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flatc.cpp 42.12 KB
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* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "flatbuffers/flatc.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "annotated_binary_text_gen.h"
#include "binary_annotator.h"
#include "flatbuffers/code_generator.h"
#include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
#include "flatbuffers/util.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
static const char *FLATC_VERSION() { return FLATBUFFERS_VERSION(); }
void FlatCompiler::ParseFile(
flatbuffers::Parser &parser, const std::string &filename,
const std::string &contents,
const std::vector<const char *> &include_directories) const {
auto local_include_directory = flatbuffers::StripFileName(filename);
std::vector<const char *> inc_directories;
inc_directories.insert(inc_directories.end(), include_directories.begin(),
if (!parser.Parse(contents.c_str(), &inc_directories[0], filename.c_str())) {
Error(parser.error_, false, false);
if (!parser.error_.empty()) { Warn(parser.error_, false); }
void FlatCompiler::LoadBinarySchema(flatbuffers::Parser &parser,
const std::string &filename,
const std::string &contents) {
if (!parser.Deserialize(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(contents.c_str()),
contents.size())) {
Error("failed to load binary schema: " + filename, false, false);
void FlatCompiler::Warn(const std::string &warn, bool show_exe_name) const {
params_.warn_fn(this, warn, show_exe_name);
void FlatCompiler::Error(const std::string &err, bool usage,
bool show_exe_name) const {
params_.error_fn(this, err, usage, show_exe_name);
const static FlatCOption flatc_options[] = {
{ "o", "", "PATH", "Prefix PATH to all generated files." },
{ "I", "", "PATH", "Search for includes in the specified path." },
{ "M", "", "", "Print make rules for generated files." },
{ "", "version", "", "Print the version number of flatc and exit." },
{ "h", "help", "", "Prints this help text and exit." },
{ "", "strict-json", "",
"Strict JSON: field names must be / will be quoted, no trailing commas in "
"tables/vectors." },
{ "", "allow-non-utf8", "",
"Pass non-UTF-8 input through parser and emit nonstandard \\x escapes in "
"JSON. (Default is to raise parse error on non-UTF-8 input.)" },
{ "", "natural-utf8", "",
"Output strings with UTF-8 as human-readable strings. By default, UTF-8 "
"characters are printed as \\uXXXX escapes." },
{ "", "defaults-json", "",
"Output fields whose value is the default when writing JSON" },
{ "", "unknown-json", "",
"Allow fields in JSON that are not defined in the schema. These fields "
"will be discared when generating binaries." },
{ "", "no-prefix", "",
"Don't prefix enum values with the enum type in C++." },
{ "", "scoped-enums", "",
"Use C++11 style scoped and strongly typed enums. Also implies "
"--no-prefix." },
{ "", "no-emit-min-max-enum-values", "",
"Disable generation of MIN and MAX enumerated values for scoped enums "
"and prefixed enums." },
{ "", "swift-implementation-only", "",
"Adds a @_implementationOnly to swift imports" },
{ "", "gen-includes", "",
"(deprecated), this is the default behavior. If the original behavior is "
"required (no include statements) use --no-includes." },
{ "", "no-includes", "",
"Don't generate include statements for included schemas the generated "
"file depends on (C++, Python, Proto-to-Fbs)." },
{ "", "gen-mutable", "",
"Generate accessors that can mutate buffers in-place." },
{ "", "gen-onefile", "",
"Generate a single output file for C#, Go, Java, Kotlin and Python. "
"Implies --no-include." },
{ "", "gen-name-strings", "",
"Generate type name functions for C++ and Rust." },
{ "", "gen-object-api", "", "Generate an additional object-based API." },
{ "", "gen-compare", "", "Generate operator== for object-based API types." },
{ "", "gen-nullable", "",
"Add Clang _Nullable for C++ pointer. or @Nullable for Java" },
{ "", "java-package-prefix", "",
"Add a prefix to the generated package name for Java." },
{ "", "java-checkerframework", "", "Add @Pure for Java." },
{ "", "gen-generated", "", "Add @Generated annotation for Java." },
{ "", "gen-jvmstatic", "",
"Add @JvmStatic annotation for Kotlin methods in companion object for "
"interop from Java to Kotlin." },
{ "", "gen-all", "",
"Generate not just code for the current schema files, but for all files it "
"includes as well. If the language uses a single file for output (by "
