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EDCircles.cpp 96.96 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Cagri 提交于 2018-08-17 18:50 . Git initial commit
#include "EDCircles.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
EDCircles::EDCircles(Mat srcImage)
: EDPF(srcImage)
// Arcs & circles to be detected
// If the end-points of the segment is very close to each other,
// then directly fit a circle/ellipse instread of line fitting
noCircles1 = 0;
circles1 = new Circle[(width + height) * 8];
// ----------------------------------- DETECT LINES ---------------------------------
int bufferSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < segmentPoints.size(); i++)
bufferSize += segmentPoints[i].size();
// Compute the starting line number for each segment
segmentStartLines = new int[segmentNos + 1];
bm = new BufferManager(bufferSize * 8);
vector<LineSegment> lines;
for (int i = 0; i < segmentNos; i++) {
// Make note of the starting line number for this segment
segmentStartLines[i] = lines.size();
int noPixels = segmentPoints[i].size();
if (noPixels < 2 * CIRCLE_MIN_LINE_LEN)
double *x = bm->getX();
double *y = bm->getY();
for (int j = 0; j<noPixels; j++) {
x[j] = segmentPoints[i][j].x;
y[j] = segmentPoints[i][j].y;
} //end-for
// If the segment is reasonably long, then see if the segment traverses the boundary of a closed shape
if (noPixels >= 4 * CIRCLE_MIN_LINE_LEN) {
// If the end-points of the segment is close to each other, then assume a circular/elliptic structure
double dx = x[0] - x[noPixels - 1];
double dy = y[0] - y[noPixels - 1];
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
double r = noPixels / TWOPI; // Assume a complete circle
double maxDistanceBetweenEndPoints = MAX(3, r / 4);
// If almost closed loop, then try to fit a circle/ellipse
if (d <= maxDistanceBetweenEndPoints) {
double xc, yc, r, circleFitError = 1e10;
CircleFit(x, y, noPixels, &xc, &yc, &r, &circleFitError);
EllipseEquation eq;
double ellipseFitError = 1e10;
if (circleFitError > LONG_ARC_ERROR) {
// Try fitting an ellipse
if (EllipseFit(x, y, noPixels, &eq))
ellipseFitError = ComputeEllipseError(&eq, x, y, noPixels);
} //end-if
if (circleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, xc ,yc, r, circleFitError, x, y, noPixels);
else if (ellipseFitError <= ELLIPSE_ERROR) {
double major, minor;
ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(&eq, &xc, &yc, &major, &minor);
// Assume major is longer. Otherwise, swap
if (minor > major) { double tmp = major; major = minor; minor = tmp; }
if (major < 8 * minor) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1,xc, yc, r, circleFitError, &eq, ellipseFitError, x, y, noPixels);
} //end-if
} //end-else
} //end-if
} //end-if
// Otherwise, split to lines
EDLines::SplitSegment2Lines(x, y, noPixels, i, lines);
segmentStartLines[segmentNos] = lines.size();
// ------------------------------- DETECT ARCS ---------------------------------
info = new Info[lines.size()];
// Compute the angle information for each line segment
for (int i = 0; i<segmentNos; i++) {
for (int j = segmentStartLines[i]; j<segmentStartLines[i + 1]; j++) {
LineSegment *l1 = &lines[j];
LineSegment *l2;
if (j == segmentStartLines[i + 1] - 1) l2 = &lines[segmentStartLines[i]];
else l2 = &lines[j + 1];
#if 1
// If the end points of the lines are far from each other, then stop at this line
double dx = l1->ex - l2->sx;
double dy = l1->ey - l2->sy;
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d >= 15) { info[j].angle = 10; info[j].sign = 2; info[j].taken = false; continue; }
// Compute the angle between the lines & their turn direction
double v1x = l1->ex - l1->sx;
double v1y = l1->ey - l1->sy;
double v1Len = sqrt(v1x*v1x + v1y*v1y);
double v2x = l2->ex - l2->sx;
double v2y = l2->ey - l2->sy;
double v2Len = sqrt(v2x*v2x + v2y*v2y);
double dotProduct = (v1x*v2x + v1y*v2y) / (v1Len*v2Len);
if (dotProduct > 1.0) dotProduct = 1.0;
else if (dotProduct < -1.0) dotProduct = -1.0;
info[j].angle = acos(dotProduct);
info[j].sign = (v1x*v2y - v2x*v1y) >= 0 ? 1 : -1; // compute cross product
info[j].taken = false;
} //end-for
} //end-for
// This is how much space we will allocate for circles buffers
int maxNoOfCircles = lines.size() / 3 + noCircles1 * 2;
edarcs1 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles);
DetectArcs(lines); // Detect all arcs
// Try to join arcs that are almost perfectly circular.
