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Chapter2.do 1.61 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Felix Bittmann 提交于 2019-10-09 13:59 . Create Chapter2.do
*General Do-File Header*
clear all //clear memory
capture log close //close any log-files (if still running)
*version 15.0 //your current version, change this to your version (and remove asterisk)!
set more off //do not halt to show all output
***Setting your current working directory***
cd "C:/Users/username/stata-course/"
/*You must replace this generic example with the path to the folder
where your files are saved*/
***Showing current working directory***
***Show all files in the current folder***
ls //Alternative command
*use "filename.dta" //Open desired Stata file
***Alternative: absolute folder paths***
*use "C:\Users\username\stata-course\filename.dta"
***Entering data manually***
clear all //Start with a fresh memory
set obs 10 //10 observations (cases)
generate age = .
generate income = .
generate gender = .
edit //Edit data
browse //Inspect data
***Using preinstalled data***
sysuse auto, clear //Open preinstalled file
describe //Inspect data
***Exporting data to (open) file formats***
outsheet using "auto_export.csv" //CSV - Comma Separated Values
export excel using "etest.xls" //XLS - Microsoft Excel File Format
***Delimit and line breaks***
sysuse nlsw88, clear
#delimit ; //Tell Stata that all commands end with a semicolon from here on
count if age < 40 &
smsa == 1 &
wage > 20 &
grade >= 7; //Finally end your long command with the semicolon
#delimit cr //Restore standard settings
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