同步操作将从 微擎/开源版微擎系统 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
* 接口文件
* [WeEngine System] Copyright (c) 2013 WE7.CC
* $sn: pro/api.php : v 24db125c5a0f : 2015/09/14 10:42:33 : RenChao $
define('IN_API', true);
require_once './framework/bootstrap.inc.php';
$hash = $_GPC['hash'];
if(!empty($hash)) {
$id = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT acid FROM " . tablename('account') . " WHERE hash = :hash", array(':hash' => $hash));
if(!empty($_GPC['appid'])) {
$appid = ltrim($_GPC['appid'], '/');
if ($appid == 'wx570bc396a51b8ff8') {
$_W['account'] = array(
'type' => '3',
'key' => 'wx570bc396a51b8ff8',
'level' => 4,
'token' => 'platformtestaccount'
} else {
$id = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT acid FROM " . tablename('account_wechats') . " WHERE `key` = :appid", array(':appid' => $appid));
if(empty($id)) {
$id = intval($_GPC['id']);
if (!empty($id)) {
$_W['account'] = account_fetch($id);
if(empty($_W['account'])) {
exit('initial error hash or id');
if(empty($_W['account']['token'])) {
exit('initial missing token');
$_W['debug'] = intval($_GPC['debug']);
$_W['acid'] = $_W['account']['acid'];
$_W['uniacid'] = $_W['account']['uniacid'];
$_W['uniaccount'] = uni_fetch($_W['uniacid']);
$_W['account']['groupid'] = $_W['uniaccount']['groupid'];
$_W['account']['qrcode'] = $_W['attachurl'].'qrcode_'.$_W['acid'].'.jpg?time='.$_W['timestamp'];
$_W['account']['avatar'] = $_W['attachurl'].'headimg_'.$_W['acid'].'.jpg?time='.$_W['timestamp'];
$_W['modules'] = uni_modules();
$engine = new WeEngine();
if (!empty($_W['setting']['copyright']['status'])) {
$engine->died('抱歉,站点已关闭,关闭原因:' . $_W['setting']['copyright']['reason']);
if (!empty($_W['uniaccount']['endtime']) && TIMESTAMP > $_W['uniaccount']['endtime']) {
if($_W['isajax'] && $_W['ispost'] && $_GPC['flag'] == 1) {
if($_W['isajax'] && $_W['ispost'] && $_GPC['flag'] == 2) {
$_W['isajax'] = false;
* 公众号消息解析引擎
class WeEngine {
* 公众号操作对象
* @var WeAccount
private $account = null;
* 可用模块名称标识的集合
* @var array
private $modules = array();
* 关键字 - ??
* @var array
public $keyword = array();
* 粉丝消息
* @var array
public $message = array();
* WeEngine 构造方法
public function __construct() {
global $_W;
$this->account = WeAccount::create($_W['account']);
$this->modules = array_keys($_W['modules']);
$this->modules[] = 'cover';
$this->modules[] = 'default';
$this->modules = array_unique($this->modules);
* 对消息进行加密,并生成签名,返回签名
public function encrypt() {
global $_W;
if(empty($this->account)) {
exit('Miss Account.');
$timestamp = TIMESTAMP;
$nonce = random(5);
$token = $_W['account']['token'];
$signkey = array($token, TIMESTAMP, $nonce);
sort($signkey, SORT_STRING);
$signString = implode($signkey);
$signString = sha1($signString);
$_GET['timestamp'] = $timestamp;
$_GET['nonce'] = $nonce;
$_GET['signature'] = $signString;
$postStr = file_get_contents('php://input');
if(!empty($_W['account']['encodingaeskey']) && strlen($_W['account']['encodingaeskey']) == 43 && !empty($_W['account']['key']) && $_W['setting']['development'] != 1) {
$data = $this->account->encryptMsg($postStr);
$array = array('encrypt_type' => 'aes', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'signature' => $signString, 'msg_signature' => $data[0], 'msg' => $data[1]);
} else {
$data = array('', '');
$array = array('encrypt_type' => '', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'nonce' => $nonce, 'signature' => $signString, 'msg_signature' => $data[0], 'msg' => $data[1]);
* 对消息进行解密,并验证签名,返回解密后的信息
public function decrypt() {
global $_W;
if(empty($this->account)) {
exit('Miss Account.');
$postStr = file_get_contents('php://input');
if(!empty($_W['account']['encodingaeskey']) && strlen($_W['account']['encodingaeskey']) == 43 && !empty($_W['account']['key']) && $_W['setting']['development'] != 1) {
