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order.py 21.35 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
云金杞 提交于 2021-12-18 20:38 . update backtrader files
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Daniel Rodriguez
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import collections
from copy import copy
import datetime
import itertools
from .utils.py3 import range, with_metaclass, iteritems
from .metabase import MetaParams
from .utils import AutoOrderedDict
class OrderExecutionBit(object):
Intended to hold information about order execution. A "bit" does not
determine if the order has been fully/partially executed, it just holds
Member Attributes:
- dt: datetime (float) execution time
- size: how much was executed
- price: execution price
- closed: how much of the execution closed an existing postion
- opened: how much of the execution opened a new position
- openedvalue: market value of the "opened" part
- closedvalue: market value of the "closed" part
- closedcomm: commission for the "closed" part
- openedcomm: commission for the "opened" part
- value: market value for the entire bit size
- comm: commission for the entire bit execution
- pnl: pnl generated by this bit (if something was closed)
- psize: current open position size
- pprice: current open position price
def __init__(self,
dt=None, size=0, price=0.0,
closed=0, closedvalue=0.0, closedcomm=0.0,
opened=0, openedvalue=0.0, openedcomm=0.0,
psize=0, pprice=0.0):
self.dt = dt
self.size = size
self.price = price
self.closed = closed
self.opened = opened
self.closedvalue = closedvalue
self.openedvalue = openedvalue
self.closedcomm = closedcomm
self.openedcomm = openedcomm
self.value = closedvalue + openedvalue
self.comm = closedcomm + openedcomm
self.pnl = pnl
self.psize = psize
self.pprice = pprice
class OrderData(object):
Holds actual order data for Creation and Execution.
In the case of Creation the request made and in the case of Execution the
actual outcome.
Member Attributes:
- exbits : iterable of OrderExecutionBits for this OrderData
- dt: datetime (float) creation/execution time
- size: requested/executed size
- price: execution price
Note: if no price is given and no pricelimite is given, the closing
price at the time or order creation will be used as reference
- pricelimit: holds pricelimit for StopLimit (which has trigger first)
- trailamount: absolute price distance in trailing stops
- trailpercent: percentage price distance in trailing stops
- value: market value for the entire bit size
- comm: commission for the entire bit execution
- pnl: pnl generated by this bit (if something was closed)
- margin: margin incurred by the Order (if any)
- psize: current open position size
- pprice: current open position price
# According to the docs, collections.deque is thread-safe with appends at
# both ends, there will be no pop (nowhere) and therefore to know which the
# new exbits are two indices are needed. At time of cloning (__copy__) the
# indices can be updated to match the previous end, and the new end
# (len(exbits)
# Example: start 0, 0 -> islice(exbits, 0, 0) -> []
# One added -> copy -> updated 0, 1 -> islice(exbits, 0, 1) -> [1 elem]
# Other added -> copy -> updated 1, 2 -> islice(exbits, 1, 2) -> [1 elem]
# "add" and "__copy__" happen always in the same thread (with all current
# implementations) and therefore no append will happen during a copy and
# the len of the exbits can be queried with no concerns about another
# thread making an append and with no need for a lock
def __init__(self, dt=None, size=0, price=0.0, pricelimit=0.0, remsize=0,
pclose=0.0, trailamount=0.0, trailpercent=0.0):
self.pclose = pclose
self.exbits = collections.deque() # for historical purposes
self.p1, self.p2 = 0, 0 # indices to pending notifications
self.dt = dt
self.size = size
self.remsize = remsize
self.price = price
self.pricelimit = pricelimit
self.trailamount = trailamount
self.trailpercent = trailpercent
if not pricelimit:
# if no pricelimit is given, use the given price
self.pricelimit = self.price
if pricelimit and not price:
