msgNum := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "Str", "ExitApp")
OnMessage(msgNum, (*) => ExitApp())
Global selectedTxt:=""
Global MainLV
Global CLV
MyGui := Gui()
MyGui.MarginX := 10
MyGui.MarginY := 10
MyGui.SetFont("s10", "Segoe UI")
MainLV := MyGui.AddListView("xm ym w500 r15 Grid ReadOnly Grid -LV0x20 LV0x8000 -E0x200", ["Col-1", "Col-2", "Col-3"]) ;-LV0x10 LV0x10000 LV0x8000 -E0x200
; 添加 ListView 数据
MainLV.Add("", "1", "5", "1")
MainLV.Add("", "2", "4", "3")
MainLV.Add("", "3", "3", "4")
MainLV.Add("", "4", "2", "2")
MainLV.Add("", "5", "1", "5")
; 修改列宽
MainLV.ModifyCol(1, 100)
MainLV.ModifyCol(2, 100)
MainLV.ModifyCol(3, 100)
CLV := LV_Colors(MainLV, 1, 0, 0)
CLV.Critical := 100
; CLV.ShowColors(False)
; CLV.SelectionColors(0xFFFFFF)
; MyGui.AddButton("xm y+5", "Color").OnEvent("Click", ColorTable)
; 消息处理 WM_MOUSEMOVE :=0x0200
; OnMessage(0x0200,MouseMove)
; MouseMove(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) {
MouseClick(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) {
if (hwnd = MainLV.hwnd) {
; 创建一个结构体来存储命中测试结果
hitTestInfo := Buffer(24)
Mouse_X := lparam & 0xFFFF ;- store the mouse position relative
Mouse_Y := lparam >> 16 ;- to the window's client areas client area
NumPut("Int", Mouse_X, "Int", Mouse_Y, hitTestInfo)
; 从结构体中获取行号
; row := hitTestInfo.GetInt(8) + 1 ; 行号是从0开始的,所以加1
ColumnNumber := (DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", MyListViewHwnd, "UInt", 0x1039, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hitTestInfo, "Int") < 0) ?
0 : NumGet(hitTestInfo, 16, "Int") + 1
RowNumber := (DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", MyListViewHwnd, "UInt", 0x1039, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hitTestInfo, "Int") < 0) ?
0 : NumGet(hitTestInfo, 12, "Int") + 1
; 发送 LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST := 0x1039,消息来确定鼠标悬停的行和列
Result := SendMessage(0x1039, 0, hitTestInfo, ,MainLV.hwnd)
if Result<0
ToolTip() ; 隐藏工具提示
RowNumber:=NumGet(hitTestInfo, 12, "Int") + 1
ColumnNumber:=NumGet(hitTestInfo, 16, "Int") + 1
; 显示ToolTip
selectedTxt := MainLV.GetText(RowNumber , ColumnNumber)
; ToolTip("Row,Column: " RowNumber "," ColumnNumber "`nText:" selectedTxt)
} else {
ToolTip() ; 隐藏工具提示
; create random table
; MainLV.Delete()
; Loop Random(4, 14)
; MainLV.Add("", A_Index - 1, A_Index - 1, A_Index - 1)
; color 1 in first col, 2 in 2nd col, 3 in 3rd col in a table with random rows
Loop MainLV.GetCount()
if (MainLV.GetText(A_Index, 1) = selectedTxt)
CLV.Cell(A_Index, 1, 0xFFCFD4)
if (MainLV.GetText(A_Index, 2) = selectedTxt)
CLV.Cell(A_Index, 2, 0xFFCFD4)
if (MainLV.GetText(A_Index, 3) = selectedTxt)
CLV.Cell(A_Index, 3, 0xFFCFD4)
; #Include Class_LV_Colors.ahk
; #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0.1
; ======================================================================================================================
; Namespace: LV_Colors
; Function: Individual row and cell coloring for AHK ListView controls.
; Tested with: AHK 2.0.2 (U32/U64)
; Tested on: Win 10 (x64)
; Changelog: 2023-01-04/2.0.0/just me Initial release of the AHK v2 version
; ======================================================================================================================
; CLASS LV_Colors
; The class provides methods to set individual colors for rows and/or cells, to clear all colors, to prevent/allow
; sorting and rezising of columns dynamically, and to deactivate/activate the notification handler for NM_CUSTOMDRAW
; notifications (see below).
