/* thin.js - a light-weight web front-end framework,
Copyright (C)2018, Li Wei
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// 常用缩写 c=container,t=template,d=data;
function thin(routeTable) {
// thin.config = config; //保存配置
thin.href = thin.parseUrl(document.location.href); //初始化 thin.href;
thin.routeTable = routeTable;
$(function() {
// 捕获链接点击
$(document).on('click', 'a', function(e) {
if (thin.routeTo(e.currentTarget.href, false)) {
// 如果模板渲染成功
window.history.pushState(null, null, e.currentTarget.href);
} else {
window.location = e.currentTarget.href;
$(window).on('popstate', function(e) {
thin.routeTo(document.location.href, true);
thin.routeTo(document.location.href, true);
thin.global = {};
thin.routeTo = function(href, force_rerender) {
let target = thin.parseUrl(href);
if (target.origin !== thin.href.origin) { //如果路由目标的origin不同,则直接返回false,重新刷新页面.
return false;
} else {
thin.href = target;
thin.global.cookie = parseCookie();
thin.global.query = parseQuery();
thin.global.param = {}; //初始化参数容器.
//console.log({ token: thin.cookie.get('token1') });
return route(thin.href.pathname, thin.routeTable);
function parseCookie() {
let result = {};
document.cookie.split(';').forEach(function(item) {
if (m = /^([^=]+)=([^=]+)$/gi.exec(item)) {
//result[m.groups.name] = m.groups.value;
// if (m = /^(?<name>[^=]+)=(?<value>[^=]+)$/gi.exec(item)) {
// result[m.groups.name] = m.groups.value;
// }
return result;
function parseQuery() {
let result = {};
if (thin.href.search) {
thin.href.search.substring(1).split('&').forEach(function(item) {
// 暂时禁用,因ie不支持命名分组,这段代码需要重写。
// if (m = /^(?<name>[^=]+)=(?<value>[^=]+)$/gi.exec(item)) {
// result[m.groups.name] = m.groups.value;
// }
return result;
return undefined;
function route(path, routeTable) {
console.log({ path: path, routeTable: routeTable })
// 渲染当级模板
if (force_rerender || !routeTable.route) thin.render(routeTable.layout);
// 渲染子路由
let result = do_route();
// onload callback
if (routeTable.onload) routeTable.onload();
return result;
function do_route() {
if (routeTable.route) { //如果存在子路由表,则渲染之.
for (let key in routeTable.route) {
let routeItem = routeTable.route[key];
// 生成正则表达式
regstr = '^'.concat( //从头匹配起
(key === '/' && routeItem.route) ? '' :
key.replace(/:\w+/g, function(match) {
//param[match.substring(1)] = '';
return '(?<' + match.substring(1) + '>[^/]*)';
}), //匹配路径定义
routeItem.route ? '(?<subpath>.*)?' : '', //如果有子路由则匹配出子路径
'$' //匹配到结束
let reg = new RegExp(regstr, 'g');
let m = reg.exec(path);
if (m) { // 这里应渲染相应子路由.
if (m.groups) Object.keys(m.groups).forEach(function(key) { if (key !== 'subpath') thin.global.param[key] = m.groups[key] }); // 路径参数记录.
if (routeItem.route) {
route(m.groups.subpath || '/', routeItem);
} else {
route(undefined, routeItem)
routeTable.current = routeItem; // 记录当前路由
return true; //返回真,表示匹配到子路由,并退出路由渲染.