# price must always be set if pricelimit is set ...
self.price = pricelimit
self.plimit = pricelimit
self.value = 0.0
self.comm = 0.0
self.margin = None
self.pnl = 0.0
self.psize = 0
self.pprice = 0
def _getplimit(self):
return self._plimit
def _setplimit(self, val):
self._plimit = val
plimit = property(_getplimit, _setplimit)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.exbits)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.exbits[key]
def add(self, dt, size, price,
closed=0, closedvalue=0.0, closedcomm=0.0,
opened=0, openedvalue=0.0, openedcomm=0.0,
psize=0, pprice=0.0):
OrderExecutionBit(dt, size, price,
closed, closedvalue, closedcomm,
opened, openedvalue, openedcomm, pnl,
psize, pprice))
def addbit(self, exbit):
# Stores an ExecutionBit and recalculates own values from ExBit
self.remsize -= exbit.size
self.dt = exbit.dt
oldvalue = self.size * self.price
newvalue = exbit.size * exbit.price
self.size += exbit.size
self.price = (oldvalue + newvalue) / self.size
self.value += exbit.value
self.comm += exbit.comm
self.pnl += exbit.pnl
self.psize = exbit.psize
self.pprice = exbit.pprice
def getpending(self):
return list(self.iterpending())
def iterpending(self):
return itertools.islice(self.exbits, self.p1, self.p2)
def markpending(self):
# rebuild the indices to mark which exbits are pending in clone
self.p1, self.p2 = self.p2, len(self.exbits)
def clone(self):
obj = copy(self)
return obj
class OrderBase(with_metaclass(MetaParams, object)):
params = (
('owner', None), ('data', None),
('size', None), ('price', None), ('pricelimit', None),
('exectype', None), ('valid', None), ('tradeid', 0), ('oco', None),
('trailamount', None), ('trailpercent', None),
('parent', None), ('transmit', True),
('simulated', False),
# To support historical order evaluation
('histnotify', False),
DAY = datetime.timedelta() # constant for DAY order identification
# Time Restrictions for orders
T_Close, T_Day, T_Date, T_None = range(4)
# Volume Restrictions for orders
V_None = range(1)
(Market, Close, Limit, Stop, StopLimit, StopTrail, StopTrailLimit,
Historical) = range(8)
ExecTypes = ['Market', 'Close', 'Limit', 'Stop', 'StopLimit', 'StopTrail',
'StopTrailLimit', 'Historical']
OrdTypes = ['Buy', 'Sell']
Buy, Sell = range(2)
Created, Submitted, Accepted, Partial, Completed, \
Canceled, Expired, Margin, Rejected = range(9)
Cancelled = Canceled # alias
Status = [
'Created', 'Submitted', 'Accepted', 'Partial', 'Completed',
'Canceled', 'Expired', 'Margin', 'Rejected',
refbasis = itertools.count(1) # for a unique identifier per order
def _getplimit(self):
return self._plimit
def _setplimit(self, val):
self._plimit = val
plimit = property(_getplimit, _setplimit)
def __getattr__(self, name):
# Return attr from params if not found in order
return getattr(self.params, name)
def __setattribute__(self, name, value):
if hasattr(self.params, name):
setattr(self.params, name, value)
super(Order, self).__setattribute__(name, value)
def __str__(self):
tojoin = list()
tojoin.append('Ref: {}'.format(self.ref))
tojoin.append('OrdType: {}'.format(self.ordtype))
tojoin.append('OrdType: {}'.format(self.ordtypename()))
tojoin.append('Status: {}'.format(self.status))
tojoin.append('Status: {}'.format(self.getstatusname()))
tojoin.append('Size: {}'.format(self.size))
tojoin.append('Price: {}'.format(self.price))
tojoin.append('Price Limit: {}'.format(self.pricelimit))
tojoin.append('TrailAmount: {}'.format(self.trailamount))
tojoin.append('TrailPercent: {}'.format(self.trailpercent))
tojoin.append('ExecType: {}'.format(self.exectype))
tojoin.append('ExecType: {}'.format(self.getordername()))
tojoin.append('CommInfo: {}'.format(self.comminfo))
tojoin.append('End of Session: {}'.format(self.dteos))
tojoin.append('Info: {}'.format(self.info))
tojoin.append('Broker: {}'.format(self.broker))
tojoin.append('Alive: {}'.format(self.alive()))
return '\n'.join(tojoin)
def __init__(self):
self.ref = next(self.refbasis)
self.broker = None
self.info = AutoOrderedDict()
self.comminfo = None
self.triggered = False
self._active = self.parent is None
self.status = Order.Created
self.plimit = self.p.pricelimit # alias via property
if self.exectype is None:
self.exectype = Order.Market