// Use the distance between the arc end-points as a metric in choosing in choosing arcs to join
edarcs2 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles);
// Try to join arcs that belong to the same segment
edarcs3 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles);
// Try to combine arcs that belong to different segments
edarcs4 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles); // The remaining arcs
// Finally, go over the arcs & circles, and generate candidate circles
//----------------------------- VALIDATE CIRCLES --------------------------
noCircles2 = 0;
circles2 = new Circle[maxNoOfCircles];
GaussianBlur(srcImage, smoothImage, Size(), 0.50); // calculate kernel from sigma;
//----------------------------- JOIN CIRCLES --------------------------
noCircles3 = 0;
circles3 = new Circle[maxNoOfCircles];
noCircles = 0;
noEllipses = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < noCircles3; i++) {
if (circles3[i].isEllipse)
for (int i = 0; i<noCircles3; i++) {
if (circles3[i].isEllipse) {
EllipseEquation eq = circles3[i].eq;
double xc;
double yc;
double a;
double b;
double theta = ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(&eq, &xc, &yc, &a, &b);
ellipses.push_back(mEllipse(Point2d(xc, yc), Size(a, b), theta));
else {
double r = circles3[i].r;
double xc = circles3[i].xc;
double yc = circles3[i].yc;
circles.push_back(mCircle(Point2d(xc, yc), r));
} //end-else
} //end-for
// clean up
delete edarcs1;
delete edarcs2;
delete edarcs3;
delete edarcs4;
delete[] circles1;
delete[] circles2;
delete[] circles3;
delete bm;
delete[] segmentStartLines;
delete[] info;
EDCircles::EDCircles(ED obj)
// Arcs & circles to be detected
// If the end-points of the segment is very close to each other,
// then directly fit a circle/ellipse instread of line fitting
noCircles1 = 0;
circles1 = new Circle[(width + height) * 8];
// ----------------------------------- DETECT LINES ---------------------------------
int bufferSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < segmentPoints.size(); i++)
bufferSize += segmentPoints[i].size();
// Compute the starting line number for each segment
segmentStartLines = new int[segmentNos + 1];
bm = new BufferManager(bufferSize * 8);
vector<LineSegment> lines;
for (int i = 0; i < segmentNos; i++) {
// Make note of the starting line number for this segment
segmentStartLines[i] = lines.size();
int noPixels = segmentPoints[i].size();
if (noPixels < 2 * CIRCLE_MIN_LINE_LEN)
double *x = bm->getX();
double *y = bm->getY();
for (int j = 0; j<noPixels; j++) {
x[j] = segmentPoints[i][j].x;
y[j] = segmentPoints[i][j].y;
} //end-for
// If the segment is reasonably long, then see if the segment traverses the boundary of a closed shape
if (noPixels >= 4 * CIRCLE_MIN_LINE_LEN) {
// If the end-points of the segment is close to each other, then assume a circular/elliptic structure
double dx = x[0] - x[noPixels - 1];
double dy = y[0] - y[noPixels - 1];
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
double r = noPixels / TWOPI; // Assume a complete circle
double maxDistanceBetweenEndPoints = MAX(3, r / 4);
// If almost closed loop, then try to fit a circle/ellipse
if (d <= maxDistanceBetweenEndPoints) {
double xc, yc, r, circleFitError = 1e10;
CircleFit(x, y, noPixels, &xc, &yc, &r, &circleFitError);
EllipseEquation eq;
double ellipseFitError = 1e10;
if (circleFitError > LONG_ARC_ERROR) {
// Try fitting an ellipse
if (EllipseFit(x, y, noPixels, &eq))
ellipseFitError = ComputeEllipseError(&eq, x, y, noPixels);
} //end-if
if (circleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, xc, yc, r, circleFitError, x, y, noPixels);
else if (ellipseFitError <= ELLIPSE_ERROR) {
double major, minor;
ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(&eq, &xc, &yc, &major, &minor);
// Assume major is longer. Otherwise, swap
if (minor > major) { double tmp = major; major = minor; minor = tmp; }
if (major < 8 * minor) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, xc, yc, r, circleFitError, &eq, ellipseFitError, x, y, noPixels);
} //end-if
} //end-else
} //end-if
} //end-if
// Otherwise, split to lines
EDLines::SplitSegment2Lines(x, y, noPixels, i, lines);
segmentStartLines[segmentNos] = lines.size();
// ------------------------------- DETECT ARCS ---------------------------------
info = new Info[lines.size()];
// Compute the angle information for each line segment
for (int i = 0; i<segmentNos; i++) {
for (int j = segmentStartLines[i]; j<segmentStartLines[i + 1]; j++) {
LineSegment *l1 = &lines[j];
LineSegment *l2;
if (j == segmentStartLines[i + 1] - 1) l2 = &lines[segmentStartLines[i]];
else l2 = &lines[j + 1];
#if 1
// If the end points of the lines are far from each other, then stop at this line
double dx = l1->ex - l2->sx;
double dy = l1->ey - l2->sy;
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d >= 15) { info[j].angle = 10; info[j].sign = 2; info[j].taken = false; continue; }
// Compute the angle between the lines & their turn direction
double v1x = l1->ex - l1->sx;
double v1y = l1->ey - l1->sy;
double v1Len = sqrt(v1x*v1x + v1y*v1y);
double v2x = l2->ex - l2->sx;
double v2y = l2->ey - l2->sy;
double v2Len = sqrt(v2x*v2x + v2y*v2y);
double dotProduct = (v1x*v2x + v1y*v2y) / (v1Len*v2Len);
if (dotProduct > 1.0) dotProduct = 1.0;
else if (dotProduct < -1.0) dotProduct = -1.0;
info[j].angle = acos(dotProduct);
info[j].sign = (v1x*v2y - v2x*v1y) >= 0 ? 1 : -1; // compute cross product
info[j].taken = false;
} //end-for
} //end-for
// This is how much space we will allocate for circles buffers
int maxNoOfCircles = lines.size() / 3 + noCircles1 * 2;
edarcs1 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles);
DetectArcs(lines); // Detect all arcs
// Try to join arcs that are almost perfectly circular.