// 如果走到这里表示未匹配到子路由.
if (routeTable.route.default) {
// 这里应渲染默认路由
route(null, routeTable.route.default, true);
routeTable.current = routeTable.route.default; //记录当前路由
return true; // 返回真,表示匹配到默认路由,
} else {
routeTable.current = undefined;
// route(null, thin.routeTable.error, true);
thin.render(thin.routeTable.error, { error: 'path not routed.', message: '' })
return false; // 返回假表示未匹配到任何路由
return true;
thin.parseUrl = function(url) {
let m = /^((https?:)\/\/[^\/]+)([^\?]*)(\?(.*))?/.exec(url);
return ({
href: m[0],
origin: m[1],
pathname: m[3],
search: m[4]
thin.cookie = {
get: function(name) {
let m = document.cookie.match(name + '=(?<value>[^;]*)');
return m ? m.groups.value : undefined;
set: function(name, value) {
document.cookie = name.concat('=', value, ';');
thin.render = function(view, data) {
console.log(view, data)
if (Array.isArray(view)) {
view.forEach(function(v) { render(v); })
} else {
function render(view) {
if (typeof view == 'function') view();
else if (typeof view == 'object') {
Object.keys(view).forEach(function(selector, i) {
data: data,
template: view[selector]
} else {
console.log({ 'thin.render': 'unknow view define', view: view })
// V1.1
$(function() {
$(document).on("click", "tab-nav", function() {
// 标签切换
$("tab-nav", this.parentElement).removeClass("active");
// 调用标签函数
let fun = this.getAttribute("function");
if (typeof(window[fun]) === "function") { window[fun](); }
// 视图切换
var view = this.getAttribute("view");
if (view !== null) {
var mv = $(this).parents("multiview:first");
$("view", mv).removeClass("active");
$("view#" + view, mv).addClass("active");
render: function(p) {
if (!this[0]) {
console.log({ 'container not found': p });
let readyQueue = []; // 函数堆栈,用于将需要渲染完成后执行的操作压栈,并在渲染完成后执行。
if (!p.template || Array.isArray(p)) { // 语法糖,参数直接使用模板或者模板数组
render_by_templates({ c: this[0], t: p });
} else {
if (p.data === undefined) { p.data = {}; }
if (
Array.isArray(p.template) ||
Array.isArray(p.data) ||
typeof p.template === 'function' ||
Object.prototype.toString.call(p.template) === "[object Object]"
) {
c: this[0],
t: p.template,
d: p.data
} else {
this[0].data_of_thin = p.data; //将数据附加到容器。
render_by_templates({ c: this[0], t: p.template });
// 在这里把readyQueue中的函授逐个pop出来执行一遍。
let f;
while (f = readyQueue.shift()) { f(); }
function render_by_data(p) {
console.log({ pos: 'render_by_data', p: p });
if (Array.isArray(p.d)) {
p.d.forEach(function(d) {
render_by_templates({ c: p.c, t: p.t, d: d });
} else {
function render_by_templates(p) {
if (Array.isArray(p.t)) {
// 模板是数组的场景。
p.t.forEach(function(t) {
render_template({ t: t, c: p.c, d: p.d });
} else {
if (p.t) render_template(p);
function render_template(p) {
let container = p.c;
let datacontainer = nearest_datacontainer(container);
let data = p.d || (datacontainer ? datacontainer.data_of_thin : undefined);
let template = p.t;
pos: 'render_template',
p: p,
data: data,
template: template
if (typeof(template) === "string") {
// 模板是字符串的场景
let e = document.createDocumentFragment();
$(e).append(render_content({ t: template, c: container }));
} else if (typeof template === "object") {
//render_object_template({ c: p.c, t: p.t, d: p.d });
} else if (typeof(template) === "function") {
// let datacontainer = nearest_datacontainer(p.c);
let result = template({
container: container,
data: data
//data: p.d || (datacontainer ? datacontainer.data_of_thin : undefined)
