同步操作将从 gastonfeng/ad7689 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
// Driver code for the Analog Devices AD7689 16 bit, 8 channel, SPI ADC.
// Will use default SPI port of the MCU as specified by the SPI.h header
// All functionality of the chip is currently supported, some of it is untested however
// Report bugs by opening a ticket on Github:
// This driver MAY also work for the similar chip AD7682, but this hasn't been tested.
// Code released under MIT license blah blah blah, use it however you wish, if it has been useful then let me know about your project at yannick [dot] verbelen [at] inventati [dot] org
#include "ad7689.h"
/* sends a 16 bit word to the ADC, and simultaneously captures the response
ADC responses lag 2 frames behind on commands
if readback is activated, 32 bits will be captured instead of 16
* [AD7689::shiftTransaction Sends a 16 bit word to the ADC, and simultaneously captures the response.
* ADC responses lag 2 frames behind on commands.
* If readback is active, 32 bits will be captured instead of 16.]
* @param command The 16 bit command to send to the ADC.
* @param readback True if readback is desired, otherwise False.
* @param rb_cmd_ptr A pointer to a variable to store the readback response.
* @return A 16 bit word received from the ADC, as response to the command from 2 frames ago.
uint16_t AD7689::shiftTransaction(uint16_t command, bool readback, uint16_t *rb_cmd_ptr) const {
// allow time to sample
uint16_t data = (yspi->transfer(command >> 8) << 8) | yspi->transfer(command & 0xFF);
// if a readback is requested, the 16 bit frame is extended with another 16 bits to retrieve the value
if (readback) {
// duplicate previous command
uint16_t res = (yspi->transfer(command >> 8) << 8) | yspi->transfer(command & 0xFF);
if (rb_cmd_ptr) {
*rb_cmd_ptr = res;
// delay to allow data acquisition for the next cycle
delayMicroseconds(TACQ); // minumum 1.2µs
return data;
// converts a command structure to a 16 bit word that can be transmitted over SPI
* [AD7689::toCommand Converts a command structure to a 16 bit word that can be transmitted over SPI]
* @param cfg A configuration set of type AD7689_conf holding the configuration settings.
* @return A 16 bit configuration command that can be sent to the ADC with shiftTransaction.
uint16_t AD7689::toCommand(AD7689_conf cfg) const {
// build 14 bit configuration word
uint16_t command = 0;
command |= cfg.CFG_conf << CFG; // update config on chip
command |= (cfg.INCC_conf & 0b111) << INCC; // mode - single ended, differential, ref, etc
command |= (cfg.INx_conf & 0b111) << INx; // channel
command |= cfg.BW_conf << BBW; // 1 adds more filtering
command |= (cfg.REF_conf & 0b111) << REF; // internal 4.096V reference
command |= (cfg.SEQ_conf & 0b11) << SEQ; // don't auto sequence
command |= !(cfg.RB_conf) << RB; // read back config value
// convert 14 bits to 16 bits, 2 LSB are don't cares
command = command << 2;
return command;
// assemble user settings into a configuration for the ADC, or return a default configuration
* [AD7689::getADCConfig Assemble user settings into a configuration for the ADC, or return a default configuration.]
* @param default_config True if the default configuration should be returned, False if user settings are to be used.
* @return Configuration set for the ADC.
AD7689_conf AD7689::getADCConfig(bool default_config) {
AD7689_conf def;
def.CFG_conf = true; // overwrite existing configuration
def.INCC_conf = INCC_UNIPOLAR_REF_GND; // default unipolar inputs, with reference to ground
def.INx_conf = TOTAL_CHANNELS; // read all channels
def.BW_conf = true; // full bandwidth
def.REF_conf = INT_REF_4096; // use interal 4.096V reference voltage
def.SEQ_conf = SEQ_OFF; // disable sequencer
def.RB_conf = false; // disable readback
if (!default_config) { // default settings preloaded
def.INCC_conf = inputConfig;
def.INx_conf = (inputCount - 1);
def.BW_conf = 000;
def.REF_conf = refConfig;
// sequencer disabled, remember to restart it when taking measurements
sequencerActive = false;
return def;
* [AD7689::readTemperature Reads the temperature of the ADC.
* This function is meant to be called if the ADC is *only* used as a temperature sensor.
* Whenever actual ADC values are read, temperature is read along with it, and returned directly.
* This function disables the sequencer.]