; A message handler for NM_CUSTOMDRAW notifications will be activated for the specified ListView whenever a new
; instance is created. If you want to temporarily disable coloring call MyInstance.ShowColors(False). This must
; be done also before you try to destroy the instance. To enable it again, call MyInstance.ShowColors().
; To avoid the loss of Gui events and messages the message handler is set 'critical'. To prevent 'freezing' of the
; list-view or the whole GUI this script requires AHK v2.0.1+.
; ======================================================================================================================
Class LV_Colors {
; ===================================================================================================================
; __New() Constructor - Create a new LV_Colors instance for the given ListView
; Parameters: HWND - ListView's HWND.
; Optional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; StaticMode - Static color assignment, i.e. the colors will be assigned permanently to the row
; contents rather than to the row number.
; Values: True/False
; Default: False
; NoSort - Prevent sorting by click on a header item.
; Values: True/False
; Default: False
; NoSizing - Prevent resizing of columns.
; Values: True/False
; Default: False
; ===================================================================================================================
__New(LV, StaticMode := False, NoSort := False, NoSizing := False) {
If (LV.Type != "ListView")
Throw TypeError("LV_Colors requires a ListView control!", -1, LV.Type)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER (0x010000) style to avoid drawing issues.
; Get the default colors
BkClr := SendMessage(0x1025, 0, 0, LV) ; LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR
TxClr := SendMessage(0x1023, 0, 0, LV) ; LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR
; Get the header control
Header := SendMessage(0x101F, 0, 0, LV) ; LVM_GETHEADER
; Set other properties
This.LV := LV
This.Header := Header
This.BkClr := BkCLr
This.TxClr := Txclr
This.IsStatic := !!StaticMode
This.AltCols := False
This.AltRows := False
This.SelColors := False
This.RowCount := LV.GetCount()
This.ColCount := LV.GetCount("Col")
This.Rows := Map()
This.Rows.Capacity := This.RowCount
This.Cells := Map()
This.Cells.Capacity := This.RowCount
; ===================================================================================================================
; __Delete() Destructor
; ===================================================================================================================
__Delete() {
If WinExist(This.HWND)
; ===================================================================================================================
; Clear() Clears all row and cell colors.
; Parameters: AltRows - Reset alternate row coloring (True / False)
; Default: False
; AltCols - Reset alternate column coloring (True / False)
; Default: False
; Return Value: Always True.
; ===================================================================================================================
Clear(AltRows := False, AltCols := False) {
If (AltCols)
This.AltCols := False
If (AltRows)
This.AltRows := False
This.Rows.Capacity := This.RowCount
This.Cells.Capacity := This.RowCount
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; UpdateProps() Updates the RowCount, ColCount, BkClr, and TxClr properties.
; Return Value: True on success, otherwise false.
; ===================================================================================================================
UpdateProps() {
If !(This.HWND)
Return False
This.BkClr := SendMessage(0x1025, 0, 0, This.LV) ; LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR
This.TxClr := SendMessage(0x1023, 0, 0, This.LV) ; LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR
This.RowCount := This.LV.GetCount()
This.Colcount := This.LV.GetCount("Col")
If WinExist(This.HWND)
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; AlternateRows() Sets background and/or text color for even row numbers.
; Parameters: BkColor - Background color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> default background color
; TxColor - Text color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> default text color
; Return Value: True on success, otherwise false.
; ===================================================================================================================
AlternateRows(BkColor := "", TxColor := "") {
If !(This.HWND)
Return False
This.AltRows := False
If (BkColor = "") && (TxColor = "")
Return True
BkBGR := This.BGR(BkColor)
TxBGR := This.BGR(TxColor)
If (BkBGR = "") && (TxBGR = "")
Return False
This.ARB := (BkBGR != "") ? BkBGR : This.BkClr
This.ART := (TxBGR != "") ? TxBGR : This.TxClr
This.AltRows := True
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; AlternateCols() Sets background and/or text color for even column numbers.
; Parameters: BkColor - Background color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> default background color
; TxColor - Text color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> default text color
; Return Value: True on success, otherwise false.
; ===================================================================================================================
AlternateCols(BkColor := "", TxColor := "") {
If !(This.HWND)
Return False
This.AltCols := False
If (BkColor = "") && (TxColor = "")
Return True
BkBGR := This.BGR(BkColor)
TxBGR := This.BGR(TxColor)
If (BkBGR = "") && (TxBGR = "")
Return False
This.ACB := (BkBGR != "") ? BkBGR : This.BkClr
This.ACT := (TxBGR != "") ? TxBGR : This.TxClr
This.AltCols := True
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; SelectionColors() Sets background and/or text color for selected rows.
