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emd 6.1.2 release note.txt 1.53 KB
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greedyhao 提交于 2019-05-03 10:40 . upload
Changes Notes - from MD6.1 to 6.12
- Fixed Hardware Calibration Offset register accel format
Previous implementation was saving the offsets in the accel offset registers in a scalre range of +-8G. After clarification the format should be saved in scale range of +-16G
- Fixed sometimes for 9-axis sensor fusion new data flag is not updated
In hal_outputs.c, there is a flag which indicates when there is new 9-axis data to be pushed into the MPL library to be built. Flag was looking into the wrong settings to be set.
- added gravity vector data output
Gravity vector will give on which axis the gravity is effecting on the accel. This way you can always see where the gravity is on the device
- Added ARM precompiled MPL libaries for IAR, Keil, and GCC 4.9.3
Precompiled MPL libraries using IAR and Keil compiler for M0, M0+,M3, M4, M4F. GCC libraries updated to GCC 4.9.3 and there are M0, M3, and M4 with no FP, softFP, and hardFP. GCC compiler settings are based on
GCC recommanded settings. You can choose which one fits best into their project.
- Fixed low power motion interrupt to set the LPF accel filters correctly
When going into low power motion interrupt mode, the LPF of the accel should be turned off. Previously it was not fully turned off wbecause need to set F_CHOICE bit. Now it turns off and restores correctly.
- Updated Documents
Updated all documents to MD6.12
- Removed STM32L M3 project
You shoud be able to use the M4 project and also the MPL libraries to port to other ARM MCU cores.
- Misc error messaging
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