if not self.isbuy():
self.size = -self.size
# Set a reference price if price is not set using
# the close price
pclose = self.data.close[0] if not self.simulated else self.price
if not self.price and not self.pricelimit:
price = pclose
price = self.price
dcreated = self.data.datetime[0] if not self.p.simulated else 0.0
self.created = OrderData(dt=dcreated,
# Adjust price in case a trailing limit is wished
if self.exectype in [Order.StopTrail, Order.StopTrailLimit]:
self._limitoffset = self.created.price - self.created.pricelimit
price = self.created.price
self.created.price = float('inf' * self.isbuy() or '-inf')
self._limitoffset = 0.0
self.executed = OrderData(remsize=self.size)
self.position = 0
if isinstance(self.valid, datetime.date):
# comparison will later be done against the raw datetime[0] value
self.valid = self.data.date2num(self.valid)
elif isinstance(self.valid, datetime.timedelta):
# offset with regards to now ... get utcnow + offset
# when reading with date2num ... it will be automatically localized
if self.valid == self.DAY:
valid = datetime.datetime.combine(
self.data.datetime.date(), datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 9999))
valid = self.data.datetime.datetime() + self.valid
self.valid = self.data.date2num(valid)
elif self.valid is not None:
if not self.valid: # avoid comparing None and 0
valid = datetime.datetime.combine(
self.data.datetime.date(), datetime.time(23, 59, 59, 9999))
else: # assume float
valid = self.data.datetime[0] + self.valid
if not self.p.simulated:
# provisional end-of-session
# get next session end
dtime = self.data.datetime.datetime(0)
session = self.data.p.sessionend
dteos = dtime.replace(hour=session.hour, minute=session.minute,
if dteos < dtime:
# eos before current time ... no ... must be at least next day
dteos += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
self.dteos = self.data.date2num(dteos)
self.dteos = 0.0
def clone(self):
# status, triggered and executed are the only moving parts in order
# status and triggered are covered by copy
# executed has to be replaced with an intelligent clone of itself
obj = copy(self)
obj.executed = self.executed.clone()
return obj # status could change in next to completed
def getstatusname(self, status=None):
'''Returns the name for a given status or the one of the order'''
return self.Status[self.status if status is None else status]
def getordername(self, exectype=None):
'''Returns the name for a given exectype or the one of the order'''
return self.ExecTypes[self.exectype if exectype is None else exectype]
def ExecType(cls, exectype):
return getattr(cls, exectype)
def ordtypename(self, ordtype=None):
'''Returns the name for a given ordtype or the one of the order'''
return self.OrdTypes[self.ordtype if ordtype is None else ordtype]
def active(self):
return self._active
def activate(self):
self._active = True
def alive(self):
'''Returns True if the order is in a status in which it can still be
return self.status in [Order.Created, Order.Submitted,
Order.Partial, Order.Accepted]
def addcomminfo(self, comminfo):
'''Stores a CommInfo scheme associated with the asset'''
self.comminfo = comminfo
def addinfo(self, **kwargs):
'''Add the keys, values of kwargs to the internal info dictionary to
hold custom information in the order
for key, val in iteritems(kwargs):
self.info[key] = val
def __eq__(self, other):
return other is not None and self.ref == other.ref
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.ref != other.ref
def isbuy(self):
'''Returns True if the order is a Buy order'''
return self.ordtype == self.Buy
def issell(self):
'''Returns True if the order is a Sell order'''
return self.ordtype == self.Sell
def setposition(self, position):
'''Receives the current position for the asset and stotres it'''
self.position = position
def submit(self, broker=None):
'''Marks an order as submitted and stores the broker to which it was
self.status = Order.Submitted
self.broker = broker
self.plen = len(self.data)
def accept(self, broker=None):
'''Marks an order as accepted'''
self.status = Order.Accepted
self.broker = broker
def brokerstatus(self):
'''Tries to retrieve the status from the broker in which the order is.
