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event_socket_classes.php 26.86 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
limx 提交于 2020-06-23 10:30 . 首次提交,建立开源版本
class FS_Socket
private $Logger = NULL;
* @var int $timeOut
* @desc The timeout used to open the socket
private $timeOut = 10;
* @var resource $connection
* @desc Connection resource
private $connection = NULL;
* @var string $connectionState
* @desc
private $connectionState = FALSE;
* @var float $defaultTimeout
* @desc Default timeout for connection to a server
private $defaultTimeout = 30;
* @var bool $persistentConnection
* @desc Determines wether to use a persistent socket connection or not
private $persistentConnection = FALSE;
* If there still was a connection alive, disconnect it
public function __destruct()
* Connects to the socket with the given address and port
* @return void
protected function connect($host, $port, $options = array())
// initialize our defaults
if (!empty($options['persistentConnection']))
$this->persistentConnection = $options['persistentConnection'];
if (!empty($options['timeOut']))
$this->timeOut = $options['timeOut'];
if (!empty($options['defaultTimeout']))
$this->defaultTimeout = $options['defaultTimeout'];
if (!empty($options['blocking']))
$blocking = $options['blocking'];
$blocking = 1;
if (!class_exists("Logger")){
include_once 'Logger.php';
$this->Logger = new Logger( __DIR__.'/logs', LogLevel::DEBUG, array (
'extension' => 'log', //扩展名
'prefix' => 'ESL_',
'flushFrequency' => 5 //缓冲写日志的行数
// decided the stream type
$socketFunction = $this->persistentConnection ? "pfsockopen" : "fsockopen";
// Check if the function parameters are set.
$this->_throwError("主机地址为空 invalid host provided!");
$this->_throwError("端口为空 invalid port provided!");
// attempt to open a socket
$errorNumber = $errorString = null;
$connection = @$socketFunction($host, $port, $errorNumber, $errorString, $this->timeOut);
$this->connection = $connection;
// if we didnt get a valid socket throw an error
if($connection == false)
$this->Logger->error("连接失败 connection to {$host}:{$port} failed: {$errorNumber}");
$this->_throwError("连接失败 connection to {$host}:{$port} failed: {$errorNumber}");
$this->Logger->notice("连接成功 $socketFunction {$host}:{$port} ");
// initialize our stream blocking setting
stream_set_blocking($this->connection, $blocking);
// set this stream as connected
$this->connectionState = TRUE;
* Disconnects from the server
* @return bool
protected function disconnect()
$this->connectionState = FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Sends a command to the server
* @return string
protected function sendCmd($command)
$command = trim($command);
$this->Logger->notice('ESL Command "' .$command .'"');
$command .= "\n\n";
$result = fwrite($this->connection, $command, strlen($command));
return $result;
$this->_throwError("发送命令失败 sending command \"{$command}\" failed: Not connected");
* Gets the content/body of the response
* @return string
protected function getContent($contentLength = 2048)
$a = "";
$b = 1;
if ($b>1000) //防止死循环
$a .= urldecode(fgets($this->connection,2048));
}while (strlen($a)<$contentLength);
return $a;
$this->_throwError("接收反馈信息失败 receiving content from server failed: Not connected");
* Reads a line out of buffer
* @return string
protected function readLine()
if($this->validateConnection()) {
return fgets($this->connection);
$this->_throwError("read line failed: Not connected");
* Sets the socket to blocking operations
* @return bool
protected function setBlocking() {
if($this->validateConnection()) {
return stream_set_blocking($this->connection, 1);
$this->_throwError("set stream to blocking failed: Not connected");
* Sets the socket to non-blocking operations
* @return bool
protected function setNonBlocking() {
if($this->validateConnection()) {
return stream_set_blocking($this->connection, 0);
$this->_throwError("set stream to non-blocking failed: Not connected");
* Sets the timeout for this socket to an arbitrary value
* @return bool
protected function setTimeOut($seconds = 0, $milliseconds = 0) {