if (result) {
let e = document.createDocumentFragment();
$(e).append(render_content({ t: result, c: container }));
} else {
// 不支持的场景。
function render_object_template() {
if (template.datapath && !p.d) {
// let data = datarover({
// container: p.c,
// path: p.t.datapath
// });
// let data = dataWalker(template.datapath);
// if (data !== null) {
// render_by_data({ c: p.c, d: data, t: p.t });
// }
render_by_data({ c: container, d: dataWalker(template.datapath), t: template })
if (template.data && !p.d) {
render_by_data({ c: container, d: p.t.data, t: template })
} else {
// let data_container = nearest_datacontainer(p.c);
if (p.t.if !== undefined) {
} else if (p.t.switch !== undefined) {
} else if (p.t.foreach !== undefined) {
} else if (p.t.tab) {
} else if (p.t.ajax) {
} else if (p.t.multiview) {
} else if (Object.keys(p.t)[0] === 'a') {
} else {
return template_object();
function getdata() {
if (p.t.data) {
return p.t.data
} else if (p.data) {
return p.data
} else return data_container.data_of_thin
function template_a() {
// render_object_template({
// c: p.c,
// d: p.d,
// t: {
// e: 'a',
// t: p.t.t || p.t.a,
// a: { href: p.t.a },
// class: p.t.class,
// event: p.c.event,
// click: p.t.click
// }
// });
c: p.c,
d: p.d,
t: {
e: 'a',
t: p.t.t || p.t.a,
a: { href: p.t.a },
class: p.t.class,
event: p.c.event,
click: p.t.click
function template_ajax() {
let thin_ajax_loading;
if (p.t.loading) {
thin_ajax_loading = document.createElement('thin_ajax_loading');
render_by_templates({ c: thin_ajax_loading, t: p.t.loading, d: p.d });
url: p.t.ajax,
data: p.t.query,
dataType: 'json',
contentType: "application/json",
method: p.t.method || 'post',
success: function(data) {
if (p.t.debug) console.log({ ajax: data });
if (thin_ajax_loading) { $(thin_ajax_loading).remove(), thin_ajax_loading = undefined };
render_by_data({ c: p.c, t: p.t.success, d: data });
error: function(error, statusText) {
if (p.t.debug) console.log({ error: error, statusText: statusText })
if (thin_ajax_loading) { $(thin_ajax_loading).remove(), thin_ajax_loading = undefined };
render_by_data({ c: p.c, t: p.t.error, d: error });
// container.thin_template = template; //锚定模板,以备rerender。
// let loading;
// if (template.loading) {
// loading = document.createElement("loading");
// container.appendChild(loading);
// thin.render_by_template(loading, template.loading);
// }
// container.thin_query = template.query;
// thin.ajax({
// url: template.ajax,
// data: JSON.stringify(container.thin_query),
// dataType: template.dataType || "json",
// contentType: template.contentType || "application/json",
// success: data => {
// if (template.debug) { console.log({ data }) };
// if (template.loading) thin(loading).remove();
// container.thin_data = data;
// thin.render_by_template(container, template.success);
// if (template.pager) render_pager(container, template.pager);
// },
// error: (error, statusText) => {
// //console.log({ error, statusText });
// if (template.loading) thin(loading).remove();
// if (template.error) {
// template.error.data = error;
// thin.render_by_template(container, template.error);
// } else {
// let err_template = { e: "error", t: "[[responseText]]", data: error }
// thin.render_by_template(container, err_template);
// }
// }
// });
function template_switch() {
//swtich 模板
let v = (typeof(p.t.switch) === "function" ?
