function [xhat_new P_new] = perform_ekf(compute_xdot_and_F,xhat_k,P_k,Q_t,compute_zhat_and_H,z_k,R_k,dt,varargin)
% PERFORM_EKF - Propagate and/or update a discrete-time Extended Kalman Filter.
% PERFORM_EKF propagates the EKF state vector, xhat(k), and covariance,
% P(k), estimates from time k to time k+1. If a measurement, z(k), and
% its associated sampled uncertainty matrix, R(k), are provided, the
% method updates the state vector and covariance based on information
% from the measurement. Because non-linear dynamic models are often more
% intuitively represented in continuous time, PERFORM_EKF makes use of
% the continuous-time state derivatives, xdot(t), and process noise, Q(t).
% And because the state dynamics and measurement models are generally a
% function of the state (xhat), and possibly some additional inputs,
% PERFORM_EKF makes use of user-provided function handles for computing
% the non-linear and linearized dynamics and measurement models.
% Usage for propagating and updating states (xhat_k) and covariance (P_k) of n-state EKF:
% [xhat_new P_new] = perform_ekf( ...
% @compute_xdot_and_F, ...% Handle to function which returns xdot (nx1 state derivatives) and F (nxn linearized dynamics model)
% xhat_k, ... % Current full state estimate (nx1)
% P_k, ... % Current state covariance matrix (nxn)
% Q_t, ... % Continuous time state process noise matrix (nxn)
% @compute_zhat_and_H, ...% Handle to function which returns zhat (mx1 non-linear meas estimate) and H (mxm linearized meas model)
% z_k, ... % Current measurement vector (mx1)
% R_k, ... % Sampled measurement error covariance matrix (mxm)
% dt, ... % Propagation time step interval, seconds: t(k+1) = t(k) + dt
% [ u1, ... ] % Optional input variables for compute_xdot_and_F() and/or compute_zhat_and_H()
% [ u2, ... ] % Optional input variables for compute_xdot_and_F() and/or compute_zhat_and_H()
% [ . ]
% [ uN, ... ] % Optional input variables for compute_xdot_and_F() and/or compute_zhat_and_H()
% );
% More detailed information about PERFORM_EKF is available within the body
% of perform_ekf.m.
% Copyright © 2012 The Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory LLC. All Rights Reserved.
% SUAS Code Version: 1.0, October 16, 2012
% Author: Jeff Barton at JHU/APL, jeffrey.barton@jhuapl.edu
% Website: http://www.jhuapl.edu/ott/Technologies/Copyright/SuasCode.asp
% PERFORM_EKF implements a full-state discrete-time Extended Kalman Filter
% for a non-linear system and/or measurement model (See References 1 & 2).
% System models are often derived as continuous-time models, where the
% propagation of a state vector x(t) is defined by its time-derivative
% xdot(t) (derivative of x(t) with respect to time). At any time t,
% xdot(t) must be modeled as a function of the system state, x(t), other
% deterministic quantities (u(t)) that are not otherwise modeled in x(t),
% and any non-deterministic influences, w(t). Similarly, a non-linear
% measurement vector, z(t), can also be modeled as a function of
% x(t), u(t), and non-deterministic influences v(t). Thus, a
% continuous-time system to be estimated by a non-linear Kalman Filter
% method can by modeled by:
% Non-Linear Continuous-Time Model
% --------------------------------
% xdot(t) = f(x(t),u(t)) + w(t), E(w(t)*w(t)')=Q(t)
% z(t) = h(x(t),u(t)) + v(t), E(v(t)*v(t)')=R(t)
% In the Continuous-Time Model, f() and h() are functions representing the
% state dynamics and measurement models, respectively. Also, the state
% process noise, w(t), and the measurement noise, v(t), have statistical
% covariance matrices Q(t) and R(t), respectively. [E(w*w') is the expected
% value of the matrix w*w'. E(w*w') is also called the covariance of w.]
% But, the Extended Kalman Filter is based on a linearization of the
% non-linear system. For the implemented full-state EKF, the system
% is linearized about the estimated state vector. Thus, the
% continuous-time linearized system can be represented as:
% Linearized Continuous-Time Model
% --------------------------------
% xdot(t) = F(t)*x(t) + Fu(t)*u(t) + w(t), E(w(t)*w(t)')=Q(t)
% z(t) = H(t)*x(t) + Hu(t)*u(t) + v(t), E(v(t)*v(t)')=R(t)
% where:
% F(t) = Jacobian of f(x,u) with respect to x(t) (Linearized mapping from x(t) to xdot(t).)
% H(t) = Jacobian of h(x,u) with respect to x(t) (Linearized mapping from x(t) t z(t).)
% Fu(t)= Jac. of f(x,u) wrt u(t). (Fu(t) is not explicitly needed because xdot(t) will be formed from f(x,u).)
% Hu(t)= Jac. of h(x,u) wrt u(t). (Hu(t) is not explicitly needed because z(t) will be formed from h(x,u).)