* @return Internal temperature of the ADC in °C.
float AD7689::readTemperature() {
AD7689_conf temp_conf = getADCConfig(false);
// set to use internal reference voltage
// this automatically turns on the temperature sensor
temp_conf.REF_conf = TEMP_REF == INTERNAL_25 ? INT_REF_25 : INT_REF_4096;
// configure MUX for temperature sensor
temp_conf.INCC_conf = INCC_TEMP;
// send the command
shiftTransaction(toCommand(temp_conf), false, NULL);
sequencerActive = false;
// skip second frame
shiftTransaction(toCommand(getADCConfig(false)), false, NULL);
// retrieve temperature reading
uint16_t t = shiftTransaction(toCommand(getADCConfig(false)), false, NULL);
// calculate temperature from ADC value:
// output is 283 mV @ 25°C, and sensitivity of 1 mV/°C
return calculateTemp(t);
* [AD7689::configureSequencer Enables the automatic channel sequencer of the ADC and turn on temperature measurements.]
void AD7689::configureSequencer() {
// load a new configuration with the setting specified by the user
AD7689_conf sequence = getADCConfig();
// turn on sequencer if it hasn't been turned on yet, and set it to read temperature too
sequence.SEQ_conf = SEQ_SCAN_INPUT_TEMP;
// disable readback
sequence.RB_conf = false;
// overwrite existing command
sequence.CFG_conf = true;
// convert ADC configuration to command word
uint16_t command = toCommand(sequence);
// send command to configure ADC and enable sequencer
shiftTransaction(command, false, NULL);
// skip a frame
shiftTransaction(0, false, NULL);
lastSeqEndTime = micros();
// remember that the sequencer is active to prevent unnecessary intializations
sequencerActive = true;
* [AD7689::readChannels Reads voltages as raw 16 bit ADC samples from selected channels. Temperature also read.]
* @param channels Last channel to read, starting at 0 to max. 7, in differential mode always read even number of channels.
* @param mode Input signal configuration mode: UNIPOLAR_MODE, BIPOLAR_MODE or DIFFERENTIAL_MODE.
* @param data Pointer to a vector holding the data, length depending on channels and mode.
* @param temp Pointer to a variable holding the temperature.
// 2017 08 14 update to try to fix micros() overflow bug
void AD7689::readChannels(uint8_t channels, uint8_t mode, uint16_t data[], uint16_t *temp) {
// if the sequencer insn't active yet, enable it
// occurs after self testing or at start-up
if (!sequencerActive)
uint8_t scans = channels; // unipolar mode default
if (mode == DIFFERENTIAL_MODE) {
scans = channels / 2;
if ((channels % 2) > 0)
uint32_t now = micros(),
nowPlus2Frames = now + +framePeriod * 2;
// read as many values as there are ADC channels active
// when reading differential, only half the number of channels will be read
for (uint8_t ch = 0; ch < scans; ch++) {
float v = shiftTransaction(0, false, NULL);
data[ch] = v;
if (now < lastSeqEndTime) { // micros() overflow
lastSeqEndTime = nowPlus2Frames;
if ((timeStamps[ch] < lastSeqEndTime) || timeStamps[ch] < now) { // micros overflow
timeStamps[ch] = nowPlus2Frames;
if (ch < 2) { // calculate time stamp based on ending of previous sequence for first 2 frames
timeStamps[ch] = (lastSeqEndTime < nowPlus2Frames) ? nowPlus2Frames : lastSeqEndTime -
(1 - ch) * framePeriod;
} else {
timeStamps[ch] = now; // - framePeriod * 2; // sequenceTime in µs, 2 frames lag
// capture temperature too
*temp = shiftTransaction(0, false, NULL);
tempTime = now; //micros() - framePeriod * 2;
lastSeqEndTime = now; // micros();
* [AD7689::calculateVoltage Calculate an absolute or relative voltage based on raw ADC input reading and specified voltage reference(s).]
* @param sample The sample to convert. A positive integer between 0 and 65535.
* @return Calculated voltage.
float AD7689::calculateVoltage(uint16_t sample) const {
return (sample * (posref - negref) / TOTAL_STEPS);
* [AD7689::calculateTemp Calculate the ADC temperature based on raw ADC input readin, using internal voltage reference.]
* @param temp The sample to convert. A positive integer between 0 and 65535.
* @return Temperature in °C.
float AD7689::calculateTemp(uint16_t temp) const {
// calculate temperature from ADC value:
// output is 283 mV @ 25°C, and sensitivity of 1 mV/°C
// calibration is still necessary, so until done properly, this function returns the raw ADC value instead of temperature
// preliminary test results:
// raw values range from 4260 at room temperature to over 4400 when heated
// need calibration with ice cubes (= 0°C) and boiling methanol (= 64.7°C) or boiling ether (= 34.6°C)
//return BASE_TEMP + ((temp * posref / TOTAL_STEPS)- TEMP_BASE_VOLTAGE) * TEMP_RICO;
return temp;
* [AD7689::initSampleTiming Reset time stamps for all samples and force an update sequence at the start of the next read command.]
