The setup script for OpenMOC
import os, shutil, site, string, sys
from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError
import distutils.ccompiler
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.pool as pool
# Use setuptools only if the user opts-in by setting the USE_SETUPTOOLS.
# This ensures consistent behavior but allows for advanced usage with
# virtualenv, buildout, pip and others.
with_setuptools = False
if 'USE_SETUPTOOLS' in os.environ or 'pip' in __file__:
with_setuptools = True
if with_setuptools:
from setuptools import setup
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext
from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py
from setuptools.command.install import install
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
from distutils.command.build_py import build_py
from distutils.command.install import install
import config
# Instantiate a configurations class for this OpenMOC build
config = config.configuration()
class custom_install(install):
"""Defines the compile time options for OpenMOC.
This class derives from the distutils.command.install class. Distutils
provides a set of flags which may be invoked by the user at compile
time. The custom_install class adds to that list a series of options
which are useful in compiling a specific distribution of OpenMOC.
To view a list of available compile time options, simply type the following
from a console:
python setup.py install --help
The custom_install class extracts user-defined options from the command
line and uses them to populate the config.configurations class. The
configurations class then uses these options to generate the Python
C/C++/CUDA extension objects which are delivered to the distutils
setup method at the end of this script.
Developers wishing to extend OpenMOC's functionality with new compilation
options will need to extend this class and the configurations class.
# The user options for a customized OpenMOC build
user_options = [
('cc=', None, "Compiler (gcc, icpc, bgxlc, mpicc) for main openmoc module"),
('fp=', None, "Floating point precision (single or double) for " + \
"main openmoc module"),
('ng=', None, "Specify number of groups (optional only for optimization)" + \
" for main openmoc module"),
('with-cuda', None, "Build openmoc.cuda module for NVIDIA GPUs"),
('debug-mode', None, "Build with debugging symbols"),
('sanitizer-mode', None, "Build with address sanitizer"),
('profile-mode', None, "Build with profiling symbols"),
('coverage-mode', None, "Build with coverage symbols"),
('with-ccache', None, "Build with ccache for rapid recompilation"),
# Include all of the default options provided by distutils for the
# install command parent class
user_options += install.user_options
# Set some compile options to be boolean switches
boolean_options = ['debug-mode',
# Include all of the boolean options provided by distutils for the
# install command parent class
boolean_options += install.boolean_options
def initialize_options(self):
"""Set the default OpenMOC build options
The default installation is invoked by following console command:
python setup.py install
By default, this will build the main openmoc C/C++ Python extension using
the GCC compiler with single precision (default).
# Run the install command parent class' initialize_options method
# Default compiler and precision level for the main openmoc module
self.cc = 'gcc'
self.fp = 'single'
self.ng = None
# Set defaults for each of the newly defined compile time options
self.with_cuda = False
self.debug_mode = False
self.sanitizer_mode = False
self.profile_mode = False
self.coverage_mode = False
self.with_ccache = False
# Check that swig is installed:
swigLocation = shutil.which('swig')
if not swigLocation:
print("-> Please install swig before building <-")
def finalize_options(self):
"""Extract options from the flags invoked by the user at compile time.
This method performs error checking of the options specified by
the user at compile time, and initialize the config.configurations
class instance. The method conclude with a call to the
configurations.setup_extension_modules class method which creates
the C/C++/CUDA extension modules to be passed to the distutils
setup method at the end of this script.
# Run the install command parent class' finalize_options method
# Set the configuration options specified to be the default
# unless the corresponding flag was invoked by the user
config.num_groups = self.ng
config.with_cuda = self.with_cuda
config.debug_mode = self.debug_mode
config.sanitizer_mode = self.sanitizer_mode
config.profile_mode = self.profile_mode
config.coverage_mode = self.coverage_mode
config.with_ccache = self.with_ccache
# Check that the user specified a supported C++ compiler
if self.cc not in ['gcc', 'clang', 'icpc', 'bgxlc', 'mpicc']:
raise DistutilsOptionError \
('Must supply the -cc flag with one of the supported ' +
'C++ compilers: gcc, clang, icpc, bgxlc, mpicc')
config.cc = self.cc
# Check that the user specified a supported floating point precision
if self.fp not in ['single', 'double']:
raise DistutilsOptionError \
('Must supply the -cc flag with one of the supported ' +
'floating point precision levels: single, double')
config.fp = self.fp
# Build the C/C++/CUDA extension modules for this distribution
def customize_compiler(self):
"""Inject redefined _compile method into distutils
This method enables us to choose compilers based on the macros defined
in the compiler flags (ie, '-DGCC', '-DNVCC', etc), or on the
source extension (ie, *.cpp, *.cu, etc.).