// Use the distance between the arc end-points as a metric in choosing in choosing arcs to join
edarcs2 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles);
// Try to join arcs that belong to the same segment
edarcs3 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles);
// Try to combine arcs that belong to different segments
edarcs4 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles); // The remaining arcs
// Finally, go over the arcs & circles, and generate candidate circles
//----------------------------- VALIDATE CIRCLES --------------------------
noCircles2 = 0;
circles2 = new Circle[maxNoOfCircles];
GaussianBlur(srcImage, smoothImage, Size(), 0.50); // calculate kernel from sigma;
//----------------------------- JOIN CIRCLES --------------------------
noCircles3 = 0;
circles3 = new Circle[maxNoOfCircles];
noCircles = 0;
noEllipses = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < noCircles3; i++) {
if (circles3[i].isEllipse)
for (int i = 0; i<noCircles3; i++) {
if (circles3[i].isEllipse) {
EllipseEquation eq = circles3[i].eq;
double xc;
double yc;
double a;
double b;
double theta = ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(&eq, &xc, &yc, &a, &b);
ellipses.push_back(mEllipse(Point2d(xc, yc), Size(a, b), theta));
else {
double r = circles3[i].r;
double xc = circles3[i].xc;
double yc = circles3[i].yc;
circles.push_back(mCircle(Point2d(xc, yc), r));
} //end-else
} //end-for
// clean up
delete edarcs1;
delete edarcs2;
delete edarcs3;
delete edarcs4;
delete[] circles1;
delete[] circles2;
delete[] circles3;
delete bm;
delete[] segmentStartLines;
delete[] info;
EDCircles::EDCircles(EDColor obj)
// Arcs & circles to be detected
// If the end-points of the segment is very close to each other,
// then directly fit a circle/ellipse instread of line fitting
noCircles1 = 0;
circles1 = new Circle[(width + height) * 8];
// ----------------------------------- DETECT LINES ---------------------------------
int bufferSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < segmentPoints.size(); i++)
bufferSize += segmentPoints[i].size();
// Compute the starting line number for each segment
segmentStartLines = new int[segmentNos + 1];
bm = new BufferManager(bufferSize * 8);
vector<LineSegment> lines;
for (int i = 0; i < segmentNos; i++) {
// Make note of the starting line number for this segment
segmentStartLines[i] = lines.size();
int noPixels = segmentPoints[i].size();
if (noPixels < 2 * CIRCLE_MIN_LINE_LEN)
double *x = bm->getX();
double *y = bm->getY();
for (int j = 0; j<noPixels; j++) {
x[j] = segmentPoints[i][j].x;
y[j] = segmentPoints[i][j].y;
} //end-for
// If the segment is reasonably long, then see if the segment traverses the boundary of a closed shape
if (noPixels >= 4 * CIRCLE_MIN_LINE_LEN) {
// If the end-points of the segment is close to each other, then assume a circular/elliptic structure
double dx = x[0] - x[noPixels - 1];
double dy = y[0] - y[noPixels - 1];
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
double r = noPixels / TWOPI; // Assume a complete circle
double maxDistanceBetweenEndPoints = MAX(3, r / 4);
// If almost closed loop, then try to fit a circle/ellipse
if (d <= maxDistanceBetweenEndPoints) {
double xc, yc, r, circleFitError = 1e10;
CircleFit(x, y, noPixels, &xc, &yc, &r, &circleFitError);
EllipseEquation eq;
double ellipseFitError = 1e10;
if (circleFitError > LONG_ARC_ERROR) {
// Try fitting an ellipse
if (EllipseFit(x, y, noPixels, &eq))
ellipseFitError = ComputeEllipseError(&eq, x, y, noPixels);
} //end-if
if (circleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, xc, yc, r, circleFitError, x, y, noPixels);
else if (ellipseFitError <= ELLIPSE_ERROR) {
double major, minor;
ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(&eq, &xc, &yc, &major, &minor);
// Assume major is longer. Otherwise, swap
if (minor > major) { double tmp = major; major = minor; minor = tmp; }
if (major < 8 * minor) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, xc, yc, r, circleFitError, &eq, ellipseFitError, x, y, noPixels);
} //end-if
} //end-else
} //end-if
} //end-if
// Otherwise, split to lines
EDLines::SplitSegment2Lines(x, y, noPixels, i, lines);
segmentStartLines[segmentNos] = lines.size();
// ------------------------------- DETECT ARCS ---------------------------------
info = new Info[lines.size()];
// Compute the angle information for each line segment
for (int i = 0; i<segmentNos; i++) {
for (int j = segmentStartLines[i]; j<segmentStartLines[i + 1]; j++) {
LineSegment *l1 = &lines[j];
LineSegment *l2;
if (j == segmentStartLines[i + 1] - 1) l2 = &lines[segmentStartLines[i]];
else l2 = &lines[j + 1];
#if 1
// If the end points of the lines are far from each other, then stop at this line
double dx = l1->ex - l2->sx;
double dy = l1->ey - l2->sy;
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d >= 15) { info[j].angle = 10; info[j].sign = 2; info[j].taken = false; continue; }
// Compute the angle between the lines & their turn direction
double v1x = l1->ex - l1->sx;
double v1y = l1->ey - l1->sy;
double v1Len = sqrt(v1x*v1x + v1y*v1y);
double v2x = l2->ex - l2->sx;
double v2y = l2->ey - l2->sy;
double v2Len = sqrt(v2x*v2x + v2y*v2y);
double dotProduct = (v1x*v2x + v1y*v2y) / (v1Len*v2Len);
if (dotProduct > 1.0) dotProduct = 1.0;
else if (dotProduct < -1.0) dotProduct = -1.0;
info[j].angle = acos(dotProduct);
info[j].sign = (v1x*v2y - v2x*v1y) >= 0 ? 1 : -1; // compute cross product
info[j].taken = false;
} //end-for
} //end-for
// This is how much space we will allocate for circles buffers
int maxNoOfCircles = lines.size() / 3 + noCircles1 * 2;
edarcs1 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles);
DetectArcs(lines); // Detect all arcs
// Try to join arcs that are almost perfectly circular.