"default the case for C++ and JS), all code will end up in this one "
"file." },
{ "", "gen-json-emit", "",
"Generates encoding code which emits Flatbuffers into JSON" },
{ "", "cpp-include", "", "Adds an #include in generated file." },
{ "", "cpp-ptr-type", "T",
"Set object API pointer type (default std::unique_ptr)." },
{ "", "cpp-str-type", "T",
"Set object API string type (default std::string). T::c_str(), T::length() "
"and T::empty() must be supported. The custom type also needs to be "
"constructible from std::string (see the --cpp-str-flex-ctor option to "
"change this behavior)" },
{ "", "cpp-str-flex-ctor", "",
"Don't construct custom string types by passing std::string from "
"Flatbuffers, but (char* + length)." },
{ "", "cpp-field-case-style", "STYLE",
"Generate C++ fields using selected case style. Supported STYLE values: * "
"'unchanged' - leave unchanged (default) * 'upper' - schema snake_case "
"emits UpperCamel; * 'lower' - schema snake_case emits lowerCamel." },
{ "", "cpp-std", "CPP_STD",
"Generate a C++ code using features of selected C++ standard. Supported "
"CPP_STD values: * 'c++0x' - generate code compatible with old compilers; "
"'c++11' - use C++11 code generator (default); * 'c++17' - use C++17 "
"features in generated code (experimental)." },
{ "", "cpp-static-reflection", "",
"When using C++17, generate extra code to provide compile-time (static) "
"reflection of Flatbuffers types. Requires --cpp-std to be \"c++17\" or "
"higher." },
{ "", "object-prefix", "PREFIX",
"Customize class prefix for C++ object-based API." },
{ "", "object-suffix", "SUFFIX",
"Customize class suffix for C++ object-based API. Default Value is "
"\"T\"." },
{ "", "go-namespace", "", "Generate the overriding namespace in Golang." },
{ "", "go-import", "IMPORT",
"Generate the overriding import for flatbuffers in Golang (default is "
"\"github.com/google/flatbuffers/go\")." },
{ "", "go-module-name", "",
"Prefix local import paths of generated go code with the module name" },
{ "", "raw-binary", "",
"Allow binaries without file_identifier to be read. This may crash flatc "
"given a mismatched schema." },
{ "", "size-prefixed", "", "Input binaries are size prefixed buffers." },
{ "", "proto-namespace-suffix", "SUFFIX",
"Add this namespace to any flatbuffers generated from protobufs." },
{ "", "oneof-union", "", "Translate .proto oneofs to flatbuffer unions." },
{ "", "keep-proto-id", "", "Keep protobuf field ids in generated fbs file." },
{ "", "proto-id-gap", "",
"Action that should be taken when a gap between protobuf ids found. "
"Supported values: * "
"'nop' - do not care about gap * 'warn' - A warning message will be shown "
"about the gap in protobuf ids"
"(default) "
"* 'error' - An error message will be shown and the fbs generation will be "
"interrupted." },
{ "", "grpc", "", "Generate GRPC interfaces for the specified languages." },
{ "", "schema", "", "Serialize schemas instead of JSON (use with -b)." },
{ "", "bfbs-filenames", "PATH",
"Sets the root path where reflection filenames in reflection.fbs are "
"relative to. The 'root' is denoted with `//`. E.g. if PATH=/a/b/c "
"then /a/d/e.fbs will be serialized as //../d/e.fbs. (PATH defaults to the "
"directory of the first provided schema file." },
{ "", "bfbs-comments", "", "Add doc comments to the binary schema files." },
{ "", "bfbs-builtins", "",
"Add builtin attributes to the binary schema files." },
{ "", "bfbs-gen-embed", "",
"Generate code to embed the bfbs schema to the source." },
{ "", "conform", "FILE",
"Specify a schema the following schemas should be an evolution of. Gives "
"errors if not." },
{ "", "conform-includes", "PATH",
"Include path for the schema given with --conform PATH" },
{ "", "filename-suffix", "SUFFIX",
"The suffix appended to the generated file names (Default is "
"'_generated')." },
{ "", "filename-ext", "EXT",
"The extension appended to the generated file names. Default is "
"language-specific (e.g., '.h' for C++)" },
{ "", "include-prefix", "PATH",
"Prefix this PATH to any generated include statements." },
{ "", "keep-prefix", "",
"Keep original prefix of schema include statement." },
{ "", "reflect-types", "",
"Add minimal type reflection to code generation." },
{ "", "reflect-names", "", "Add minimal type/name reflection." },
{ "", "rust-serialize", "",
"Implement serde::Serialize on generated Rust types." },
{ "", "rust-module-root-file", "",