if($this->validateConnection()) {
return stream_set_timeout ($this->connection, (int)$seconds, (int)$milliseconds);
$this->_throwError("set stream timeout failed: Not connected");
* Restores the time out for this socket to the value it was opened with
* @return bool
protected function restoreTimeOut() {
if($this->validateConnection()) {
return stream_set_timeout ($this->connection, $this->timeOut, 0);
$this->_throwError("restore stream timeout failed: Not connected");
* Gets the meta data on this socket
* @return string
protected function getMetaData() {
if($this->validateConnection()) {
return stream_get_meta_data($this->connection);
$this->_throwError("get stream meta data failed: Not connected");
* Gets the socket status
* @return string
protected function getStatus() {
return socket_get_status($this->connection);
$this->_throwError("getting socket descriptor failed: Not connected");
* Validates the connection state
* @return bool
protected function validateConnection()
return (is_resource($this->connection) && ($this->connectionState != FALSE));
* Throws an error
* @return void
private function _throwError($errorMessage)
die("Socket {$errorMessage}");
class ESLconnection extends FS_Socket {
private $eventQueue = array();
private $sentCommand = FALSE;
private $authenticated = FALSE;
private $eventLock = FALSE;
private $asyncExecute = FALSE;
public function __construct($host = NULL, $port = NULL, $auth = NULL, $options = array()) {
try {
// attempt to open the socket
$this->connect($host, $port, $options);
// get the initial header
$event = $this->recvEvent();
if (!$event)
$this->_throwError(" 未正确连接服务器!");
// did we get the request for auth?
if ($event->getHeader('Content-Type') != 'auth/request') {
$this->_throwError("验证时发现非预期的信息: Type: " . $event->getType().' info: '. $event->getBody());
// send our auth
$event = $this->sendRecv("auth {$auth}");
// was our auth accepted?
$reply = $event->getHeader('Reply-Text');
if (!strstr($reply, '+OK')) {
$this->_throwError("连接时被拒绝: {$reply}");
// we are authenticated!
$this->authenticated = TRUE;
return TRUE;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return FALSE;
public function __destruct() {
// cleanly exit
/** * 返回本连接的状态 */
public function socketDescriptor() {
try {
return $this->getStatus();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return FALSE;
/** 测试是否还在连接中,这不仅仅是指socket连接而且还需通过了身份验证;1 connected, 0 otherwise. */
public function connected() {
if ($this->validateConnection() && $this->authenticated) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* 发送命令,不处理反馈(后面需要循环 recvEvent 或 recvEventTimed 获取反馈)
* 反馈信息需有信息头"content-type",内容为"api/response" 或 "command/reply";如果需同时处理反馈,使用 sendRecv()
public function send($command) {
if (empty($command)) {
$this->_throwError("requires non-blank command to send.");
// send the command out of the socket
try {
return $this->sendCmd($command);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return FALSE;
* 发送命令并获取反馈,即send($command),而后 recvEvent(),返回 ESLevent对象
* recvEvent() 会循环进行,直到获取到信息头"content-type",内容为"api/response" 或 "command/reply";过程中的反馈均被存入队列,返回的是最后一个
* 当start_listevent时,是死循环以获取EVENT订阅信息,检测 $_SESSION['start_listevent'] 变量(为真)时退出
public function sendRecv($command) {
// setup an array of content-types to wait for
$waitFor = array('api/response', 'command/reply'); //text/event-plain text/event-json 是事件内容,这里等待的是命令的反馈
// set a flag so recvEvent ignores the event queue
$this->sentCommand = TRUE;
// send the command
// collect and queue all the events
do {
$event = $this->recvEvent();
$this->eventQueue[] = $event;
} while (!in_array($event->getHeader('Content-Type'), $waitFor));
// clear the flag so recvEvent uses the event queue
$this->sentCommand = FALSE;
// the last queued event was of the content-type we where waiting for,
// so pop one off
return array_pop($this->eventQueue);
/** 发送api命令,并获取反馈,等同于sendRecv("api $command $args"). */
public function api() {
$args = func_get_args();
$command = array_shift($args);
$command = 'api ' .$command .' ' .implode(' ', $args);
return $this->sendRecv($command);