// Use the distance between the arc end-points as a metric in choosing in choosing arcs to join
edarcs2 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles);
// Try to join arcs that belong to the same segment
edarcs3 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles);
// Try to combine arcs that belong to different segments
edarcs4 = new EDArcs(maxNoOfCircles); // The remaining arcs
// Finally, go over the arcs & circles, and generate candidate circles
// EDCircles does not use validation when constructed wia EDColor object.
// TODO :: apply validation to color image
//----------------------------- VALIDATE CIRCLES --------------------------
//noCircles2 = 0;
//circles2 = new Circle[maxNoOfCircles];
//GaussianBlur(srcImage, smoothImage, Size(), 0.50); // calculate kernel from sigma;
//----------------------------- JOIN CIRCLES --------------------------
//noCircles3 = 0;
//circles3 = new Circle[maxNoOfCircles];
noCircles = 0;
noEllipses = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < noCircles1; i++) {
if (circles1[i].isEllipse)
for (int i = 0; i<noCircles1; i++) {
if (circles1[i].isEllipse) {
EllipseEquation eq = circles1[i].eq;
double xc;
double yc;
double a;
double b;
double theta = ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(&eq, &xc, &yc, &a, &b);
ellipses.push_back(mEllipse(Point2d(xc, yc), Size(a, b), theta));
else {
double r = circles1[i].r;
double xc = circles1[i].xc;
double yc = circles1[i].yc;
circles.push_back(mCircle(Point2d(xc, yc), r));
} //end-else
} //end-for
// clean up
delete edarcs1;
delete edarcs2;
delete edarcs3;
delete edarcs4;
delete[] circles1;
//delete[] circles2;
//delete[] circles3;
delete bm;
delete[] segmentStartLines;
delete[] info;
cv::Mat EDCircles::drawResult(bool onImage, ImageStyle style)
Mat colorImage;
if (onImage)
colorImage = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1, srcImg);
cvtColor(colorImage, colorImage, COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
colorImage = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0,0,0));
//Circles will be indicated in green
if (style == ImageStyle::CIRCLES || style == ImageStyle::BOTH)
for (int i = 0; i < circles.size(); i++)
circle(colorImage, circles[i].center, circles[i].r, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, LINE_AA);
//Ellipses will be indicated in red
if (style == ImageStyle::ELLIPSES|| style == ImageStyle::BOTH)
for (int i = 0; i < ellipses.size(); i++)
double degree = (ellipses[i].theta * 180) / PI; // convert radian to degree (opencv's ellipse function works with degree)
ellipse(colorImage, ellipses[i].center, ellipses[i].axes, degree, 0.0, 360.0, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, LINE_AA);
return colorImage;
vector<mCircle> EDCircles::getCircles()
return circles;
vector<mEllipse> EDCircles::getEllipses()
return ellipses;
int EDCircles::getCirclesNo()
return noCircles;
int EDCircles::getEllipsesNo()
return noEllipses;
void EDCircles::GenerateCandidateCircles()
// Now, go over the circular arcs & add them to circles1
MyArc *arcs = edarcs4->arcs;
for (int i = 0; i<edarcs4->noArcs; i++) {
if (arcs[i].isEllipse) {
// Ellipse
if (arcs[i].coverRatio >= CANDIDATE_ELLIPSE_RATIO && arcs[i].ellipseFitError <= ELLIPSE_ERROR) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, arcs[i].xc, arcs[i].yc, arcs[i].r, arcs[i].circleFitError, &arcs[i].eq, arcs[i].ellipseFitError,
arcs[i].x, arcs[i].y, arcs[i].noPixels);
else {
// double coverRatio = arcs[i].coverRatio;
double coverRatio = MAX(ArcLength(arcs[i].sTheta, arcs[i].eTheta) / TWOPI, arcs[i].coverRatio);
if ((coverRatio >= FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO && arcs[i].circleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR) ||
(coverRatio >= HALF_CIRCLE_RATIO && arcs[i].circleFitError <= HALF_ARC_ERROR) ||
(coverRatio >= CANDIDATE_CIRCLE_RATIO2 && arcs[i].circleFitError <= SHORT_ARC_ERROR)) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, arcs[i].xc, arcs[i].yc, arcs[i].r, arcs[i].circleFitError, arcs[i].x, arcs[i].y, arcs[i].noPixels);
