Fetch the repository succeeded.
This action will force synchronization from qd-today/qd, which will overwrite any changes that you have made since you forked the repository, and can not be recovered!!!
Synchronous operation will process in the background and will refresh the page when finishing processing. Please be patient.
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 ff=unix fenc=utf8:
# Author: Binux<i@binux.me>
# http://binux.me
# Created on 2014-08-09 14:43:13
import asyncio
import datetime
import json
import time
import traceback
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.log
from tornado import gen
import config
from db import DB
from libs.fetcher import Fetcher
from libs.funcs import cal, pusher
from libs.log import Log
from libs.parse_url import parse_url
logger_Worker = Log('qiandao.Worker').getlogger()
class BaseWorker(object):
def __init__(self, db=DB()):
self.running = False
self.db = db
self.fetcher = Fetcher()
async def ClearLog(self, taskid, sql_session=None):
logDay = int((await self.db.site.get(1, fields=('logDay',), sql_session=sql_session))['logDay'])
for log in await self.db.tasklog.list(taskid = taskid, fields=('id', 'ctime'), sql_session=sql_session):
if (time.time() - log['ctime']) > (logDay * 24 * 60 * 60):
await self.db.tasklog.delete(log['id'], sql_session=sql_session)
async def push_batch(self):
async with self.db.transaction() as sql_session:
userlist = await self.db.user.list(fields=('id', 'email', 'status', 'push_batch'), sql_session=sql_session)
pushtool = pusher(self.db, sql_session=sql_session)
if userlist:
for user in userlist:
userid = user['id']
push_batch = json.loads(user['push_batch'])
if user['status'] == "Enable" and push_batch["sw"] and isinstance(push_batch['time'],(float,int)) and time.time() >= push_batch['time']:
logger_Worker.debug('User %d check push_batch task, waiting...' % userid)
title = u"定期签到日志推送"
delta = push_batch.get("delta", 86400)
logtemp = "{}".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(push_batch['time'])))
tmpdict = {}
tmp = ""
numlog = 0
task_list = await self.db.task.list(userid=userid, fields=('id', 'tplid', 'note', 'disabled', 'last_success', 'last_failed', 'pushsw'), sql_session=sql_session)
for task in task_list:
pushsw = json.loads(task['pushsw'])
if pushsw["pushen"] and (task["disabled"] == 0 or (task.get("last_success", 0) and task.get("last_success", 0) >= push_batch['time']-delta) or (task.get("last_failed", 0) and task.get("last_failed", 0) >= push_batch['time']-delta)):
tmp0 = ""
tasklog_list = await self.db.tasklog.list(taskid=task["id"], fields=('success', 'ctime', 'msg'), sql_session=sql_session)
for log in tasklog_list:
if (push_batch['time'] - delta) < log['ctime'] <= push_batch['time']:
tmp0 += "\\r\\n时间: {}\\r\\n日志: {}".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(log['ctime'])), log['msg'])
numlog += 1
tmplist = tmpdict.get(task['tplid'],[])
if tmp0:
tmplist.append("\\r\\n-----任务{0}-{1}-----{2}\\r\\n".format(len(tmplist)+1, task['note'], tmp0))
tmplist.append("\\r\\n-----任务{0}-{1}-----\\r\\n记录期间未执行签到,请检查任务! \\r\\n".format(len(tmplist)+1, task['note']))
tmpdict[task['tplid']] = tmplist
for tmpkey in tmpdict:
tmp = "\\r\\n\\r\\n=====签到: {0}=====".format((await self.db.tpl.get(tmpkey, fields=('sitename',), sql_session=sql_session))['sitename'])
tmp += ''.join(tmpdict[tmpkey])
logtemp += tmp
push_batch["time"] = push_batch['time'] + delta
await self.db.user.mod(userid, push_batch=json.dumps(push_batch), sql_session=sql_session)
if tmp and numlog:
user_email = user.get('email','Unkown')
logger_Worker.debug("Start push batch log for user {}, email:{}".format(userid,user_email))
await pushtool.pusher(userid, {"pushen": bool(push_batch.get("sw",False))}, 4080, title, logtemp)
logger_Worker.info("Success push batch log for user {}, email:{}".format(userid,user_email))
logger_Worker.debug('User %d does not need to perform push_batch task, stop.' % userid)
except Exception as e:
if config.traceback_print:
logger_Worker.error('Push batch task failed: {}'.format(str(e)))
def failed_count_to_time(last_failed_count, retry_count=8, retry_interval=None, interval=None):
next = None
if last_failed_count < retry_count or retry_count == -1:
if retry_interval:
next = retry_interval
if last_failed_count == 0:
next = 10 * 60
elif last_failed_count == 1:
next = 110 * 60
elif last_failed_count == 2:
next = 4 * 60 * 60
elif last_failed_count == 3:
next = 6 * 60 * 60
elif last_failed_count < retry_count or retry_count == -1:
next = 11 * 60 * 60
next = None
elif retry_count == 0:
next = None
if interval is None:
interval = 24 * 60 * 60
if next:
next = min(next, interval / 2)
return next
def fix_next_time(next, gmt_offset=-8*60):
date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(next)
local_date = date - datetime.timedelta(minutes=gmt_offset)
if local_date.hour < 2:
next += 2 * 60 * 60
if local_date.hour > 21:
next -= 3 * 60 * 60
return next
def is_tommorrow(next, gmt_offset=-8*60):
date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(next)
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
local_date = date - datetime.timedelta(minutes=gmt_offset)
local_now = now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=gmt_offset)