"Generate rust code in individual files with a module root file." },
{ "", "root-type", "T", "Select or override the default root_type." },
{ "", "require-explicit-ids", "",
"When parsing schemas, require explicit ids (id: x)." },
{ "", "force-defaults", "",
"Emit default values in binary output from JSON" },
{ "", "force-empty", "",
"When serializing from object API representation, force strings and "
"vectors to empty rather than null." },
{ "", "force-empty-vectors", "",
"When serializing from object API representation, force vectors to empty "
"rather than null." },
{ "", "flexbuffers", "",
"Used with \"binary\" and \"json\" options, it generates data using "
"schema-less FlexBuffers." },
{ "", "no-warnings", "", "Inhibit all warnings messages." },
{ "", "warnings-as-errors", "", "Treat all warnings as errors." },
{ "", "cs-global-alias", "",
"Prepend \"global::\" to all user generated csharp classes and "
"structs." },
{ "", "cs-gen-json-serializer", "",
"Allows (de)serialization of JSON text in the Object API. (requires "
"--gen-object-api)." },
{ "", "json-nested-bytes", "",
"Allow a nested_flatbuffer field to be parsed as a vector of bytes "
"in JSON, which is unsafe unless checked by a verifier afterwards." },
{ "", "ts-flat-files", "",
"Generate a single typescript file per .fbs file. Implies "
"ts_entry_points." },
{ "", "ts-entry-points", "",
"Generate entry point typescript per namespace. Implies gen-all." },
{ "", "annotate-sparse-vectors", "", "Don't annotate every vector element." },
{ "", "annotate", "SCHEMA",
"Annotate the provided BINARY_FILE with the specified SCHEMA file." },
{ "", "no-leak-private-annotation", "",
"Prevents multiple type of annotations within a Fbs SCHEMA file. "
"Currently this is required to generate private types in Rust" },
{ "", "python-no-type-prefix-suffix", "",
"Skip emission of Python functions that are prefixed with typenames" },
{ "", "python-typing", "", "Generate Python type annotations" },
{ "", "file-names-only", "",
"Print out generated file names without writing to the files" },
auto cmp = [](FlatCOption a, FlatCOption b) { return a.long_opt < b.long_opt; };
static std::set<FlatCOption, decltype(cmp)> language_options(cmp);
static void AppendTextWrappedString(std::stringstream &ss, std::string &text,
size_t max_col, size_t start_col) {
size_t max_line_length = max_col - start_col;
if (text.length() > max_line_length) {
size_t ideal_break_location = text.rfind(' ', max_line_length);
size_t length = std::min(max_line_length, ideal_break_location);
ss << text.substr(0, length) << "\n";
ss << std::string(start_col, ' ');
std::string rest_of_description = text.substr(
((ideal_break_location < max_line_length || text.at(length) == ' ')
? length + 1
: length));
AppendTextWrappedString(ss, rest_of_description, max_col, start_col);
} else {
ss << text;
static void AppendOption(std::stringstream &ss, const FlatCOption &option,
size_t max_col, size_t min_col_for_description) {
size_t chars = 2;
ss << " ";
if (!option.short_opt.empty()) {
chars += 2 + option.short_opt.length();
ss << "-" << option.short_opt;
if (!option.long_opt.empty()) {
ss << ",";
ss << " ";
if (!option.long_opt.empty()) {
chars += 3 + option.long_opt.length();
ss << "--" << option.long_opt << " ";
if (!option.parameter.empty()) {
chars += 1 + option.parameter.length();
ss << option.parameter << " ";
size_t start_of_description = chars;
if (start_of_description > min_col_for_description) {
ss << "\n";
start_of_description = min_col_for_description;
ss << std::string(start_of_description, ' ');
} else {
while (start_of_description < min_col_for_description) {
ss << " ";
if (!option.description.empty()) {
std::string description = option.description;
AppendTextWrappedString(ss, description, max_col, start_of_description);
ss << "\n";
static void AppendShortOption(std::stringstream &ss,
const FlatCOption &option) {
if (!option.short_opt.empty()) {
ss << "-" << option.short_opt;
if (!option.long_opt.empty()) { ss << "|"; }
if (!option.long_opt.empty()) { ss << "--" << option.long_opt; }
std::string FlatCompiler::GetShortUsageString(
const std::string &program_name) const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Usage: " << program_name << " [";
for (const FlatCOption &option : language_options) {
AppendShortOption(ss, option);
ss << ", ";
for (const FlatCOption &option : flatc_options) {
AppendShortOption(ss, option);
ss << ", ";
