#include "ED.h"
#include "EDColor.h"
#include <fstream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
ED::ED(Mat _srcImage, GradientOperator _op, int _gradThresh, int _anchorThresh,int _scanInterval, int _minPathLen ,double _sigma, bool _sumFlag)
// Check parameters for sanity
if (_gradThresh < 1) _gradThresh = 1;
if (_anchorThresh < 0) _anchorThresh = 0;
if (_sigma < 1.0) _sigma = 1.0;
srcImage = _srcImage;
height = srcImage.rows;
width = srcImage.cols;
op = _op;
gradThresh = _gradThresh;
anchorThresh = _anchorThresh;
scanInterval = _scanInterval;
minPathLen = _minPathLen;
sigma = _sigma;
sumFlag = _sumFlag;
segmentNos = 0;
segmentPoints.push_back(vector<Point>()); // create empty vector of points for segments
edgeImage = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)); // initialize edge Image
smoothImage = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1);
gradImage = Mat(height, width, CV_16SC1); // gradImage contains short values
srcImg = srcImage.data;
//// Detect Edges By Edge Drawing Algorithm ////
/*------------ SMOOTH THE IMAGE BY A GAUSSIAN KERNEL -------------------*/
if (sigma == 1.0)
GaussianBlur(srcImage, smoothImage, Size(5, 5), sigma);
GaussianBlur(srcImage, smoothImage, Size(), sigma); // calculate kernel from sigma
// Assign Pointers from Mat's data
smoothImg = smoothImage.data;
gradImg = (short*)gradImage.data;
edgeImg = edgeImage.data;
dirImg = new unsigned char[width*height];
/*------------ COMPUTE GRADIENT & EDGE DIRECTION MAPS -------------------*/
/*------------ COMPUTE ANCHORS -------------------*/
/*------------ JOIN ANCHORS -------------------*/
delete[] dirImg;
// This constructor for use of EDLines and EDCircle with ED given as constructor argument
// only the necessary attributes are coppied
ED::ED(const ED & cpyObj)
height = cpyObj.height;
width = cpyObj.width;
srcImage = cpyObj.srcImage.clone();
op = cpyObj.op;
gradThresh = cpyObj.gradThresh;
anchorThresh = cpyObj.anchorThresh;
scanInterval = cpyObj.scanInterval;
minPathLen = cpyObj.minPathLen;
sigma = cpyObj.sigma;
sumFlag = cpyObj.sumFlag;
edgeImage = cpyObj.edgeImage.clone();
smoothImage = cpyObj.smoothImage.clone();
gradImage = cpyObj.gradImage.clone();
srcImg = srcImage.data;
smoothImg = smoothImage.data;
gradImg = (short*)gradImage.data;
edgeImg = edgeImage.data;
segmentPoints = cpyObj.segmentPoints;
segmentNos = cpyObj.segmentNos;
// This constructor for use of EDColor with use of direction and gradient image
// It finds edge image for given gradient and direction image
ED::ED(short *_gradImg, uchar *_dirImg, int _width, int _height, int _gradThresh, int _anchorThresh, int _scanInterval, int _minPathLen, bool selectStableAnchors)
height = _height;
width = _width;
gradThresh = _gradThresh;
anchorThresh = _anchorThresh;
scanInterval = _scanInterval;
minPathLen = _minPathLen;
gradImg = _gradImg;
dirImg = _dirImg;
edgeImage = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1, Scalar(0)); // initialize edge Image
edgeImg = edgeImage.data;
if (selectStableAnchors) {
// Compute anchors with the user supplied parameters
anchorThresh = 0; // anchorThresh used as zero while computing anchor points if selectStableAnchors set.