$resp = $this->account->local_decryptMsg($postStr);
} else {
$resp = $postStr;
* 启动消息分析引擎
public function start() {
global $_W;
if(empty($this->account)) {
exit('Miss Account.');
if(!$this->account->checkSign()) {
exit('Check Sign Fail.');
if(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'get') {
$row = array();
$row['isconnect'] = 1;
pdo_update('account', $row, array('acid' => $_W['acid']));
if(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) == 'post') {
$postStr = file_get_contents('php://input');
if(!empty($_GET['encrypt_type']) && $_GET['encrypt_type'] == 'aes') {
$postStr = $this->account->decryptMsg($postStr);
WeUtility::logging('trace', $postStr);
$message = $this->account->parse($postStr);
$this->message = $message;
if(empty($message)) {
WeUtility::logging('waring', 'Request Failed');
exit('Request Failed');
$_W['openid'] = $message['from'];
$_W['fans'] = array('from_user' => $_W['openid']);
if($message['event'] == 'unsubscribe') {
$this->receive(array(), array(), array());
$sessionid = md5($message['from'] . $message['to'] . $_W['uniacid']);
WeSession::start($_W['uniacid'], $_W['openid']);
$_SESSION['openid'] = $_W['openid'];
$pars = $this->analyze($message);
$pars[] = array(
'message' => $message,
'module' => 'default',
'rule' => '-1',
$hitParam['rule'] = -2;
$hitParam['module'] = '';
$hitParam['message'] = $message;
$hitKeyword = array();
$response = array();
foreach($pars as $par) {
if(empty($par['module'])) {
$par['message'] = $message;
$response = $this->process($par);
if($this->isValidResponse($response)) {
$hitParam = $par;
if(!empty($par['keyword'])) {
$hitKeyword = $par['keyword'];
$response_debug = $response;
$pars_debug = $pars;
if($hitParam['module'] == 'default' && is_array($response) && is_array($response['params'])) {
foreach($response['params'] as $par) {
if(empty($par['module'])) {
$response = $this->process($par);
if($this->isValidResponse($response)) {
$hitParam = $par;
if(!empty($par['keyword'])) {
$hitKeyword = $par['keyword'];
WeUtility::logging('params', var_export($hitParam, true));
WeUtility::logging('response', $response);
$resp = $this->account->response($response);
if(!empty($_GET['encrypt_type']) && $_GET['encrypt_type'] == 'aes') {
$resp = $this->account->encryptMsg($resp);
$resp = $this->account->xmlDetract($resp);
if($_W['debug']) {
$_W['debug_data'] = array(
'resp' => $resp,
'is_default' => 0
if(count($pars_debug) == 1) {
$_W['debug_data']['is_default'] = 1;
$_W['debug_data']['params'] = $response_debug['params'];
} else {
$_W['debug_data']['params'] = $pars_debug;
$_W['debug_data']['hitparam'] = $hitParam;
$_W['modules']['cover'] = array('title' => '入口封面', 'name' => 'cover');
$process = template('utility/emulator', TEMPLATE_FETCH);
echo json_encode(array('resp' => $resp, 'process' => $process));
$mapping = array(
'[from]' => $this->message['from'],
'[to]' => $this->message['to'],
'[rule]' => $this->params['rule']
$resp = str_replace(array_keys($mapping), array_values($mapping), $resp);
echo $resp;
$this->receive($hitParam, $hitKeyword, $response);
WeUtility::logging('waring', 'Request Failed');
exit('Request Failed');
private function isValidResponse($response) {
if(is_array($response)) {
if($response['type'] == 'text' && !empty($response['content'])) {
return true;
if($response['type'] == 'news' && !empty($response['items'])) {
return true;
if(!in_array($response['type'], array('text', 'news', 'image'))) {
return true;
return false;
* 粉丝关注或取消关注
* @param $message array 统一消息结构
private function booking($message) {
global $_W;
if ($message['event'] == 'unsubscribe' || $message['event'] == 'subscribe') {
$todaystat = pdo_get('stat_fans', array('date' => date('Ymd'), 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