} //end-if
} //end-else
else {
// If a very short arc, ignore
if (arcs[i].coverRatio < CANDIDATE_CIRCLE_RATIO1) continue;
// If the arc is long enough and the circleFitError is small enough, assume a circle
if ((arcs[i].coverRatio >= FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO && arcs[i].circleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR) ||
(arcs[i].coverRatio >= HALF_CIRCLE_RATIO && arcs[i].circleFitError <= HALF_ARC_ERROR) ||
(arcs[i].coverRatio >= CANDIDATE_CIRCLE_RATIO2 && arcs[i].circleFitError <= SHORT_ARC_ERROR)){
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, arcs[i].xc, arcs[i].yc, arcs[i].r, arcs[i].circleFitError, arcs[i].x, arcs[i].y, arcs[i].noPixels);
} //end-if
if (arcs[i].coverRatio < CANDIDATE_CIRCLE_RATIO2) continue;
// Circle is not possible. Try an ellipse
EllipseEquation eq;
double ellipseFitError = 1e10;
double coverRatio;
int noPixels = arcs[i].noPixels;
if (EllipseFit(arcs[i].x, arcs[i].y, noPixels, &eq)) {
ellipseFitError = ComputeEllipseError(&eq, arcs[i].x, arcs[i].y, noPixels);
coverRatio = noPixels / computeEllipsePerimeter(&eq);
} //end-if
if (arcs[i].coverRatio > coverRatio) coverRatio = arcs[i].coverRatio;
if (coverRatio >= CANDIDATE_ELLIPSE_RATIO && ellipseFitError <= ELLIPSE_ERROR) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, arcs[i].xc, arcs[i].yc, arcs[i].r, arcs[i].circleFitError, &eq, ellipseFitError, arcs[i].x, arcs[i].y, arcs[i].noPixels);
} //end-if
} //end-else
} //end-for
void EDCircles::DetectArcs(vector<LineSegment> lines)
double maxLineLengthThreshold = MAX(width, height) / 5;
double MIN_ANGLE = PI / 30; // 6 degrees
double MAX_ANGLE = PI / 3; // 60 degrees
for (int iter = 1; iter <= 2; iter++) {
if (iter == 2) MAX_ANGLE = PI / 1.9; // 95 degrees
// if (iter == 2) MAX_ANGLE = PI/2.25; // 80 degrees
for (int curSegmentNo = 0; curSegmentNo<segmentNos; curSegmentNo++) {
int firstLine = segmentStartLines[curSegmentNo];
int stopLine = segmentStartLines[curSegmentNo + 1];
// We need at least 2 line segments
if (stopLine - firstLine <= 1) continue;
// Process the info for the lines of this segment
while (firstLine < stopLine - 1) {
// If the line is already taken during the previous step, continue
if (info[firstLine].taken) { firstLine++; continue; }
// very long lines cannot be part of an arc
if (lines[firstLine].len >= maxLineLengthThreshold) { firstLine++; continue; }
// Skip lines that cannot be part of an arc
if (info[firstLine].angle < MIN_ANGLE || info[firstLine].angle > MAX_ANGLE) { firstLine++; continue; }
// Find a group of lines (at least 3) with the same sign & angle < MAX_ANGLE degrees
int lastLine = firstLine + 1;
while (lastLine < stopLine - 1) {
if (info[lastLine].taken) break;
if (info[lastLine].sign != info[firstLine].sign) break;
if (lines[lastLine].len >= maxLineLengthThreshold) break; // very long lines cannot be part of an arc
if (info[lastLine].angle < MIN_ANGLE) break;
if (info[lastLine].angle > MAX_ANGLE) break;
} //end-while
bool specialCase = false;
int wrapCase = -1; // 1: wrap the first two lines with the last line, 2: wrap the last two lines with the first line
#if 0
// If we do not have 3 lines, then continue
if (lastLine - firstLine <= 1) { firstLine = lastLine; continue; }
// if (lastLine-firstLine == 0){firstLine=lastLine; continue;}
if (lastLine - firstLine == 1) {
// Just 2 lines. If long enough, then try to combine. Angle between 15 & 45 degrees. Min. length = 40
int totalLineLength = lines[firstLine].len + lines[firstLine + 1].len;
int shorterLen = lines[firstLine].len;
int longerLen = lines[firstLine + 1].len;
if (lines[firstLine + 1].len < shorterLen) {
shorterLen = lines[firstLine + 1].len;
longerLen = lines[firstLine].len;
} //end-if
if (info[firstLine].angle >= PI / 12 && info[firstLine].angle <= PI / 4 && totalLineLength >= 40 && shorterLen * 2 >= longerLen) {
specialCase = true;
} //end-if
// If the two lines do not make up for arc generation, then try to wrap the lines to the first OR last line.