ss.seekp(-2, ss.cur);
ss << "]... FILE... [-- BINARY_FILE...]";
std::string help = ss.str();
std::stringstream ss_textwrap;
AppendTextWrappedString(ss_textwrap, help, 80, 0);
return ss_textwrap.str();
std::string FlatCompiler::GetUsageString(
const std::string &program_name) const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Usage: " << program_name
<< " [OPTION]... FILE... [-- BINARY_FILE...]\n";
for (const FlatCOption &option : language_options) {
AppendOption(ss, option, 80, 25);
ss << "\n";
for (const FlatCOption &option : flatc_options) {
AppendOption(ss, option, 80, 25);
ss << "\n";
std::string files_description =
"FILEs may be schemas (must end in .fbs), binary schemas (must end in "
".bfbs) or JSON files (conforming to preceding schema). BINARY_FILEs "
"after the -- must be binary flatbuffer format files. Output files are "
"named using the base file name of the input, and written to the current "
"directory or the path given by -o. example: " +
program_name + " -c -b schema1.fbs schema2.fbs data.json";
AppendTextWrappedString(ss, files_description, 80, 0);
ss << "\n";
return ss.str();
void FlatCompiler::AnnotateBinaries(const uint8_t *binary_schema,
const uint64_t binary_schema_size,
const FlatCOptions &options) {
const std::string &schema_filename = options.annotate_schema;
for (const std::string &filename : options.filenames) {
std::string binary_contents;
if (!flatbuffers::LoadFile(filename.c_str(), true, &binary_contents)) {
Warn("unable to load binary file: " + filename);
const uint8_t *binary =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(binary_contents.c_str());
const size_t binary_size = binary_contents.size();
const bool is_size_prefixed = options.opts.size_prefixed;
flatbuffers::BinaryAnnotator binary_annotator(
binary_schema, binary_schema_size, binary, binary_size,
auto annotations = binary_annotator.Annotate();
flatbuffers::AnnotatedBinaryTextGenerator::Options text_gen_opts;
text_gen_opts.include_vector_contents =
// TODO(dbaileychess): Right now we just support a single text-based
// output of the annotated binary schema, which we generate here. We
// could output the raw annotations instead and have third-party tools
// use them to generate their own output.
flatbuffers::AnnotatedBinaryTextGenerator text_generator(
text_gen_opts, annotations, binary, binary_size);
text_generator.Generate(filename, schema_filename);
FlatCOptions FlatCompiler::ParseFromCommandLineArguments(int argc,
const char **argv) {
if (argc <= 1) { Error("Need to provide at least one argument."); }
FlatCOptions options;
options.program_name = std::string(argv[0]);
IDLOptions &opts = options.opts;
for (int argi = 1; argi < argc; argi++) {
std::string arg = argv[argi];
if (arg[0] == '-') {
if (options.filenames.size() && arg[1] != '-')
Error("invalid option location: " + arg, true);
if (arg == "-o") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing path following: " + arg, true);
options.output_path = flatbuffers::ConCatPathFileName(
flatbuffers::PosixPath(argv[argi]), "");
} else if (arg == "-I") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing path following: " + arg, true);
} else if (arg == "--bfbs-filenames") {
if (++argi > argc) Error("missing path following: " + arg, true);
opts.project_root = argv[argi];
if (!DirExists(opts.project_root.c_str()))
Error(arg + " is not a directory: " + opts.project_root);
} else if (arg == "--conform") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing path following: " + arg, true);
options.conform_to_schema = flatbuffers::PosixPath(argv[argi]);
} else if (arg == "--conform-includes") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing path following: " + arg, true);
} else if (arg == "--include-prefix") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing path following: " + arg, true);
opts.include_prefix = flatbuffers::ConCatPathFileName(
flatbuffers::PosixPath(argv[argi]), "");
} else if (arg == "--keep-prefix") {
opts.keep_prefix = true;
} else if (arg == "--strict-json") {
opts.strict_json = true;
} else if (arg == "--allow-non-utf8") {
opts.allow_non_utf8 = true;
} else if (arg == "--natural-utf8") {
opts.natural_utf8 = true;
} else if (arg == "--go-namespace") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing golang namespace" + arg, true);
opts.go_namespace = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--go-import") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing golang import" + arg, true);