// Finding higher number of anchors is OK, because we have following validation steps in selectStableAnchors.
anchorThresh = _anchorThresh; // set it to its initial argument value for further anchor validation.
anchorPoints.clear(); // considering validation step below, it should constructed again.
for (int i = 1; i<height - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j<width - 1; j++) {
if (edgeImg[i*width + j] != ANCHOR_PIXEL) continue;
// Take only "stable" anchors
// 0 degree edge
if (edgeImg[i*width + j - 1] && edgeImg[i*width + j + 1]) {
int diff1 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[(i - 1)*width + j];
int diff2 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[(i + 1)*width + j];
if (diff1 >= anchorThresh && diff2 >= anchorThresh) edgeImg[i*width + j] = 255;
} //end-if
// 90 degree edge
if (edgeImg[(i - 1)*width + j] && edgeImg[(i + 1)*width + j]) {
int diff1 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[i*width + j - 1];
int diff2 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[i*width + j + 1];
if (diff1 >= anchorThresh && diff2 >= anchorThresh) edgeImg[i*width + j] = 255;
} //end-if
// 135 degree diagonal
if (edgeImg[(i - 1)*width + j - 1] && edgeImg[(i + 1)*width + j + 1]) {
int diff1 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[(i - 1)*width + j + 1];
int diff2 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
if (diff1 >= anchorThresh && diff2 >= anchorThresh) edgeImg[i*width + j] = 255;
} //end-if
// 45 degree diagonal
if (edgeImg[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] && edgeImg[(i + 1)*width + j - 1]) {
int diff1 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
int diff2 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[(i + 1)*width + j + 1];
if (diff1 >= anchorThresh && diff2 >= anchorThresh) edgeImg[i*width + j] = 255;
} //end-if
} //end-for
} //end-for
for (int i = 0; i<width*height; i++)
if (edgeImg[i] == ANCHOR_PIXEL)
edgeImg[i] = 0;
else if (edgeImg[i] == 255) {
edgeImg[i] = ANCHOR_PIXEL;
int y = i / width;
int x = i % width;
anchorPoints.push_back(Point(x, y)); // push validated anchor point to vector
anchorNos = anchorPoints.size(); // get # of anchor pixels
else {
// Compute anchors with the user supplied parameters
ComputeAnchorPoints(); // anchorThresh used as given as argument. No validation applied. (No stable anchors.)
} //end-else
segmentNos = 0;
segmentPoints.push_back(vector<Point>()); // create empty vector of points for segments
ED::ED(EDColor &obj)
width = obj.getWidth();
height = obj.getHeight();
segmentPoints = obj.getSegments();
segmentNos = obj.getSegmentNo();
Mat ED::getEdgeImage()
return edgeImage;
Mat ED::getAnchorImage()
Mat anchorImage = Mat(edgeImage.size(), edgeImage.type(), Scalar(0));
std::vector<Point>::iterator it;
for (it = anchorPoints.begin(); it != anchorPoints.end(); it++)
anchorImage.at<uchar>(*it) = 255;
return anchorImage;
Mat ED::getSmoothImage()
return smoothImage;
Mat ED::getGradImage()
Mat result8UC1;
convertScaleAbs(gradImage, result8UC1);
return result8UC1;
int ED::getSegmentNo()
return segmentNos;
int ED::getAnchorNo()
return anchorNos;
std::vector<Point> ED::getAnchorPoints()
return anchorPoints;
std::vector<std::vector<Point>> ED::getSegments()