/** 发送event命令,并获取反馈,等同于sendRecv("event $command $args"). */
public function event() {
$args = func_get_args();
$command = array_shift($args);
$command = 'event ' .$command .' ' .implode(' ', $args);
return $this->sendRecv($command);
/** 发送nixevent命令,并获取反馈,等同于sendRecv("nixevent $command $args"). */
public function nixevent() {
$args = func_get_args();
$command = array_shift($args);
$command = 'nixevent ' .$command .' ' .implode(' ', $args);
return $this->sendRecv($command);
/** 发送bgapi命令,并获取反馈,这是后台api命令,非阻塞模式,等同于sendRecv("bgapi $command $args") */
public function bgapi() {
$args = func_get_args();
$command = array_shift($args);
$command = 'bgapi ' .$command .' ' .implode(' ', $args);
return $this->sendRecv($command);
/** 返回event信息;如果没有event过来,系统将一直等待。如果任意event被队列,第一个信息被返回 */
public function recvEvent() {
// if we are not waiting for an event and the event queue is not empty
// shift one off
if (!$this->sentCommand && !empty($this->eventQueue)) {
return array_shift($this->eventQueue);
// wait for the first line
do {
$line = $this->readLine();
// if we timeout while waiting return NULL
$streamMeta = $this->getMetaData();
if (!empty($streamMeta['timed_out'])) {
return NULL;
} while (empty($line));
// save our first line
$response = array($line);
// keep reading the buffer untill we get a new line
do {
$line = $response[] = $this->readLine();
} while ($line != "\n");
// build a new event from our response
$event = new ESLevent($response);
// if the response contains a content-length ...
$contentLen = $event->getHeader('Content-Length');
if ($contentLen) {
$contentType = $event->getHeader('Content-Type');
if ($contentType == 'text/disconnect-notice') {
return FALSE;
// return our ESLevent object
return $event;
/** 扩展recvEvent(),设置读取数据超时的毫秒数;用于轮询events */
public function recvEventTimed($milliseconds) {
// set the stream timeout to the users preference
$this->setTimeOut(0, $milliseconds);
// try to get an event
$event = $this->recvEvent();
// restore the stream time out
// return the results (null or event object)
return $event;
/** 设定event监听的类型:发送filter命令,指定相应的信息头和值 */
public function filter($header, $value) {
return $this->sendRecv('filter ' .$header .' ' .$value);
* 执行 dialplan 应用,并等待反馈;没有channel时,3个参数都必须,以$uuid 指定channel;
* 返回 ESLevent 对象,getHeader("Reply-Text") 方法返回响应信息;"+OK [Success Message]" 或 "-ERR [Error Message]"
public function execute($app, $arg, $uuid) {
$command = 'sendmsg';
if (!empty($uuid)) {
$command .= " {$uuid}";
$command .= "\ncall-command: execute\n";
if (!empty($app)) {
$command .= "execute-app-name: {$app}\n";
if (!empty($arg)) {
$command .= "execute-app-arg: {$arg}\n";
if ($this->eventLock) {
$command .= "event-lock: true\n";
if ($this->asyncExecute) {
$command .= "async: true\n";
return $this->sendRecv($command);
/** 等同于execute,但不等待服务器的响应,即execute() 加 "async: true"头 **/
public function executeAsync($app, $arg, $uuid) {
$currentAsync = $this->asyncExecute;
$this->asyncExecute = TRUE;
$response = $this->execute($app, $arg, $uuid);
$this->asyncExecute = $currentAsync;
return $response;
/** 设置execute的async状态 **/
public function setAsyncExecute($value = NULL) {
$this->asyncExecute = !empty($value);
return TRUE;
/** * 设置eventLock状态,本命令在通话没有设置 "async" 时无效;1 强制sync模式,0 不强制 */
public function setEventLock($value = NULL) {
$this->eventLock = !empty($value);
return TRUE;
public function disconnect() {
// if we are connected cleanly exit
if ($this->connected()) {
$this->authenticated = FALSE;
// disconnect the socket
return parent::disconnect();
private function _throwError($errorMessage)
die("ESL {$errorMessage}");
class ESLevent {
private $headers = array('Event-Name' => 'COMMAND');
private $body = NULL;
private $hdrPointer = NULL;
public function __construct($event) {
if (!is_array($event)) {
$this->addHeader('Event-Name', $event);
return $this;
foreach ($event as $line) {
if ($line == "\n") {
} else if (strstr($line, ':')) {
list($key, $value) = explode(':', $line);
$this->addHeader($key, $value);
} else {
* Turns an event into colon-separated 'name: value' pairs similar to a
* sip/email packet (the way it looks on '/events plain all').