* @return The current MCU core time.
uint32_t AD7689::initSampleTiming() {
uint32_t curTime = micros(); // retrieve microcontroller run time in microseconds
// set time for all samples to current time to force an update sequence
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_CHANNELS; i++)
timeStamps[i] = curTime;
tempTime = curTime;
return curTime;
* [AD7689::cycleTimingBenchmark Measures the time required to transceive a complete 16 bit frame, using the current CPU clock speed.
* This is required to generate accurate time stamps, if desired.
* Should be called once when starting the ADC, or whenever the clock frequency is changed (i.e. dynamic clock switching).]
// 2017 08 14 update to try to fix micros() overflow bug
void AD7689::cycleTimingBenchmark() {
const static uint32_t testTime = 10000; // 10 millisecond
uint32_t startTime = micros(); // record current CPU time
uint16_t data;
while (micros() < startTime + testTime); // give ourselves time for the test
startTime = micros();
// make 10 transactions, then average the duration
// dummy variable 'data' is assigned to emulate a realistic operation with the retrieved data
for (uint8_t trans = 0; trans < 10; trans++) {
data += shiftTransaction(toCommand(getADCConfig(false)), false, NULL); // default configuration, no readback
framePeriod = (micros() - startTime) / 10;
lastSeqEndTime = startTime;
/** AD7689::getInputConfig returns an inputConfig value according to the following truth table
* differential polarity inputConfig
* @param polarity uint8_t polarity value
* @param differential bool indcating differntial mode or not
* @return uint8_t inputConfig value according to truth table
uint8_t AD7689::getInputConfig(uint8_t polarity, bool differential) const {
uint8_t res;
if (differential) {
} else {
return res;
/** AD7689::getNegRef returns a negative reference value according to the following truth table
* polarity negref
* *
* @param posR float value indicating input positive reference
* @param polarity uint8_t polarity value
* @return float negative reference value according to truth table
float AD7689::getNegRef(float posR, uint8_t polarity) const {
return ((polarity == BIPOLAR_MODE) ? posR / 2.0 : 0);
/** AD7689::getRefSrc returns a reference source value according to the following truth table
* refS posR refsrc
* REF_INTERNAL anything else INT_REF_4096
* @param refS uint8_t refernece source value
* @param posR float positive reference value
* @return uint8_t refsrc value according to truth table
uint8_t AD7689::getRefSrc(uint8_t refS, float posR) const {
uint8_t res = INT_REF_4096;
if (posR == INTERNAL_25) {
res = INT_REF_25;
if (refS != REF_INTERNAL) {
return res;
/** AD7689::getPosRef returns a positive reference value according to the following truth table
* refS posR posref
* REF_INTERNAL anything else INTERNAL_4096
* !REF_INTERNAL anything posR
* @param refS uint8_t reference source value
* @param posR float value indicating input positive reference
* @return float positive reference value according to truth table
float AD7689::getPosRef(uint8_t refS, float posR) const {
float res = ((posR == INTERNAL_25) ? posR : INTERNAL_4096);
return ((refS == REF_INTERNAL) ? res : posR);
* [AD7689::constructor Create an instance of an AD7689 ADC. using YSPI]
* @param y Pointer to an instance of YSPI
* @param numberChannels The highest channel in use for the application, a value between 1 and 8.
* @return Instance of the ADC.
AD7689::AD7689(const YSPI *const y,
uint8_t numberChannels) : YADC(y),
inputConfig(getInputConfig(UNIPOLAR_MODE, false)),
negref(getNegRef(INTERNAL_25, UNIPOLAR_MODE)),
refsrc(getRefSrc(REF_INTERNAL, INTERNAL_25)),
posref(getPosRef(REF_INTERNAL, INTERNAL_25)),
//negref(getNegRef(INTERNAL_4096, UNIPOLAR_MODE)),
//refsrc(getRefSrc(REF_INTERNAL, INTERNAL_4096)),
//posref(getPosRef(REF_INTERNAL, INTERNAL_4096)),
// set default configuration options
void AD7689::begin() {
// start-up sequence
// give ADC time to start up
delayMicroseconds(TACQ); // miniumum 10 ns
delayMicroseconds(TCONV); // minimum 3.2 µs
// measure how long it takes to complete a 16-bit r/w cycle using current F_CPU for accurate sample timing
// reset sample time stamps and force an update sequence at the next read command
// sequencer disabled by default
sequencerActive = false;
uint16_t AD7689::acquire(uint8_t channel) {
uint32_t now = micros();
if (now <
timeStamps[channel]) { // micros() overflow !