return segmentPoints;
std::vector<std::vector<Point>> ED::getSortedSegments()
// sort segments from largest to smallest
std::sort(segmentPoints.begin(), segmentPoints.end(), [](const std::vector<Point> & a, const std::vector<Point> & b) { return a.size() > b.size(); });
return segmentPoints;
Mat ED::drawParticularSegments(std::vector<int> list)
Mat segmentsImage = Mat(edgeImage.size(), edgeImage.type(), Scalar(0));
std::vector<Point>::iterator it;
std::vector<int>::iterator itInt;
for (itInt = list.begin(); itInt != list.end(); itInt++)
for (it = segmentPoints[*itInt].begin(); it != segmentPoints[*itInt].end(); it++)
segmentsImage.at<uchar>(*it) = 255;
return segmentsImage;
void ED::ComputeGradient()
// Initialize gradient image for row = 0, row = height-1, column=0, column=width-1
for (int j = 0; j<width; j++) { gradImg[j] = gradImg[(height - 1)*width + j] = gradThresh - 1; }
for (int i = 1; i<height - 1; i++) { gradImg[i*width] = gradImg[(i + 1)*width - 1] = gradThresh - 1; }
for (int i = 1; i<height - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j<width - 1; j++) {
// Prewitt Operator in horizontal and vertical direction
// A B C
// D x E
// F G H
// gx = (C-A) + (E-D) + (H-F)
// gy = (F-A) + (G-B) + (H-C)
// To make this faster:
// com1 = (H-A)
// com2 = (C-F)
// For Prewitt
// Then: gx = com1 + com2 + (E-D) = (H-A) + (C-F) + (E-D) = (C-A) + (E-D) + (H-F)
// gy = com1 - com2 + (G-B) = (H-A) - (C-F) + (G-B) = (F-A) + (G-B) + (H-C)
// For Sobel
// Then: gx = com1 + com2 + 2*(E-D) = (H-A) + (C-F) + 2*(E-D) = (C-A) + 2*(E-D) + (H-F)
// gy = com1 - com2 + 2*(G-B) = (H-A) - (C-F) + 2*(G-B) = (F-A) + 2*(G-B) + (H-C)
// For Scharr
// Then: gx = 3*(com1 + com2) + 10*(E-D) = 3*(H-A) + 3*(C-F) + 10*(E-D) = 3*(C-A) + 10*(E-D) + 3*(H-F)
// gy = 3*(com1 - com2) + 10*(G-B) = 3*(H-A) - 3*(C-F) + 10*(G-B) = 3*(F-A) + 10*(G-B) + 3*(H-C)
// For LSD
// A B
// C D
// gx = (B-A) + (D-C)
// gy = (C-A) + (D-B)
// To make this faster:
// com1 = (D-A)
// com2 = (B-C)
// Then: gx = com1 + com2 = (D-A) + (B-C) = (B-A) + (D-C)
// gy = com1 - com2 = (D-A) - (B-C) = (C-A) + (D-B)
int com1 = smoothImg[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smoothImg[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
int com2 = smoothImg[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smoothImg[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gx;
int gy;
switch (op)
gx = abs(com1 + com2 + (smoothImg[i*width + j + 1] - smoothImg[i*width + j - 1]));
gy = abs(com1 - com2 + (smoothImg[(i + 1)*width + j] - smoothImg[(i - 1)*width + j]));
gx = abs(com1 + com2 + 2 * (smoothImg[i*width + j + 1] - smoothImg[i*width + j - 1]));
gy = abs(com1 - com2 + 2 * (smoothImg[(i + 1)*width + j] - smoothImg[(i - 1)*width + j]));
gx = abs(3 * (com1 + com2) + 10 * (smoothImg[i*width + j + 1] - smoothImg[i*width + j - 1]));
gy = abs(3 * (com1 - com2) + 10 * (smoothImg[(i + 1)*width + j] - smoothImg[(i - 1)*width + j]));
// com1 and com2 differs from previous operators, because LSD has 2x2 kernel
int com1 = smoothImg[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smoothImg[i*width + j];
int com2 = smoothImg[i*width + j + 1] - smoothImg[(i + 1)*width + j];
gx = abs(com1 + com2);
gy = abs(com1 - com2);
