同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/aria2 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
# http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
# Written by Nils Maier
# This make file will:
# - Download a set of dependencies and verify the known-good hashes.
# - Build static libraries of aria2 dependencies.
# - Create a statically linked, aria2 release.
# - The build will have all major features enabled, and will use
# AppleTLS and GMP.
# - Create a corresponding .tar.bz containing the binaries:
# - Create a corresponding .pkg installer.
# - Create a corresponding .dmg image containing said installer.
# This Makefile will also run all `make check` targets.
# The dependencies currently build are:
# - zlib (compression, in particular web compression)
# - c-ares (asynchronous DNS resolver)
# - expat (XML parser, for metalinks)
# - gmp (multi-precision arithmetric library, for DHKeyExchange, BitTorrent)
# - sqlite3 (self-contained SQL database, for Firefox3 cookie reading)
# - cppunit (unit tests for C++, framework in use by aria2 `make check`)
# To use this Makefile, do something along the lines of
# - $ mkdir build-release
# - $ cd build-release
# - $ virtualenv .
# - $ . bin/activate
# - $ pip install sphinx-build
# - $ ln -s ../makerelease-os.mk Makefile
# - $ make
# If you haven't checkout out a release tag, you need to specify NON_RELEASE.
# $ export NON_RELEASE=1
# to generate a dist with git commit
# $ export NON_RELEASE=force
# to force this script to behave like it was on a tag.
# Note: This Makefile expects to be called from a git clone of aria2.
# Note: In theory, everything can be build in parallel, however the sub-makes
# will be called with an appropriate -j flag. Building the `deps` target in
# parallel before a general make might be beneficial, as the dependencies
# usually bottle-neck on the configure steps.
# Note: Of course, you need to have XCode with the command line tools
# installed for this to work, aka. a working compiler...
# Note: We're locally building the dependencies here, static libraries only.
# This is required, because when using brew or MacPorts, which also provide
# dynamic libraries, the linker will pick up the dynamic versions, always,
# with no way to instruct the linker otherwise.
# If you're building aria2 just for yourself and your system, using brewed
# libraries is fine as well.
# Note: This Makefile is riddled with mac-isms. It will not work on *nix.
# Note: The convoluted way to create separate arch builds and later merge them
# with lipo is because of two things:
# 1) Avoid patching c-ares, which hardcodes some sizes in its headers.
# Note: This Makefile uses resources from osx-package when creating the
# *.pkg and *.dmg targets
SHELL := bash
# A bit awkward, but OSX doesn't have a proper `readlink -f`.
SRCDIR := $(shell dirname $(lastword $(shell stat -f "%N %Y" $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))
# Same as in script-helper, but a bit easier on the eye (but more error prone)
# and Makefile compatible
BASE_VERSION := $(shell grep AC_INIT $(SRCDIR)/configure.ac | cut -d'[' -f3 | cut -d']' -f1)
ifeq ($(NON_RELEASE),)
ifeq ($(NON_RELEASE),force)
VERSION := $(subst release-,,$(shell git describe --tags))