public function serialize($format = NULL) {
$contentType = $this->getHeader('Content-Type');
$reply = '';
foreach ($this->headers as $key => $value) {
if ($contentType == 'text/event-plain') {
if ($key == 'Content-Type' || $key == 'Content-Length') {
$reply .= $key .': ' .$value ."\n";
if (!empty($this->body)) {
$reply .= 'Content-Length: ' .strlen($this->body) ."\n\n";
$reply .= $this->body;
return $reply;
* Sets the priority of an event to $number in case it's fired.
public function setPriority($number = 0) {
switch ($number) {
case 0:
$priority = 'NORMAL';
case -1:
$priority = 'LOW';
case 1:
$priority = 'HIGH';
$priority = 'NORMAL';
$this->addHeader('priority', $priority);
* 从 event object 获得头信息,按 $header_name 定义的头部标签;如果$header_name为false,返回所有头标签
public function getHeader($header_name) {
if (isset($this->headers[$header_name])){
return $this->headers[$header_name];
if (!$header_name){
$keys = array_keys($this->headers);
return implode(",", $keys);
return NULL;
* Gets the body of an event object.
public function getBody() {
return $this->body;
* Gets the event type of an event object.
public function getType() {
$eventName = $this->getHeader('Event-Name');
if (!empty($eventName)) {
return $eventName;
} else {
return 'COMMAND';
* Add $value to the body of an event object. This can be called multiple
* times for the same event object.
public function addBody($value) {
if (is_null($this->body)) {
$this->body = $value;
} else {
$this->body .= $value;
* Add a header with key = $header_name and value = $value to an event
* object. This can be called multiple times for the same event object.
public function addHeader($header_name, $value) {
$this->headers[trim($header_name, " \r\n")] = trim($value, " \r\n");
* Delete the header with key $header_name from an event object.
public function delHeader($header_name) {
if (isset($this->headers[$header_name])){
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Sets the pointer to the first header in an event object, and returns
* it's key name. This must be called before nextHeader is called.
public function firstHeader() {
$this->hdrPointer = array_keys($this->headers);
return $this->nextHeader();
* Moves the pointer to the next header in an event object, and returns
* it's key name. firstHeader must be called before this method to set the
* pointer. If you're already on the last header when this method is called,
* then it will return NULL.
public function nextHeader() {
if (is_array($this->hdrPointer)) {
return array_shift($this->hdrPointer);
} else {
return NULL;
private function _convertPlainEvent() {
$contentType = $this->getHeader('Content-Type');
// if the content-type is a plain-event
if ($contentType == 'text/event-plain') {
// if there is nothing in the body we are good to go
if (empty($this->body)) return;
// if there are contents in the body remove them....