% Finally, Kalman Filters are generally implemented in the discrete-time
% domain, thus the above continuous-time model must be converted to
% discrete time, where "k" indicates the time step:
% Linearized Discrete-Time Model
% --------------------------------
% x(k+1) = PHI(k)*x(k) + PHIu(k)*u(k) + w(k), E(w(k)*w(k)')=Q(k)
% z(k) = H(k) *x(k) + Hu(k) *u(k) + v(k), E(v(k)*v(k)')=R(k)
% where:
% PHI(k): State Transition Matrix from time k to time k+1
% (PHI(k) is determined via VanLoan method, described later.)
% H(k): Linear mapping from states to measurement at time k
% (H(k) is equal to H(t) at time k.)
% Q(k): Covariance of discrete-time process noise w(k)
% (Q(k) is not equal to inputted Q(t). Q(k) is determined via VanLoan method.)
% R(k): Covariance of the sampled (discrete-time) measurement noise v(k).
% PHIu(k): Mapping from u(k) to x(k+1). (Not explicitly needed)
% Hu(k): Mapping from u(k) to z(k). (Not explicitly needed)
% The purpose of the Kalman Filter is to provide an estimate of x given
% measurements z. In EKF parlance, the estimate of x is denoted xhat.
% Similarly, the estimate of the measurement z recreated from xhat is
% denoted zhat. [For a linear measurement: zhat=H*xhat+Hu*u. For a
% non-linear measurement: zhat=h(xhat,u).]
% To accomodate a wide array of system models with either linear or
% non-linear state dynamics and measurement models, PERFORM_EKF requires
% handles to user-provided functions to generate the dynamics and
% measurement models:
% @compute_xdot_and_F: [xdot F] = compute_xdot_and_F(xhat,u1,u2,...,uN)
% This function must return both the nx1 state derivative vector,
% xdot, and the nxn continuous-time linearized dynamics matrix, F.
% The inputs to the function are the current state estimates, xhat,
% and any number of additional inputs (u1,...,uN), as necessary.
% @compute_zhat_and_H: [zhat H] = compute_zhat_and_H(xhat,u1,u2,...,uN)
% This function must return both a model-based estimate (zhat) of
% the mx1 measurement vector z and the mxn linearized measurement
% matrix H. The inputs to the function are the current state
% estimates, xhat, and any number of additional inputs (u1,...,uN),
% as necessary.
% Note that @compute_xdot_and_F and @compute_zhat_and_H must use the exact
% same input arguments: (xhat,u1,u2,...,uN).
% Using the inputted quantities, the EKF is performed in the following
% manner:
% 1) The Van Loan method (see Refs. 1 & 3) is used to numerically
% convert the continuous-time linearized dynamics model and process
% noise matrices, F(t) and Q(t), into the discrete-time state
% transition matrix, PHI(k), and discrete-time process noise, Q(k):
% [F(t), Q(t), dt] => [PHI(k), Q(k)]
% 2) The state estimate vector at time k, xhat(k), is propagated dt
% seconds via the modeled state derivatives vector, xdot (using Euler
% integration):
% xhat(k+1) = xhat(k) + xdot*dt;
% 3) The state covariance matrix at time k, P(k), is propagated dt
% seconds via the state transition matrix, PHI(k), and the
% discrete-time process noise, Q(k):
% P(k+1) = PHI(k)*P(k)*PHI(k)' + Q(k)
% 4) If a measurement is supplied (i.e. z_k is not empty), the
% propagated state estimate, xhat(k+1), and covariance, P(k+1), are
% updated based on the measurement. The update steps are as follows:
% a) Form the Kalman gain matrix, K, which forms a matrix
% weighting the state uncertainties, P(k+1), with the
% measurement uncertainty, R(k).
% K = P(k+1)*H'*inv(H*P(k+1)*H'+R(k))
% b) Update state estimate at time k+1 using the residual error
% between the actual measurement, z, and the model of that
% measurement, zhat. The Kalman gain K dictates how much the
% measurement will affect the state estimate:
% xhat(k+1) = xhat(k+1) + K*(z-zhat)
% c) Upate state covariance matrix at time k+1. Effectively, this
% update reduces the state uncertainties due to information
% gained in the measurement:
% P(k+1) = (I - K*H)*P(k+1) (Note: I is the identity matrix)
% Notes:
% - Kalman filtering nomenclature varies widely. The variable usage
% herein mostly follows that used in Reference 1.
% - The theoretical EKF formulation, as represented here, involves
% a matrix inverse. Matrix inversion is highly inefficient and
% can result in numerical errors. Other methods, such as Cholesky
% Factorization, are generally preferred. (See Reference 4)
% References:
% 1. Brown. R. G. and Hwang, P., "Introduction to Random Signals and
% Applied Kalman Filtering. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1992
% 2. Wikipedia site on Extended Kalman Filter:
% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Kalman_filter
% 3. Wikipedia site on Discretization, for discussion of Van Loan Method:
% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discretization
% 4. Matlab Central File Exchange contribution "Learning the Extended
% Kalman Filter" by Yi Cao:
% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/18189-learning-the-extended-kalman-filter
if nargin==0
error('PERFORM_EKF is not a stand-alone routine. type HELP PERFORM_EKF for information')
% Make derivatives vector (xdot) and linearized state dynamics
% matrix (F).
