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huanglilong 提交于 2016-08-31 15:42 . SUAS Code v1
% Small Fixed-Wing UAV State Estimation Examples
% This code provides example methods for performing state estimation
% (i.e. position and orientation) of a fixed-wing UAV (Unmanned Aerial
% Vehicle) using GPS, gyros, accelerometers, and a magnetometer as sensors.
% This code is meant as a companion to the JHU/APL Technical Digest article
% "Fundamentals of Small Unmanned Aircraft Flight", by Jeff Barton (see Reference 1).
% References:
% 1 Barton, J. D., Fundamentals of Small Unmanned Aircraft Flight,
% Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 31, Number 2 (2012).
% http://www.jhuapl.edu/techdigest/TD/td3102/
% Definitions:
% EKF: Extended Kalman Filter
% AHRS: Attitude and Heading Reference System
% INS: Inertial Navigation System
% Contents:
% SUAS_Code
% |-uav_state_estimation.m: Main state estimation driver routine
% |
% |-generate_uav_sensors_structure.m: Make noisy sensor measurements from truth data
% | (Utilized in uav_state_estimation.m)
% |-display_uav_estimate_results: Display results from uav_state_estimation.m
% | (Utilized in uav_state_estimation.m)
% |-perform_ekf.m: Extended Kalman Filter utility
% | (Utilized in uav_state_estimation.m)
% |-contents.m: This file
% |
% |-rotation_examples.m Stand-alone routine showing
% | conversions between rotation
% | methods utilized in this code
% |
% |-UavData
% | '-UavData_LetterE.mat Data file providing truth data
% | '-UavData_LetterE_withGusting.mat Data file providing truth data
% | '-UavData_Loiter.mat Data file providing truth data
% | '-UavData_Loiter_withGusting.mat Data file providing truth data
% | '-UavData_SquareSpiral.mat Data file providing truth data
% | '-UavData_SquareSpiral_withGusting.mat Data file providing truth data
% |
% |-AHRS_EKF_Euler Routines for Euler-based AHRS EKF state estimation
% | |-perform_state_estimation__ahrs_ekf_euler.m
% | |-compute_xdot_and_F__ahrs_ekf_euler.m
% | '-compute_zhat_and_H__ahrs_ekf_euler.m
% |
% |-AHRS_EKF_Quaternion Routines for Quaternion-based AHRS EKF state estimation
% | |-perform_state_estimation__ahrs_ekf_quaternion.m
% | |-compute_xdot_and_F__ahrs_ekf_quaternion.m
% | '-compute_zhat_and_H__ahrs_ekf_quaternion.m
% |
% |-AHRS_Feedback Routines for AHRS Feedback Method state estimation
% | '-perform_state_estimation__ahrs_ekf_euler.m
% |
% |-INS_EKF_Euler Routines for Euler-based INS EKF state estimation
% | |-perform_state_estimation__ins_ekf_euler.m
% | |-compute_xdot_and_F__ins_ekf_euler.m
% | '-compute_zhat_and_H__ins_ekf_euler.m
% |
% '-INS_EKF_Quaternion Routines for Quaternion-based INS EKF state estimation
% |-perform_state_estimation__ins_ekf_quaternion.m
% |-compute_xdot_and_F__ins_ekf_quaternion.m
% '-compute_zhat_and_H__ins_ekf_quaternion.m
% To run state estimation examples, merely run uav_state_estimation.m.
% Copyright 2012 The Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory LLC. All Rights Reserved.
% SUAS Code Version: 1.0, October 16, 2012
% Author: Jeff Barton at JHU/APL, jeffrey.barton@jhuapl.edu
% Website: http://www.jhuapl.edu/ott/Technologies/Copyright/SuasCode.asp
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