同步操作将从 openEuler/oe-performance 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
// vim: set et:
/* eslint-disable */
jobModel = {
// 以下fields字段的格式参见
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-awesome-query-builder
// https://github.com/ukrbublik/react-awesome-query-builder/blob/HEAD/CONFIG.adoc
// In addition, we add this to track where the data come from
// origin: hosts|jobs|ejobs
// fields 下的各字段来源于
// - origin=hosts: 可ES搜索的hosts字段列表,参考 https://gitee.com/compass-ci/lab-z9/blob/master/devices/taishan200-2280-2s48p-256g--a11
// - origin=jobs: 可ES搜索的jobs字段列表,参考 https://gitee.com/openeuler/compass-ci/blob/master/sbin/es-jobs-mapping.sh
// - origin=ejobs: jobs取到本地后,在JS代码里加的新增字段
fields: {
suite: {
label: '测试套',
type: 'select',
origin: 'jobs',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
listValues: [
{ value: 'fio' },
{ value: 'lmbench' },
{ value: 'netperf' },
{ value: 'stream' },
{ value: 'unixbench' },
submit_id: {
label: '提交id',
type: 'select',
origin: 'jobs',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
listValues: [], // 查询jobs后动态赋值
group_id: {
label: '批次id',
type: 'select',
origin: 'jobs',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
listValues: [], // 查询jobs后动态赋值
tags: {
label: '标记',
type: 'select',
origin: 'jobs',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
listValues: [], // 查询jobs后动态赋值
osv: {
label: '操作系统',
type: 'select',
origin: 'jobs',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
// 查询jobs后,进一步追加可能的值
// 可按特定规则动态生成 lable: 字段
listValues: [
{ value: 'openeuler@20.03' },
{ value: 'openeuler@22.03' },
{ value: 'openeuler@22.09' },
{ value: 'anolis@7.7' },
{ value: 'anolis@8.6' },
{ value: 'archlinux' },
{ value: 'centos@7' },
{ value: 'centos@8' },
{ value: 'debian@11' },
{ value: 'debian@11' },
{ value: 'debian@sid' },
{ value: 'fedora@32' },
{ value: 'fedora@33' },
{ value: 'fedora@35' },
{ value: 'fedora@36' },
{ value: 'kylin-deb@v10', label: '麒麟桌面版 V10' },
{ value: 'kylin-rpm@V10', label: '麒麟服务器版 V10' },
{ value: 'opensuse-leap@15.2', label: 'openSUSE Leap 15.2' },
{ value: 'oracle@7' },
{ value: 'oracle@8' },
{ value: 'rocky@8.6' },
{ value: 'ubuntu@18.04' },
{ value: 'ubuntu@20.04' },
{ value: 'ubuntu@22.04' },
{ value: 'uos-deb@20', label: 'UOS桌面版 V20' },
{ value: 'uos-rpm-e@20', label: 'UOS服务器版 V20' },
os_arch: {
label: '架构',
type: 'select',
origin: 'jobs',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
listValues: [
{ value: 'x86_64' },
{ value: 'aarch64' },
{ value: 'riscv' },
testbox: {
label: '测试机',
type: 'select',
origin: 'jobs',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
listValues: [], // 查询hosts后动态赋值
'hw.nr_cpu': {
label: '逻辑CPU数',
type: 'select',
origin: 'hosts',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
listValues: [], // 查询hosts后动态赋值
'hw.nr_node': {
label: '物理CPU数',
type: 'select',
origin: 'hosts',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
listValues: [], // 查询hosts后动态赋值
'hw.memory': {
label: '内存大小',
type: 'select',
origin: 'hosts',
valueSources: ['value'],
fieldSettings: {
listValues: [], // 查询hosts后动态赋值
kpis: {
'stats.stream.bandwidth_MBps': { direction: 1, label: '内存带宽(MBps)' },
'stats.netperf.Throughput_Mbps': { direction: 1, label: '网络带宽(MBps)' },
'stats.netperf.Throughput_Tps': { direction: 1, label: '请求转换率(应答次数/s)' },
'stats.unixbench.score': { direction: 1, label: '综合跑分' },
'stats.lmbench.local_bandwidths': { direction: 1, label: '内存映射、拷贝及读写带宽(MB/s)' },
'stats.lmbench.Processor_Processes.latency': { direction: -1, label: 'CPU、进程常用操作延迟(us)' },
'stats.lmbench.local_latencies': { direction: -1, label: '本地通信延迟(us)' },
'stats.lmbench.Context_switching_ctxsw': { direction: -1, label: '进程上下文切换开销(us)' },
'stats.lmbench.File_&_VM_latencies': { direction: -1, label: '内存映射延迟(us)' },
'stats.lmbench.Memory_latencies': { direction: -1, label: '主存及缓存延迟(us)' },
