同步操作将从 Apache/Ignite 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
A Note about Invoking Maven
Apache Ignite build system uses Maven Wrapper to simplify and standardize build process. On different operating
systems, it should be run slightly differently:
* On Unix-like systems (including Cygwin, WSL, git-bash), it's `./mvnw <arguments>`
* On Windows (in PowerShell), it's `./mvnw <arguments>` as well
* On Windows (in cmd shell), it's `.\mvnw <arguments>` or `mvnw <arguments>` (in older versions)
Further in our documentation, we always use the ./mvnw form. Please adapt it to your system if needed.
Apache Ignite Maven Build Instructions
1) Compile and install:
./mvnw clean install -Pall-java,all-scala,licenses -DskipTests
or if you have to build .NET part as well, use the following command:
(Note that 'doxygen', `docfx`, '.NET Core SDK 3.1', 'PowerShell' should be installed before running this command.)
./mvnw clean install -Pall-java,all-scala,licenses,platforms -DskipTests -DclientDocs
2) Javadoc generation (optional):
./mvnw initialize -Pjavadoc
3) Build Apache Ignite assembly:
./mvnw initialize -Prelease
Look for apache-ignite-<version>-bin.zip in ./target/bin directory.
4) Build Apache Ignite slim edition assembly:
./mvnw initialize -Prelease -Dignite.edition=apache-ignite-slim
Look for apache-ignite-slim-<version>-bin.zip in ./target/bin directory.
Apache Ignite with LGPL Maven Build Instructions
1) Compile and install:
./mvnw clean install -Pall-java,all-scala,licenses -DskipTests
or if you have to build .NET part as well, use the following command:
(Note that 'doxygen', `docfx`, '.NET Core SDK 3.1', 'PowerShell' should be installed before running this command.)
./mvnw clean install -Pall-java,all-scala,licenses,platforms -DskipTests -DclientDocs
2) Javadoc generation with LGPL (optional):
./mvnw initialize -Pjavadoc,lgpl
3) Build Apache Ignite assembly with LGPL dependencies:
./mvnw initialize -Prelease,lgpl -Dignite.edition=apache-ignite-lgpl
Look for apache-ignite-lgpl-<version>-bin.zip in ./target/bin directory.
Apache Ignite with NUMA allocator Build Instructions (Linux only)
1) Install dependencies as described at modules/numa-allocator/README.md.
2) Compile and install:
./mvnw clean install -Pall-java,licenses -DskipTests
or if you have built Apache Ignite.NET on the first step use following command:
(Note that 'doxygen' should be installed before running this command.)
./mvnw clean install -Pall-java,licenses -DskipTests -DclientDocs
3) Javadoc generation with NUMA allocator (optional):
./mvnw initialize -Pjavadoc,numa-allocator
4) Build Apache Ignite assembly with NUMA allocator:
./mvnw initialize -Prelease,numa-allocator
Look for apache-ignite-<version>-bin.zip in ./target/bin directory.
Ignite C++ Build Instructions
Instructions can be found at modules/platforms/cpp/DEVNOTES.txt.
Apache Ignite RPM Package Build Instructions
1) Build Apache Ignite binary archive (instructions above)
2) Run packaging script and follow messages if they required interaction
packaging/package.sh --rpm
Packages will be available in packaging/ directory
Apache Ignite DEB Package Build Instructions
1) Build Apache Ignite binary archive (instructions above)
2) Build Apache Ignite RPM package (also above)
3) Run packaging script and follow messages if they required interaction
packaging/package.sh --deb
Packages will be available in packaging/ directory
NOTE: to build both packages type at once, run
packaging/package.sh --rpm --deb
Install and Run Apache Ignite from packages
1) Install package with YUM or APT respectively
yum localinstall -y apache-ignite-<version>.noarch.rpm
dpkg -i apache-ignite_<version>_all.deb
2) Start Apache Ignite service
systemctl start apache-ignite@<config name>
NOTE: <config name> - relative to /etc/apache-ignite configuration file name
systemctl start apache-ignite@default-config.xml
3) See logs in /var/log/apache-ignite or journalctl -xe
Ignite Release Instructions
1) Use your people.apache.org/keys/committer/<username>.asc key to generate KEYS file.
Download https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/ignite/KEYS and append you key using commands:
gpg --list-sigs <keyname> >> KEYS
gpg --armor --export <keyname> >> KEYS
Upload modified KEYS file.
2) Specify gpg profile at settings.xml. It will be used to sign sources and artifacts.
Ensure you have RELEASE (not SNAPSHOT) version at Ignite poms.
Maven release plugin release:prepare goal can be used to make release tag.
3) Deploy Ignite release candidate to maven repository and dev-svn, make tag:
3.1) Deploy Ignite to maven repository, prepares sources and binaries.
./mvnw deploy -Papache-release,gpg,all-java,all-scala,licenses,deploy-ignite-site -Dignite.edition=apache-ignite -DskipTests
3.2) Javadoc generation:
./mvnw initialize -Pjavadoc
3.3) Assembly Apache Ignite:
./mvnw initialize -Prelease
NOTE: Nexus staging (repository.apache.org) should be closed with appropriate comment contains release version and
release candidate number, for example "Apache Ignite 1.0.0-rc7", when `./mvnw deploy` finished.
3.5) Checkout https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ignite svn. Create release candidate folder with name
equals to release version with "-rc*" ending, for example "1.0.0-rc7", at svn root.
Copy /target/site folder content to svn/ignite/<rc-version> folder and commit with appropriate comment.
3.6) Make appropriate git tag for release candidate, for example "ignite-X.Y.Z-rc1".
4) Start vote based on https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ignite/<rc-version>.
5) Release nexus staging, move binaries and sources from https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/ignite/<rc-version>
to https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/ignite/<version> when version accepted.
Use svn mv ^/dev/ignite/<rc-version> ^/release/ignite/<version> command for proper moving.
6) Make appropriate git tag for released version, for example "ignite-X.Y.Z".
7) Send an email to dev@ignite.apache.org contains release svn url.
JCache TCK compliance
To test compliance with JCache TCK use:
./mvnw test -P-release,jcache-tck -pl :ignite-core -am
Run tests
To run tests locally use:
./mvnw clean test -U -Plgpl,examples,-clean-libs,-release -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest=%TEST_PATTERN%
For example, %TEST_PATTERN% can be 'org.apache.ignite.testsuites.IgniteBasicTestSuite' or 'GridCacheLocalAtomicFullApiSelfTest#testGet'
Test suites
All unit tests must be included in any test suite. Travis runs a check for that. To check it locally run for the root project:
./mvnw test -Pcheck-test-suites
If you want to check a single module only:
1) Add ignite-tools dependency to the test scope of the module.
2) Install ignite-tools with command:
./mvnw install -Pcheck-test-suites
3) Run tests in the module:
./mvnw test
Apache RAT Instructions
To check license headers use:
./mvnw clean validate -Pcheck-licenses
For more information (e.g. exclude list) see "check-licenses" profile in "parent/pom.xml".
Useful Release Commands
zip -r9 apache-ignite-X.X.X-src.zip apache-ignite-X.X.X-src
gpg --armor --output apache-ignite-X.X.X-src.zip.asc --detach-sig apache-ignite-X.X.X-src.zip
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