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flag.go 2.43 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package main
import "flag"
// 标准参数
var (
// 显示版本号
paramVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Show version")
// 工作模式
paramMode = flag.String("mode", "", "v2")
// 并发导出,提高导出速度, 输出日志会混乱
paramPara = flag.Bool("para", false, "parallel export by your cpu count")
// 并发导出,提高导出速度, 输出日志会混乱
paramCacheDir = flag.String("cachedir", "./.tabtoycache", "cache file output dir")
paramUseCache = flag.Bool("usecache", false, "use cache file enhanced exporting speed")
// 源文件变化列表, 未使用cache的文件
paramModifyList = flag.String("modlistfile", "", "output list to file, include not using cache input file list, means file has been modified")
// 输出日志语言
paramLanguage = flag.String("lan", "en_us", "set output language")
var (
// 导出代码中包/命名空间名称
paramPackageName = flag.String("package", "", "override the package name in table @Types")
// 导出代码中类型名
paramCombineStructName = flag.String("combinename", "Table", "combine struct name, code struct flagstr")
// 单文件导出
paramProtoOut = flag.String("proto_out", "", "output protobuf define (*.proto)")
paramPbBinaryOut = flag.String("pbbin_out", "", "output protobuf binary (*.pbb)")
paramPbtOut = flag.String("pbt_out", "", "output proto text format (*.pbt)")
paramLuaOut = flag.String("lua_out", "", "output lua code (*.lua)")
paramJsonOut = flag.String("json_out", "", "output json format (*.json)")
paramJsonTypeOut = flag.String("jsontype_out", "", "output json type (*.json)")
paramCSharpOut = flag.String("csharp_out", "", "output c# class and deserialize code (*.cs)")
paramGoOut = flag.String("go_out", "", "output golang code (*.go)")
paramBinaryOut = flag.String("binary_out", "", "output binary format(*.bin)")
paramTypeOut = flag.String("type_out", "", "output table types(*.json)")
paramCppOut = flag.String("cpp_out", "", "output c++ format (*.cpp)")
paramJavaOut = flag.String("java_out", "", "output java code (*.java)")
// 按表多文件导出
paramJsonDir = flag.String("json_dir", "", "output json format (*.json) to dir")
paramLuaDir = flag.String("lua_dir", "", "output lua format (*.lua) to dir")
paramBinaryDir = flag.String("binary_dir", "", "output binary format (*.bin) to dir")
paramPbBinaryDir = flag.String("pbbin_dir", "", "output binary format (*.pbb) to dir")
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