# Set up compiler.
CC = cc
export CC
CXX = c++ -stdlib=libc++
export CXX
# Set up compiler/linker flags.
PLATFORMFLAGS ?= -mmacosx-version-min=10.10
export CFLAGS
LDFLAGS ?= -Wl,-dead_strip
export LDFLAGS
LTO_FLAGS = -flto -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
# Dependency versions
zlib_version = 1.2.11
zlib_hash = c3e5e9fdd5004dcb542feda5ee4f0ff0744628baf8ed2dd5d66f8ca1197cb1a1
zlib_url = http://zlib.net/zlib-$(zlib_version).tar.gz
expat_version = 2.2.8
expat_hash = bd507cba42716ca9afe46dd3687fb0d46c09347517beb9770f53a435d2c67ea0
expat_url = https://github.com/libexpat/libexpat/releases/download/R_2_2_8/expat-2.2.8.tar.gz
expat_cflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
expat_ldflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
cares_version = 1.15.0
cares_hash = 6cdb97871f2930530c97deb7cf5c8fa4be5a0b02c7cea6e7c7667672a39d6852
cares_url = https://c-ares.haxx.se/download/c-ares-$(cares_version).tar.gz
cares_confflags = "--enable-optimize=$(OPTFLAGS)"
cares_cflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
cares_ldflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
sqlite_version = autoconf-3300000
sqlite_hash = e0a8cf4c7a87455e55e10413d16f358ca121ccec687fe1301eac95e2d340fc58
sqlite_url = https://sqlite.org/2019/sqlite-$(sqlite_version).tar.gz
sqlite_cflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
sqlite_ldflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
gmp_version = 6.1.2
gmp_hash = 5275bb04f4863a13516b2f39392ac5e272f5e1bb8057b18aec1c9b79d73d8fb2
gmp_url = https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp/gmp-$(gmp_version).tar.bz2
gmp_confflags = --disable-cxx --enable-assembly --with-pic --enable-fat
libgpgerror_version = 1.36
libgpgerror_hash = babd98437208c163175c29453f8681094bcaf92968a15cafb1a276076b33c97c
libgpgerror_url = https://gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/libgpg-error/libgpg-error-$(libgpgerror_version).tar.bz2
libgpgerror_cflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
libgpgerror_ldflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
libgpgerror_confflags = --with-pic --disable-languages --disable-doc --disable-nls
libgcrypt_version = 1.8.5
libgcrypt_hash = 3b4a2a94cb637eff5bdebbcaf46f4d95c4f25206f459809339cdada0eb577ac3
libgcrypt_url = https://gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/libgcrypt/libgcrypt-$(libgcrypt_version).tar.bz2
libgcrypt_confflags=--with-gpg-error-prefix=$(PWD)/arch --disable-O-flag-munging --disable-asm --disable-amd64-as-feature-detection
libssh2_version = 1.9.0
libssh2_hash = d5fb8bd563305fd1074dda90bd053fb2d29fc4bce048d182f96eaa466dfadafd
libssh2_url = https://www.libssh2.org/download/libssh2-$(libssh2_version).tar.gz
libssh2_cflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
libssh2_cxxflags=$(CXXFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
libssh2_ldflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
libssh2_confflags = --with-pic --without-openssl --with-libgcrypt=$(PWD)/arch --with-libgcrypt-prefix=$(PWD)/arch
libssh2_nocheck = yes
cppunit_version = 1.12.1
cppunit_hash = ac28a04c8e6c9217d910b0ae7122832d28d9917fa668bcc9e0b8b09acb4ea44a
cppunit_url = http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppunit/files/cppunit/$(cppunit_version)/cppunit-$(cppunit_version).tar.gz
cppunit_cflags=$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
cppunit_cxxflags=$(CXXFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS)
# ARCHLIBS that can be template build
ARCHLIBS = expat cares sqlite gmp libgpgerror libgcrypt libssh2 cppunit
# NONARCHLIBS that cannot be template build
# Tags
THIS_TAG := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 $$(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
PREV_TAG := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 $(THIS_TAG)~1)
# Aria2 setup
ARIA2 := aria2-$(VERSION)
ARIA2_DIST := $(PWD)/$(ARIA2)-osx-darwin$(BUILD)
--enable-static \
--disable-shared \
--enable-metalink \
--enable-bittorrent \
--disable-nls \
--with-appletls \
--with-libgmp \
--with-sqlite3 \
--with-libz \
--with-libexpat \
--with-libcares \
--with-libgcrypt \
--with-libssh2 \
--without-libuv \
--without-gnutls \
--without-openssl \
--without-libnettle \
--without-libxml2 \
ARIA2_DOCDIR = $(ARIA2_PREFIX)/share/doc/aria2
# Yeah, inlined XML, go figure :p
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<installer-gui-script minSpecVersion="1">
<title>aria1 $(VERSION)</title>
<welcome file="README.html"/>
<pkg-ref id="aria2"/>
<pkg-ref id="aria2.paths"/>
<options customize="never" require-scripts="false" rootVolumeOnly="true"/>
<os-version min="10.7"/>
<domains enable_anywhere="false" enable_currentUserHome="false" enable_localSystem="true"/>
<line choice="default">
<line choice="aria2"/>
<line choice="aria2.paths"/>
<choice id="default"/>
<choice id="aria2" visible="false">
<pkg-ref id="aria2"/>
<choice id="aria2.paths" visible="false">
<pkg-ref id="aria2.paths"/>
<pkg-ref id="aria2" version="$(VERSION)" onConclusion="none">out.pkg</pkg-ref>
<pkg-ref id="aria2.paths" version="$(VERSION)" onConclusion="none">paths.pkg</pkg-ref>
# Detect number of CPUs to be used with make -j
CPUS = $(shell sysctl hw.ncpu | cut -d" " -f2)