if ($message['event'] == 'unsubscribe') {
if (empty($todaystat)) {
$updatestat = array(
'new' => 0,
'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
'cancel' => 1,
'cumulate' => 0,
'date' => date('Ymd'),
pdo_insert('stat_fans', $updatestat);
} else {
$updatestat = array(
'cancel' => $todaystat['cancel'] + 1,
$updatestat['cumulate'] = 0;
pdo_update('stat_fans', $updatestat, array('id' => $todaystat['id']));
} elseif ($message['event'] == 'subscribe') {
if (empty($todaystat)) {
$updatestat = array(
'new' => 1,
'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
'cancel' => 0,
'cumulate' => 0,
'date' => date('Ymd'),
pdo_insert('stat_fans', $updatestat);
} else {
$updatestat = array(
'new' => $todaystat['new'] + 1,
'cumulate' => 0,
pdo_update('stat_fans', $updatestat, array('id' => $todaystat['id']));
$setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('passport'));
$fans = mc_fansinfo($message['from']);
$default_groupid = cache_load("defaultgroupid:{$_W['uniacid']}");
if (empty($default_groupid)) {
$default_groupid = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT groupid FROM ' .tablename('mc_groups') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND isdefault = 1', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
cache_write("defaultgroupid:{$_W['uniacid']}", $default_groupid);
if(!empty($fans)) {
if ($message['event'] == 'unsubscribe') {
pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', array('follow' => 0, 'unfollowtime' => TIMESTAMP), array('fanid' => $fans['fanid']));
pdo_delete('mc_fans_tag_mapping', array('fanid' => $fans['fanid']));
} elseif ($message['event'] != 'ShakearoundUserShake' && $message['type'] != 'trace') {
$rec = array();
if (empty($fans['follow'])) {
$rec['follow'] = 1;
$rec['followtime'] = $message['time'];
$rec['unfollowtime'] = 0;
$member = array();
$member = mc_fetch($fans['uid']);
if (empty($member)) {
if (!isset($setting['passport']) || empty($setting['passport']['focusreg'])) {
$data = array(
'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
'email' => md5($message['from']).'@we7.cc',
'salt' => random(8),
'groupid' => $default_groupid,
'createtime' => TIMESTAMP,
$data['password'] = md5($message['from'] . $data['salt'] . $_W['config']['setting']['authkey']);
pdo_insert('mc_members', $data);
$rec['uid'] = pdo_insertid();
pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', $rec, array(
'openid' => $message['from'],
} else {
if ($message['event'] == 'subscribe' || $message['type'] == 'text' || $message['type'] == 'image') {
$rec = array();
$rec['acid'] = $_W['acid'];
$rec['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
$rec['uid'] = 0;
$rec['openid'] = $message['from'];
$rec['salt'] = random(8);
$rec['follow'] = 1;
$rec['followtime'] = $message['time'];
$rec['unfollowtime'] = 0;
if (!isset($setting['passport']) || empty($setting['passport']['focusreg'])) {
$data = array(
'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],
'email' => md5($message['from']).'@we7.cc',
'salt' => random(8),
'groupid' => $default_groupid,
'createtime' => TIMESTAMP,
$data['password'] = md5($message['from'] . $data['salt'] . $_W['config']['setting']['authkey']);
pdo_insert('mc_members', $data);
$rec['uid'] = pdo_insertid();
pdo_insert('mc_mapping_fans', $rec);
private function receive($par, $keyword, $response) {
global $_W;
$subscribe = cache_load('module_receive_enable');
$modules = uni_modules();
$obj = WeUtility::createModuleReceiver('core');
$obj->message = $this->message;
$obj->params = $par;
$obj->response = $response;
$obj->keyword = $keyword;
$obj->module = 'core';
$obj->uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
$obj->acid = $_W['acid'];
if(method_exists($obj, 'receive')) {