container: p.c,
data: getdata()
}) :
render_content({ t: p.t.switch, c: p.c }));
if (p.t.case === undefined) {} else if (p.t.case[v] !== undefined) {
c: p.c,
t: p.t.case[v],
d: p.d
} else if (p.t.case.default !== undefined) {
c: p.c,
t: p.t.case.default,
d: p.d
function template_if() {
switch (typeof(template.if)) {
case "function":
if (p.t.if({ container: p.c, data: getdata() })) render_by_templates({ c: container, t: template.then, d: p.d });
else if (p.t.else) render_by_templates({ c: container, t: template.else, d: p.d });
case "string":
//let d = p.d || datarover({ path: p.t.if, container: p.c });
let d = dataWalker(template.if);
if (d) render_by_templates({ c: container, t: template.then, d: p.d });
else if (p.t.else) render_by_templates({ c: container, t: template.else, d: p.d });
if (p.t.if) render_by_templates({ c: container, t: template.then, d: p.d });
else if (p.t.else) render_by_templates({ c: container, t: template.else, d: p.d });
function template_foreach() {
let d = null;
if (typeof(template.foreach) === 'function') {
d = p.t.foreach({ container: p.c, data: p.d });
} else if (typeof(template.foreach) === 'string') {
// d = datarover({ container: p.c, path: p.t.foreach });
d = dataWalker(template.foreach)
} else if (Array.isArray(template.foreach)) {
d = template.foreach
if (d) render_by_data({ c: container, d: d, t: template.t });
function template_tab() {
let t = { e: "tab", id: p.t.tab.id, class: p.t.tab.class, t: [] }
for (let key in p.t.tab.nav) {
let nav = { e: "tab-nav", t: key }
if (typeof p.t.tab.nav[key] === 'function') {
nav.click = p.t.tab.nav[key];
} else {
nav.click = p.t.tab.nav[key].click;
nav.a = p.t.tab.nav[key].a || {};
nav.class = p.t.tab.nav[key].class;
if (p.t.tab.nav[key].hashpath) {
nav.a.hashpath = p.t.tab.nav[key].hashpath
nav.click = function(para) {
console.log({ click: para })
history.pushState(null, null, nav.a.hashpath);
} else {
nav.click = p.t.tab.nav[key].click;
// let ele = render_object_template({ c: p.c, t: t, d: p.d }); //获取渲染出来的tab元素
let ele = render_template({ c: p.c, t: t, d: p.d }); //获取渲染出来的tab元素
function switchtab() {
let activeindex = p.t.tab.default || 1
for (let i = 0; i < ele.children.length; i++) {
let regstr = new RegExp('^'.concat(ele.children[i].getAttribute('hashpath') || 'undefined$'));
// console.log(regstr);
if (document.location.hash.match(regstr)) {
// console.log('match');
activeindex = i + 1;
let key = Object.keys(p.t.tab.nav)[activeindex - 1];
$(ele.children[activeindex - 1]).addClass('active');
// console.log({ hash: document.location.hash, activeindex: activeindex, ele, key });
function popstatehandler() {
if ($(ele).parents('body')[0]) { //判断容器是否仍然存在于dom树中。
for (let i = 0; i < ele.children.length; i++) { // 先把所有标签的活跃标志清除
let f;
while (f = readyQueue.shift()) { f(); }
} else {
$(window).off('popstate', popstatehandler) //如果该节点已经不在文档树中,则解绑事件。
$(window).on('popstate', popstatehandler)
function template_multiview() {
function template_object() {
console.log({ pos: 'template_object', p: p });
// 模板是对象的场景
// 语法糖
if (!p.t.e) {
if (p.t.input) {
p.t.e = "input";
p.t.id = p.t.id || p.t.textarea;
p.t.name = p.t.name || p.t.input
} else if (p.t.textarea) {
p.t.e = 'textarea';
p.t.id = p.t.id || p.t.textarea;
p.t.name = p.t.textarea;
} else if (p.t.button) {
p.t.e = 'button';
p.t.t = p.t.t || p.t.button
} else if (p.t.select) {
p.t.e = 'select';
p.t.id = p.t.id || p.t.select;
p, t.name = p.t.name || p.t.select
} else if (p.t.div) {
p.t.t = p.t.t || p.t.div;
p.t.e = 'div';
} else if (p.t.img) {
p.t.e = 'img';
if (p.t.a) p.t.a.src = p.t.img;
