同步操作将从 云金杞/backtrader 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Daniel Rodriguez
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.. module:: lineroot
Defines LineSeries and Descriptors inside of it for classes that hold multiple
lines at once.
.. moduleauthor:: Daniel Rodriguez
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import sys
from .utils.py3 import map, range, string_types, with_metaclass
from .linebuffer import LineBuffer, LineActions, LinesOperation, LineDelay, NAN
from .lineroot import LineRoot, LineSingle, LineMultiple
from .metabase import AutoInfoClass
from . import metabase
class LineAlias(object):
''' Descriptor class that store a line reference and returns that line
from the owner
Keyword Args:
line (int): reference to the line that will be returned from
owner's *lines* buffer
As a convenience the __set__ method of the descriptor is used not set
the *line* reference because this is a constant along the live of the
descriptor instance, but rather to set the value of the *line* at the
instant '0' (the current one)
def __init__(self, line):
self.line = line
def __get__(self, obj, cls=None):
return obj.lines[self.line]
def __set__(self, obj, value):
A line cannot be "set" once it has been created. But the values
inside the line can be "set". This is achieved by adding a binding
to the line inside "value"
if isinstance(value, LineMultiple):
value = value.lines[0]
# If the now for sure, LineBuffer 'value' is not a LineActions the
# binding below could kick-in too early in the chain writing the value
# into a not yet "forwarded" line, effectively writing the value 1
# index too early and breaking the functionality (all in next mode)
# Hence the need to transform it into a LineDelay object of null delay
if not isinstance(value, LineActions):
value = value(0)
class Lines(object):
Defines an "array" of lines which also has most of the interface of
a LineBuffer class (forward, rewind, advance...).
This interface operations are passed to the lines held by self
The class can autosubclass itself (_derive) to hold new lines keeping them
in the defined order.
_getlinesbase = classmethod(lambda cls: ())
_getlines = classmethod(lambda cls: ())
_getlinesextra = classmethod(lambda cls: 0)
_getlinesextrabase = classmethod(lambda cls: 0)
def _derive(cls, name, lines, extralines, otherbases, linesoverride=False,
Creates a subclass of this class with the lines of this class as
initial input for the subclass. It will include num "extralines" and
lines present in "otherbases"
"name" will be used as the suffix of the final class name
"linesoverride": if True the lines of all bases will be discarded and
the baseclass will be the topmost class "Lines". This is intended to
create a new hierarchy
obaseslines = ()
obasesextralines = 0
for otherbase in otherbases:
if isinstance(otherbase, tuple):
obaseslines += otherbase
obaseslines += otherbase._getlines()
obasesextralines += otherbase._getlinesextra()
if not linesoverride:
baselines = cls._getlines() + obaseslines
baseextralines = cls._getlinesextra() + obasesextralines
else: # overriding lines, skip anything from baseclasses
baselines = ()
baseextralines = 0
clslines = baselines + lines
clsextralines = baseextralines + extralines
lines2add = obaseslines + lines
# str for Python 2/3 compatibility
basecls = cls if not linesoverride else Lines
newcls = type(str(cls.__name__ + '_' + name), (basecls,), {})
clsmodule = sys.modules[cls.__module__]
newcls.__module__ = cls.__module__
setattr(clsmodule, str(cls.__name__ + '_' + name), newcls)
setattr(newcls, '_getlinesbase', classmethod(lambda cls: baselines))
setattr(newcls, '_getlines', classmethod(lambda cls: clslines))
setattr(newcls, '_getlinesextrabase',
classmethod(lambda cls: baseextralines))
setattr(newcls, '_getlinesextra',
classmethod(lambda cls: clsextralines))
l2start = len(cls._getlines()) if not linesoverride else 0
l2add = enumerate(lines2add, start=l2start)
l2alias = {} if lalias is None else lalias._getkwargsdefault()
for line, linealias in l2add:
if not isinstance(linealias, string_types):
