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position.py 10.10 KB
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云金杞 提交于 2022-12-02 09:48 . 更新backtrader的注释
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Daniel Rodriguez
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from copy import copy
# Position类,保持和更新持仓的大小和价格,和其他的任何资产没有关系,它仅仅保存大小和价格
class Position(object):
Keeps and updates the size and price of a position. The object has no
relationship to any asset. It only keeps size and price.
Member Attributes:
- size (int): current size of the position
- price (float): current price of the position
# position具有两个属性值,一个是size,代表当前持仓大小;一个是价格,代表当前持仓的价格。
# position的实例可以通过len(position)来判断size是否是空的
The Position instances can be tested using len(position) to see if size
is not null
# 打印position的时候可以显示的信息
def __str__(self):
items = list()
items.append('--- Position Begin')
items.append('- Size: {}'.format(self.size))
items.append('- Price: {}'.format(self.price))
items.append('- Price orig: {}'.format(self.price_orig))
items.append('- Closed: {}'.format(self.upclosed))
items.append('- Opened: {}'.format(self.upopened))
items.append('- Adjbase: {}'.format(self.adjbase))
items.append('--- Position End')
return '\n'.join(items)
# 根据size和price的不同进行初始化
def __init__(self, size=0, price=0.0):
self.size = size
if size:
self.price = self.price_orig = price
self.price = 0.0
self.adjbase = None
self.upopened = size
self.upclosed = 0
self.set(size, price)
self.updt = None
# 修改position的size和price
def fix(self, size, price):
oldsize = self.size
self.size = size
self.price = price
return self.size == oldsize
# 设置position的size和price
def set(self, size, price):
# 如果现在的持仓大于0,并且理论上的size大于当前的size,就意味着要新开仓;
# 如果理论上的size小于等于当前的持仓,那么开仓量是0和理论上size的最小量;
# 平仓量等于当前持仓和当前持仓减去理论持仓量最小的一个值
if self.size > 0:
if size > self.size:
self.upopened = size - self.size # new 10 - old 5 -> 5
self.upclosed = 0
# same side min(0, 3) -> 0 / reversal min(0, -3) -> -3
self.upopened = min(0, size)
# same side min(10, 10 - 5) -> 5
# reversal min(10, 10 - -5) -> min(10, 15) -> 10
self.upclosed = min(self.size, self.size - size)
# 当前持仓小于0的时候,有类似的效果
elif self.size < 0:
if size < self.size:
self.upopened = size - self.size # ex: -5 - -3 -> -2
self.upclosed = 0
# same side max(0, -5) -> 0 / reversal max(0, 5) -> 5
self.upopened = max(0, size)
# same side max(-10, -10 - -5) -> max(-10, -5) -> -5
# reversal max(-10, -10 - 5) -> max(-10, -15) -> -10
self.upclosed = max(self.size, self.size - size)
# 如果当前持仓等于0,新开仓和平仓都等于0
# todo 这里面直接使用0代替self.size可能可以提高效率
else: # self.size == 0
self.upopened = self.size
self.upclosed = 0
# 实际持仓大小
self.size = size
# 原始价格
self.price_orig = self.price
# 如果持仓大小大于0的话,当前价格就等于price,否则当前价格等于0
if size:
self.price = price
self.price = 0.0
return self.size, self.price, self.upopened, self.upclosed
# 调用len(position)的时候,返回持仓的绝对值
def __len__(self):
return abs(self.size)
# 调用bool(position)判断当前size是否等于0
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.size != 0)
__nonzero__ = __bool__
# 克隆持仓信息
def clone(self):
return Position(size=self.size, price=self.price)
# 创建一个position实例,然后更新size和价格
def pseudoupdate(self, size, price):
return Position(self.size, self.price).update(size, price)
# 更新size和price
def update(self, size, price, dt=None):
Updates the current position and returns the updated size, price and
units used to open/close a position
# 更新当前的持仓和返回更新后的大小、价格和需要开仓和平仓的头寸大小
size (int): amount to update the position size
size < 0: A sell operation has taken place
size > 0: A buy operation has taken place
# 更新持仓大小的量,如果size小于0,将会发出一个卖操作,如果size大于0,将会发生一个买操作
price (float):
Must always be positive to ensure consistency
# 价格,必须总是正数以保持持续性
A tuple (non-named) contaning
size - new position size
Simply the sum of the existing size plus the "size" argument
price - new position price
If a position is increased the new average price will be
If a position is reduced the price of the remaining size
does not change
If a position is closed the price is nullified
If a position is reversed the price is the price given as
opened - amount of contracts from argument "size" that were used
to open/increase a position.
A position can be opened from 0 or can be a reversal.
If a reversal is performed then opened is less than "size",
because part of "size" will have been used to close the
existing position
closed - amount of units from arguments "size" that were used to
close/reduce a position
Both opened and closed carry the same sign as the "size" argument
because they refer to a part of the "size" argument
# 结果将会返回一个元组,包含下面的一些数据:
# size 代表新的持仓大小,仅仅是已经有的持仓的大小加上新的持仓增量
# price 代表新的持仓价格,根据持仓的不同,返回不同的价格
# opened 代表需要新开的仓位
# closed 代表需要平仓的仓位
# 更新持仓的时间
self.datetime = dt # record datetime update (datetime.datetime)
# 原始的价格
self.price_orig = self.price
# 旧的持仓大小
oldsize = self.size
# 新的持仓大小
self.size += size
# 如果size是0的话
if not self.size:
# Update closed existing position
# 更新开仓、平仓和价格
opened, closed = 0, size
self.price = 0.0
# 如果position的持仓是0的话,需要开仓size的量
elif not oldsize:
# Update opened a position from 0
opened, closed = size, 0
self.price = price
# 如果原先position的持仓是0的话
elif oldsize > 0: # existing "long" position updated
# 如果增加的仓位大于0,那么就需要新开仓,并且计算平均持仓价格
if size > 0: # increased position
opened, closed = size, 0
self.price = (self.price * oldsize + size * price) / self.size
# 如果平掉size之后,持仓仍然大于0,那么就平仓size
elif self.size > 0: # reduced position
opened, closed = 0, size
# self.price = self.price
# 其他情况下,就需要开仓self.size,平仓-oldsize
else: # self.size < 0 # reversed position form plus to minus
opened, closed = self.size, -oldsize
self.price = price
# 原有的持仓是负数
else: # oldsize < 0 - existing short position updated
# 如果新增加的仓位也是负数,那么就新开size
if size < 0: # increased position
opened, closed = size, 0
self.price = (self.price * oldsize + size * price) / self.size
# 如果当前self.size小于0,平仓size
elif self.size < 0: # reduced position
opened, closed = 0, size
# self.price = self.price
# 其他情况下,就需要开仓self.size,平仓-oldsize
else: # self.size > 0 - reversed position from minus to plus
opened, closed = self.size, -oldsize
self.price = price
# 开仓和平仓量
self.upopened = opened
self.upclosed = closed
return self.size, self.price, opened, closed
马建仓 AI 助手