if (!empty($subscribe['subscribe']) && ($this->message['event'] == 'subscribe' || $this->message['type'] == 'subscribe')) {
foreach($subscribe['subscribe'] as $modulename) {
$obj = WeUtility::createModuleReceiver($modulename);
$obj->message = $this->message;
$obj->params = $par;
$obj->response = $response;
$obj->keyword = $keyword;
$obj->module = $modules[$modulename];
$obj->uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
$obj->acid = $_W['acid'];
if(method_exists($obj, 'receive')) {
} elseif (!empty($subscribe['unsubscribe']) && ($this->message['event'] == 'unsubscribe' || $this->message['type'] == 'unsubscribe')) {
foreach($subscribe['unsubscribe'] as $modulename) {
$obj = WeUtility::createModuleReceiver($modulename);
$obj->message = $this->message;
$obj->params = $par;
$obj->response = $response;
$obj->keyword = $keyword;
$obj->module = $modules[$modulename];
$obj->uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
$obj->acid = $_W['acid'];
if(method_exists($obj, 'receive')) {
} elseif (!empty($subscribe['user_get_card']) && $this->message['event'] == 'user_get_card') {
foreach($subscribe['user_get_card'] as $modulename) {
$obj = WeUtility::createModuleReceiver($modulename);
$obj->message = $this->message;
$obj->params = $par;
$obj->response = $response;
$obj->keyword = $keyword;
$obj->module = $modules[$modulename];
$obj->uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
$obj->acid = $_W['acid'];
if(method_exists($obj, 'receive')) {
} elseif (!empty($subscribe['user_consume_card']) && $this->message['event'] == 'user_consume_card') {
foreach($subscribe['user_consume_card'] as $modulename) {
$obj = WeUtility::createModuleReceiver($modulename);
$obj->message = $this->message;
$obj->params = $par;
$obj->response = $response;
$obj->keyword = $keyword;
$obj->module = $modules[$modulename];
$obj->uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
$obj->acid = $_W['acid'];
if(method_exists($obj, 'receive')) {
} else {
$modules = $subscribe[$this->message['type']];
if (!empty($modules)) {
foreach ($modules as $modulename) {
$row = array();
$row['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
$row['acid'] = $_W['acid'];
$row['dateline'] = $_W['timestamp'];
$row['message'] = iserializer($this->message);
$row['keyword'] = iserializer($keyword);
$row['params'] = iserializer($par);
$row['response'] = iserializer($response);
$row['module'] = $modulename;
$row['type'] = 1;
pdo_insert('core_queue', $row);
if (date('N') == '1') {
pdo_query("DELETE FROM ".tablename('core_queue')." WHERE dateline < '".($_W['timestamp'] - 2592000)."'");
* 分析消息包, 返回处理器列表
* 处理器格式:
* module => 处理这个消息要使用的模块名称
* rule => 处理这个消息关联的回复规则编号
* priority => 处理这个消息的优先级别
* context => 处理这个消息是否在上下文中
* 处理方式:
* 消息到达时
* 1. 关注 / 点击菜单操作 / 扫描二维码操作 --> 返回重定向的文本匹配到的【处理器列表】
* 2. 文本消息并且在上下文中 --> 取得优先级在当前锁定的上下文优先级之上的 匹配到的 【处理器列表】, 附加上 上下文中锁定的【处理器】
* 3. 其他情况 --> 返回 匹配到的【处理器列表】
* 其中 subscribe, qr, click, 将会被重定向为 text 消息, 原来的数据保存在 source 中, 并将 redirection 设置为 true
* @param $message array 统一消息结构
* @return array 处理器列表
private function analyze(&$message) {
$params = array();
if(in_array($message['type'], array('event', 'qr'))) {
$params = call_user_func_array(array($this, 'analyze' . $message['type']), array(&$message));
if(!empty($params)) {
return (array)$params;
if(!empty($_SESSION['__contextmodule']) && in_array($_SESSION['__contextmodule'], $this->modules)) {
if($_SESSION['__contextexpire'] > TIMESTAMP) {
$params[] = array(
'message' => $message,
'module' => $_SESSION['__contextmodule'],
'rule' => $_SESSION['__contextrule'],
'priority' => $_SESSION['__contextpriority'],
'context' => true
return $params;
} else {
if(method_exists($this, 'analyze' . $message['type'])) {