opts.go_import = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--go-module-name") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing golang module name" + arg, true);
opts.go_module_name = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--defaults-json") {
opts.output_default_scalars_in_json = true;
} else if (arg == "--unknown-json") {
opts.skip_unexpected_fields_in_json = true;
} else if (arg == "--no-prefix") {
opts.prefixed_enums = false;
} else if (arg == "--cpp-minify-enums") {
opts.cpp_minify_enums = true;
} else if (arg == "--scoped-enums") {
opts.prefixed_enums = false;
opts.scoped_enums = true;
} else if (arg == "--no-emit-min-max-enum-values") {
opts.emit_min_max_enum_values = false;
} else if (arg == "--no-union-value-namespacing") {
opts.union_value_namespacing = false;
} else if (arg == "--gen-mutable") {
opts.mutable_buffer = true;
} else if (arg == "--gen-name-strings") {
opts.generate_name_strings = true;
} else if (arg == "--gen-object-api") {
opts.generate_object_based_api = true;
} else if (arg == "--gen-compare") {
opts.gen_compare = true;
} else if (arg == "--cpp-include") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing include following: " + arg, true);
} else if (arg == "--cpp-ptr-type") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing type following: " + arg, true);
opts.cpp_object_api_pointer_type = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--cpp-str-type") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing type following: " + arg, true);
opts.cpp_object_api_string_type = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--cpp-str-flex-ctor") {
opts.cpp_object_api_string_flexible_constructor = true;
} else if (arg == "--no-cpp-direct-copy") {
opts.cpp_direct_copy = false;
} else if (arg == "--cpp-field-case-style") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing case style following: " + arg, true);
if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "unchanged"))
opts.cpp_object_api_field_case_style =
else if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "upper"))
opts.cpp_object_api_field_case_style = IDLOptions::CaseStyle_Upper;
else if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "lower"))
opts.cpp_object_api_field_case_style = IDLOptions::CaseStyle_Lower;
Error("unknown case style: " + std::string(argv[argi]), true);
} else if (arg == "--gen-nullable") {
opts.gen_nullable = true;
} else if (arg == "--java-package-prefix") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing prefix following: " + arg, true);
opts.java_package_prefix = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--java-checkerframework") {
opts.java_checkerframework = true;
} else if (arg == "--gen-generated") {
opts.gen_generated = true;
} else if (arg == "--swift-implementation-only") {
opts.swift_implementation_only = true;
} else if (arg == "--gen-json-emit") {
opts.gen_json_coders = true;
} else if (arg == "--object-prefix") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing prefix following: " + arg, true);
opts.object_prefix = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--object-suffix") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing suffix following: " + arg, true);
opts.object_suffix = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--gen-all") {
opts.generate_all = true;
opts.include_dependence_headers = false;
} else if (arg == "--gen-includes") {
// Deprecated, remove this option some time in the future.
Warn("warning: --gen-includes is deprecated (it is now default)\n");
} else if (arg == "--no-includes") {
opts.include_dependence_headers = false;
} else if (arg == "--gen-onefile") {
opts.one_file = true;
opts.include_dependence_headers = false;
} else if (arg == "--raw-binary") {
options.raw_binary = true;
} else if (arg == "--size-prefixed") {
opts.size_prefixed = true;
} else if (arg == "--") { // Separator between text and binary inputs.
options.binary_files_from = options.filenames.size();
} else if (arg == "--proto-namespace-suffix") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing namespace suffix" + arg, true);
opts.proto_namespace_suffix = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--oneof-union") {
opts.proto_oneof_union = true;
} else if (arg == "--keep-proto-id") {
opts.keep_proto_id = true;
} else if (arg == "--proto-id-gap") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing case style following: " + arg, true);