else p.t.a = { src: p.t.img }
} else if (!p.t.e) {
p.t.e = Object.keys(p.t)[0];
p.t.t = p.t[p.t.e];
let element = document.createElement(p.t.e ? p.t.e : "div");
// if (p.t.data) {
// element.data_of_thin = p.t.data;
// } else if (p.d !== undefined) {
// element.data_of_thin = p.d; //数据附着到当前节点。
// }
if (p.d) { element.data_of_thin = p.d }
let data_container = nearest_datacontainer(element);
if (p.t.name !== undefined) { element.setAttribute("name", p.t.name); }
if (p.t.id !== undefined) { element.setAttribute("id", p.t.id); } //V1.1 设置ID
if (p.t.class !== undefined) { element.setAttribute("class", p.t.class); } //V1.1 设置class
if (p.t.width !== undefined) { element.style.setProperty("width", typeof p.t.width === "number" ? p.t.width + "px" : p.t.width); } //V1.1 设置宽度
if (p.t.height !== undefined) { element.style.setProperty("height", typeof p.t.height === "number" ? p.t.height + "px" : p.t.height); } //V1.1 设置高度
// 添加options
if (p.t.options !== undefined) {
if (Array.isArray(p.t.options)) {
p.t.options.forEach(function(o) { element.options.add(new Option(o)); })
} else if (typeof p.t.options === 'object') {
for (let key in p.t.options) {
element.options.add(new Option(key, p.t.options[key]));
} else if (typeof(p.t.options) === "string") {
p.t.options.split(",").forEach(function(o) { element.options.add(new Option(o)); })
// 设置选中值
if (p.t.selected !== undefined) {
$(element).val(render_content({ t: p.t.selected, c: element }));
//V1.1 设置值
if (p.t.value !== undefined) {
$(element).val(render_content({ t: p.t.value, c: element }));
//V1.1 数据绑定
if (p.t.bind) {
//let data_container = nearest_datacontainer(element);
if (data_container) {
let data = data_container.data_of_thin;
let patharray = p.t.bind.split('/');
for (let i = 0; i < patharray.length - 1; i++) {
data = data[patharray[i]];
$(element).val(data[patharray[patharray.length - 1]]);
$(element).on("change", function(e) {
let data = data_container.data_of_thin;
for (let i = 0; i < patharray.length - 1; i++) {
if (!data[patharray[i]]) {
data[patharray[i]] = {}
data = data[patharray[i]];
data[patharray[patharray.length - 1]] = $(element).val();
// interval 循环定时
if (p.t.timer) {
if (Array.isArray(p.t.timer)) {
p.t.timer.forEach(function(timer, index) { setTimer(timer) });
} else setTimer(p.t.timer);
function setTimer(timer) {
if (timer.interval && timer.do) {
if (!p.c.interval) p.c.interval = [];
p.c.interval.push(setInterval(intervalhandler, timer.interval));
} else if (timer.delay && timer.do) {
setTimeout(timeouthandler, timer.delay);
function intervalhandler() {
if ($(p.c).parents('body')[0]) { //判断容器是否仍然存在于dom树中。
timer.do({ container: p.c, data: nearest_datacontainer(p.c).data_of_thin })
} else {
p.c.interval.forEach(function(handler) { clearInterval(handler) });
delete p.c.interval;
function timeouthandler() {
if ($(p.c).parents('body')[0]) { //判断容器是否仍然存在于dom树中。
timer.do({ container: p.c, data: nearest_datacontainer(p.c).data_of_thin })
} else {}
// click 绑定click用户事件处理函数
if (p.t.click !== undefined) {
$(element).on('click', function(e) {
eventprocessor(e, p.t.click);
// event 绑定事件侦听器
if (p.t.event !== undefined) {
Object.keys(p.t.event).forEach(function(key) {
$(element).on(key, function(e) {
eventprocessor(e, p.t.event[key]);
function eventprocessor(e, handler) {
// e.stopPropagation(); // 阻止事件冒泡;
e.preventDefault(); // 阻止默认行为;
let data_container = nearest_datacontainer(e.target);
let new_data = {};
$("input,select,textarea", data_container).each(function(i, e) {
if (this.attributes["name"] !== undefined) {
let name = this.attributes["name"].value;