$temp = call_user_func_array(array($this, 'analyze' . $message['type']), array(&$message));
if(!empty($temp) && is_array($temp)){
$params += $temp;
} else {
$params += $this->handler($message['type']);
return $params;
private function analyzeSubscribe(&$message) {
global $_W;
$params = array();
$message['type'] = 'text';
$message['redirection'] = true;
if(!empty($message['scene'])) {
$message['source'] = 'qr';
$sceneid = trim($message['scene']);
$scene_condition = '';
if (is_numeric($sceneid)) {
$scene_condition = " `qrcid` = '{$sceneid}'";
$scene_condition = " `scene_str` = '{$sceneid}'";
$qr = pdo_fetch("SELECT `id`, `keyword` FROM " . tablename('qrcode') . " WHERE {$scene_condition} AND `uniacid` = '{$_W['uniacid']}'");
if(!empty($qr)) {
$message['content'] = $qr['keyword'];
if (!empty($qr['type']) && $qr['type'] == 'scene') {
$message['msgtype'] = 'text';
$params += $this->analyzeText($message);
return $params;
$message['source'] = 'subscribe';
$setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('welcome'));
if(!empty($setting['welcome'])) {
$message['content'] = $setting['welcome'];
$params += $this->analyzeText($message);
return $params;
private function analyzeQR(&$message) {
global $_W;
$params = array();
$message['type'] = 'text';
$message['redirection'] = true;
if(!empty($message['scene'])) {
$message['source'] = 'qr';
$sceneid = trim($message['scene']);
$scene_condition = '';
if (is_numeric($sceneid)) {
$scene_condition = " `qrcid` = '{$sceneid}'";
$scene_condition = " `scene_str` = '{$sceneid}'";
$qr = pdo_fetch("SELECT `id`, `keyword` FROM " . tablename('qrcode') . " WHERE {$scene_condition} AND `uniacid` = '{$_W['uniacid']}'");
if (empty($qr) && !empty($message['ticket'])) {
$message['source'] = 'qr';
$ticket = trim($message['ticket']);
if(!empty($ticket)) {
$qr = pdo_fetchall("SELECT `id`, `keyword` FROM " . tablename('qrcode') . " WHERE `uniacid` = '{$_W['uniacid']}' AND ticket = '{$ticket}'");
if(!empty($qr)) {
if(count($qr) != 1) {
$qr = array();
} else {
$qr = $qr[0];
if(!empty($qr)) {
$message['content'] = $qr['keyword'];
if (!empty($qr['type']) && $qr['type'] == 'scene') {
$message['msgtype'] = 'text';
$params += $this->analyzeText($message);
return $params;
public function analyzeText(&$message, $order = 0) {
global $_W;
$pars = array();
$order = intval($order);
if(!isset($message['content'])) {
return $pars;
$condition = <<<EOF
`uniacid` IN ( 0, {$_W['uniacid']} )
( `type` = 1 AND `content` = :c1 )
( `type` = 2 AND instr(:c2, `content`) )
( `type` = 3 AND :c3 REGEXP `content` )
( `type` = 4 )
AND `status`=1
$params = array();
$params[':c1'] = $message['content'];
$params[':c2'] = $message['content'];
$params[':c3'] = $message['content'];
if (intval($order) > 0) {
$condition .= " AND `displayorder` > :order";
$params[':order'] = $order;
$keywords = reply_keywords_search($condition, $params);
if(empty($keywords)) {
return $pars;
foreach($keywords as $keyword) {
$params = array(
'message' => $message,
'module' => $keyword['module'],
'rule' => $keyword['rid'],
'priority' => $keyword['displayorder'],
'keyword' => $keyword
$pars[] = $params;
return $pars;
private function analyzeEvent(&$message) {
if (strtolower($message['event']) == 'subscribe') {
return $this->analyzeSubscribe($message);
if (strtolower($message['event']) == 'click') {
$message['content'] = strval($message['eventkey']);
return $this->analyzeClick($message);
if (strtolower($message['event']) == 'user_gifting_card') {
return $this->analyzeCoupon($message);
if (in_array($message['event'], array('pic_photo_or_album', 'pic_weixin', 'pic_sysphoto'))) {
pdo_query("DELETE FROM ".tablename('menu_event')." WHERE createtime < '".($GLOBALS['_W']['timestamp'] - 100)."' OR openid = '{$message['from']}'");
if (!empty($message['sendpicsinfo']['count'])) {