Defaults to last known status if no broker is associated'''
if self.broker:
return self.broker.orderstatus(self)
return self.status
def reject(self, broker=None):
'''Marks an order as rejected'''
if self.status == Order.Rejected:
return False
self.status = Order.Rejected
self.executed.dt = self.data.datetime[0]
self.broker = broker
return True
def cancel(self):
'''Marks an order as cancelled'''
self.status = Order.Canceled
self.executed.dt = self.data.datetime[0]
def margin(self):
'''Marks an order as having met a margin call'''
self.status = Order.Margin
self.executed.dt = self.data.datetime[0]
def completed(self):
'''Marks an order as completely filled'''
self.status = self.Completed
def partial(self):
'''Marks an order as partially filled'''
self.status = self.Partial
def execute(self, dt, size, price,
closed, closedvalue, closedcomm,
opened, openedvalue, openedcomm,
margin, pnl,
psize, pprice):
'''Receives data execution input and stores it'''
if not size:
self.executed.add(dt, size, price,
closed, closedvalue, closedcomm,
opened, openedvalue, openedcomm,
pnl, psize, pprice)
self.executed.margin = margin
def expire(self):
'''Marks an order as expired. Returns True if it worked'''
self.status = self.Expired
return True
def trailadjust(self, price):
pass # generic interface
class Order(OrderBase):
Class which holds creation/execution data and type of oder.
The order may have the following status:
- Submitted: sent to the broker and awaiting confirmation
- Accepted: accepted by the broker
- Partial: partially executed
- Completed: fully exexcuted
- Canceled/Cancelled: canceled by the user
- Expired: expired
- Margin: not enough cash to execute the order.
- Rejected: Rejected by the broker
This can happen during order submission (and therefore the order will
not reach the Accepted status) or before execution with each new bar
price because cash has been drawn by other sources (future-like
instruments may have reduced the cash or orders orders may have been
Member Attributes:
- ref: unique order identifier
- created: OrderData holding creation data
- executed: OrderData holding execution data
- info: custom information passed over method :func:`addinfo`. It is kept
in the form of an OrderedDict which has been subclassed, so that keys
can also be specified using '.' notation
User Methods:
- isbuy(): returns bool indicating if the order buys
- issell(): returns bool indicating if the order sells
- alive(): returns bool if order is in status Partial or Accepted
def execute(self, dt, size, price,
closed, closedvalue, closedcomm,
opened, openedvalue, openedcomm,
margin, pnl,
psize, pprice):
super(Order, self).execute(dt, size, price,
closed, closedvalue, closedcomm,
opened, openedvalue, openedcomm,
margin, pnl, psize, pprice)
if self.executed.remsize:
self.status = Order.Partial
self.status = Order.Completed
# self.comminfo = None
def expire(self):
if self.exectype == Order.Market:
return False # will be executed yes or yes
if self.valid and self.data.datetime[0] > self.valid:
self.status = Order.Expired
self.executed.dt = self.data.datetime[0]
return True
return False
def trailadjust(self, price):
if self.trailamount:
pamount = self.trailamount
elif self.trailpercent:
pamount = price * self.trailpercent
pamount = 0.0
# Stop sell is below (-), stop buy is above, move only if needed
if self.isbuy():
price += pamount
if price < self.created.price:
self.created.price = price
if self.exectype == Order.StopTrailLimit:
self.created.pricelimit = price - self._limitoffset
price -= pamount
if price > self.created.price:
self.created.price = price
if self.exectype == Order.StopTrailLimit:
# limitoffset is negative when pricelimit was greater
# the - allows increasing the price limit if stop increases
self.created.pricelimit = price - self._limitoffset
class BuyOrder(Order):
ordtype = Order.Buy
class StopBuyOrder(BuyOrder):
class StopLimitBuyOrder(BuyOrder):
class SellOrder(Order):
ordtype = Order.Sell
class StopSellOrder(SellOrder):
class StopLimitSellOrder(SellOrder):
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