if (!new_data[name]) new_data[name] = $(this).val(); //bugfix: 只取第一个,后续的忽略。
$('*[contenteditable=true]', data_container).each(function(i, e) {
if (this.attributes["name"] !== undefined) {
let name = this.attributes["name"].value;
if (!new_data[name]) new_data[name] = $(this).text(); //bugfix: 只取第一个,后续的忽略。
if (typeof handler === 'function') {
sender: e.currentTarget || e.target,
type: e.type,
event: e,
org_data: data_container.data_of_thin,
new_data: new_data
} else if (handler.e) {
if (e.target.nextSibling && e.target.nextSibling.thin_dynflag) {
} else if (e.target.lastChild && e.target.lastChild.thin_dynflag) {
} else {
let freg = document.createDocumentFragment();
data: data_container.data_of_thin,
template: handler
freg.firstChild.thin_dynflag = true;
if (typeof handler.closeon === 'string') {
handler.closeon.split(',').forEach(function(ev, i) {
$(freg.firstChild).on(ev, function(event) {
// 添加在哪里?如果指定了after或者before选择器,则添加在指定位置,否则添加在当前元素后面。
if (handler.after) {
$(handler.after, data_container).after(freg);
} else if (handler.before) {
$(handler.before, data_container).before(freg);
} else if (handler.in) {
$(handler.in, data_container).append(freg);
} else {
// V1.1
switch (p.t.e) {
case "fieldset":
// V1.1 增加当e为fieldset时对title属性的支持
if (p.t.title) {
let legend = document.createElement("legend");
legend.innerText = render_content({ t: p.t.title, c: element });
case "field":
case "f1":
case "f2":
case "f3":
//V1.1 增加当e为field/f1/f2/f3时对title属性的支持
if (p.t.title) {
let label = document.createElement("label");
label.innerText = render_content({ t: p.t.title, c: element });
// t 渲染节点的内容
if (p.t.t) {
render_by_templates({ c: element, t: p.t.t })
//a 设置节点attribute
if (p.t.a !== undefined) {
Object.keys(p.t.a).forEach(function(key) {
if (typeof(p.t.a[key]) === "function") {
//let data_container = nearest_datacontainer(element);
container: element,
data: data_container ? data_container.data_of_thin : null
} else {
t: p.t.a[key],
c: element
//style 设置节点样式
if (p.t.style !== undefined) {
Object.keys(p.t.style).forEach(function(key) {
if (typeof(p.t.style[key]) === "function") {
//let data_container = nearest_datacontainer(element);
container: element,
data: data_container ? data_container.data_of_thin : null
} else {
t: p.t.style[key],
c: element
return element;
// 根据模板串和数据容器生成字符串
function render_content(p) {
let result = typeof p.t !== "string" ? p.t.toString() : p.t.replace(/\[\[[a-zA-Z0-9\-\./_]*\]\]/gi, function(m) {
// console.log({ p, m })
let path = m.replace("[[", "").replace("]]", "");
// return datarover({ container: p.c, path: path });
return dataWalker(path) || '';
// IE正则表达式不支持命名分组,暂时禁用。
// result = result.replace(/{{(?<path>[a-zA-Z0-9\-\./_]+)}}/gi, function(m) {
// let path = m.substring(2, m.length - 2);
// return globalrover(path);
// });
return result;
// 查找最近的数据容器
function nearest_datacontainer(container) {
while (!container.hasOwnProperty("data_of_thin")) {
if (!container.parentNode) return null;
container = container.parentNode;
return container;
function globalrover(path) {
let data = thin.global;
let pa = path.split('.');
for (let i = 0; i < pa.length; i++) {
let key = pa[i]
if (!data[key]) return undefined
else data = data[key];
return data;
// // @param { any } p 参数
// // p.path { sting } 查找路径
// // p.container { HTMLElement } 数据容器
// // @return { any } 返回查找到的数据数据
// function datarover(p) {
// let pa = p.path.split("/"); //路径数组
// let dp = nearest_datacontainer(p.container); //找到最近数据容器
// if (p.path === '.') {
// return dp.data_of_thin;
// }