int sum;
sum = gx + gy;
sum = (int)sqrt((double)gx*gx + gy*gy);
int index = i*width + j;
gradImg[index] = sum;
if (sum >= gradThresh) {
if (gx >= gy) dirImg[index] = EDGE_VERTICAL;
else dirImg[index] = EDGE_HORIZONTAL;
} //end-if
} // end-for
} // end-for
void ED::ComputeAnchorPoints()
//memset(edgeImg, 0, width*height);
for (int i = 2; i<height - 2; i++) {
int start = 2;
int inc = 1;
if (i%scanInterval != 0) { start = scanInterval; inc = scanInterval; }
for (int j = start; j<width - 2; j += inc) {
if (gradImg[i*width + j] < gradThresh) continue;
if (dirImg[i*width + j] == EDGE_VERTICAL) {
// vertical edge
int diff1 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[i*width + j - 1];
int diff2 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[i*width + j + 1];
if (diff1 >= anchorThresh && diff2 >= anchorThresh) {
edgeImg[i*width + j] = ANCHOR_PIXEL;
anchorPoints.push_back(Point(j, i));
else {
// horizontal edge
int diff1 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[(i - 1)*width + j];
int diff2 = gradImg[i*width + j] - gradImg[(i + 1)*width + j];
if (diff1 >= anchorThresh && diff2 >= anchorThresh) {
edgeImg[i*width + j] = ANCHOR_PIXEL;
anchorPoints.push_back(Point(j, i));
} // end-else
} //end-for-inner
} //end-for-outer
anchorNos = anchorPoints.size(); // get the total number of anchor points
void ED::JoinAnchorPointsUsingSortedAnchors()
int *chainNos = new int[(width + height) * 8];
Point *pixels = new Point[width*height];
StackNode *stack = new StackNode[width*height];
Chain *chains = new Chain[width*height];
// sort the anchor points by their gradient value in decreasing order
int *A = sortAnchorsByGradValue1();
// Now join the anchors starting with the anchor having the greatest gradient value
int totalPixels = 0;
for (int k = anchorNos - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
int pixelOffset = A[k];
int i = pixelOffset / width;
int j = pixelOffset % width;
//int i = anchorPoints[k].y;
//int j = anchorPoints[k].x;
if (edgeImg[i*width + j] != ANCHOR_PIXEL) continue;
chains[0].len = 0;
chains[0].parent = -1;
chains[0].dir = 0;
chains[0].children[0] = chains[0].children[1] = -1;
chains[0].pixels = NULL;
int noChains = 1;
int len = 0;
int duplicatePixelCount = 0;
int top = -1; // top of the stack
if (dirImg[i*width + j] == EDGE_VERTICAL) {
stack[++top].r = i;
stack[top].c = j;
stack[top].dir = DOWN;
stack[top].parent = 0;
stack[++top].r = i;
stack[top].c = j;
stack[top].dir = UP;
stack[top].parent = 0;
else {
stack[++top].r = i;
stack[top].c = j;
stack[top].dir = RIGHT;
stack[top].parent = 0;
stack[++top].r = i;
stack[top].c = j;
stack[top].dir = LEFT;
stack[top].parent = 0;
} //end-else
// While the stack is not empty
while (top >= 0) {
int r = stack[top].r;
int c = stack[top].c;
int dir = stack[top].dir;
int parent = stack[top].parent;
if (edgeImg[r*width + c] != EDGE_PIXEL) duplicatePixelCount++;
chains[noChains].dir = dir; // traversal direction
chains[noChains].parent = parent;
chains[noChains].children[0] = chains[noChains].children[1] = -1;
int chainLen = 0;
chains[noChains].pixels = &pixels[len];
pixels[len].y = r;
pixels[len].x = c;
if (dir == LEFT) {
while (dirImg[r*width + c] == EDGE_HORIZONTAL) {
edgeImg[r*width + c] = EDGE_PIXEL;