# default target
@if test "x$(NON_RELEASE)" = "x" && !(git describe --tags --exact); then \
echo 'Not on a release tag; override by defining NON_RELEASE!'; \
exit 1; \
# No dice without sphinx
@if test "x$$(which sphinx-build)" = "x"; then \
echo "sphinx-build not present"; \
exit 1; \
# All those .PRECIOUS files, because otherwise gmake will treat them as
# intermediates and remove them when the build completes. Thanks gmake!
.PRECIOUS: %.tar.gz
curl -o $@ -A 'curl/0; like wget' -L \
$($(basename $(basename $@))_url)
.PRECIOUS: %.check
%.check: %.tar.gz
@if test "$$(shasum -a256 $< | awk '{print $$1}')" != "$($(basename $@)_hash)"; then \
echo "Invalid $@ hash"; \
rm -f $<; \
exit 1; \
touch $@
.PRECIOUS: %.stamp
%.stamp: %.tar.gz %.check
tar xf $<
mv $(basename $@)-$($(basename $@)_version) $(basename $@)
touch $@
.PRECIOUS: cares.stamp
cares.stamp: cares.tar.gz cares.check
tar xf $<
mv c-ares-$($(basename $@)_version) $(basename $@)
touch $@
.PRECIOUS: libgpgerror.stamp
libgpgerror.stamp: libgpgerror.tar.gz libgpgerror.check
tar xf $<
mv libgpg-error-$($(basename $@)_version) $(basename $@)
touch $@
# Using (NON)ARCH_template kinda stinks, but real multi-target pattern rules
# only exist in feverish dreams.
define NONARCH_template
$(1).build: $(1).x86_64.build
deps:: $(1).build
.PRECIOUS: zlib.%.build
zlib.%.build: zlib.stamp
$(eval BASE := $(basename $<))
$(eval DEST := $(basename $@))
$(eval ARCH := $(subst .,,$(suffix $(DEST))))
rsync -a $(BASE)/ $(DEST)
( cd $(DEST) && ./configure \
--static --prefix=$(PWD)/arch \
$(MAKE) -C $(DEST) -sj$(CPUS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS) -arch $(ARCH)"
$(MAKE) -C $(DEST) -sj$(CPUS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS) -arch $(ARCH)" check
$(MAKE) -C $(DEST) -s install
touch $@
$(foreach lib,$(NONARCHLIBS),$(eval $(call NONARCH_template,$(lib))))
define ARCH_template
.PRECIOUS: $(1).%.build
$(1).%.build: $(1).stamp
$$(eval DEST := $$(basename $$@))
$$(eval ARCH := $$(subst .,,$$(suffix $$(DEST))))
mkdir -p $$(DEST)
( cd $$(DEST) && ../$(1)/configure \
--enable-static --disable-shared \
--prefix=$(PWD)/arch \
$$($(1)_confflags) \
CFLAGS="$$($(1)_cflags) -arch $$(ARCH)" \
CXXFLAGS="$$($(1)_cxxflags) -arch $$(ARCH) -std=c++11" \
LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS) $$($(1)_ldflags)" \
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$$(PWD)/arch/lib/pkgconfig \
$$(MAKE) -C $$(DEST) -sj$(CPUS)
if test -z '$$($(1)_nocheck)'; then $$(MAKE) -C $$(DEST) -sj$(CPUS) check; fi
$$(MAKE) -C $$(DEST) -s install
touch $$@
$(1).build: $(1).x86_64.build
deps:: $(1).build
$(foreach lib,$(ARCHLIBS),$(eval $(call ARCH_template,$(lib))))
.PRECIOUS: aria2.%.build
aria2.%.build: zlib.%.build expat.%.build gmp.%.build cares.%.build sqlite.%.build libgpgerror.%.build libgcrypt.%.build libssh2.%.build cppunit.%.build