Adapted from Robert McGibbon's CUDA distutils setup provided in open source
form here: https://github.com/rmcgibbo/npcuda-example
# Inform the compiler it can processes .cu CUDA source files
# Save reference to the default _compile method
super_compile = self._compile
# Redefine the _compile method. This gets executed for each
# object but distutils doesn't have the ability to change compilers
# based on source extension, so we add that functionality here
def _compile(obj, src, ext, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts):
# If compiler is GNU's gcc and the source is C++, use gcc
if config.cc == 'gcc' and os.path.splitext(src)[1] == '.cpp':
if config.with_ccache:
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'ccache gcc')
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'gcc')
postargs = config.compiler_flags['gcc']
# If compiler is GNU's gcc and the source is C++, use gcc
elif config.cc == 'mpicc' and os.path.splitext(src)[1] == '.cpp':
if config.with_ccache:
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'ccache mpicc')
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'mpicc')
postargs = config.compiler_flags['mpicc']
# If compiler is Apple's clang and the source is C++, use clang
elif config.cc == 'clang' and os.path.splitext(src)[1] == '.cpp':
if config.with_ccache:
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'ccache clang')
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'clang')
postargs = config.compiler_flags['clang']
# If compiler is Intel's icpc and the source is C++, use icpc
elif config.cc == 'icpc' and os.path.splitext(src)[1] == '.cpp':
if config.with_ccache:
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'ccache icpc')
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'icpc')
postargs = config.compiler_flags['icpc']
# If compiler is IBM's bgxlc and the source is C++, use bgxlc
elif config.cc == 'bgxlc' and os.path.splitext(src)[1] == '.cpp':
if config.with_ccache:
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'bgxlc++_r')
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'bgxlc++_r')
postargs = config.compiler_flags['bgxlc']
# If NVCC is a defined macro and the source is C++, compile
# SWIG-wrapped CUDA code with gcc
elif '-DNVCC' in pp_opts and os.path.splitext(src)[1] == '.cpp':
if config.with_ccache:
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'ccache gcc')
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'gcc')
postargs = config.compiler_flags['gcc']
# If NVCC is a defined macro and the source is CUDA, use nvcc
elif '-DNVCC' in pp_opts and os.path.splitext(src)[1] == '.cu':
if config.with_ccache:
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'ccache nvcc')
self.set_executable('compiler_so', 'nvcc')
postargs = config.compiler_flags['nvcc']
# If we cannot determine how to compile this file, throw exception
raise EnvironmentError('Unable to compile ' + str(src))
# Now call distutils-defined _compile method
super_compile(obj, src, ext, cc_args, postargs, pp_opts)
# Inject our redefined _compile method into the class
self._compile = _compile
def customize_linker(self):
"""Inject redefined link method into distutils
This method enables us to choose the linker based on the name
of the output shared library filename (ie, _openmoc_intel_single.so)
Adapted from Robert McGibbon's CUDA distutils setup provided in open source
form here: https://github.com/rmcgibbo/npcuda-example
# Save references to the default link method
super_link = self.link
# Redefine the link method. This gets executed to link each extension
# module. We add the functionality to choose the compiler for linking
# based on the name of the extension module
def link(target_desc, objects, output_filename,
output_dir=None, libraries=None,
library_dirs=None, runtime_library_dirs=None,
export_symbols=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None,
extra_postargs=None, build_temp=None, target_lang=None):
if config.cc == 'gcc':
self.set_executable('linker_so', 'gcc')
self.set_executable('linker_exe', 'gcc')
elif config.cc == 'mpicc':
self.set_executable('linker_so', 'mpicc')
self.set_executable('linker_exe', 'mpicc')
elif config.cc == 'clang':
self.set_executable('linker_so', 'clang')
self.set_executable('linker_exe', 'clang')
elif config.cc == 'icpc':
self.set_executable('linker_so', 'icpc')