// The edge is horizontal. Look LEFT
// A
// B x
// C
// cleanup up & down pixels
if (edgeImg[(r - 1)*width + c] == ANCHOR_PIXEL) edgeImg[(r - 1)*width + c] = 0;
if (edgeImg[(r + 1)*width + c] == ANCHOR_PIXEL) edgeImg[(r + 1)*width + c] = 0;
// Look if there is an edge pixel in the neighbors
if (edgeImg[r*width + c - 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { c--; }
else if (edgeImg[(r - 1)*width + c - 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r--; c--; }
else if (edgeImg[(r + 1)*width + c - 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r++; c--; }
else {
// else -- follow max. pixel to the LEFT
int A = gradImg[(r - 1)*width + c - 1];
int B = gradImg[r*width + c - 1];
int C = gradImg[(r + 1)*width + c - 1];
if (A > B) {
if (A > C) r--;
else r++;
else if (C > B) r++;
} //end-else
if (edgeImg[r*width + c] == EDGE_PIXEL || gradImg[r*width + c] < gradThresh) {
if (chainLen > 0) {
chains[noChains].len = chainLen;
chains[parent].children[0] = noChains;
} // end-if
goto StartOfWhile;
} //end-else
pixels[len].y = r;
pixels[len].x = c;
} //end-while
stack[++top].r = r;
stack[top].c = c;
stack[top].dir = DOWN;
stack[top].parent = noChains;
stack[++top].r = r;
stack[top].c = c;
stack[top].dir = UP;
stack[top].parent = noChains;
chains[noChains].len = chainLen;
chains[parent].children[0] = noChains;
else if (dir == RIGHT) {
while (dirImg[r*width + c] == EDGE_HORIZONTAL) {
edgeImg[r*width + c] = EDGE_PIXEL;
// The edge is horizontal. Look RIGHT
// A
// x B
// C
// cleanup up&down pixels
if (edgeImg[(r + 1)*width + c] == ANCHOR_PIXEL) edgeImg[(r + 1)*width + c] = 0;
if (edgeImg[(r - 1)*width + c] == ANCHOR_PIXEL) edgeImg[(r - 1)*width + c] = 0;
// Look if there is an edge pixel in the neighbors
if (edgeImg[r*width + c + 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { c++; }
else if (edgeImg[(r + 1)*width + c + 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r++; c++; }
else if (edgeImg[(r - 1)*width + c + 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r--; c++; }
else {
// else -- follow max. pixel to the RIGHT
int A = gradImg[(r - 1)*width + c + 1];
int B = gradImg[r*width + c + 1];
int C = gradImg[(r + 1)*width + c + 1];
if (A > B) {
if (A > C) r--; // A
else r++; // C
else if (C > B) r++; // C
} //end-else
if (edgeImg[r*width + c] == EDGE_PIXEL || gradImg[r*width + c] < gradThresh) {
if (chainLen > 0) {
chains[noChains].len = chainLen;
chains[parent].children[1] = noChains;
} // end-if
goto StartOfWhile;
} //end-else
pixels[len].y = r;
pixels[len].x = c;
} //end-while
stack[++top].r = r;
stack[top].c = c;
stack[top].dir = DOWN; // Go down
stack[top].parent = noChains;
stack[++top].r = r;
stack[top].c = c;
stack[top].dir = UP; // Go up
stack[top].parent = noChains;
chains[noChains].len = chainLen;
chains[parent].children[1] = noChains;
else if (dir == UP) {
while (dirImg[r*width + c] == EDGE_VERTICAL) {
edgeImg[r*width + c] = EDGE_PIXEL;
// The edge is vertical. Look UP
// A B C
// x
// Cleanup left & right pixels
if (edgeImg[r*width + c - 1] == ANCHOR_PIXEL) edgeImg[r*width + c - 1] = 0;
if (edgeImg[r*width + c + 1] == ANCHOR_PIXEL) edgeImg[r*width + c + 1] = 0;
// Look if there is an edge pixel in the neighbors
