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eapen 提交于 2022-03-28 17:14 . accelerate test
.\" Man Page for build.sh
.TH "2.0.0" "Apache 2"
"./build.sh [options]"
This script is the entry point for building and testing BiShengJDK. Currently
it's only used by Code Gate running on OpenEuler Docker.
\fBExample:\fR The simplest use case to run is:
"./build.sh --jdk jdk8u"
This will build you the latest Java 8 BiSheng binary from the source
at https://gitee.com/openeuler/bishengjdk-8
If you want to get the latest BiShengJDK, please
visit https://www.hikunpeng.com/developer/devkit/compiler/jdk.
.BR \-\-abort-retest-number " " \fI<number>\fR
specify the number to abort jtreg retest in CI mode, e.g. 100.
The default value is 50.
.BR \-b ", " \-\-branch " " \fI<branch>\fR
specify a custom branch to build from, e.g. master.
The default value is master.
.BR \-\-boot-jdk-dir " " \fI<boot-jdk-dir>\fR
specify the JDK boot dir.
For reference, BiShengJDK needs the previous version of a JDK in order to build
itself. You should select the path to a JDK install that is N-1 versions below
the one you are trying to build.
.BR \-B ", " \-\-build-number " " \fI<build_number>\fR
specify the BiShengJDK build number to build from, e.g. b13.
For reference, BiShengJDK version numbers look like 1.8.0_162-b13 (for Java 8) or
11.0.4+12 (for Java 11/17) with the build number being the suffix at the end.
.BR \-\-build-type " " \fI<ci|release|debug>\fR
specify the purpose to build jdk.
For reference, 'ci' is to build and test, 'release' is to
build and archive, and 'debug' is to build a jdk with debug symbols.
.BR \-\-build-variant " " \fI<jdk8|jdk11|jdk11|riscv>\fR
specify a BiShengJDK build variant, e.g. jdk8u.
If this option is not given, the variant is deduced by the repository.
.BR \-c ", " \-\-configure-args " " \fI<args>\fR
specify any custom user configuration arguments.
.BR \-\-create-jre-image
create the legacy JRE image in addition to the JDK image.
.BR \-d ", " \-\-destination " " \fI<path>\fR
specify the location for the built binary, e.g. /path/.
.BR \-h ", " \-\-help
print this help.
.BR \-\-jvm-variant " " \fI<jvm_variant>\fR
specify the JVM variant (server or client), defaults to server.
.BR \-\-make-args " " \fI<args>\fR
specify any custom user make arguments.
.BR \-r ", " \-\-repository " " \fI<repository>\fR
specify the repository to clone OpenJDK source from,
e.g. https://gitee.com/openeuler/bishengjdk-8.
.BR \-s ", " \-\-source " " \fI<path>\fR
specify the location of BiShengJDK source.
.BR \-t ", " \-\-tag " " \fI<tag>\fR
specify the repository tag that you want to build OpenJDK from.
.BR \-u ", " \-\-update-version " " \fI<update_version>\fR
specify the update version to build OpenJDK from, e.g. 162.
For reference, OpenJDK version numbers look like 1.8.0_162-b13 (for Java 8) or
11.0.4+12 (for Java 11/17) with the update number being the number after the '_'
(162) or the 3rd position in the semVer version string (4).
Some common example usages:
"./build.sh --build-type ci -s path/to/src --build-variant jdk8"
"./build.sh --build-type release --build-variant jdk8"
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