; Parameters: BkColor - Background color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> default selected background color
; TxColor - Text color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> default selected text color
; Return Value: True on success, otherwise false.
; ===================================================================================================================
SelectionColors(BkColor := "", TxColor := "") {
If !(This.HWND)
Return False
This.SelColors := False
If (BkColor = "") && (TxColor = "")
Return True
BkBGR := This.BGR(BkColor)
TxBGR := This.BGR(TxColor)
If (BkBGR = "") && (TxBGR = "")
Return False
This.SELB := BkBGR
This.SELT := TxBGR
This.SelColors := True
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; Row() Sets background and/or text color for the specified row.
; Parameters: Row - Row number
; Optional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BkColor - Background color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> default background color
; TxColor - Text color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> default text color
; Return Value: True on success, otherwise false.
; ===================================================================================================================
Row(Row, BkColor := "", TxColor := "") {
If !(This.HWND)
Return False
If (Row >This.RowCount)
Return False
If This.IsStatic
Row := This.MapIndexToID(Row)
If This.Rows.Has(Row)
If (BkColor = "") && (TxColor = "")
Return True
BkBGR := This.BGR(BkColor)
TxBGR := This.BGR(TxColor)
If (BkBGR = "") && (TxBGR = "")
Return False
; Colors := {B: (BkBGR != "") ? BkBGR : This.BkClr, T: (TxBGR != "") ? TxBGR : This.TxClr}
This.Rows[Row] := Map("B", (BkBGR != "") ? BkBGR : This.BkClr, "T", (TxBGR != "") ? TxBGR : This.TxClr)
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; Cell() Sets background and/or text color for the specified cell.
; Parameters: Row - Row number
; Col - Column number
; Optional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BkColor - Background color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> row's background color
; TxColor - Text color as RGB color integer (e.g. 0xFF0000 = red) or HTML color name.
; Default: Empty -> row's text color
; Return Value: True on success, otherwise false.
; ===================================================================================================================
Cell(Row, Col, BkColor := "", TxColor := "") {
If !(This.HWND)
Return False
If (Row > This.RowCount) || (Col > This.ColCount)
Return False
If This.IsStatic
Row := This.MapIndexToID(Row)
If This.Cells.Has(Row) && This.Cells[Row].Has(Col)
If (BkColor = "") && (TxColor = "")
Return True
BkBGR := This.BGR(BkColor)
TxBGR := This.BGR(TxColor)
If (BkBGR = "") && (TxBGR = "")
Return False
If !This.Cells.Has(Row)
This.Cells[Row] := [], This.Cells[Row].Capacity := This.ColCount
If (Col > This.Cells[Row].Length)
This.Cells[Row].Length := Col
This.Cells[Row][Col] := Map("B", (BkBGR != "") ? BkBGR : This.BkClr, "T", (TxBGR != "") ? TxBGR : This.TxClr)
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; NoSort() Prevents/allows sorting by click on a header item for this ListView.
; Parameters: Apply - True/False
; Return Value: True on success, otherwise false.
; ===================================================================================================================
NoSort(Apply := True) {
If !(This.HWND)
Return False
This.LV.Opt((Apply ? "+" : "-") . "NoSort")
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; NoSizing() Prevents/allows resizing of columns for this ListView.
; Parameters: Apply - True/False
; Return Value: True on success, otherwise false.
; ===================================================================================================================
NoSizing(Apply := True) {
If !(This.Header)
Return False
ControlSetStyle((Apply ? "+" : "-") . "0x0800", This.Header) ; HDS_NOSIZING = 0x0800
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; ShowColors() Adds/removes a message handler for NM_CUSTOMDRAW notifications of this ListView.