// There are two wrapper cases:
if (specialCase == false) {
// Case 1: Combine the first two lines with the last line of the segment
if (firstLine == segmentStartLines[curSegmentNo] && info[stopLine - 1].angle >= MIN_ANGLE && info[stopLine - 1].angle <= MAX_ANGLE) {
wrapCase = 1;
specialCase = true;
} //end-if
// Case 2: Combine the last two lines with the first line of the segment
else if (lastLine == stopLine - 1 && info[lastLine].angle >= MIN_ANGLE && info[lastLine].angle <= MAX_ANGLE) {
wrapCase = 2;
specialCase = true;
} //end-if
} // end-if
// If still not enough for arc generation, then skip
if (specialCase == false) {
firstLine = lastLine;
} //end-else
} //end-if
// Copy the pixels of this segment to an array
int noPixels = 0;
double *x = bm->getX();
double *y = bm->getY();
// wrapCase 1: Combine the first two lines with the last line of the segment
if (wrapCase == 1) {
int index = lines[stopLine - 1].firstPixelIndex;
for (int n = 0; n<lines[stopLine - 1].len; n++) {
x[noPixels] = segmentPoints[curSegmentNo][index + n].x;
y[noPixels] = segmentPoints[curSegmentNo][index + n].y;
} //end-for
} //end-if
for (int m = firstLine; m <= lastLine; m++) {
int index = lines[m].firstPixelIndex;
for (int n = 0; n<lines[m].len; n++) {
x[noPixels] = segmentPoints[curSegmentNo][index + n].x;
y[noPixels] = segmentPoints[curSegmentNo][index + n].y;
} //end-for
} //end-for
// wrapCase 2: Combine the last two lines with the first line of the segment
if (wrapCase == 2) {
int index = lines[segmentStartLines[curSegmentNo]].firstPixelIndex;
for (int n = 0; n<lines[segmentStartLines[curSegmentNo]].len; n++) {
x[noPixels] = segmentPoints[curSegmentNo][index + n].x;
y[noPixels] = segmentPoints[curSegmentNo][index + n].y;
} //end-for
} //end-if
// Move buffer pointers
// Try to fit a circle to the entire arc of lines
double xc, yc, radius, circleFitError;
CircleFit(x, y, noPixels, &xc, &yc, &radius, &circleFitError);
double coverage = noPixels / (TWOPI*radius);
// In the case of the special case, the arc must cover at least 22.5 degrees
if (specialCase && coverage < 1.0 / 16) { info[firstLine].taken = true; firstLine = lastLine; continue; }
// If only 3 lines, use the SHORT_ARC_ERROR
if (lastLine - firstLine >= 3) MYERROR = LONG_ARC_ERROR;
if (circleFitError <= MYERROR) {
// Add this to the list of arcs
if (wrapCase == 1) {
x += lines[stopLine - 1].len;
y += lines[stopLine - 1].len;
noPixels -= lines[stopLine - 1].len;
else if (wrapCase == 2) {
noPixels -= lines[segmentStartLines[curSegmentNo]].len;
} //end-else
if ((coverage >= FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO && circleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR)) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, xc, yc, radius, circleFitError, x, y, noPixels);
else {
double sTheta, eTheta;
ComputeStartAndEndAngles(xc, yc, radius, x, y, noPixels, &sTheta, &eTheta);
addArc(edarcs1->arcs, edarcs1->noArcs, xc, yc, radius, circleFitError, sTheta, eTheta, info[firstLine].sign, curSegmentNo,
(int)x[0], (int)y[0], (int)x[noPixels - 1], (int)y[noPixels - 1], x, y, noPixels);
} //end-else
for (int m = firstLine; m<lastLine; m++) info[m].taken = true;
firstLine = lastLine;
} //end-if
// Check if this is an almost closed loop (i.e, if 60% of the circle is present). If so, try to fit an ellipse to the entire arc of lines
double dx = x[0] - x[noPixels - 1];
double dy = y[0] - y[noPixels - 1];
double distanceBetweenEndPoints = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
bool isAlmostClosedLoop = (distanceBetweenEndPoints <= 1.72*radius && coverage >= FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO);
if (isAlmostClosedLoop || (iter == 1 && coverage >= 0.25)) { // an arc covering at least 90 degrees
EllipseEquation eq;
double ellipseFitError = 1e10;
bool valid = EllipseFit(x, y, noPixels, &eq);
if (valid) ellipseFitError = ComputeEllipseError(&eq, x, y, noPixels);
if (isAlmostClosedLoop == false) MYERROR = 0.75;
if (ellipseFitError <= MYERROR) {
// Add this to the list of arcs
if (wrapCase == 1) {
x += lines[stopLine - 1].len;
y += lines[stopLine - 1].len;