'stats.libmicro.usecs_per_call': { direction: -1, label: '系统调用延迟(us)' },
// 查询方法:先查询suite.param, 再查询公共param
params: {
// 公共param,去掉前缀pp.$program.后与之匹配
nr_task: {
'1': '单核',
'100%': '多核',
nr_threads: {
'1': '单核',
'100%': '多核',
// 测试套特定param,以pp.打头
'pp.fio-setup-basic.rw': {
'read': '顺序读',
'write': '顺序写',
'rw': '顺序混合读写',
'readwrite': '顺序混合读写',
'randwrite': '随机写',
'randread': '随机读',
'randrw': '随机读写',
const libmicroGroups = [
'c_', 'get', 'malloc', 'memcpy', 'memset', 'mmap', 'mprot', 'pipe', 'poll',
'pread', 'pwrite', 'read', 'select', 'str', 'unmap', 'write', 'writev',
'Miscellaneous' // all the others, keep it the last element
// suite => function(kpi) => Map with keys (testcase, kpi)
kpiMapFuncs = {
// unixbench raw output:
// System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
// Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 1216141306.0 104210.9
// Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 247738.4 45043.4
// Execl Throughput 43.0 45776.0 10645.6
// File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 750537.5 1895.3
// File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 206575.3 1248.2
// File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 2118991.9 3653.4
// Pipe Throughput 12440.0 23957030.6 19258.1
// Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 5894570.6 14736.4
// Process Creation 126.0 110733.5 8788.4
// Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 127791.1 30139.4
// Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 17638.5 29397.5
// System Call Overhead 15000.0 3657597.3 2438.4
// ========
// System Benchmarks Index Score 10729.3
// unixbench stats:
// stats.unixbench.Dhrystone_2_using_register_variables
// stats.unixbench.Double-Precision_Whetstone
// stats.unixbench.Execl_Throughput
// stats.unixbench.File_Copy_1024_bufsize_2000_maxblocks
// stats.unixbench.File_Copy_256_bufsize_500_maxblocks
// stats.unixbench.File_Copy_4096_bufsize_8000_maxblocks
// stats.unixbench.Pipe-based_Context_Switching
// stats.unixbench.Pipe_Throughput
// stats.unixbench.Process_Creation
// stats.unixbench.Shell_Scripts_(1_concurrent)
// stats.unixbench.Shell_Scripts_(8_concurrent)
// stats.unixbench.System_Call_Overhead
unixbench: function (kpi) {
return {
kpi: 'score',
testcase: kpi, // can do this in caller: .replace('stats.unixbench.', '')
libmicro: function (kpi) {
// https://github.com/rzezeski/libMicro/blob/master/bench.sh has the group info
let testgroup = libmicroGroups[libmicroGroups.length - 1]
for (const group of libmicroGroups) {
if (kpi.startsWith(group)) {
testgroup = group
return {
// testgroup is not test param that impacts test result,
// but merely a way to break up the too many test cases,
// so that they can be shown in multiple talbes,
// as described in suiteTables.libmicro
testgroup: testgroup,
testcase: kpi,
kpi: 'usecs_per_call',
// debug:
// console.log(kpiMapFuncs.unixbench('Process_Creation'))
// console.log(kpiMapFuncs.libmicro('getpid'))
// output:
// { testcase: 'Process_Creation', kpi: 'score' }
// { kpi: 'usecs_per_call', testcase: 'getpid', testgroup: 'get' }
// suite => Map with keys (testcase, kpi)
kpiMaps = {
stream: {
add_bandwidth_MBps: { kpi: 'bandwidth_MBps', testcase: 'add' },
copy_bandwidth_MBps: { kpi: 'bandwidth_MBps', testcase: 'copy' },
scale_bandwidth_MBps: { kpi: 'bandwidth_MBps', testcase: 'scale' },
triad_bandwidth_MBps: { kpi: 'bandwidth_MBps', testcase: 'triad' },
lmbench: {
'syscall.syscall.latency.us': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'syscall.syscall' },
'syscall.stat.latency.us': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'syscall.stat' },
'syscall.open/close.latency.us': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'syscall.open/close' },
'null_io': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'null_io' },
'Process.fork+exit.latency.us': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'Process.fork+exit' },
