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lineroot.py 13.77 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
云金杞 提交于 2022-12-02 09:48 . 更新backtrader的注释
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Daniel Rodriguez
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.. module:: lineroot
Definition of the base class LineRoot and base classes LineSingle/LineMultiple
to define interfaces and hierarchy for the real operational classes
.. moduleauthor:: Daniel Rodriguez
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
import operator
from . import metabase
from .utils.py3 import range, with_metaclass
# from utils.py3 import range, with_metaclass
# import metabase
class MetaLineRoot(metabase.MetaParams):
Once the object is created (effectively pre-init) the "owner" of this
class is sought
# 当这个类在创建之前(pre-init之前),会寻找这个类的一个父类,并保存到_owner属性上
def donew(cls, *args, **kwargs):
_obj, args, kwargs = super(MetaLineRoot, cls).donew(*args, **kwargs)
# Find the owner and store it
# startlevel = 4 ... to skip intermediate call stacks
ownerskip = kwargs.pop('_ownerskip', None)
# findowner用于寻找_obj的父类,属于_obj._OwnerCls或者LineMultiple的实例,同时这个父类还不能是ownerskip
_obj._owner = metabase.findowner(_obj,
_obj._OwnerCls or LineMultiple,
# Parameter values have now been set before __init__
return _obj, args, kwargs
class LineRoot(with_metaclass(MetaLineRoot, object)):
Defines a common base and interfaces for Single and Multiple
LineXXX instances
Period management
Iteration management
Operation (dual/single operand) Management
Rich Comparison operator definition
# 初始化的时候类的属性
_OwnerCls = None # 默认的父类实例是None
_minperiod = 1 # 最小周期是1
_opstage = 1 # 操作状态默认是1
# 指标类型、策略类型和观察类型的值分别是0,1,2
IndType, StratType, ObsType = range(3)
# 转变操作状态为1
def _stage1(self):
self._opstage = 1
# 转变操作状态为2
def _stage2(self):
self._opstage = 2
# 根据line的操作状态决定调用哪种操作算法
def _operation(self, other, operation, r=False, intify=False):
if self._opstage == 1:
return self._operation_stage1(
other, operation, r=r, intify=intify)
return self._operation_stage2(other, operation, r=r)
# 自身的操作
def _operationown(self, operation):
if self._opstage == 1:
return self._operationown_stage1(operation)
return self._operationown_stage2(operation)
# 改变lines去实施最小缓存计划
def qbuffer(self, savemem=0):
'''Change the lines to implement a minimum size qbuffer scheme'''
raise NotImplementedError
# 需要达到的最小缓存
def minbuffer(self, size):
'''Receive notification of how large the buffer must at least be'''
raise NotImplementedError
# 可以用于在策略中设置最小的周期,可以不用等待指标产生具体的值就开始运行
def setminperiod(self, minperiod):
Direct minperiod manipulation. It could be used for example
by a strategy
to not wait for all indicators to produce a value
self._minperiod = minperiod
# 更新最小周期,最小周期可能在其他地方已经计算产生,跟现有的最小周期对比,选择一个最大的作为最小周期
def updateminperiod(self, minperiod):
Update the minperiod if needed. The minperiod will have been
calculated elsewhere
and has to take over if greater that self's
self._minperiod = max(self._minperiod, minperiod)
# 添加最小周期
def addminperiod(self, minperiod):
Add a minperiod to own ... to be defined by subclasses
raise NotImplementedError
# 增加最小周期
def incminperiod(self, minperiod):
Increment the minperiod with no considerations
raise NotImplementedError
# 在最小周期内迭代的时候将会调用这个函数
def prenext(self):
It will be called during the "minperiod" phase of an iteration.