# a tuple or list was passed, 1st is name
linealias = linealias[0]
desc = LineAlias(line) # keep a reference below
setattr(newcls, linealias, desc)
# Create extra aliases for the given name, checking if the names is in
# l2alias (which is from the argument lalias and comes from the
# directive 'linealias', hence the confusion here (the LineAlias come
# from the directive 'lines')
for line, linealias in enumerate(newcls._getlines()):
if not isinstance(linealias, string_types):
# a tuple or list was passed, 1st is name
linealias = linealias[0]
desc = LineAlias(line) # keep a reference below
if linealias in l2alias:
extranames = l2alias[linealias]
if isinstance(linealias, string_types):
extranames = [extranames]
for ename in extranames:
setattr(newcls, ename, desc)
return newcls
def _getlinealias(cls, i):
Return the alias for a line given the index
lines = cls._getlines()
if i >= len(lines):
return ''
linealias = lines[i]
return linealias
def getlinealiases(cls):
return cls._getlines()
def itersize(self):
return iter(self.lines[0:self.size()])
def __init__(self, initlines=None):
Create the lines recording during "_derive" or else use the
provided "initlines"
self.lines = list()
for line, linealias in enumerate(self._getlines()):
kwargs = dict()
# Add the required extralines
for i in range(self._getlinesextra()):
if not initlines:
def __len__(self):
Proxy line operation
return len(self.lines[0])
def size(self):
return len(self.lines) - self._getlinesextra()
def fullsize(self):
return len(self.lines)
def extrasize(self):
return self._getlinesextra()
def __getitem__(self, line):
Proxy line operation
return self.lines[line]
def get(self, ago=0, size=1, line=0):
Proxy line operation
return self.lines[line].get(ago, size=size)
def __setitem__(self, line, value):
Proxy line operation
setattr(self, self._getlinealias(line), value)
def forward(self, value=NAN, size=1):
Proxy line operation
for line in self.lines:
line.forward(value, size=size)
def backwards(self, size=1, force=False):
Proxy line operation
for line in self.lines:
line.backwards(size, force=force)
def rewind(self, size=1):
Proxy line operation
for line in self.lines:
def extend(self, value=NAN, size=0):
Proxy line operation
for line in self.lines:
line.extend(value, size)
def reset(self):
Proxy line operation
for line in self.lines:
def home(self):
Proxy line operation
for line in self.lines:
def advance(self, size=1):
Proxy line operation
for line in self.lines:
def buflen(self, line=0):
Proxy line operation
return self.lines[line].buflen()
class MetaLineSeries(LineMultiple.__class__):
Dirty job manager for a LineSeries
- During __new__ (class creation), it reads "lines", "plotinfo",
"plotlines" class variable definitions and turns them into
Classes of type Lines or AutoClassInfo (plotinfo/plotlines)
- During "new" (instance creation) the lines/plotinfo/plotlines
classes are substituted in the instance with instances of the
aforementioned classes and aliases are added for the "lines" held
in the "lines" instance
Additionally and for remaining kwargs, these are matched against
args in plotinfo and if existent are set there and removed from kwargs
Remember that this Metaclass has a MetaParams (from metabase)
as root class and therefore "params" defined for the class have been
removed from kwargs at an earlier state
def __new__(meta, name, bases, dct):
Intercept class creation, identifiy lines/plotinfo/plotlines class
attributes and create corresponding classes for them which take over
the class attributes
# Get the aliases - don't leave it there for subclasses
aliases = dct.setdefault('alias', ())
aliased = dct.setdefault('aliased', '')
# Remove the line definition (if any) from the class creation
linesoverride = dct.pop('linesoverride', False)
newlines = dct.pop('lines', ())
extralines = dct.pop('extralines', 0)
# remove the new plotinfo/plotlines definition if any
newlalias = dict(dct.pop('linealias', {}))
# remove the new plotinfo/plotlines definition if any
newplotinfo = dict(dct.pop('plotinfo', {}))
newplotlines = dict(dct.pop('plotlines', {}))
