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pom.xml 96.00 KB
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<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<!-- Version -->
<!-- Organization -->
<name>MuleSoft, Inc.</name>
<!-- Project -->
<name>Mule Kernel</name>
Mule is the runtime engine of Anypoint™ Platform. It is the industry’s only unified platform that combines data and application integration across legacy systems, SaaS applications, and APIs with hybrid deployment options for maximum flexibility.
<name>CPAL v1.0</name>
<name>Matias Baldini</name>
<role>Project Manager</role>
<name>Daniel Feist</name>
<name>Ana Felisatti</name>
<name>Mariano Gonzalez</name>
<name>Alejandro Iannucci</name>
<name>Pablo Kraan</name>
<name>Pablo La Greca</name>
<name>Alejandro Nosenzo</name>
<name>Rodrigo Merino</name>
<name>Guillermo Fernandes</name>
<name>Alejandro Pulver</name>
<name>Martin Buchwald</name>
<name>Alejandro Garcia Marra</name>
<name>Esteban Wasinger</name>
<name>Juan Desimoni</name>
<name>Nicolas Di Nucci</name>
<name>Fabian Gonzalez</name>
<name>Luciano Raineri Marchina</name>
<!-- Refer to https://github.com/mulesoft/mule/graphs/contributors -->
<!-- Build -->
<!-- Properties that can be overriden in submodules -->
<!-- Properties that can be used to enable/disable parts of the build via cmd line or profiles -->
The above project.url will not be picked up in the manifest,
instead a module artifact id is erroneously substituted.
Use the name of an Eclipse Java execution environment, Eclipse will
choose the right one by itself.
<!-- Mule Snapshot Dependencies -->
<!-- The tests/test-components artifacts is in the mule repo but as has the mule-modules-parent as parent
its version is not changed by the versions:set plugin -->
<!-- Test Extensions -->
<!--Maven plugins versions-->
<!-- v1.1.0 has an issue with Optional dependencies, whenjbpmVersion resolving the graph it overrides the optionality of a transitive
dependency with the one define in the dependency management (which is mostly in all the cases "false")
https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=501019 -->
<surefire.args.base>-XX:+TieredCompilation -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -javaagent:${settings.localRepository}/org/aspectj/aspectjweaver/${aspectjVersion}/aspectjweaver-${aspectjVersion}.jar -javaagent:${settings.localRepository}/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/${jacoco.version}/org.jacoco.agent-${jacoco.version}-runtime.jar=destfile='${session.executionRootDirectory}/target/jacoco.exec'</surefire.args.base>
<!-- Declare all dependencies that are used in more than one module here. -->
<!--servlet api jar is versioned differently-->
<!-- For unit tests only -->
<!-- Added to avoid conflicting transitive versions from Mockito and PowerMock -->
<!-- More info: http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/PL/multithreadedtc/overview.html -->
<!-- we like slf4j -->
<!-- this really should be the org.jdom groupId but all the other modules use the jdom groupId -->
<!-- Eclipse Aether -->
<!-- TODO MULE-14667 Upgrade to reactor 3.2.0 -->
<name>Mule Release Repository</name>
<name>Mule Snapshot Repository</name>
<name>Mule Repository</name>
<name>Mule Repository</name>
Specify versions of the plugins used in child poms here.
Do NOT put any configuration for plugins here. Global plugin
configuration should go into the <plugins> section.
<!-- Mule dependencies are ignored -->
<!-- Testing dependencies are ignored -->
<!-- Logging related artifacts are exposed by the BOOTSTRAP ClassLoader -->
<!-- Don't need to worry about this -->
<!-- Surefire should be able to detect that classes are abstract but it seems it isn't -->
<!-- Our tests never start with Test* but we have a lot of test helpers that match -->
<!-- exclude inner classes -->
<!-- Just propagate this variable due to surefire will not do this when forked vm for tests -->
Groovy dependency is handled by Mule differently,
declare the compatible one explicitly for the plugin.
<owner>MuleSoft, Inc</owner>
<timestampFormat>{0,date,yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss}</timestampFormat>
Needed for checkstyle to find the license header file from the classpath.
CAVEAT: you cannot build the site without mule-buildtools present in
your local repository.
For plugin config see below in reporting section
<!-- The maven-jar-plugin generates the MANIFEST.MF for all modules
where <packaging>jar</packaging> is used. -->
Disabled for http://mule.mulesoft.org/jira/browse/MULE-1153
and http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4408526
<!-- List dependencies in the MANIFEST.MF -->
<!-- Note that we do not generate a classpath into the manifest, since doing so
significantly slows down compilations that use the jar -->
<!-- Custom Entries -->
<!-- include repository revision from buildnumber plugin -->
<More-Info>For more information go to ${productUrl}</More-Info>
<Support>Get commercial support: ${project.organization.url}/support</Support>
<Description>Mule Runtime and Integration Platform</Description>
<License>CPAL v1.0 http://www.mulesoft.com/CPAL/</License>
<!-- Aggregate sources artifact must be explicitly required from the maven command -->
<!-- Attempting to generate it automatically by configuring the execution here will cause issues when adding new modules -->
<!-- Link to the external online JavaDoc -->
<title>Mule Core</title>
<title>Modules (not part of the Mule core)</title>
<title>Testing Framework</title>
<!-- When using this profile, the location of the YourKit agent has to be provided with a vm argument -->
<!-- A typical agent location in OSX is like: -->
<!-- -Dyourkit.agent.path=/Applications/YourKit-Java-Profiler-2019.8.app/Contents/Resources/bin/mac/libyjpagent.dylib -->
<surefire.args>-agentpath:'${yourkit.agent.path}'=disablestacktelemetry,exceptions=disable,probe_disable=*,listen=all ${surefire.args.base}</surefire.args>
<message>No Snapshots Allowed in Deps!</message>
<message>No Snapshots Allowed in Project Version!</message>
<message>Best Practice is to always define plugin versions!</message>
<message>No Snapshots Allowed in Deps!</message>
"revapi" : {
"java" : {
"missing-classes" : {
"behavior" : "report"
"semver": {
"ignore": {
"enabled": true,
"versionIncreaseAllows" : {
"major" : "breaking",
"minor" : "nonBreaking",
"patch" : "equivalent"
<analysisConfigurationFiles combine.children="append">
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