foreach ($message['sendpicsinfo']['piclist'] as $item) {
pdo_insert('menu_event', array(
'uniacid' => $GLOBALS['_W']['uniacid'],
'keyword' => $message['eventkey'],
'type' => $message['event'],
'picmd5' => $item,
'openid' => $message['from'],
'createtime' => TIMESTAMP,
} else {
pdo_insert('menu_event', array(
'uniacid' => $GLOBALS['_W']['uniacid'],
'keyword' => $message['eventkey'],
'type' => $message['event'],
'picmd5' => $item,
'openid' => $message['from'],
'createtime' => TIMESTAMP,
$message['content'] = strval($message['eventkey']);
$message['source'] = $message['event'];
return $this->analyzeText($message);
if (!empty($message['eventkey'])) {
$message['content'] = strval($message['eventkey']);
$message['type'] = 'text';
$message['redirection'] = true;
$message['source'] = $message['event'];
return $this->analyzeText($message);
return $this->handler($message['event']);
private function analyzeClick(&$message) {
if(!empty($message['content']) || $message['content'] !== '') {
$message['type'] = 'text';
$message['redirection'] = true;
$message['source'] = 'click';
return $this->analyzeText($message);
return array();
private function analyzeImage(&$message) {
if (!empty($message['picurl'])) {
$response = ihttp_get($message['picurl']);
if (!empty($response)) {
$md5 = md5($response['content']);
$event = pdo_fetch("SELECT keyword, type FROM ".tablename('menu_event')." WHERE picmd5 = '$md5'");
if (!empty($event['keyword'])) {
pdo_delete('menu_event', array('picmd5' => $md5));
} else {
$event = pdo_fetch("SELECT keyword, type FROM ".tablename('menu_event')." WHERE openid = '{$message['from']}'");
if (!empty($event)) {
$message['content'] = $event['keyword'];
$message['eventkey'] = $event['keyword'];
$message['type'] = 'text';
$message['event'] = $event['type'];
$message['redirection'] = true;
$message['source'] = $event['type'];
return $this->analyzeText($message);
return $this->handler('image');
private function analyzeVoice(&$message) {
$params = $this->handler('voice');
if (empty($params) && !empty($message['recognition'])) {
$message['type'] = 'text';
$message['redirection'] = true;
$message['source'] = 'voice';
$message['content'] = $message['recognition'];
return $this->analyzeText($message);
} else {
return $params;
public function analyzeCoupon(&$message) {
global $_W;
$data = array();
if ($message['event'] == 'poi_check_notify') {
$data['status'] = ($message['result'] == 'succ') ? 1 : 3;
$data['location_id'] = trim($message['poiid']);
$data['message'] = trim($message['msg']);
$id = intval($message['uniqid']);
pdo_update('activity_stores', $data, array('id' => $id, 'uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
} elseif (in_array($message['event'], array('card_pass_check', 'card_not_pass_check'))) {
$data['status'] = ($message['event'] == 'card_pass_check') ? 3 : 2;
$card_id = trim($message['cardid']);
$is_exist = pdo_getcolumn('coupon', array('card_id' => $card_id));
if(!empty($is_exist)) {
pdo_update('coupon', $data, array('card_id' => $card_id));
} elseif ($message['event'] == 'user_get_card') {
if (empty($message['isgivebyfriend'])) {
$coupon_record = pdo_get('coupon_record', array('card_id' => trim($message['cardid']), 'openid' => trim($message['fromusername']), 'status' => '1', 'code' => ''), array('id'));
if (!empty($coupon_record)) {
pdo_update('coupon_record', array('code' => trim($message['usercardcode'])),array('id' => $coupon_record['id']));
} else {
$fans_info = mc_fansinfo($message['fromusername']);
$coupon_info = pdo_get('coupon', array('card_id' => $message['cardid']));
$pcount = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT count(*) FROM " . tablename('coupon_record') . " WHERE `openid` = :openid AND `couponid` = :couponid", array(':couponid' => $coupon_info['id'], ':openid' => trim($message['fromusername'])));