'Process.fork+execve.latency.us': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'Process.fork+execve' },
'Process.fork+/bin/sh.latency.us': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'Process.fork+/bin/sh' },
'Select.100tcp.latency.us': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'Select.100tcp' },
'sig_inst': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'sig_inst' },
'sig_hndl': { kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', testcase: 'sig_hndl' },
'PIPE.latency.us': { kpi: 'local_latencies', testcase: 'PIPE' },
'AF_UNIX.sock.stream.latency.us': { kpi: 'local_latencies', testcase: 'AF_UNIX.sock.stream' },
'UDP.usinglocalhost.latency.us': { kpi: 'local_latencies', testcase: 'UDP.usinglocalhost' },
'TCP.localhost.latency': { kpi: 'local_latencies', testcase: 'TCP.localhost.latency' },
'CONNECT.localhost.latency.us': { kpi: 'local_latencies', testcase: 'CONNECT.localhost' },
'PIPE.bandwidth.MB/sec': { kpi: 'local_bandwidths', testcase: 'PIPE' },
'AF_UNIX.sock.stream.bandwidth.MB/sec': { kpi: 'local_bandwidths', testcase: 'AF_UNIX.sock.stream' },
'TCP.socket.bandwidth.10MB.MB/sec': { kpi: 'local_bandwidths', testcase: 'TCP.socket' },
'FILE.read.bandwidth.MB/sec': { kpi: 'local_bandwidths', testcase: 'FILE.read' },
'MMAP.read.bandwidth.MB/sec': { kpi: 'local_bandwidths', testcase: 'MMAP.read' },
'BCOPY.libc.bandwidth.MB/sec': { kpi: 'local_bandwidths', testcase: 'BCOPY.libc' },
'BCOPY.unrolled.bandwidth.MB/sec': { kpi: 'local_bandwidths', testcase: 'BCOPY.unrolled' },
'BCOPY.memory_read.bandwidth.MB/sec': { kpi: 'local_bandwidths', testcase: 'BCOPY.memory_read' },
'BCOPY.memory_write.bandwidth.MB/sec': { kpi: 'local_bandwidths', testcase: 'BCOPY.memory_write' },
'CTX.2P.0K.latency.us': { kpi: 'Context_switching_ctxsw', testcase: 'CTX.2P.0K' },
'CTX.2P.16K.latency.us': { kpi: 'Context_switching_ctxsw', testcase: 'CTX.2P.16K' },
'CTX.2P.64K.latency.us': { kpi: 'Context_switching_ctxsw', testcase: 'CTX.2P.64K' },
'CTX.8P.16K.latency.us': { kpi: 'Context_switching_ctxsw', testcase: 'CTX.8P.16K' },
'CTX.8P.64K.latency.us': { kpi: 'Context_switching_ctxsw', testcase: 'CTX.8P.64K' },
'CTX.16P.16K.latency.us': { kpi: 'Context_switching_ctxsw', testcase: 'CTX.16P.16K' },
'CTX.16P.64K.latency.us': { kpi: 'Context_switching_ctxsw', testcase: 'CTX.16P.64K' },
'Mmap_Latency': { kpi: 'File_&_VM_latencies', testcase: 'Mmap' },
'Prot_Fault': { kpi: 'File_&_VM_latencies', testcase: 'Prot_Fault' },
'Pagefaults.ms': { kpi: 'File_&_VM_latencies', testcase: 'Pagefaults.ms' },
'Select.100fd.latency.us': { kpi: 'File_&_VM_latencies', testcase: 'Select.100fd' },
'L1_$': { kpi: 'Memory_latencies', testcase: 'L1_$' },
'L2_$': { kpi: 'Memory_latencies', testcase: 'L2_$' },
'Main_mem': { kpi: 'Memory_latencies', testcase: 'Main_mem' },
'Rand_mem': { kpi: 'Memory_latencies', testcase: 'Rand_mem' },
suiteTables = {
netperf: [
{ kpi: 'Throughput_Mbps', x_param: 'send_size', filters: { test: 'TCP_STREAM' } },
{ kpi: 'Throughput_Mbps', x_param: 'send_size', filters: { test: 'UDP_STREAM' } },
{ kpi: 'Throughput_Tps', x_param: 'test' },
stream: [{
kpi: 'bandwidth_MBps',
x_param: 'testcase',
unixbench: [
{ kpi: 'score', x_param: 'testcase', filters: { nr_task: '1' } },
{ kpi: 'score', x_param: 'testcase', filters: { nr_task: '100%' } },
lmbench: [
{ kpi: 'local_bandwidths', x_param: 'testcase' },
{ kpi: 'Processor_Processes.latency', x_param: 'testcase' },
{ kpi: 'local_latencies', x_param: 'testcase' },
{ kpi: 'Context_switching_ctxsw', x_param: 'testcase' },
{ kpi: 'File_&_VM_latencies', x_param: 'testcase' },
{ kpi: 'Memory_latencies', x_param: 'testcase' },
libmicro: [
for (const group of libmicroGroups) {
suiteTables.libmicro.push ({
kpi: 'usecs_per_call',
x_param: 'testcase',
filters: { testgroup: group }
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