local_tomorrow = local_now + datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
if local_date.day == local_tomorrow.day and not now.hour > 22:
return True
elif local_date.hour > 22:
return True
return False
async def do(self, task):
async with self.db.transaction() as sql_session:
user = await self.db.user.get(task['userid'], fields=('id', 'email', 'email_verified', 'nickname', 'logtime'), sql_session=sql_session)
tpl = await self.db.tpl.get(task['tplid'], fields=('id', 'userid', 'sitename', 'siteurl', 'tpl', 'interval', 'last_success'), sql_session=sql_session)
newontime = json.loads(task["newontime"])
pushtool = pusher(self.db, sql_session=sql_session)
caltool = cal()
logtime = json.loads(user['logtime'])
pushsw = json.loads(task['pushsw'])
if 'ErrTolerateCnt' not in logtime:logtime['ErrTolerateCnt'] = 0
if task['disabled']:
await self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], False, msg='task disabled.', sql_session=sql_session)
await self.db.task.mod(task['id'], next=None, disabled=1, sql_session=sql_session)
return False
if not user:
await self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], False, msg='no such user, disabled.', sql_session=sql_session)
await self.db.task.mod(task['id'], next=None, disabled=1, sql_session=sql_session)
return False
if not tpl:
await self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], False, msg='tpl missing, task disabled.', sql_session=sql_session)
await self.db.task.mod(task['id'], next=None, disabled=1, sql_session=sql_session)
return False
if tpl['userid'] and tpl['userid'] != user['id']:
await self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], False, msg='no permission error, task disabled.', sql_session=sql_session)
await self.db.task.mod(task['id'], next=None, disabled=1, sql_session=sql_session)
return False
start = time.perf_counter()
fetch_tpl = await self.db.user.decrypt(0 if not tpl['userid'] else task['userid'], tpl['tpl'], sql_session=sql_session)
env = dict(
variables = await self.db.user.decrypt(task['userid'], task['init_env'], sql_session=sql_session),
session = [],
url = parse_url(env['variables'].get('_proxy'))
if not url:
new_env = await self.fetcher.do_fetch(fetch_tpl, env)
proxy = {
'scheme': url['scheme'],
'host': url['host'],
'port': url['port'],
'username': url['username'],
'password': url['password']
new_env = await self.fetcher.do_fetch(fetch_tpl, env, [proxy])
variables = await self.db.user.encrypt(task['userid'], new_env['variables'], sql_session=sql_session)
session = await self.db.user.encrypt(task['userid'],
new_env['session'].to_json() if hasattr(new_env['session'], 'to_json') else new_env['session'], sql_session=sql_session)
# TODO next not mid night
if (newontime['sw']):
if ('mode' not in newontime):
newontime['mode'] = 'ontime'
if (newontime['mode'] == 'ontime'):
newontime['date'] = (datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
next = caltool.calNextTs(newontime)['ts']
next = time.time() + max((tpl['interval'] if tpl['interval'] else 24 * 60 * 60), 1*60)
if tpl['interval'] is None:
next = self.fix_next_time(next)
# success feedback
await self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], success=True, msg=new_env['variables'].get('__log__'), sql_session=sql_session)
await self.db.task.mod(task['id'],
await self.db.tpl.incr_success(tpl['id'], sql_session=sql_session)
t = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
title = u"签到任务 {0}-{1} 成功".format(tpl['sitename'], task['note'])
logtemp = new_env['variables'].get('__log__')
logtemp = u"{0} \\r\\n日志:{1}".format(t, logtemp)
await pushtool.pusher(user['id'], pushsw, 0x2, title, logtemp)
logger_Worker.info('taskid:%d tplid:%d successed! %.5fs', task['id'], task['tplid'], time.perf_counter()-start)
# delete log
await self.ClearLog(task['id'],sql_session=sql_session)
logger_Worker.info('taskid:%d tplid:%d clear log.', task['id'], task['tplid'])
except Exception as e:
# failed feedback
if config.traceback_print:
next_time_delta = self.failed_count_to_time(task['last_failed_count'], task['retry_count'], task['retry_interval'], tpl['interval'])
t = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
title = u"签到任务 {0}-{1} 失败".format(tpl['sitename'], task['note'])
content = u"{0} \\r\\n日志:{1}".format(t, str(e))
disabled = False
if next_time_delta:
next = time.time() + next_time_delta
content = content + u" \\r\\n下次运行时间:{0}".format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(next)))
if (logtime['ErrTolerateCnt'] <= task['last_failed_count']):
await pushtool.pusher(user['id'], pushsw, 0x1, title, content)
disabled = True
next = None
content = u" \\r\\n任务已禁用"
await pushtool.pusher(user['id'], pushsw, 0x1, title, content)
await self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], success=False, msg=str(e), sql_session=sql_session)
await self.db.task.mod(task['id'],
disabled = disabled,
mtime = time.time(),
await self.db.tpl.incr_failed(tpl['id'], sql_session=sql_session)
logger_Worker.error('taskid:%d tplid:%d failed! %.4fs \r\n%s', task['id'], task['tplid'], time.perf_counter()-start, str(e).replace('\\r\\n','\r\n'))
return False
return True
class QueueWorker(BaseWorker):
def __init__(self, db=DB()):
logger_Worker.info('Queue Worker start...')