self.set_executable('linker_exe', 'icpc')
elif config.cc == 'bgxlc':
self.set_executable('linker_so', 'bgxlc++_r')
self.set_executable('linker_exe', 'bgxlc++_r')
# If the filename for the extension contains cuda, use nvcc to link
if 'cuda' in output_filename:
self.set_executable('linker_so', 'nvcc')
self.set_executable('linker_exe', 'nvcc')
# Now call distutils-defined link method
super_link(target_desc, objects,
output_filename, output_dir, libraries,
library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs,
export_symbols, debug, extra_preargs,
extra_postargs, build_temp)
# Inject our redefined link method into the class
self.link = link
# monkey-patch for parallel compilation
def parallel_compile(self, sources, output_dir=None, macros=None,
include_dirs=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None,
extra_postargs=None, depends=None):
"""A parallel version of the Distutils compile method
Note that this routine is modified from StackOverflow post #11013851
# Copy args from distutils.ccompiler.CCompiler directly
macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = \
self._setup_compile(output_dir, macros, include_dirs,
sources, depends, extra_postargs)
cc_args = self._get_cc_args(pp_opts, debug, extra_preargs)
num_cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# Define routine for each thread to use to compile on its own
def _single_compile(obj):
try: src, ext = build[obj]
except KeyError: return
self._compile(obj, src, ext, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts)
# Convert thread mapping to C/C++/CUDA objects to a list and return
list(pool.ThreadPool(num_cpus).map(_single_compile, objects))
return objects
# Inject parallel_compile to override distutils sequential compile method
# Run the customize_compiler to inject redefined and customized _compile and
# link methods into distutils
class custom_build_ext(build_ext):
"""Customizes distutils to work with different compiler types
This class derives from the distutils.command.build_ext command class.
It extends build_ex by creates customized compile and link methods
which can accommodate different compiler types and options.
def build_extensions(self):
# Append a macro for the compiler to the SWIG flags
swig_flags = config.swig_flags + ['-D' + config.cc.upper()]
os.system('swig {0} -o '.format(str.join(' ', swig_flags)) + \
'openmoc/swig/openmoc_wrap.cpp openmoc/swig/openmoc.i')
if config.with_cuda:
swig_flags = config.swig_flags + ['-DNVCC']
os.system('swig {0} -o '.format(str.join(' ', swig_flags)) + \
'openmoc/cuda/openmoc_cuda_wrap.cpp ' + \
# Move openmoc.py file created by swig into main python API folder
os.system('mv openmoc/swig/openmoc.py openmoc/openmoc.py')
# Run the distutils setup method for the complete build
dist = setup(name = 'openmoc',
version = '0.4.0',
description = 'An open source method of characteristics code for ' + \
'solving the 2D neutron distribution in nuclear reactors',
url = 'https://github.com/mit-crpg/OpenMOC',
download_url = 'https://github.com/mit-crpg/OpenMOC/tarball/v0.4.0',
# Set the C/C++/CUDA extension modules built in setup_extension_modules()
# in config.py based on the user-defined flags at compile time
ext_modules = config.extensions,
# Extract all of the Python packages for OpenMOC
# (ie, openmoc.log, openmoc.materialize, etc)
packages = config.packages,
# Include SWIG interface files in package - this is important for PyPI
package_data = {'' : ['*.i*']},
# Inject our custom compiler and linker triggers
cmdclass={ 'build_ext': custom_build_ext,
'install': custom_install}
# Rerun the build_py to setup links for C++ extension modules created by SWIG
# This prevents us from having to install twice
build_py = build_py(dist)
# Remove the shared library in the site packages
if "clean" in sys.argv:
install_location = site.getsitepackages()[0]
print("Removing build from "+ install_location)
os.system("rm -rf " + install_location + "/*openmoc*")
install_location = site.getusersitepackages()
print("Removing build from "+ install_location)
os.system("rm -rf " + install_location + "/*openmoc*")
install_location = "./tests/"
print("Removing build from "+ install_location)
os.system("rm -rf "+install_location+"openmoc "+install_location+"build")
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