if ($pcount < $coupon_info['get_limit'] && $coupon_info['quantity'] > 0) {
$insert_data = array(
'uniacid' => $fans_info['uniacid'],
'card_id' => $message['cardid'],
'openid' => $message['fromusername'],
'code' => $message['usercardcode'],
'addtime' => TIMESTAMP,
'status' => '1',
'uid' => $fans_info['uid'],
'remark' => '用户通过投放扫码',
'couponid' => $coupon_info['id']
pdo_insert('coupon_record', $insert_data);
pdo_update('coupon', array('quantity' => $coupon_info['quantity'] - 1, 'dosage' => $coupon_info['dosage'] + 1), array('uniacid' => $fans_info['uniacid'],'id' => $coupon_info['id']));
} else {
$old_record = pdo_get('coupon_record', array('openid' => trim($message['friendusername']), 'card_id' => trim($message['cardid']), 'code' => trim($message['oldusercardcode'])));
pdo_update('coupon_record', array('addtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'givebyfriend' => intval($message['isgivebyfriend']), 'openid' => trim($message['fromusername']), 'code' => trim($message['usercardcode']), 'status' => '1'), array('id' => $old_record['id']));
} elseif ($message['event'] == 'user_del_card') {
$card_id = trim($message['cardid']);
$openid = trim($message['fromusername']);
$code = trim($message['usercardcode']);
pdo_update('coupon_record', array('status' => 4), array('acid' => $_W['acid'], 'card_id' => $card_id, 'openid' => $openid, 'code' => $code));
} elseif ($message['event'] == 'user_consume_card') {
$card_id = trim($message['cardid']);
$openid = trim($message['fromusername']);
$code = trim($message['usercardcode']);
pdo_update('coupon_record', array('status' => 3), array('acid' => $_W['acid'], 'card_id' => $card_id, 'openid' => $openid, 'code' => $code));
* 处理特殊消息类型包括, video, location, link, unsubscribe, trace, view, enter
* @param $type
* @return array
private function handler($type) {
if(empty($type)) {
return array();
global $_W;
$params = array();
$setting = uni_setting($_W['uniacid'], array('default_message'));
$df = $setting['default_message'];
if(is_array($df) && isset($df[$type])) {
if (!empty($df[$type]['type']) && $df[$type]['type'] == 'keyword') {
$message = $this->message;
$message['type'] = 'text';
$message['redirection'] = true;
$message['source'] = $type;
$message['content'] = $df[$type]['keyword'];
return $this->analyzeText($message);
} else {
$params[] = array(
'message' => $this->message,
'module' => is_array($df[$type]) ? $df[$type]['module'] : $df[$type],
'rule' => '-1',
return $params;
return array();
* 调用模块的消息处理器
* @param $param
* @return bool | array false |$response
private function process($param) {
global $_W;
if(empty($param['module']) || !in_array($param['module'], $this->modules)) {
return false;
$processor = WeUtility::createModuleProcessor($param['module']);
$processor->message = $param['message'];
$processor->rule = $param['rule'];
$processor->priority = intval($param['priority']);
$processor->inContext = $param['context'] === true;
$response = $processor->respond();
if(empty($response)) {
return false;
return $response;
* checkauth处理
public function died($content = '') {
global $_W, $engine;
if (empty($content)) {
$response['FromUserName'] = $engine->message['to'];
$response['ToUserName'] = $engine->message['from'];
$response['MsgType'] = 'text';
$response['Content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($content);
$response['CreateTime'] = TIMESTAMP;
$response['FuncFlag'] = 0;
$xml = array2xml($response);
if(!empty($_GET['encrypt_type']) && $_GET['encrypt_type'] == 'aes') {
$resp = $engine->account->encryptMsg($xml);
$resp = $engine->account->xmlDetract($resp);
} else {
$resp = $xml;
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。