if (edgeImg[(r - 1)*width + c] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r--; }
else if (edgeImg[(r - 1)*width + c - 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r--; c--; }
else if (edgeImg[(r - 1)*width + c + 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r--; c++; }
else {
// else -- follow the max. pixel UP
int A = gradImg[(r - 1)*width + c - 1];
int B = gradImg[(r - 1)*width + c];
int C = gradImg[(r - 1)*width + c + 1];
if (A > B) {
if (A > C) c--;
else c++;
else if (C > B) c++;
} //end-else
if (edgeImg[r*width + c] == EDGE_PIXEL || gradImg[r*width + c] < gradThresh) {
if (chainLen > 0) {
chains[noChains].len = chainLen;
chains[parent].children[0] = noChains;
} // end-if
goto StartOfWhile;
} //end-else
pixels[len].y = r;
pixels[len].x = c;
} //end-while
stack[++top].r = r;
stack[top].c = c;
stack[top].dir = RIGHT;
stack[top].parent = noChains;
stack[++top].r = r;
stack[top].c = c;
stack[top].dir = LEFT;
stack[top].parent = noChains;
chains[noChains].len = chainLen;
chains[parent].children[0] = noChains;
else { // dir == DOWN
while (dirImg[r*width + c] == EDGE_VERTICAL) {
edgeImg[r*width + c] = EDGE_PIXEL;
// The edge is vertical
// x
// A B C
// cleanup side pixels
if (edgeImg[r*width + c + 1] == ANCHOR_PIXEL) edgeImg[r*width + c + 1] = 0;
if (edgeImg[r*width + c - 1] == ANCHOR_PIXEL) edgeImg[r*width + c - 1] = 0;
// Look if there is an edge pixel in the neighbors
if (edgeImg[(r + 1)*width + c] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r++; }
else if (edgeImg[(r + 1)*width + c + 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r++; c++; }
else if (edgeImg[(r + 1)*width + c - 1] >= ANCHOR_PIXEL) { r++; c--; }
else {
// else -- follow the max. pixel DOWN
int A = gradImg[(r + 1)*width + c - 1];
int B = gradImg[(r + 1)*width + c];
int C = gradImg[(r + 1)*width + c + 1];
if (A > B) {
if (A > C) c--; // A
else c++; // C
else if (C > B) c++; // C
} //end-else
if (edgeImg[r*width + c] == EDGE_PIXEL || gradImg[r*width + c] < gradThresh) {
if (chainLen > 0) {
chains[noChains].len = chainLen;
chains[parent].children[1] = noChains;
} // end-if
goto StartOfWhile;
} //end-else
pixels[len].y = r;
pixels[len].x = c;
} //end-while
stack[++top].r = r;
stack[top].c = c;
stack[top].dir = RIGHT;
stack[top].parent = noChains;
stack[++top].r = r;
stack[top].c = c;
stack[top].dir = LEFT;
stack[top].parent = noChains;
chains[noChains].len = chainLen;
chains[parent].children[1] = noChains;
} //end-else
} //end-while
if (len - duplicatePixelCount < minPathLen) {
for (int k = 0; k<len; k++) {
edgeImg[pixels[k].y*width + pixels[k].x] = 0;
edgeImg[pixels[k].y*width + pixels[k].x] = 0;
} //end-for
else {
int noSegmentPixels = 0;
int totalLen = LongestChain(chains, chains[0].children[1]);
if (totalLen > 0) {
// Retrieve the chainNos
int count = RetrieveChainNos(chains, chains[0].children[1], chainNos);
// Copy these pixels in the reverse order
for (int k = count - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
int chainNo = chainNos[k];
#if 1
/* See if we can erase some pixels from the last chain. This is for cleanup */
int fr = chains[chainNo].pixels[chains[chainNo].len - 1].y;
int fc = chains[chainNo].pixels[chains[chainNo].len - 1].x;
int index = noSegmentPixels - 2;
while (index >= 0) {