noPixels -= lines[stopLine - 1].len;
else if (wrapCase == 2) {
noPixels -= lines[segmentStartLines[curSegmentNo]].len;
} //end-else
if (isAlmostClosedLoop) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, xc, yc, radius, circleFitError, &eq, ellipseFitError, x, y, noPixels); // Add an ellipse for validation
else {
double sTheta, eTheta;
ComputeStartAndEndAngles(xc, yc, radius, x, y, noPixels, &sTheta, &eTheta);
addArc(edarcs1->arcs, edarcs1->noArcs, xc, yc, radius, circleFitError, sTheta, eTheta, info[firstLine].sign, curSegmentNo, &eq, ellipseFitError,
(int)x[0], (int)y[0], (int)x[noPixels - 1], (int)y[noPixels - 1], x, y, noPixels);
} //end-else
for (int m = firstLine; m<lastLine; m++) info[m].taken = true;
firstLine = lastLine;
} //end-if
} //end-if
if (specialCase) { info[firstLine].taken = true; firstLine = lastLine; continue; }
// Continue until we finish all lines that belong to arc of lines
while (firstLine <= lastLine - 2) {
// Fit an initial arc and extend it
int curLine = firstLine + 2;
// Fit a circle to the pixels of these lines and see if the error is less than a threshold
double XC, YC, R, Error = 1e10;
bool found = false;
noPixels = 0;
while (curLine <= lastLine) {
noPixels = 0;
for (int m = firstLine; m <= curLine; m++) noPixels += lines[m].len;
// Fit circle
CircleFit(x, y, noPixels, &XC, &YC, &R, &Error);
if (Error <= SHORT_ARC_ERROR) { found = true; break; } // found if the error is smaller than the threshold
// Not found. Move to the next set of lines
x += lines[firstLine].len;
y += lines[firstLine].len;
} //end-while
// If no initial arc found, then we are done with this arc of lines
if (!found) break;
// If we found an initial arc, then extend it
for (int m = curLine - 2; m <= curLine; m++) info[m].taken = true;
while (curLine <= lastLine) {
int index = lines[curLine].firstPixelIndex;
int noPixelsSave = noPixels;
noPixels += lines[curLine].len;
double xc, yc, r, error;
CircleFit(x, y, noPixels, &xc, &yc, &r, &error);
if (error > LONG_ARC_ERROR) { noPixels = noPixelsSave; break; } // Adding this line made the error big. So, we do not use this line
// OK. Longer arc
XC = xc;
YC = yc;
R = r;
Error = error;
info[curLine].taken = true;
} //end-while
double coverage = noPixels / (TWOPI*radius);
if ((coverage >= FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO && circleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR)) {
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, XC, YC, R, Error, x, y, noPixels);
else {
// Add this to the list of arcs
double sTheta, eTheta;
ComputeStartAndEndAngles(XC, YC, R, x, y, noPixels, &sTheta, &eTheta);
addArc(edarcs1->arcs, edarcs1->noArcs, XC, YC, R, Error, sTheta, eTheta, info[firstLine].sign, curSegmentNo,
(int)x[0], (int)y[0], (int)x[noPixels - 1], (int)y[noPixels - 1], x, y, noPixels);
} //end-else
x += noPixels;
y += noPixels;
firstLine = curLine;
info[curLine].taken = false; // may reuse the last line?
} //end-while-current-arc-of-lines
firstLine = lastLine;
} //end-while-entire-edge-segment
} //end-for
} //end-for-iter
// Go over all circles & ellipses and validate them
// The idea here is to look at all pixels of a circle/ellipse
// rather than only the pixels of the lines making up the circle/ellipse
void EDCircles::ValidateCircles()
double prec = PI / 16; // Alignment precision
double prob = 1.0 / 8; // probability of alignment
double max = width; if (height > max) max = height;
double min = width; if (height < min) min = height;
double *px = new double[8 * (width + height)];
double *py = new double[8 * (width + height)];
// logNT & LUT for NFA computation
double logNT = 2 * log10((double)(width*height)) + log10((double)(width + height));
int lutSize = (width + height) / 8;
nfa = new NFALUT(lutSize, prob, logNT); // create look up table
// Validate circles & ellipses
bool validateAgain;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<noCircles1; ) {
Circle *circle = &circles1[i];
double xc = circle->xc;
double yc = circle->yc;
double radius = circle->r;
// Skip potential invalid circles (sometimes these kinds of candidates get generated!)
