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pgf-umlcd.sty 9.88 KB
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% Start of pgf-umlcd.sty
% Some macros for UML Class Diagrams.
% Home page of project: http://pgf-umlcd.googlecode.com/
% Author: Xu Yuan <xu@informatik.hu-berlin.de>, Humboldt University, Berlin
% Style from: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/rational/r-uml/
\ProvidesPackage{pgf-umlcd}[2011/10/01 v0.3dev Some LaTeX macros for
UML Class Diagrams.]
\tikzstyle{help lines}+=[blue!50,very thin,dashed]
\tikzstyle{umlcd style}=[umlcolor, >=angle 90]
\tikzstyle{package}=[matrix, column sep=1mm, row sep=1cm, node distance=2cm]
\tikzstyle{packagename}=[rectangle, minimum height=2em]
\tikzstyle{umlcd style implement line}=[color=\umldrawcolor, open triangle 45-,dashed]
\tikzstyle{objectline}=[color=\umldrawcolor, diamond->]
\tikzstyle{umlcd style inherit line}=[color=\umldrawcolor, open triangle 45-]
\tikzstyle{splitline}=[color=\umldrawcolor, dotted,font=\itshape]
\tikzstyle{umlcd style class}=[rectangle split, rectangle split parts=3,
every text node part/.style={text centered},
draw, minimum height=2em, umlcolor, minimum width=2cm, text width=5cm,
minimum height=1cm, node distance=2cm]
\tikzstyle{umlcd style dashed line}=[color=\umldrawcolor, >=angle 90,dashed]
\tikzstyle{umlcd style school}=[]
\DeclareOption{school}{\tikzstyle{umlcd style school}=[rounded corners] \schooltrue}
% declare layers
\node[anchor=north, this umlcd style] (\umlcdClassName) at (\umlcdClassPos)
\node[anchor=north,this umlcd style] (\umlcdClassName) at (\umlcdClassPos)
{$<<$interface$>>$ \\ \textbf{\umlcdClassName}
\node[anchor=north, this umlcd style] (\umlcdClassName) at (\umlcdClassPos)
{$<<$abstract$>>$ \\ \textbf{\umlcdClassName}
\node[this umlcd style, anchor=north] (\umlcdClassName) at (\umlcdClassPos)
{$<<$static$>>$ \\ \textbf{\umlcdClassName}
% TODO: here the name of \umlcdClassName and \umlObjectName should be
% switched, it is only for reusing \classAndInterfaceCommon at the
% moment.
% customized
\def\umldObjectName{\umlcdClassName : \@instanceOf}
\node[anchor=north, this umlcd style, umlcd style school] (\umlcdClassName) at (\umlcdClassPos)
{ \ifschool
% calcuate the number of parts
\setcounter{umlcdClassSplitPartNum}{3}% three parts by default
\tikzstyle{this umlcd style}=[umlcd style class, rectangle split
parts=\umlcdSplitPart, #1]
%% connections
\foreach \c in \umlcdClassAbstractClass {
\draw [umlcd style inherit line] (\c) -- (\umlcdClassName);
\foreach \c in \umlcdClassInterface {
\draw [umlcd style implement line] (\c) -- (\umlcdClassName);
%% add to fit
\protected@xdef\umlcdPackageFit{\umlcdPackageFitOld (\umlcdClassName)}
\protected@xdef\umlcdClassAttributes{\umlcdClassAttributesOld \ \newline
\protected@xdef\umlcdClassOperations{\umlcdClassOperationsOld \ \newline
%\draw [umlcd style,#1] (#2) -- (#5)
% node[near start, auto]{#3}
% node[near start, auto, swap]{#4}
% node[near end, auto]{#6}
% node[near end, auto, swap]{#7};
% 耿楠修改(2020.02.08)
\draw [umlcd style] (#2) -- (#5)
node[midway, above]{$\blacktriangleleft$~#1}
node[very near start, above]{#3}%xshift=-0.5cm,
node[very near start, below]{#4}
node[very near end, below]{#6}
node[very near end, above]{#7};
\draw [umlcd style, ->, #1] (#2) -- (#5)
node[near end, auto]{#3}
node[near end, auto, swap]{#4};
\draw[umlcd style, open diamond->, #1] (#2) -- (#5)
node[near end, auto]{#3}
node[near end, auto, swap]{#4};
\draw[umlcd style, fill=\umldrawcolor, diamond->, #1] (#2) -- (#5)
node[near end, auto]{#3}
node[near end, auto, swap]{#4};
\node[umlcd style, draw, inner sep=0.5cm, fit = \umlcdPackageFit] (\umlcdPackageName) {};
\node[umlcd style, draw, outer ysep=-0.5, anchor=south west] (\umlcdPackageName caption) at
(\umlcdPackageName.north west) {\umlcdPackageName};
\tikzstyle{umlcd style school}=[]
\tikzstyle{umlcd style school}=[rounded corners]
\inheritsavedanchors[from=rectangle] % this is nearly a rectangle
% ... and possibly more
\backgroundpath{% this is new
% store lower right in xa/ya and upper right in xb/yb
\southwest \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
\northeast \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y
% compute corner of flipped page
\pgf@xc=\pgf@xb \advance\pgf@xc by-10pt % this should be a parameter
\pgf@yc=\pgf@yb \advance\pgf@yc by-10pt
% construct main path
% add little corner
\node[umlcd style, anchor=north, draw,shape=umlcdnote, text width=4cm, #1]
%%% End of pgf-umlcd.sty
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