$(eval DEST := $$(basename $$@))
$(eval ARCH := $$(subst .,,$$(suffix $$(DEST))))
mkdir -p $(DEST)
( cd $(DEST) && ../$(SRCDIR)/configure \
--prefix=$(ARIA2_PREFIX) \
--bindir=$(PWD)/$(DEST) \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--with-cppunit-prefix=$(PWD)/arch \
CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS) -arch $(ARCH) -I$(PWD)/arch/include" \
CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS) $(LTO_FLAGS) -arch $(ARCH) -I$(PWD)/arch/include" \
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PWD)/arch/lib/pkgconfig \
$(MAKE) -C $(DEST) -sj$(CPUS)
$(MAKE) -C $(DEST) -sj$(CPUS) check
# Check that the resulting executable is Position-independent (PIE)
otool -hv $(DEST)/src/aria2c | grep -q PIE
$(MAKE) -C $(DEST) -sj$(CPUS) install-strip
touch $@
aria2.build: aria2.x86_64.build
mkdir -p $(ARIA2_PREFIX)/bin
cp -f aria2.x86_64/aria2c $(ARIA2_PREFIX)/bin/aria2c
arch -64 $(ARIA2_PREFIX)/bin/aria2c -v
touch $@
$(ARIA2_CHANGELOG): aria2.x86_64.build
git log --pretty=fuller --date=short $(PREV_TAG)..HEAD > $@
$(ARIA2_DOCS): aria2.x86_64.build
cp -av $(SRCDIR)/$(@F) $@
$(ARIA2_DIST).tar.bz2: aria2.build $(ARIA2_DOCS) $(ARIA2_CHANGELOG)
find $(ARIA2_PREFIX) -exec touch "{}" \;
gtar -cf $@ \
--use-compress-program="bzip2 -9" \
$(ARIA2_DIST).pkg: aria2.build $(ARIA2_DOCS) $(ARIA2_CHANGELOG)
find $(ARIA2_PREFIX) -exec touch "{}" \;
pkgbuild \
--root $(ARIA2) \
--identifier aria2 \
--version $(VERSION) \
--install-location /usr/local/aria2 \
--ownership recommended \
pkgbuild \
--root $(SRCDIR)/osx-package/etc \
--identifier aria2.paths \
--version $(VERSION) \
--install-location /etc \
--ownership recommended \
echo "$$ARIA2_DISTXML" > dist.xml
productbuild \
--distribution dist.xml \
--resources $(ARIA2_PREFIX)/share/doc/aria2 \
rm -rf out.pkg paths.pkg dist.xml
$(ARIA2_DIST).dmg: $(ARIA2_DIST).pkg
-rm -rf dmg
mkdir -p dmg/Docs
cp -av $(ARIA2_DIST).pkg dmg/aria2.pkg
find $(ARIA2_PREFIX)/share/doc/aria2 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec cp -av "{}" dmg/Docs \;
rm -rf dmg/Docs/README dmg/Docs/README.rst
cp $(SRCDIR)/osx-package/DS_Store dmg/.DS_Store
hdiutil create $@.uncompressed \
-srcfolder dmg \
-volname "aria2 $(VERSION) Intel" \
hdiutil convert -format UDBZ -o $@ $@.uncompressed.dmg
hdiutil flatten $@
rm -rf $@.uncompressed.dmg dmg
dist.build: $(ARIA2_DIST).tar.bz2 $(ARIA2_DIST).pkg $(ARIA2_DIST).dmg
echo 'Build success: $(ARIA2_DIST)'
touch $@
all:: dist.build
rm -rf $(ARIA2_DIST).tar.bz2 $(ARIA2_DIST).pkg $(ARIA2_DIST).dmg
clean: clean-dist
rm -rf *aria2*
cleaner: clean
rm -rf *.build *.check *.stamp $(ARCHLIBS) $(NONARCHLIBS) arch *.x86_64
really-clean: cleaner
rm -rf *.tar.*
.PHONY: all multi clean-dist clean cleaner really-clean
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