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input_shearLayer 5.50 KB
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Solver parameters
// 0: Euler/Navier-Stokes, 1:Advection/Adv-Diffusion
equation 0
viscous 1
// 0: Rusanov, 1: Lax-Friedrich, 2: Roe
riemann_solve_type 0
vis_riemann_solve_type 0
// 0: Isentropic Vortex, 1: Uniform flow, 2: Sine Wave
ic_form 12
// 0: Normal (doesn't have an analytical solution), 1:Isentropic Vortex, 2: Advection-Equation
test_case 0
order 3 // Order of basis polynomials
dt_type 0 // 0: User-supplied, 1: Global, 2: Local
dt 0.000001
CFL 3.5
n_steps 1000
adv_type 4 // 0: Forward Euler, 3: RK45, 4: RK56
tau 1.0
pen_fact 0.5
Mesh options
mesh_file shearLayer.msh
turb_model 0 //0: No RANS model, 1:SA model
LES 1 //0: No LES
filter_type 2 //0:Vasilyev high-order, 1:discrete Gaussian, 2:Modal Vandermonde
filter_ratio 2 //[1,2], 2 is recommended
SGS_model 1 //0:Smagorinsky, 1:WALE, 2:WALE-similarity, 3:SVV, 4:Similarity
wall_model 0 //0: No wall model, 1: Werner-Wengle, 2:Breuer & Rodi Three-layer
wall_layer_thickness 0.1 //used only when wall_model .ne. 0
Monitoring, plotting parameters
p_res 4 // Plotting resolution, # of nodes per direction
write_type 1 // 0: Paraview, 1: Tecplot
diagnostic_fields 5 u v mach pressure vorticity //Choose extra fields to be written to file:
// u v w energy pressure mach vorticity q_criterion. 0: No diag field
average_fields 0 //extra diagnostic fields written to file: rho_average u_average
//v_average w_average e_average. Set to 0 for no time averaged fields
spinup_time 0 // initial period (in seconds) until time averaging is started, if n_average_fields > 0
integral_quantities 0 //Choose integral diagnostics: kineticenergy, vorticity, pressuredilatation,
//straincolonproduct. Set to 0 for no diagnostics
monitor_integrals_freq 0 // Compute global integral diagnostics
inters_cub_order 9 // Order of cubature rule for integrating over element interfaces
volume_cub_order 9 // Order of cubature rule for integrating over element volumes
plot_freq 10
data_file_name Shear
restart_dump_freq 100000
monitor_res_freq 10
monitor_cp_freq 0 // specify output frequency of file containing cp point values on surface. 0: no output.
res_norm_type 2 // 1:L1 norm, 2:L2 norm, 0:infinity norm <not implemented>
error_norm_type 2 // 1:L1 norm, 2:L2 norm, 0:infinity norm <not implemented>
res_norm_field 0 // Density
Restart options
restart_flag 0 // 0: start from 0, 1: start from specified restart file
restart_iter 10000 // restart file to start from
n_restart_files 4 // number of restart files (=no. of MPI procs)
Element parameters
==== Tris ====
upts_type_tri 0
fpts_type_tri 0
vcjh_scheme_tri 1
c_tri 0.0
sparse_tri 0
==== Quads ====
upts_type_quad 0 // 0: Gauss, 1: Gauss-Lobatto
vcjh_scheme_quad 5 // 0: VCJH, 1: DG, 2: SD, 3: Hu, 4: c_+
eta_quad 0.0
sparse_quad 0
==== Hexs ====
upts_type_hexa 0
vcjh_scheme_hexa 0
eta_hexa 0.
sparse_hexa 0
==== Tets ====
upts_type_tet 1
fpts_type_tet 0
vcjh_scheme_tet 0
eta_tet 0.0
sparse_tet 0
==== Prisms ====
upts_type_pri_tri 0
upts_type_pri_1d 0
vcjh_scheme_pri_1d 0
eta_pri 0.0
sparse_pri 0
Fluid Parameters
gamma 1.4
prandtl 0.72
S_gas 120.
T_gas 291.15
R_gas 286.9
mu_gas 1.827E-05
Boundary conditions
==== Viscous ====
fix_vis 0 // 0: Sutherland's law, 1: Constant viscosity
Mach_free_stream 0.05
nx_free_stream 1.
ny_free_stream 0.
nz_free_stream 0.
Re_free_stream 10000.
L_free_stream 0.01
T_free_stream 300
T_wall 300
Mach_wall 0.
nx_wall 1.
ny_wall 0.
nz_wall 0.
T_wall 300
==== ABCs ====
n_ABC_Zone 4
sponge_tmp 24 -1 -0.5 -1 1 0 0 8.5 9 -1 1 0 0 -1.0 9.0 -1 -0.7 0 0 -1.0 9.0 0.7 1 0 0
ABC_Zone 6 -1 9 -1 1 0 0
ABC_Width 3 0.5 0.3 0
sponge_sigma0 2.0
outmosts 6 -0.916 8.916 -0.966 0.966 0.0 0.0 //used for setting brutally the vars to PML pseudo
plot_ABC 1
==== PMLs ====
n_PML_Zone 4
PML_tmp 24 -1.0 9.0 0.7 1 0 0 -1.0 9.0 -1 -0.7 0 0 -1 -0.5 -1 1 0 0 8.5 9 -1 1 0 0
PML_Width 3 0.5 0.3 0
CompCentre 3 4.0 0.0 0.0 //the center of the computation zone includes the PML region
sigmaMax 20.0
alpha 4.0
beta 0.2
outmosts 6 -0.916 8.916 -0.966 0.966 0.0 0.0 //used for setting brutally the vars to PML pseudo
plot_PML 1
==== PODs ====
POD 1 //POD=1, output cell vol for POD
==== Inviscid ====
rho_bound 1.
u_bound 1.0
v_bound 1.0
w_bound 0.0
p_bound 17.857142857142854098
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