$body = $this->body;
$this->body = NULL;
// ...then convert them into headers
$body = explode("\n", $body);
foreach ((array)$body as $line) {
if ($line == "\n") {
} else if (strstr($line, ':')) {
list($key, $value) = explode(':', $line);
$this->addHeader($key, $value);
} else {
class event_socket
private $esl = NULL;
private $extension = FALSE;
protected $UUID;
static private $instance;
* Initialize the ESL connection. This must be called first
* @access public
* @static
* @return bool
public function __construct($host='',$port='',$password='',$options=array())
if (defined('ESL_HOST')) {
$host = ESL_HOST;
}elseif (empty($host))
$host = '';
if (defined('ESL_PORT')) {
$port = ESL_PORT;
}elseif (empty($port))
$port = '8021';
if (defined('ESL_PASSWORD')) {
$password = ESL_PASSWORD;
}elseif (empty($password))
$password = 'ClueCon';
$this->esl = new ESLconnection($host, $port, $password, $options); // socket connection
public static function getInstance()
if (!self::$instance)
return self::$instance = new event_socket();
return self::$instance;
public static function eventReloadXML()
public static function eventReloadACL()
public static function eventReloadSofia()
* Clean up connection when script is done executing.
* If connected, try to disconnect.
public function __destruct()
if ($this->isConnected()) {
return $this->esl->disconnect();
* Returns the connection status of the current connection
public function isConnected()
if(!is_object($this->esl)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return $this->esl->connected();
* gets the raw ESLconnection
public function getESL() {
return $this->esl;
* check if a command execution response was successfull
public function isSuccessfull($event = NULL) {
if ($event instanceof ESLevent) {
$reply = $event->getHeader('Reply-Text');
if (strstr($reply, '+OK')) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* This will return a string froma event with the most appropriate
* meaning
public function getResponse($event = NULL) {
if ($event instanceof ESLevent) {
$body = $event->getBody();
if (!empty($body)) return $body;
$reply = $event->getHeader('Reply-Text');
if (!empty($reply)) return $reply;
return $event->serialize();
if (!is_string($event)) {
return '未得到合理的命令反馈!';
} else {
return $event;
* Convience wrapper for nat operations
public function nat($operation)
if (!$this->isConnected()) return FALSE;
$esl = $this->esl;
case 'status':
return $esl->api('nat_map',' status');
case 'reinit':
return $esl->api('nat_map',' reinit');
case 'republish':
return $esl->api('nat_map',' republish');
return "NAT operation $operation not valid";
public function get_UUID($renew = 0,$byFS=0){
if (empty($this->UUID) || $renew)
if (!$byFS){ //多线程环境uuid会重复!
$char = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
$this->UUID = substr($chars,0,8) . '-';
$this->UUID .= substr($chars,8,4) . '-';
$this->UUID .= substr($chars,12,4) . '-';
$this->UUID .= substr($chars,16,4) . '-';
$this->UUID .= substr($chars,20,12);
$this->UUID = $this->esl->bgapi("create_uuid")->getHeader("Job-UUID");
if ($this->UUID)
return $this->UUID;
return false;
* originate {Avar}Auri &bridge({Bvar}Buri) 完全按自己设定参数进行拨号呼叫
* 可以自由实现各种呼叫,主要针对特别情况,典型的如链接两个电话:
* originate sofia/gateway/gatewayName/tel1 &bridge(sofia/gateway/gatewayName/tel2)
* $Avar A腿通道变量设置
* $Auri A腿链接
* $Bvar B腿通道变量设置
* $Buri B腿链接
* $bridge 是否使用bridge桥接应用来转接B腿,默认不使用
public function originate($Avar='',$Auri='',$Bvar = '',$Buri='',$bridge = 0)
if ($Avar)
$Avar ="{".$Avar."}";
