (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, mControlHeight + sY * mCellHeight - mCellHeight / 2 - sGdipTxt.TextHeight(sTxt) + mOffsetY, sClr)
mCalendar.Init(sYear, sMonth, sDay)
sTxt = mCalendar.lHoliday & mCalendar.lSolarTerm
If mCalendar.lDayName(mCalendar.lDay) = "初一" Then
sTxt = IIf(mCalendar.IsLeap, "闰", "") & mCalendar.lMonthName(mCalendar.lMonth) & IIf(sTxt = "", "", "(" & sTxt & ")")
End If
If sTxt = "" Then
sTxt = mCalendar.lDayName(mCalendar.lDay)
If (i > (mWeekStart + 1)) And (i < (mDayCount + mWeekStart + 2)) Then
sClr = mForeAlpha(MonthHoliday) Or mForeColor(MonthHoliday)
sClr = mForeAlpha(MonthOther) Or mForeColor(MonthHoliday)
End If
End If
sGdipTxt.SetFont(*mFontName, mFontSize* 0.8, FontStyleRegular)
sGdipTxt.TextOut(sTmpBitmap.Graphics, sTxt, mWeeksWidth + sX * mCellWidth + (mCellWidth - sGdipTxt.TextWidth(sTxt)) / 2, mControlHeight + sY * mCellHeight - mCellHeight / 2 - mOffsetY, sClr)
Return sTmpBitmap.Image
End Function
Private Function gdipMonth.ImageUpdate(pSelectDate As Double) As GpImage Ptr
Dim sBrush As Any Ptr
Dim sPen As GpPen Ptr
Background(mWidth, mHeight, pSelectDate)
mUpdateBitmap.Initial(mWidth, mHeight)
mUpdateBitmap.DrawImage(mBackBitmap.Image, 0, 0)
Dim sLeft As Single
Dim sTop As Single
Dim sWidth As Single
Dim sHeight As Single
Dim sCelX As Integer
Dim sCelY As Integer
If mMouseX > 0 And mMouseY > 0 And mMouseX < mWidth And mMouseY < mHeight Then
sCelX = mMouseX \ mCellWidth
sCelY = mMouseY \ mCellHeight
If mShowControls Then
Select Case sCelY
Case 0 'control
sTop = 0
sHeight = mCellHeight
Select Case sCelX - IIf(mShowWeeks, 1, 0)
Case 6 'month inc
sLeft = sCelX * mCellWidth
sWidth = mCellWidth
mMouseLocate = 8
Case 5 'month dec
sLeft = sCelX * mCellWidth
sWidth = mCellWidth
mMouseLocate = 7
Case 4 'year inc
sLeft = sCelX * mCellWidth
sWidth = mCellWidth
mMouseLocate = 6
Case 3 'yeay dec
sLeft = sCelX * mCellWidth
sWidth = mCellWidth
mMouseLocate = 5
Case 2 'hide control
sLeft = sCelX * mCellWidth
sWidth = mCellWidth
mMouseLocate = 3
Case Else 'today
sLeft = 0
sWidth = mCellWidth * 2 + mWeeksWidth
mMouseLocate = 4
End Select
Case 1 'week
sLeft = 0
sTop = mCellHeight
sWidth = mWidth
sHeight = mCellHeight
mMouseLocate = 1
Case Else
sLeft = sCelX * mCellWidth
sWidth = mCellWidth
If CBool(sCelX = 0) And mShowWeeks Then 'weeks
sTop = 2*mCellHeight
sHeight = (mLineCount - 1) * mCellHeight
mMouseLocate = 2
Else 'days
sTop = sCelY * mCellHeight
sHeight = mCellHeight
mMouseLocate = 0
End If
End Select
Select Case sCelY
Case 0 'weekname
sLeft = 0
sTop = 0
sWidth = mWidth
sHeight = mCellHeight
mMouseLocate = 1
Case Else
sLeft = sCelX * mCellWidth
sWidth = mCellWidth
If CBool(sCelX = 0) And mShowWeeks Then 'weeks
sTop = mCellHeight
sHeight = mLineCount * mCellHeight
mMouseLocate = 2
Else 'days
sTop = sCelY * mCellHeight
sHeight = mCellHeight
mMouseLocate = 0
End If
End Select
End If
GdipCreateSolidFill(mBackAlpha(MonthFocus) + mBackColor(MonthFocus), @sBrush)
GdipFillRectangle(mUpdateBitmap.Graphics, sBrush, sLeft, sTop, sWidth, sHeight)
GdipCreatePen1(mForeAlpha(MonthFocus) + mForeColor(MonthFocus), mBorderSize, UnitPixel, @sPen)
GdipDrawRectangle(mUpdateBitmap.Graphics, sPen, sLeft, sTop, sWidth, sHeight)
End If
Return mUpdateBitmap.Image
End Function
Private Function gdipMonth.XY2Date(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Double
If CBool(y < (mCellHeight + mControlHeight)) Or CBool((x - mWeeksWidth) < 0) Then Return Now()
Return DateAdd("d", (y \ mCellHeight - (IIf(mShowControls, 1, 0))) * 7 + ((x - mWeeksWidth) \ mCellWidth) - mWeekStart - 8, mDayStart)
End Function
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