# Create the class - pulling in any existing "lines"
cls = super(MetaLineSeries, meta).__new__(meta, name, bases, dct)
# Check the line aliases before creating the lines
lalias = getattr(cls, 'linealias', AutoInfoClass)
oblalias = [x.linealias for x in bases[1:] if hasattr(x, 'linealias')]
cls.linealias = la = lalias._derive('la_' + name, newlalias, oblalias)
# Get the actual lines or a default
lines = getattr(cls, 'lines', Lines)
# Create a subclass of the lines class with our name and newlines
# and put it in the class
morebaseslines = [x.lines for x in bases[1:] if hasattr(x, 'lines')]
cls.lines = lines._derive(name, newlines, extralines, morebaseslines,
linesoverride, lalias=la)
# Get a copy from base class plotinfo/plotlines (created with the
# class or set a default)
plotinfo = getattr(cls, 'plotinfo', AutoInfoClass)
plotlines = getattr(cls, 'plotlines', AutoInfoClass)
# Create a plotinfo/plotlines subclass and set it in the class
morebasesplotinfo = \
[x.plotinfo for x in bases[1:] if hasattr(x, 'plotinfo')]
cls.plotinfo = plotinfo._derive('pi_' + name, newplotinfo,
# Before doing plotline newlines have been added and no plotlineinfo
# is there add a default
for line in newlines:
newplotlines.setdefault(line, dict())
morebasesplotlines = \
[x.plotlines for x in bases[1:] if hasattr(x, 'plotlines')]
cls.plotlines = plotlines._derive(
'pl_' + name, newplotlines, morebasesplotlines, recurse=True)
# create declared class aliases (a subclass with no modifications)
for alias in aliases:
newdct = {'__doc__': cls.__doc__,
'__module__': cls.__module__,
'aliased': cls.__name__}
if not isinstance(alias, string_types):
# a tuple or list was passed, 1st is name, 2nd plotname
aliasplotname = alias[1]
alias = alias[0]
newdct['plotinfo'] = dict(plotname=aliasplotname)
newcls = type(str(alias), (cls,), newdct)
clsmodule = sys.modules[cls.__module__]
setattr(clsmodule, alias, newcls)
# return the class
return cls
def donew(cls, *args, **kwargs):
Intercept instance creation, take over lines/plotinfo/plotlines
class attributes by creating corresponding instance variables and add
aliases for "lines" and the "lines" held within it
# _obj.plotinfo shadows the plotinfo (class) definition in the class
plotinfo = cls.plotinfo()
for pname, pdef in cls.plotinfo._getitems():
setattr(plotinfo, pname, kwargs.pop(pname, pdef))
# Create the object and set the params in place
_obj, args, kwargs = super(MetaLineSeries, cls).donew(*args, **kwargs)
# set the plotinfo member in the class
_obj.plotinfo = plotinfo
# _obj.lines shadows the lines (class) definition in the class
_obj.lines = cls.lines()
# _obj.plotinfo shadows the plotinfo (class) definition in the class
_obj.plotlines = cls.plotlines()
# add aliases for lines and for the lines class itself
_obj.l = _obj.lines
if _obj.lines.fullsize():
_obj.line = _obj.lines[0]
for l, line in enumerate(_obj.lines):
setattr(_obj, 'line_%s' % l, _obj._getlinealias(l))
setattr(_obj, 'line_%d' % l, line)
setattr(_obj, 'line%d' % l, line)
# Parameter values have now been set before __init__
return _obj, args, kwargs
class LineSeries(with_metaclass(MetaLineSeries, LineMultiple)):
plotinfo = dict(
csv = True
def array(self):
return self.lines[0].array
def __getattr__(self, name):
# to refer to line by name directly if the attribute was not found
# in this object if we set an attribute in this object it will be
# found before we end up here
return getattr(self.lines, name)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.lines)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.lines[0][key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
setattr(self.lines, self.lines._getlinealias(key), value)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# if any args, kwargs make it up to here, something is broken
# defining a __init__ guarantees the existence of im_func to findbases
# in lineiterator later, because object.__init__ has no im_func
# (object has slots)
super(LineSeries, self).__init__()
def plotlabel(self):
label = self.plotinfo.plotname or self.__class__.__name__
sublabels = self._plotlabel()
if sublabels:
for i, sublabel in enumerate(sublabels):