if ($Bvar)
$Bvar ="{".$Bvar."}";
if (empty($Auri) && empty($Buri))
return false;
return $this->esl->bgapi("originate", " $Avar$Auri "." &bridge("." $Bvar$Buri )");
return $this->esl->bgapi("originate", " $Avar$Auri "." $Bvar$Buri ");
* originate {origination_caller_id_number=$from_caller_id,origination_uuid=$useUUID,ignore_early_media=true,originate_timeout=30,hangup_after_bridge=false,continue_on_fail=true,execute_on_answer='sched_hangup +1000 alloted_timeout'}sofia/gateway/$gateway_name/$to_callee_id &endless_playback('$sound')
* execute_on_answer='sched_hangup +1000 alloted_timeout 是最长通话时间1000s
* 通过指定路由呼叫指定的号码,接通后循环播放指定的声音()
public function originatePlay($gateway_name,$to_callee_id,$sound,$from_caller_id = '',$useUUID='')
if (empty($gateway_name) || empty($to_callee_id))
return false;
if (empty($sound))
$sound = __DIR__."/bell_ring2.wav";
$from = $uuid = "";
if ($from_caller_id)
$from ="origination_caller_id_number=$from_caller_id,";
if ($useUUID)
$uuid = "origination_uuid=$useUUID,";
return $this->esl->bgapi("originate", "{".$from.$useUUID."ignore_early_media=true,originate_timeout=30,hangup_after_bridge=false,continue_on_fail=true,execute_on_answer='sched_hangup +1000 alloted_timeout'}sofia/gateway/$gateway_name/$to_callee_id &endless_playback('$sound')");
* uuid_transfer $uuid $both $dest
* 通过uuid 转接通话,如果both ==dual ,就使用uuid_dual_transfer命令,默认是uuid_transfer
* dest是目标地址
* uuid_transfer <uuid> [-bleg|-both] <dest-exten> [<dialplan>] [<context>]
* uuid_dual_transfer <uuid> <A-dest-exten>[/<A-dialplan>][/<A-context>] <B-dest-exten>[/<B-dialplan>][/<B-context>]
public function uuid_transfer($uuid,$dest,$both=''){
if (empty($uuid) || empty($dest))
return false;
if($both =='dual')
return $this->esl->bgapi("uuid_dual_transfer","$uuid $dest");
elseif(!($both =="both" || $both == "bleg"))
$both = "";
$both = "-$both";
return $this->esl->bgapi("uuid_transfer","$uuid $both $dest");
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
if (!$this->isConnected()) return FALSE;
$esl = $this->esl;
// These are some convience wrappers to support common commands
switch(strtolower($name)) {
case 'version':
return $esl->api('version');
case 'status':
return $esl->api('status');
case 'reloadacl':
return $esl->api('reloadacl');
case 'reloadxml':
return $esl->api('reloadxml');
case 'reload':
array_unshift($arguments, 'bgapi', 'reload', '-f');
return $esl->sendRecv(implode(' ', $arguments));
case 'apireload':
array_unshift($arguments, 'api', 'reload');
return $esl->sendRecv(implode(' ', $arguments));
case 'sofia':
array_unshift($arguments, 'sofia');
return call_user_func(array($esl, 'api'), implode(' ', $arguments));
case 'show':
array_unshift($arguments, 'show');
return call_user_func(array($esl, 'api'), implode(' ', $arguments));
case 'channels':
return $esl->api('show', 'channels');
case 'calls':
return $esl->api('show', 'calls');
case 'global_getvar':
return $esl->api('global_getvar');
case 'restart':
return $esl->api('fsctl','shutdown','restart','elegant');
case 'execute':
case 'executeAsync':
$arguments = explode(" ",$arguments[0]);
if (count($arguments)<3)
return "必须三个参数:app args uuid";
return $esl->$name($arguments[0],$arguments[1],$arguments[2]);
if (!method_exists($this->esl, $name)) return FALSE;
return call_user_func(array($this->esl, $name), implode(' ', $arguments));
public function __clone()
trigger_error('Clone is not allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);
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