self.queue = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=config.queue_num)
self.task_lock = {}
self.success = 0
self.failed = 0
async def __call__(self):
for i in range(config.queue_num):
while True:
sleep = asyncio.sleep( config.push_batch_delta )
if self.success or self.failed:
logger_Worker.info('Last %d seconds, %d task done. %d success, %d failed' % (config.push_batch_delta, self.success+self.failed, self.success, self.failed))
self.success = 0
self.failed = 0
if config.push_batch_sw:
await self.push_batch()
await sleep
async def runner(self,id):
logger_Worker.debug('Runner %d started' % id)
while True:
sleep = asyncio.sleep(config.check_task_loop/1000.0)
task = await self.queue.get()
logger_Worker.debug('Runner %d get task: %s, running...' % (id, task['id']))
done = False
done = await self.do(task)
except Exception as e:
logger_Worker.error('Runner %d get task: %s, failed! %s' % (id, task['id'], str(e)))
if config.traceback_print:
if done:
self.success += 1
self.task_lock.pop(task['id'], None)
self.failed += 1
self.task_lock[task['id']] = False
await sleep
async def producer(self):
logger_Worker.debug('Schedule Producer started')
while True:
sleep = asyncio.sleep(config.check_task_loop/1000.0)
tasks = await self.db.task.scan()
unlock_tasks = 0
if tasks is not None and len(tasks) > 0:
for task in tasks:
if not self.task_lock.get(task['id'], False):
self.task_lock[task['id']] = True
unlock_tasks += 1
await self.queue.put(task)
if unlock_tasks > 0:
logger_Worker.debug('Scaned %d task, put in Queue...' % unlock_tasks)
except Exception as e:
logger_Worker.error('Schedule Producer get tasks failed! %s' % str(e))
if config.traceback_print:
await sleep
# 旧版本批量任务定时执行
# 建议仅当新版 Queue 生产者消费者定时执行功能失效时使用
class BatchWorker(BaseWorker):
def __init__(self, db=DB()):
logger_Worker.info('Batch Worker start...')
def __call__(self):
# self.running = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().spawn_callback(self.run)
# if self.running:
# success, failed = self.running
# if success or failed:
# logger_Worker.info('%d task done. %d success, %d failed' % (success+failed, success, failed))
if self.running:
self.running = gen.convert_yielded(self.run())
def done(future: asyncio.Future):
self.running = None
success, failed = future.result()
if success or failed:
logger_Worker.info('%d task done. %d success, %d failed' % (success+failed, success, failed))
async def run(self):
running = []
success = 0
failed = 0
tasks = await self.db.task.scan()
if tasks is not None and len(tasks) > 0:
for task in tasks:
if len(running) >= 50:
logger_Worker.debug('scaned %d task, waiting...', len(running))
result = await asyncio.gather(*running[:10])
for each in result:
if each:
success += 1
failed += 1
running = running[10:]
logger_Worker.debug('scaned %d task, waiting...', len(running))
result = await asyncio.gather(*running)
for each in result:
if each:
success += 1
failed += 1
if config.push_batch_sw:
await self.push_batch()
except Exception as e:
return (success, failed)
if __name__ == '__main__':
io_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
if config.worker_method.upper() == 'QUEUE':
worker = QueueWorker()
elif config.worker_method.upper() == 'BATCH':
worker = BatchWorker()
tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(worker, config.check_task_loop).start()
# worker()
raise Exception('Worker_method must be Queue or Batch')
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