# if isinstance(sublabel, LineSeries): ## DOESN'T WORK ???
if hasattr(sublabel, 'plotinfo'):
s = sublabel.plotinfo.plotname
s = ''
sublabels[i] = s or sublabel.__name__
label += ' (%s)' % ', '.join(map(str, sublabels))
return label
def _plotlabel(self):
return self.params._getvalues()
def _getline(self, line, minusall=False):
if isinstance(line, string_types):
lineobj = getattr(self.lines, line)
if line == -1: # restore original api behavior - default -> 0
if minusall: # minus means ... all lines
return None
line = 0
lineobj = self.lines[line]
return lineobj
def __call__(self, ago=None, line=-1):
'''Returns either a delayed verison of itself in the form of a
LineDelay object or a timeframe adapting version with regards to a ago
Param: ago (default: None)
If ago is None or an instance of LineRoot (a lines object) the
returned valued is a LineCoupler instance
If ago is anything else, it is assumed to be an int and a LineDelay
object will be returned
Param: line (default: -1)
If a LinesCoupler will be returned ``-1`` means to return a
LinesCoupler which adapts all lines of the current LineMultiple
object. Else the appropriate line (referenced by name or index) will
be LineCoupled
If a LineDelay object will be returned, ``-1`` is the same as ``0``
(to retain compatibility with the previous default value of 0). This
behavior will change to return all existing lines in a LineDelayed
The referenced line (index or name) will be LineDelayed
from .lineiterator import LinesCoupler # avoid circular import
if ago is None or isinstance(ago, LineRoot):
args = [self, ago]
lineobj = self._getline(line, minusall=True)
if lineobj is not None:
args[0] = lineobj
return LinesCoupler(*args, _ownerskip=self)
# else -> assume type(ago) == int -> return LineDelay object
return LineDelay(self._getline(line), ago, _ownerskip=self)
# The operations below have to be overriden to make sure subclasses can
# reach them using "super" which will not call __getattr__ and
# LineSeriesStub (see below) already uses super
def forward(self, value=NAN, size=1):
self.lines.forward(value, size)
def backwards(self, size=1, force=False):
self.lines.backwards(size, force=force)
def rewind(self, size=1):
def extend(self, value=NAN, size=0):
self.lines.extend(value, size)
def reset(self):
def home(self):
def advance(self, size=1):
class LineSeriesStub(LineSeries):
'''Simulates a LineMultiple object based on LineSeries from a single line
The index management operations are overriden to take into account if the
line is a slave, ie:
- The line reference is a line from many in a LineMultiple object
- Both the LineMultiple object and the Line are managed by the same
Were slave not to be taken into account, the individual line would for
example be advanced twice:
- Once under when the LineMultiple object is advanced (because it
advances all lines it is holding
- Again as part of the regular management of the object holding it
extralines = 1
def __init__(self, line, slave=False):
self.lines = self.__class__.lines(initlines=[line])
# give a change to find the line owner (for plotting at least)
self.owner = self._owner = line._owner
self._minperiod = line._minperiod
self.slave = slave
# Only execute the operations below if the object is not a slave
def forward(self, value=NAN, size=1):
if not self.slave:
super(LineSeriesStub, self).forward(value, size)
def backwards(self, size=1, force=False):
if not self.slave:
super(LineSeriesStub, self).backwards(size, force=force)
def rewind(self, size=1):
if not self.slave:
super(LineSeriesStub, self).rewind(size)
def extend(self, value=NAN, size=0):
if not self.slave:
super(LineSeriesStub, self).extend(value, size)
def reset(self):
if not self.slave:
super(LineSeriesStub, self).reset()
def home(self):
if not self.slave:
super(LineSeriesStub, self).home()
def advance(self, size=1):
if not self.slave:
super(LineSeriesStub, self).advance(size)
def qbuffer(self):
if not self.slave:
super(LineSeriesStub, self).qbuffer()
def minbuffer(self, size):
if not self.slave:
super(LineSeriesStub, self).minbuffer(size)
def LineSeriesMaker(arg, slave=False):
if isinstance(arg, LineSeries):
return arg
return LineSeriesStub(arg, slave=slave)
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