int dr = abs(fr - segmentPoints[segmentNos][index].y);
int dc = abs(fc - segmentPoints[segmentNos][index].x);
if (dr <= 1 && dc <= 1) {
// neighbors. Erase last pixel
else break;
} //end-while
if (chains[chainNo].len > 1 && noSegmentPixels > 0) {
fr = chains[chainNo].pixels[chains[chainNo].len - 2].y;
fc = chains[chainNo].pixels[chains[chainNo].len - 2].x;
int dr = abs(fr - segmentPoints[segmentNos][noSegmentPixels - 1].y);
int dc = abs(fc - segmentPoints[segmentNos][noSegmentPixels - 1].x);
if (dr <= 1 && dc <= 1) chains[chainNo].len--;
} //end-if
for (int l = chains[chainNo].len - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
} //end-for
chains[chainNo].len = 0; // Mark as copied
} //end-for
} //end-if
totalLen = LongestChain(chains, chains[0].children[0]);
if (totalLen > 1) {
// Retrieve the chainNos
int count = RetrieveChainNos(chains, chains[0].children[0], chainNos);
// Copy these chains in the forward direction. Skip the first pixel of the first chain
// due to repetition with the last pixel of the previous chain
int lastChainNo = chainNos[0];
for (int k = 0; k<count; k++) {
int chainNo = chainNos[k];
#if 1
/* See if we can erase some pixels from the last chain. This is for cleanup */
int fr = chains[chainNo].pixels[0].y;
int fc = chains[chainNo].pixels[0].x;
int index = noSegmentPixels - 2;
while (index >= 0) {
int dr = abs(fr - segmentPoints[segmentNos][index].y);
int dc = abs(fc - segmentPoints[segmentNos][index].x);
if (dr <= 1 && dc <= 1) {
// neighbors. Erase last pixel
else break;
} //end-while
int startIndex = 0;
int chainLen = chains[chainNo].len;
if (chainLen > 1 && noSegmentPixels > 0) {
int fr = chains[chainNo].pixels[1].y;
int fc = chains[chainNo].pixels[1].x;
int dr = abs(fr - segmentPoints[segmentNos][noSegmentPixels - 1].y);
int dc = abs(fc - segmentPoints[segmentNos][noSegmentPixels - 1].x);
if (dr <= 1 && dc <= 1) { startIndex = 1; }
} //end-if
/* Start a new chain & copy pixels from the new chain */
for (int l = startIndex; l<chains[chainNo].len; l++) {
} //end-for
chains[chainNo].len = 0; // Mark as copied
} //end-for
} //end-if
// See if the first pixel can be cleaned up
int fr = segmentPoints[segmentNos][1].y;
int fc = segmentPoints[segmentNos][1].x;
int dr = abs(fr - segmentPoints[segmentNos][noSegmentPixels - 1].y);
int dc = abs(fc - segmentPoints[segmentNos][noSegmentPixels - 1].x);
if (dr <= 1 && dc <= 1) {
} //end-if
segmentPoints.push_back(vector<Point>()); // create empty vector of points for segments
// Copy the rest of the long chains here
for (int k = 2; k<noChains; k++) {
if (chains[k].len < 2) continue;
totalLen = LongestChain(chains, k);
if (totalLen >= 10) {
// Retrieve the chainNos
int count = RetrieveChainNos(chains, k, chainNos);
// Copy the pixels
noSegmentPixels = 0;
for (int k = 0; k<count; k++) {
int chainNo = chainNos[k];
#if 1
/* See if we can erase some pixels from the last chain. This is for cleanup */
int fr = chains[chainNo].pixels[0].y;
int fc = chains[chainNo].pixels[0].x;
int index = noSegmentPixels - 2;
while (index >= 0) {
int dr = abs(fr - segmentPoints[segmentNos][index].y);
int dc = abs(fc - segmentPoints[segmentNos][index].x);
if (dr <= 1 && dc <= 1) {
// neighbors. Erase last pixel
else break;