; Parameters: Apply - True/False
; Return Value: Always True
; ===================================================================================================================
ShowColors(Apply := True) {
If (Apply) && !This.HasOwnProp("OnNotifyFunc") {
This.OnNotifyFunc := ObjBindMethod(This, "NM_CUSTOMDRAW")
This.LV.OnNotify(-12, This.OnNotifyFunc)
Else If !(Apply) && This.HasOwnProp("OnNotifyFunc") {
This.LV.OnNotify(-12, This.OnNotifyFunc, 0)
This.OnNotifyFunc := ""
Return True
; ===================================================================================================================
; Internally used/called Methods
; ===================================================================================================================
Static SizeNMHDR := A_PtrSize * 3 ; Size of NMHDR structure
Static SizeNCD := SizeNMHDR + 16 + (A_PtrSize * 5) ; Size of NMCUSTOMDRAW structure
Static OffItem := SizeNMHDR + 16 + (A_PtrSize * 2) ; Offset of dwItemSpec (NMCUSTOMDRAW)
Static OffItemState := OffItem + A_PtrSize ; Offset of uItemState (NMCUSTOMDRAW)
Static OffCT := SizeNCD ; Offset of clrText (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW)
Static OffCB := OffCT + 4 ; Offset of clrTextBk (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW)
Static OffSubItem := OffCB + 4 ; Offset of iSubItem (NMLVCUSTOMDRAW)
Critical -1
If !(This.HWND) || (NumGet(L, "UPtr") != This.HWND)
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DrawStage := NumGet(L + SizeNMHDR, "UInt"),
Row := NumGet(L + OffItem, "UPtr") + 1,
Col := NumGet(L + OffSubItem, "Int") + 1,
Item := Row - 1
If This.IsStatic
Row := This.MapIndexToID(Row)
; CDDS_SUBITEMPREPAINT = 0x030001 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (DrawStage = 0x030001) {
UseAltCol := (This.AltCols) && !(Col & 1),
ColColors := (This.Cells.Has(Row) && This.Cells[Row].Has(Col)) ? This.Cells[Row][Col] : Map("B", "", "T", ""),
ColB := (ColColors["B"] != "") ? ColColors["B"] : UseAltCol ? This.ACB : This.RowB,
ColT := (ColColors["T"] != "") ? ColColors["T"] : UseAltCol ? This.ACT : This.RowT,
NumPut("UInt", ColT, L + OffCT), NumPut("UInt", ColB, L + OffCB)
Return (!This.AltCols && (Col > This.Cells[Row].Length)) ? 0x00 : 0x020
; CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT = 0x010001 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (DrawStage = 0x010001) {
If (This.SelColors) && SendMessage(0x102C, Item, 0x0002, This.HWND) {
; Remove the CDIS_SELECTED (0x0001) and CDIS_FOCUS (0x0010) states from uItemState and set the colors.
NumPut("UInt", NumGet(L + OffItemState, "UInt") & ~0x0011, L + OffItemState)
If (This.SELB != "")
NumPut("UInt", This.SELB, L + OffCB)
If (This.SELT != "")
NumPut("UInt", This.SELT, L + OffCT)
Return 0x02 ; CDRF_NEWFONT
UseAltRow := This.AltRows && (Item & 1),
RowColors := This.Rows.Has(Row) ? This.Rows[Row] : "",
This.RowB := RowColors ? RowColors["B"] : UseAltRow ? This.ARB : This.BkClr,
This.RowT := RowColors ? RowColors["T"] : UseAltRow ? This.ART : This.TxClr
If (This.AltCols || This.Cells.Has(Row))
Return 0x20
NumPut("UInt", This.RowT, L + OffCT), NumPut("UInt", This.RowB, L + OffCB)
Return 0x00
; CDDS_PREPAINT = 0x000001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return (DrawStage = 0x000001) ? 0x20 : 0x00
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MapIndexToID(Row) { ; provides the unique internal ID of the given row number
Return SendMessage(0x10B4, Row - 1, 0, This.HWND) ; LVM_MAPINDEXTOID
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BGR(Color, Default := "") { ; converts colors to BGR
; HTML Colors (BGR)
Static HTML := {AQUA: 0xFFFF00, BLACK: 0x000000, BLUE: 0xFF0000, FUCHSIA: 0xFF00FF, GRAY: 0x808080, GREEN: 0x008000
, LIME: 0x00FF00, MAROON: 0x000080, NAVY: 0x800000, OLIVE: 0x008080, PURPLE: 0x800080, RED: 0x0000FF
, SILVER: 0xC0C0C0, TEAL: 0x808000, WHITE: 0xFFFFFF, YELLOW: 0x00FFFF}
If IsInteger(Color)
Return ((Color >> 16) & 0xFF) | (Color & 0x00FF00) | ((Color & 0xFF) << 16)
Return (HTML.HasOwnProp(Color) ? HTML.%Color% : Default)
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。