if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "nop"))
opts.proto_id_gap_action = IDLOptions::ProtoIdGapAction::NO_OP;
else if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "warn"))
opts.proto_id_gap_action = IDLOptions::ProtoIdGapAction::WARNING;
else if (!strcmp(argv[argi], "error"))
opts.proto_id_gap_action = IDLOptions::ProtoIdGapAction::ERROR;
Error("unknown case style: " + std::string(argv[argi]), true);
} else if (arg == "--schema") {
options.schema_binary = true;
} else if (arg == "-M") {
options.print_make_rules = true;
} else if (arg == "--version") {
printf("flatc version %s\n", FLATC_VERSION());
} else if (arg == "--help" || arg == "-h") {
printf("%s\n", GetUsageString(options.program_name).c_str());
} else if (arg == "--grpc") {
options.grpc_enabled = true;
} else if (arg == "--bfbs-comments") {
opts.binary_schema_comments = true;
} else if (arg == "--bfbs-builtins") {
opts.binary_schema_builtins = true;
} else if (arg == "--bfbs-gen-embed") {
opts.binary_schema_gen_embed = true;
} else if (arg == "--reflect-types") {
opts.mini_reflect = IDLOptions::kTypes;
} else if (arg == "--reflect-names") {
opts.mini_reflect = IDLOptions::kTypesAndNames;
} else if (arg == "--rust-serialize") {
opts.rust_serialize = true;
} else if (arg == "--rust-module-root-file") {
opts.rust_module_root_file = true;
} else if (arg == "--require-explicit-ids") {
opts.require_explicit_ids = true;
} else if (arg == "--root-type") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing type following: " + arg, true);
opts.root_type = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--filename-suffix") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing filename suffix: " + arg, true);
opts.filename_suffix = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--filename-ext") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing filename extension: " + arg, true);
opts.filename_extension = argv[argi];
} else if (arg == "--force-defaults") {
opts.force_defaults = true;
} else if (arg == "--force-empty") {
opts.set_empty_strings_to_null = false;
opts.set_empty_vectors_to_null = false;
} else if (arg == "--force-empty-vectors") {
opts.set_empty_vectors_to_null = false;
} else if (arg == "--java-primitive-has-method") {
opts.java_primitive_has_method = true;
} else if (arg == "--cs-gen-json-serializer") {
opts.cs_gen_json_serializer = true;
} else if (arg == "--flexbuffers") {
opts.use_flexbuffers = true;
} else if (arg == "--gen-jvmstatic") {
opts.gen_jvmstatic = true;
} else if (arg == "--no-warnings") {
opts.no_warnings = true;
} else if (arg == "--warnings-as-errors") {
opts.warnings_as_errors = true;
} else if (arg == "--cpp-std") {
if (++argi >= argc)
Error("missing C++ standard specification" + arg, true);
opts.cpp_std = argv[argi];
} else if (arg.rfind("--cpp-std=", 0) == 0) {
opts.cpp_std = arg.substr(std::string("--cpp-std=").size());
} else if (arg == "--cpp-static-reflection") {
opts.cpp_static_reflection = true;
} else if (arg == "--cs-global-alias") {
opts.cs_global_alias = true;
} else if (arg == "--json-nested-bytes") {
opts.json_nested_legacy_flatbuffers = true;
} else if (arg == "--ts-flat-files") {
opts.ts_flat_files = true;
opts.ts_entry_points = true;
opts.generate_all = true;
} else if (arg == "--ts-entry-points") {
opts.ts_entry_points = true;
opts.generate_all = true;
} else if (arg == "--ts-no-import-ext") {
opts.ts_no_import_ext = true;
} else if (arg == "--no-leak-private-annotation") {
opts.no_leak_private_annotations = true;
} else if (arg == "--python-no-type-prefix-suffix") {
opts.python_no_type_prefix_suffix = true;
} else if (arg == "--python-typing") {
opts.python_typing = true;
} else if (arg == "--annotate-sparse-vectors") {
options.annotate_include_vector_contents = false;
} else if (arg == "--annotate") {
if (++argi >= argc) Error("missing path following: " + arg, true);
options.annotate_schema = flatbuffers::PosixPath(argv[argi]);
} else if (arg == "--file-names-only") {
// TODO (khhn): Provide 2 implementation
options.file_names_only = true;
} else {
if (arg == "--proto") { opts.proto_mode = true; }
auto code_generator_it = code_generators_.find(arg);
if (code_generator_it == code_generators_.end()) {
Error("unknown commandline argument: " + arg, true);
return options;
std::shared_ptr<CodeGenerator> code_generator =
// TODO(derekbailey): remove in favor of just checking if
// generators.empty().