# 在最小周期迭代结束的时候,即将开始next的时候调用一次
def nextstart(self):
It will be called when the minperiod phase is over for the 1st
post-minperiod value. Only called once and defaults to automatically
calling next
# 最小周期迭代结束后,开始调用next
def next(self):
Called to calculate values when the minperiod is over
# 在最小周期迭代的时候调用preonce
def preonce(self, start, end):
It will be called during the "minperiod" phase of a "once" iteration
# 在最小周期结束的时候运行一次,调用once
def oncestart(self, start, end):
It will be called when the minperiod phase is over for the 1st
post-minperiod value
Only called once and defaults to automatically calling once
self.once(start, end)
# 当最小周期迭代结束的时候调用用于计算结果
def once(self, start, end):
Called to calculate values at "once" when the minperiod is over
# Arithmetic operators
# 一些算术操作
def _makeoperation(self, other, operation, r=False, _ownerskip=None):
raise NotImplementedError
# 做自身操作
def _makeoperationown(self, operation, _ownerskip=None):
raise NotImplementedError
# 自身操作阶段1
def _operationown_stage1(self, operation):
Operation with single operand which is "self"
return self._makeoperationown(operation, _ownerskip=self)
# 自身操作阶段2
def _operationown_stage2(self, operation):
return operation(self[0])
# 右操作
def _roperation(self, other, operation, intify=False):
Relies on self._operation to and passes "r" True to define a
reverse operation
return self._operation(other, operation, r=True, intify=intify)
# 阶段1操作,判断other是不是包含多个line,如果有多个line,就取出第一个line,然后进行操作
def _operation_stage1(self, other, operation, r=False, intify=False):
Two operands' operation. Scanning of other happens to understand
if other must be directly an operand or rather a subitem thereof
if isinstance(other, LineMultiple):
other = other.lines[0]
return self._makeoperation(other, operation, r, self)
# 阶段2操作,如果other是一个line,就取出当前值,然后进行操作
def _operation_stage2(self, other, operation, r=False):
Rich Comparison operators. Scans other and returns either an
operation with other directly or a subitem from other
if isinstance(other, LineRoot):
other = other[0]
# operation(float, other) ... expecting other to be a float
if r:
return operation(other, self[0])
return operation(self[0], other)
# 加
def __add__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__add__)
# 右加
def __radd__(self, other):
return self._roperation(other, operator.__add__)
# 减
def __sub__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__sub__)
# 右减
def __rsub__(self, other):
return self._roperation(other, operator.__sub__)
# 乘
def __mul__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__mul__)
# 右乘
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self._roperation(other, operator.__mul__)
# 除
def __div__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__div__)
# 右除
def __rdiv__(self, other):
return self._roperation(other, operator.__div__)
# 向下取整数
def __floordiv__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__floordiv__)
# 右向下取整
def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
return self._roperation(other, operator.__floordiv__)
# 真除法
def __truediv__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__truediv__)
# 右真除法
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
return self._roperation(other, operator.__truediv__)
# 幂
def __pow__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__pow__)
# 右幂
def __rpow__(self, other):
return self._roperation(other, operator.__pow__)
# 绝对值
def __abs__(self):
return self._operationown(operator.__abs__)
# 取负的结果
def __neg__(self):
return self._operationown(operator.__neg__)
# a<b
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__lt__)
# a>b
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__gt__)
# a<=b
def __le__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__le__)
# a>=b
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__ge__)
# a = b
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__eq__)
# a!=b
def __ne__(self, other):
return self._operation(other, operator.__ne__)
# a!=0
def __nonzero__(self):
return self._operationown(bool)
__bool__ = __nonzero__
# Python 3 forces explicit implementation of hash if
# the class has redefined __eq__
__hash__ = object.__hash__
class LineMultiple(LineRoot):
Base class for LineXXX instances that hold more than one line
# 这个类继承自LineRoot,用于操作line多余1条的类
# 重置
def reset(self):
# 对每一条line设置为操作状态1
def _stage1(self):
super(LineMultiple, self)._stage1()
for line in self.lines:
# 对每一条line设置为操作状态2
def _stage2(self):
super(LineMultiple, self)._stage2()
for line in self.lines:
# # 对每一条line增加一个最小周期
def addminperiod(self, minperiod):
The passed minperiod is fed to the lines
# pass it down to the lines
for line in self.lines:
# 对每一条line增加最小周期,但是这个在LineRoot里面好没有实施
def incminperiod(self, minperiod):
The passed minperiod is fed to the lines
# pass it down to the lines
for line in self.lines:
# 多条line操作的时候是对第一条line进行操作
def _makeoperation(self, other, operation, r=False, _ownerskip=None):
return self.lines[0]._makeoperation(other, operation, r, _ownerskip)
# 多条line操作的时候是对第一条line的自身进行操作
def _makeoperationown(self, operation, _ownerskip=None):
return self.lines[0]._makeoperationown(operation, _ownerskip)
# 对多条line设置qbuffer
def qbuffer(self, savemem=0):
for line in self.lines:
# 对多条line设置最小的缓存量
def minbuffer(self, size):
for line in self.lines:
class LineSingle(LineRoot):
Base class for LineXXX instances that hold a single line
# 这个类继承自LineRoot,用于操作line是一条的类
# 增加minperiod,增加的时候需要减去初始化设置的时候self._minperiod=1的设置
def addminperiod(self, minperiod):
Add the minperiod (substracting the overlapping 1 minimum period)
self._minperiod += minperiod - 1
# 增加minperiod,不考虑初始的self._minperiod的值
def incminperiod(self, minperiod):
Increment the minperiod with no considerations
self._minperiod += minperiod
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