timeStamps[channel] =
micros() + framePeriod * (TOTAL_CHANNELS - 1) + 1; // this will force a channel read, I hope!
if (now > (timeStamps[channel] + framePeriod * (TOTAL_CHANNELS - 1))) { // sequence outdated, acquire a new one
uint8_t cycles = 1;
if (channel < 2)
cycles++; // double sequence to update first 2 channels
// run 1 or 2 sequences depending on the outdated channel
for (uint8_t cycle = 0; cycle < cycles; cycle++)
readChannels(inputCount, ((inputConfig == INCC_BIPOLAR_DIFF) || (inputConfig == INCC_UNIPOLAR_DIFF)),
samples, &curTemp);
return samples[channel];
* [AD7689::acquireChannel Sample analog input signal along with its time stamp.]
* @param channel The channel to sample, between 1 and 8.
* @param timeStamp A pointer to a variable in which the time stamp should be stored.
* @return Measured voltage.
// 2017 08 14 update to try to fix micros() overflow bug
float AD7689::acquireChannel(uint8_t channel, uint32_t *timeStamp) {
uint32_t now = micros();
if (now <
timeStamps[channel]) { // micros() overflow !
timeStamps[channel] =
micros() + framePeriod * (TOTAL_CHANNELS - 1) + 1; // this will force a channel read, I hope!
if (now > (timeStamps[channel] + framePeriod * (TOTAL_CHANNELS - 1))) { // sequence outdated, acquire a new one
uint8_t cycles = 1;
if (channel < 2)
cycles++; // double sequence to update first 2 channels
// run 1 or 2 sequences depending on the outdated channel
for (uint8_t cycle = 0; cycle < cycles; cycle++)
readChannels(inputCount, ((inputConfig == INCC_BIPOLAR_DIFF) || (inputConfig == INCC_UNIPOLAR_DIFF)),
samples, &curTemp);
if (timeStamp) {
*timeStamp = timeStamps[channel];
return calculateVoltage(samples[channel]);
* [AD7689::acquireChannel Sample analog input signal along with its time stamp.]
* @param channel The channel to sample, between 1 and 8.
* @return Measured voltage.
// 2017 08 14 update to try to fix micros() overflow bug
float AD7689::acquireChannel(uint8_t channel) {
return acquireChannel(channel, NULL);
* [AD7689::acquireTemperature Measure temperature.]
* @return Temperature in °C.
// 2017 08 14 update to try to fix micros() overflow bug
float AD7689::acquireTemperature() {
if (sequencerActive) {
uint32_t now = micros();
// when the sequencer is active, check the time stamp of the last temperature sample and take a new measurement if outdated
if (now >
(uint32_t) (tempTime + framePeriod * (TOTAL_CHANNELS - 1))) { // temperature outdated, acquire a new one
readChannels(inputCount, ((inputConfig == INCC_BIPOLAR_DIFF) || (inputConfig == INCC_UNIPOLAR_DIFF)),
&samples[0], &curTemp);
} else if (now < tempTime) { // micros() have overflowed, start again
tempTime = micros();
readChannels(inputCount, ((inputConfig == INCC_BIPOLAR_DIFF) || (inputConfig == INCC_UNIPOLAR_DIFF)),
&samples[0], &curTemp);
return calculateTemp(curTemp);
} else {
// sequencer isn't active yet, fetch tempreature directly
return readTemperature();
// returns a value indicating if the ADC is properly connected and responding
* [AD7689::selftest Verifies that the ADC is properly connected and operational]
* @return True if the ADC works properly, False if errors were encountered.
* Check SPI connections if selftest fails repeatedly.
bool AD7689::selftest() {
// ADC will be tested with its readback function, which reads back a previous command
// this process takes 3 cycles
AD7689_conf rb_conf = getADCConfig(true);
rb_conf.RB_conf = true; // enable readback
// send readback command
shiftTransaction(toCommand(rb_conf), false, NULL);
// skip second frame
shiftTransaction(toCommand(getADCConfig(false)), false, NULL);
// capture readback response
uint16_t readback;
shiftTransaction(toCommand(getADCConfig(false)), true, &readback);
// response with initial readback command
bool res = (readback == toCommand(rb_conf));
if (!res) {
// selfTestFailed();
return res;
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