options.any_generator = true;
opts.lang_to_generate |= code_generator->Language();
auto is_binary_schema = code_generator->SupportsBfbsGeneration();
opts.binary_schema_comments = is_binary_schema;
options.requires_bfbs = is_binary_schema;
} else {
return options;
void FlatCompiler::ValidateOptions(const FlatCOptions &options) {
const IDLOptions &opts = options.opts;
if (!options.filenames.size()) Error("missing input files", false, true);
if (opts.proto_mode) {
if (options.any_generator)
Error("cannot generate code directly from .proto files", true);
} else if (!options.any_generator && options.conform_to_schema.empty() &&
options.annotate_schema.empty()) {
Error("no options: specify at least one generator.", true);
if (opts.cs_gen_json_serializer && !opts.generate_object_based_api) {
"--cs-gen-json-serializer requires --gen-object-api to be set as "
flatbuffers::Parser FlatCompiler::GetConformParser(
const FlatCOptions &options) {
flatbuffers::Parser conform_parser;
if (!options.conform_to_schema.empty()) {
std::string contents;
if (!flatbuffers::LoadFile(options.conform_to_schema.c_str(), true,
&contents)) {
Error("unable to load schema: " + options.conform_to_schema);
if (flatbuffers::GetExtension(options.conform_to_schema) ==
reflection::SchemaExtension()) {
LoadBinarySchema(conform_parser, options.conform_to_schema, contents);
} else {
ParseFile(conform_parser, options.conform_to_schema, contents,
return conform_parser;
std::unique_ptr<Parser> FlatCompiler::GenerateCode(const FlatCOptions &options,
Parser &conform_parser) {
std::unique_ptr<Parser> parser =
std::unique_ptr<Parser>(new Parser(options.opts));
for (auto file_it = options.filenames.begin();
file_it != options.filenames.end(); ++file_it) {
IDLOptions opts = options.opts;
auto &filename = *file_it;
std::string contents;
if (!flatbuffers::LoadFile(filename.c_str(), true, &contents))
Error("unable to load file: " + filename);
bool is_binary = static_cast<size_t>(file_it - options.filenames.begin()) >=
auto ext = flatbuffers::GetExtension(filename);
const bool is_schema = ext == "fbs" || ext == "proto";
if (is_schema && opts.project_root.empty()) {
opts.project_root = StripFileName(filename);
const bool is_binary_schema = ext == reflection::SchemaExtension();
if (is_binary) {
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(contents.c_str()),
if (!options.raw_binary) {
// Generally reading binaries that do not correspond to the schema
// will crash, and sadly there's no way around that when the binary
// does not contain a file identifier.
// We'd expect that typically any binary used as a file would have
// such an identifier, so by default we require them to match.
if (!parser->file_identifier_.length()) {
Error("current schema has no file_identifier: cannot test if \"" +
filename +
"\" matches the schema, use --raw-binary to read this file"
" anyway.");
} else if (!flatbuffers::BufferHasIdentifier(
contents.c_str(), parser->file_identifier_.c_str(),
opts.size_prefixed)) {
Error("binary \"" + filename +
"\" does not have expected file_identifier \"" +
parser->file_identifier_ +
"\", use --raw-binary to read this file anyway.");
} else {
// Check if file contains 0 bytes.
if (!opts.use_flexbuffers && !is_binary_schema &&
contents.length() != strlen(contents.c_str())) {
Error("input file appears to be binary: " + filename, true);
if (is_schema || is_binary_schema) {
// If we're processing multiple schemas, make sure to start each
// one from scratch. If it depends on previous schemas it must do
// so explicitly using an include.
parser.reset(new Parser(opts));
// Try to parse the file contents (binary schema/flexbuffer/textual
// schema)
if (is_binary_schema) {
LoadBinarySchema(*parser, filename, contents);
} else if (opts.use_flexbuffers) {
if (opts.lang_to_generate == IDLOptions::kJson) {
auto data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(contents.c_str());
auto size = contents.size();
std::vector<uint8_t> reuse_tracker;
if (!flexbuffers::VerifyBuffer(data, size, &reuse_tracker))
Error("flexbuffers file failed to verify: " + filename, false);
parser->flex_root_ = flexbuffers::GetRoot(data, size);
} else {
ParseFile(*parser, filename, contents, options.include_directories);
} else {
ParseFile(*parser, filename, contents, options.include_directories);
if (!is_schema && !parser->builder_.GetSize()) {
// If a file doesn't end in .fbs, it must be json/binary. Ensure we
// didn't just parse a schema with a different extension.
Error("input file is neither json nor a .fbs (schema) file: " +
if ((is_schema || is_binary_schema) &&
!options.conform_to_schema.empty()) {
auto err = parser->ConformTo(conform_parser);
if (!err.empty()) Error("schemas don\'t conform: " + err, false);
if (options.schema_binary || opts.binary_schema_gen_embed) {
if (options.schema_binary) {
parser->file_extension_ = reflection::SchemaExtension();
std::string filebase =
// If one of the generators uses bfbs, serialize the parser and get
// the serialized buffer and length.
const uint8_t *bfbs_buffer = nullptr;
int64_t bfbs_length = 0;
if (options.requires_bfbs) {
bfbs_buffer = parser->builder_.GetBufferPointer();
bfbs_length = parser->builder_.GetSize();
for (const std::shared_ptr<CodeGenerator> &code_generator :
options.generators) {
if (options.print_make_rules) {
std::string make_rule;
const CodeGenerator::Status status = code_generator->GenerateMakeRule(
*parser, options.output_path, filename, make_rule);
if (status == CodeGenerator::Status::OK && !make_rule.empty()) {
flatbuffers::WordWrap(make_rule, 80, " ", " \\").c_str());
} else {
Error("Cannot generate make rule for " +
} else {
// Prefer bfbs generators if present.