} //end-while
int startIndex = 0;
int chainLen = chains[chainNo].len;
if (chainLen > 1 && noSegmentPixels > 0) {
int fr = chains[chainNo].pixels[1].y;
int fc = chains[chainNo].pixels[1].x;
int dr = abs(fr - segmentPoints[segmentNos][noSegmentPixels - 1].y);
int dc = abs(fc - segmentPoints[segmentNos][noSegmentPixels - 1].x);
if (dr <= 1 && dc <= 1) { startIndex = 1; }
} //end-if
/* Start a new chain & copy pixels from the new chain */
for (int l = startIndex; l<chains[chainNo].len; l++) {
} //end-for
chains[chainNo].len = 0; // Mark as copied
} //end-for
segmentPoints.push_back(vector<Point>()); // create empty vector of points for segments
} //end-if
} //end-for
} //end-else
} //end-for-outer
// pop back last segment from vector
// because of one preallocation in the beginning, it will always empty
// Clean up
delete[] A;
delete[] chains;
delete[] stack;
delete[] chainNos;
delete[] pixels;
void ED::sortAnchorsByGradValue()
auto sortFunc = [&](const Point &a, const Point &b)
return gradImg[a.y * width + a.x] > gradImg[b.y * width + b.x];
std::sort(anchorPoints.begin(), anchorPoints.end(), sortFunc);
ofstream myFile;
for (int i = 0; i < anchorPoints.size(); i++) {
int x = anchorPoints[i].x;
int y = anchorPoints[i].y;
myFile << i << ". value: " << gradImg[y*width + x] << " Cord: (" << x << "," << y << ")" << endl;
vector<Point> temp(anchorNos);
int x, y, i = 0;
char c;
std::ifstream infile("cords.txt");
while (infile >> x >> c >> y && c == ',') {
temp[i] = Point(x, y);
anchorPoints = temp;
int * ED::sortAnchorsByGradValue1()
int SIZE = 128 * 256;
int *C = new int[SIZE];
memset(C, 0, sizeof(int)*SIZE);
// Count the number of grad values
for (int i = 1; i<height - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j<width - 1; j++) {
if (edgeImg[i*width + j] != ANCHOR_PIXEL) continue;
int grad = gradImg[i*width + j];
} //end-for
} //end-for
// Compute indices
for (int i = 1; i<SIZE; i++) C[i] += C[i - 1];
int noAnchors = C[SIZE - 1];
int *A = new int[noAnchors];
memset(A, 0, sizeof(int)*noAnchors);
for (int i = 1; i<height - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j<width - 1; j++) {
if (edgeImg[i*width + j] != ANCHOR_PIXEL) continue;
int grad = gradImg[i*width + j];
int index = --C[grad];
A[index] = i*width + j; // anchor's offset
} //end-for
} //end-for
delete[] C;
ofstream myFile;
for (int i = 0; i < noAnchors; i++)
myFile << A[i] << endl;
myFile.close(); */
return A;
int ED::LongestChain(Chain *chains, int root) {
if (root == -1 || chains[root].len == 0) return 0;
int len0 = 0;
if (chains[root].children[0] != -1) len0 = LongestChain(chains, chains[root].children[0]);
int len1 = 0;
if (chains[root].children[1] != -1) len1 = LongestChain(chains, chains[root].children[1]);
int max = 0;
if (len0 >= len1) {
max = len0;
chains[root].children[1] = -1;
else {
max = len1;
chains[root].children[0] = -1;
} //end-else
return chains[root].len + max;
} //end-LongestChain
int ED::RetrieveChainNos(Chain * chains, int root, int chainNos[])
int count = 0;
while (root != -1) {
chainNos[count] = root;
if (chains[root].children[0] != -1) root = chains[root].children[0];
else root = chains[root].children[1];
} //end-while
return count;
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