// for (let i = 0; i < pa.length; i++) {
// if (pa[i] === "..") {
// if (isDOMElement(dp)) {
// dp = nearest_datacontainer(dp.parentNode); //上溯到上一个数据容器节
// } else {
// return null;
// }
// } else {
// if (isDOMElement(dp)) {
// //如果dp是文档节点,则从文档节点中取其包含数据为dp。
// if (dp.data_of_thin === undefined) {
// return null;
// } else {
// dp = dp.data_of_thin;
// }
// }
// if (dp === null) {
// return null;
// }
// if (pa[i] in dp) {
// dp = dp[pa[i]];
// } else {
// return null;
// }
// }
// }
// return dp;
// }
// // 判断一个对象是否dom element;
// function isDOMElement(obj) {
// return !!(obj && typeof window !== "undefined" && (obj === window || obj.nodeType));
// }
function dataWalker(path) {
let d = data,
c = nearest_datacontainer(container),
pa = path.split("/"); //路径数组
for (let i = 0; i < pa.length; i++) {
let key = pa[i];
switch (key) {
case ".":
return d
case '..':
c = nearest_datacontainer(c.parentNode);
if (c) { d = c.data_of_thin } else { return null; }
if (key in d) { d = d[key] } else return null;
return d;
function poplayer(p) {
var popmask = document.createElement("popmask");
popmask.style.zIndex = 1000;
var modaldialog = document.createElement("popdialog");
modaldialog.style.width = (typeof p.width === 'number') ? p.width + "px" : p.width;
var header;
if (p.header !== undefined) {
header = document.createElement("popheader");
var closeicon = document.createElement("closeicon");
closeicon.innerText = "✕";
closeicon.onclick = function() {
if (p.onclose !== undefined) {
closeicon.onmouseover = function() {
this.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=80)";
this.style.opacity = ".8";
closeicon.onmouseout = function() {
this.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=50)";
this.style.opacity = ".5";
var popcontainer = document.createElement("popbody");
switch (typeof p.height) {
case "string":
popcontainer.style.height = p.height;
case "number":
popcontainer.style.height = p.height + "px";
popcontainer.style.maxHeight = "600px";
popcontainer.style.overflowY = "scroll";
if (p.render !== undefined) {
p.render({ container: popcontainer });
} else {
data: p.data,
template: p.template
popDrag(header, modaldialog);
poplayer.close = function(element) {
//tobe done
console.log({ pos: "poplayer.close", element: element });
function popDrag(bar, target, callback) {
var popDragParams = {
left: 0,
top: 0,
currentX: 0,
currentY: 0,
flag: false,
resetPosition: function() {
var target_style_left = $(target).css("left");
var target_style_top = $(target).css("top");
if (target_style_left !== "auto") {
this.left = target_style_left;
if (target_style_top !== "auto") {
this.top = target_style_top;
bar.onmousedown = function(event) {
popDragParams.flag = true;
if (!event) {
event = window.event;
bar.onselectstart = function() {
return false;
var e = event;
popDragParams.currentX = e.clientX;
popDragParams.currentY = e.clientY;
document.onmouseup = function() {
popDragParams.flag = false;
document.onmousemove = function(event) {
var e = event ? event : window.event;
if (popDragParams.flag) {
var nowX = e.clientX,
nowY = e.clientY;
var disX = nowX - popDragParams.currentX,
disY = nowY - popDragParams.currentY;
target.style.left = parseInt(popDragParams.left) + disX + "px";
target.style.top = parseInt(popDragParams.top) + disY + "px";
if (typeof callback == "function") {
(parseInt(popDragParams.left) || 0) + disX,
(parseInt(popDragParams.top) || 0) + disY
if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); }
return false;
thin.jsonPath = function(obj, path) {
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