% xdot: estimated state derivatives with respect to time
% xdot(t) = dx/dt = f(xhat,u) (nx1 vector)
% F: linearized state derivative (Jacobian) matrix
% F = d(xdot)/dx = d( f(xhat,u) )/dx (nxn matrix)
% Note: varargin{:} consists of the any additional inputs (u1, u2, ...)
% necessary to compute xdot and F.
[xdot F] = compute_xdot_and_F(xhat_k,varargin{:});
% Use VanLoan Method to convert from linearized continuous-domain state
% model (F,Q_t), into discrete-domain state transformation (PHI_k & Q_k).
% Thus, assuming u(t) is relatively constant between times k and k+1, it
% converts
% xdot(t)=F*x(t)+Fu*u(t)+w(t), E[w(t)*w(t)']=Q(t)
% to
% x(k+1)=PHI(k)*x(k)+PHIu(k)*u(k)+w(k), E[w(k)*w(k)']=Q(k).
% VanLoan Method:
% [ -F(t) | Q(t) ]
% AA = [-------+------]*dt
% [ zero | F(t)']
% [ ... | inv(PHI(k))*Q(k)]
% BB = expm(AA) = [-----+-----------------]
% [ zero| PHI(k)' ]
% Thus, PHI(k) is the transpose of the lower-right of BB. Using the upper
% right of BB, Q(k) = PHI(k) * inv(PHI(k))*Q(k). The derivation of PHIu is
% not provided because it is not needed.
AA = [-F Q_t; zeros(nStates,nStates) F']*dt;
BB = expm(AA); % <- Matrix exponential!
PHI_k = BB(nStates+1:2*nStates,nStates+1:2*nStates)';
Q_k = PHI_k*BB(1:nStates,nStates+1:2*nStates);
% Predict state estimate xhat forward dt seconds.
% We use Euler integration on the non-linear state derivatives,
% xdot(t)=f(x(t),u(t)), to propagate xhat dt seconds from time k to time
% k+1:
% xhat(k+1) = xhat(k) + xdot(t)*dt.
% We alternatively could have used:
% xhat(k+1) = PHI*xhat(k) + PHIu*u(k).
% Doing so, however, would have introduced some linearization error and
% required us to compute PHIu.
xhat_k = xhat_k + xdot*dt;
% Predict state covariance (P_k) forward dt seconds.
% PHI_k: State transition matrix from time k to time k+1
% Q_k: Discrete-time process noise matrix
% Note: In the P_k equation below, the PHI_k*P_k*PHI_k' term directly
% propagates the "a priori" state uncertainty from time k to time k+1. The
% Q_k term adds additional uncertainty at each time step due to the process
% noise, w(k).
% P(k+1) = PHI(k)*P(k)*PHI(k)' + Q(k)
P_k = PHI_k*P_k*PHI_k' + Q_k;
% Perform measurmement update
if ~isempty(z_k)
% zhat: re-creation of measurement z, based on current state estimate
% zhat(k) = zhat(t) = h(xhat,u) (mx1 vector)
% H: linearized measurement matrix (Jacobian of h, with respect to the EKF states)
% H = d(zhat)/dx = d( h(xhat,u) )/dx (mxn matrix)
% Note: varargin{:} consists of the any additional inputs (u1, u2, ...)
% necessary to compute zhat and H.
[zhat H] = compute_zhat_and_H(xhat_k,varargin{:});
% K: Kalman gain matrix
% K = P_k*H'*inv(H*P_k*H'+R_k);
% Note: in Matlab, inv() can be very slow and inaccurate, so we'll use
% the forward-slash ("/", see "help mrdivide") instead.
% See Reference 4 for a potentially more efficient Cholesky
% Factorization method for computing K, xhat_k & P_k.
K = (P_k*H')/(H*P_k*H'+R_k);
% Update of state estimates using measurement residual (z-zhat).
% Effectively, K provides a means weighting how much the measurement
% should affect the state estimate, xhat. Thus, if the measurement
% uncertainty (R_k) is "large" compared with the state uncertainty (P_k)
% then gain matrix K will be "small", meaning that the new measurement
% will have little effect on the state estimate.
% In contrast, if the measurement uncertainty is small, then K will
% be large meaning we have high confidence in the measurement (z_k) and
% will weight it more than the predicted state estimate.
xhat_k = xhat_k + K*(z_k-zhat);
% Update of state covariance matrix
% Effectively, this update reduces the state uncertainties due to
% information gained in the measurement.
% P(k+1) = (I - K*H)*P(k+1) (Note: I is the identity matrix)
% = P(k+1) - K*H*P(k+1)
P_k = (eye(length(xhat_k))-K*H)*P_k;
% Assign output values.
% These should be inputted back into perform_ekf at the subsequent time
% step.
xhat_new=xhat_k; % xhat(k+1)
P_new =P_k; % P(k+1)
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