if (code_generator->SupportsBfbsGeneration()) {
CodeGenOptions code_gen_options;
code_gen_options.output_path = options.output_path;
const CodeGenerator::Status status = code_generator->GenerateCode(
bfbs_buffer, bfbs_length, code_gen_options);
if (status != CodeGenerator::Status::OK) {
Error("Unable to generate " + code_generator->LanguageName() +
" for " + filebase + code_generator->status_detail +
" using bfbs generator.");
} else {
if ((!code_generator->IsSchemaOnly() ||
(is_schema || is_binary_schema)) &&
code_generator->GenerateCode(*parser, options.output_path,
filebase) !=
CodeGenerator::Status::OK) {
Error("Unable to generate " + code_generator->LanguageName() +
" for " + filebase + code_generator->status_detail);
if (options.grpc_enabled) {
const CodeGenerator::Status status = code_generator->GenerateGrpcCode(
*parser, options.output_path, filebase);
if (status == CodeGenerator::Status::NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
Warn("GRPC interface generator not implemented for " +
} else if (status == CodeGenerator::Status::ERROR) {
Error("Unable to generate GRPC interface for " +
if (!opts.root_type.empty()) {
if (!parser->SetRootType(opts.root_type.c_str()))
Error("unknown root type: " + opts.root_type);
else if (parser->root_struct_def_->fixed)
Error("root type must be a table");
// We do not want to generate code for the definitions in this file
// in any files coming up next.
return parser;
int FlatCompiler::Compile(const FlatCOptions &options) {
// TODO(derekbailey): change to std::optional<Parser>
Parser conform_parser = GetConformParser(options);
// TODO(derekbailey): split to own method.
if (!options.annotate_schema.empty()) {
const std::string ext = flatbuffers::GetExtension(options.annotate_schema);
if (!(ext == reflection::SchemaExtension() || ext == "fbs")) {
Error("Expected a `.bfbs` or `.fbs` schema, got: " +
const bool is_binary_schema = ext == reflection::SchemaExtension();
std::string schema_contents;
if (!flatbuffers::LoadFile(options.annotate_schema.c_str(),
/*binary=*/is_binary_schema, &schema_contents)) {
Error("unable to load schema: " + options.annotate_schema);
const uint8_t *binary_schema = nullptr;
uint64_t binary_schema_size = 0;
IDLOptions binary_opts;
binary_opts.lang_to_generate |= flatbuffers::IDLOptions::kBinary;
Parser parser(binary_opts);
if (is_binary_schema) {
binary_schema =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(schema_contents.c_str());
binary_schema_size = schema_contents.size();
} else {
// If we need to generate the .bfbs file from the provided schema file
// (.fbs)
ParseFile(parser, options.annotate_schema, schema_contents,
binary_schema = parser.builder_.GetBufferPointer();
binary_schema_size = parser.builder_.GetSize();
if (binary_schema == nullptr || !binary_schema_size) {
Error("could not parse a value binary schema from: " +
// Annotate the provided files with the binary_schema.
AnnotateBinaries(binary_schema, binary_schema_size, options);
// We don't support doing anything else after annotating a binary.
return 0;
if (options.generators.empty() && options.conform_to_schema.empty()) {
Error("No generator registered");
return -1;
std::unique_ptr<Parser> parser = GenerateCode(options, conform_parser);
for (const auto &code_generator : options.generators) {
if (code_generator->SupportsRootFileGeneration()) {
code_generator->GenerateRootFile(*parser, options.output_path);
return 0;
bool FlatCompiler::RegisterCodeGenerator(
const FlatCOption &option, std::shared_ptr<CodeGenerator> code_generator) {
if (!option.short_opt.empty() &&
code_generators_.find("-" + option.short_opt) != code_generators_.end()) {
Error("multiple generators registered under: -" + option.short_opt, false,
return false;
if (!option.short_opt.empty()) {
code_generators_["-" + option.short_opt] = code_generator;
if (!option.long_opt.empty() &&
code_generators_.find("--" + option.long_opt) != code_generators_.end()) {
Error("multiple generators registered under: --" + option.long_opt, false,
return false;
if (!option.long_opt.empty()) {
code_generators_["--" + option.long_opt] = code_generator;
return true;
} // namespace flatbuffers
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