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docusaurus.config.js 16.63 KB
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// @ts-check
// Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion
import { themes } from 'prism-react-renderer';
const lightCodeTheme = themes.github;
const darkCodeTheme = themes.dracula;
// when true current version will be built
const nextVersion = process.env.BUILD_NEXT === 'true' ? ['current'] : [];
export default async function createAsyncConfig() {
const variablesPlugin = await import('./src/remark/variablesPlugin');
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */
const config = {
future: {
experimental_faster: false,
title: 'Calico Documentation',
tagline: 'Active, zero-trust based security for containers and Kubernetes',
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// Even if you don't use internalization, you can use this field to set useful
// metadata like html lang. For example, if your site is Chinese, you may want
// to replace "en" with "zh-Hans".
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'data-project-logo': 'https://www.tigera.io/app/uploads/2021/06/Tigera-orange.png',
"The Calico Docs AI answers questions based on what it finds in our product documentation. As with all AI solutions, it's a good idea to verify answers in the source material. ",
//"data-modal-example-questions": "Docs Calico use eBPF?,Get started with egress gateways",
'data-modal-ask-ai-input-placeholder': 'Ask me a question about Calico',
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// TODO: try to find a way to not specify a default instance
docs: {
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metadata: [
name: 'keywords',
'kubernetes,k8s,kubernetes security,container security,kubernetes networking,kubernetes monitoring,cwpp,cnapp',
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label: 'Calico Open Source',
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// className for product specific items must start with 'product-'
dropdownItemsAfter: [
type: 'html',
value: '<hr class="dropdown-separator" />',
to: '/archive',
label: 'All versions',
label: 'Tutorials',
// TODO: Marketing is building a page at /tutorials. Using self-paced-workshops as placeholder.
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/tutorials/',
position: 'left',
label: 'Certification',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/lp/calico-certification/',
label: 'Try Calico Cloud',
to: 'https://www.calicocloud.io/home',
position: 'left',
type: 'dropdown',
label: 'Use cases',
position: 'left',
items: [
label: 'Microsegmentation',
to: '/use-cases/microsegmentation',
label: 'Observability',
to: '/use-cases/observability',
label: 'Egress access controls',
to: '/use-cases/egress-access-controls',
label: 'Egress gateways',
to: '/use-cases/egress-gateways',
label: 'Cluster mesh',
to: '/use-cases/cluster-mesh',
href: 'https://github.com/projectcalico',
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'aria-label': 'GitHub repository',
footer: {
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title: 'Learn',
items: [
label: 'Documentation',
to: '/',
label: 'Events',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/events',
label: 'Resource center',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/resources',
label: 'Blog',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/blog',
label: 'Trade shows',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/lp/tradeshows',
label: 'Certification',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/lp/calico-certification',
label: 'Guides',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/learn/guides/kubernetes-monitoring',
title: 'Support',
items: [
label: 'Customer success',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/customer-success',
label: 'Support portal',
to: 'https://tigera.force.com/community/s/login/',
label: 'Security bulletins',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/security-bulletins',
label: 'Report a security issue',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/vulnerability-disclosure',
title: 'Open source',
items: [
label: 'Project Calico',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/project-calico',
label: 'Community',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/project-calico/community',
label: 'GitHub',
to: 'https://github.com/projectcalico',
label: 'Stack Overflow',
to: 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/project-calico',
label: 'Slack',
to: 'https://calicousers.slack.com/',
title: 'Company',
items: [
label: 'About',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/about',
label: 'Customers',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/customer-stories',
label: 'Partners',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/partners',
label: 'Newsroom',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/media',
label: 'Careers',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/careers',
label: 'Contact',
to: 'https://www.tigera.io/contact',
// TODO: Add appropriate icons and links
copyright: `
<div class='footer-copyright__title'>Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Tigera, Inc.</div>
<div class='footer-copyright__description'>Tigera is the creator and maintainer of Project Calico.</div>
<a href="#" onClick="Clym.showWidget('', '', event);">Privacy Center</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="Clym.showWidget('/requests/new/do_not_sell_my_information', '', event);">Do not sell or share my personal information</a>
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aria-label='YouTube channel'
target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'
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aria-label='Slack team'
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/** @type {import('@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs').Options} */
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current: {
label: 'Next',
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banner: 'unreleased',
3.29: {
label: '3.29 (latest)',
path: 'latest',
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3.28: {
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3.27: {
label: '3.27',
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editUrl: generateEditUrl,
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs').Options} */
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editCurrentVersion: true,
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//lastVersion: '3.19-2',
versions: {
current: {
label: 'Next',
path: 'next',
banner: 'unreleased',
'3.20-2': {
label: '3.20 (early preview)',
path: '3.20',
banner: 'unreleased',
'3.20-1': {
label: '3.20 (early preview)',
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'3.19-2': {
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'3.18-2': {
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path: '3.18',
banner: 'none',
3.17: {
label: '3.17',
path: '3.17',
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sidebarPath: './sidebars-calico-enterprise.js',
beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins: [variablesPlugin],
editUrl: generateEditUrl,
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs').Options} */
id: 'calico-cloud',
path: 'calico-cloud',
routeBasePath: 'calico-cloud',
editCurrentVersion: true,
//To see builds for unreleased versions, remove comments in the next line.
onlyIncludeVersions: [...nextVersion, '20-2'],
versions: {
current: {
label: 'Next',
path: 'next',
banner: 'unreleased',
'20-2': {
path: '/',
banner: 'none',
'20-1': {
path: '/',
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editUrl: generateEditUrl,
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routeBasePath: 'use-cases',
editCurrentVersion: true,
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versions: {
current: {
path: '/',
//To see builds for unreleased versions, remove comments in the next line.
sidebarPath: './sidebars-use-cases.js',
editUrl: generateEditUrl,
customFields: {
isTesting: process.env.TESTING || false,
return config;
function generateEditUrl(params) {
const { versionDocsDirPath, docPath } = params;
const baseUrl = 'https://github.com/tigera/docs/edit/main';
const url = `${baseUrl}/${versionDocsDirPath}/${docPath}`;
return url;
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