if (radius > MAX(width, height)) { i++; continue; }
validateAgain = false;
int noPoints = 0;
if (circle->isEllipse) {
noPoints = (int)(computeEllipsePerimeter(&circle->eq));
if (noPoints % 2) noPoints--;
ComputeEllipsePoints(circle->eq.coeff, px, py, noPoints);
else {
ComputeCirclePoints(xc, yc, radius, px, py, &noPoints);
} //end-else
int pr = -1; // previous row
int pc = -1; // previous column
int tr = -100;
int tc = -100;
int tcount = 0;
int noPeripheryPixels = 0;
int noEdgePixels = 0;
int aligned = 0;
for (int j = 0; j<noPoints; j++) {
int r = (int)(py[j] + 0.5);
int c = (int)(px[j] + 0.5);
if (r == pr && c == pc) continue;
if (r <= 0 || r >= height - 1) continue;
if (c <= 0 || c >= width - 1) continue;
pr = r;
pc = c;
int dr = abs(r - tr);
int dc = abs(c - tc);
if (dr + dc >= 2) {
tr = r;
tc = c;
} //end-if
#if 1
// See if there is an edge pixel within 1 pixel vicinity
if (edgeImg[r*width + c] != 255) {
// y-cy=-x-cx y-cy=x-cx
// \ /
// \ IV. /
// \ /
// \ /
// III. + I. quadrant
// / \
// / \
// / II. \
// / \
// (x, y)-->(x-cx, y-cy)
int x = c;
int y = r;
int diff1 = (int)(y - yc - x + xc);
int diff2 = (int)(y - yc + x - xc);
if (diff1 < 0) {
if (diff2 > 0) {
// I. quadrant
c = x - 1;
if (c >= 1 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
c = x + 1;
if (c<width - 1 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
#if 1
c = x - 2;
if (c >= 2 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
c = x + 2;
if (c<width - 2 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
else {
// IV. quadrant
r = y - 1;
if (r >= 1 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
r = y + 1;
if (r<height - 1 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
#if 1
r = y - 2;
if (r >= 2 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
r = y + 2;
if (r<height - 2 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
} //end-else
else {
if (diff2 > 0) {
// II. quadrant
r = y - 1;
if (r >= 1 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
r = y + 1;
if (r<height - 1 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
#if 1
r = y - 2;
if (r >= 2 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
r = y + 2;
if (r<height - 2 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
else {
// III. quadrant
c = x - 1;
if (c >= 1 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
c = x + 1;
if (c<width - 1 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
#if 1
c = x - 2;
if (c >= 2 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
c = x + 2;
if (c<width - 2 && edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) goto out;
} //end-else
} //end-else
r = pr;
c = pc;
continue; // Ignore non-edge pixels.
// This produces less false positives, but occationally misses on some valid circles
} //end-if
if (edgeImg[r*width + c] == 255) noEdgePixels++;
// map->edgeImg[r*width+c] = 254;
// compute gx & gy
int com1 = smoothImg[(r + 1)*width + c + 1] - smoothImg[(r - 1)*width + c - 1];
int com2 = smoothImg[(r - 1)*width + c + 1] - smoothImg[(r + 1)*width + c - 1];
int gx = com1 + com2 + smoothImg[r*width + c + 1] - smoothImg[r*width + c - 1];
int gy = com1 - com2 + smoothImg[(r + 1)*width + c] - smoothImg[(r - 1)*width + c];
double pixelAngle = nfa->myAtan2((double)gx, (double)-gy);
double derivX, derivY;
if (circle->isEllipse) {
// Ellipse
derivX = 2 * circle->eq.A()*c + circle->eq.B()*r + circle->eq.D();
derivY = circle->eq.B()*c + 2 * circle->eq.C()*r + circle->eq.E();
else {
// circle
derivX = c - xc;
derivY = r - yc;
} //end-else
double idealPixelAngle = nfa->myAtan2(derivX, -derivY);
double diff = fabs(pixelAngle - idealPixelAngle);
if (diff <= prec || diff >= PI - prec) aligned++;
} //end-for
double circumference;
if (circle->isEllipse) circumference = computeEllipsePerimeter(&circle->eq);
else circumference = TWOPI*radius;
// Validate by NFA
bool isValid = nfa->checkValidationByNFA(noPeripheryPixels, aligned);
if (isValid) {
circles2[count++] = circles1[i];
else if (circle->isEllipse == false && circle->coverRatio >= CANDIDATE_ELLIPSE_RATIO) {
// Fit an ellipse to this circle, and try to revalidate
double ellipseFitError = 1e10;
EllipseEquation eq;
if (EllipseFit(circle->x, circle->y, circle->noPixels, &eq)) {
ellipseFitError = ComputeEllipseError(&eq, circle->x, circle->y, circle->noPixels);
} //end-if
if (ellipseFitError <= ELLIPSE_ERROR) {
circle->isEllipse = true;
circle->ellipseFitError = ellipseFitError;
circle->eq = eq;
validateAgain = true;
} //end-if
} //end-else
if (validateAgain == false) i++;
} //end-for
noCircles2 = count;
delete px;
delete py;
delete nfa;
void EDCircles::JoinCircles()
// Sort the circles wrt their radius
sortCircle(circles2, noCircles2);
int noCircles = noCircles2;
Circle *circles = circles2;
for (int i = 0; i<noCircles; i++) {
if (circles[i].isEllipse) {
ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(&circles[i].eq, &circles[i].xc, &circles[i].yc, &circles[i].majorAxisLength, &circles[i].minorAxisLength);
} //end-if
} //end-for
bool *taken = new bool[noCircles];
for (int i = 0; i<noCircles; i++) taken[i] = false;
int *candidateCircles = new int[noCircles];
int noCandidateCircles;
for (int i = 0; i<noCircles; i++) {
if (taken[i]) continue;
// Current arc
double majorAxisLength, minorAxisLength;
if (circles[i].isEllipse) {
majorAxisLength = circles[i].majorAxisLength;
minorAxisLength = circles[i].minorAxisLength;
else {
majorAxisLength = circles[i].r;
minorAxisLength = circles[i].r;
} //end-else
// Find other circles to join with
noCandidateCircles = 0;
for (int j = i + 1; j<noCircles; j++) {
if (taken[j]) continue;
double dx = circles[i].xc - circles[j].xc;
double dy = circles[i].yc - circles[j].yc;
double centerDistance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (centerDistance > CENTER_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) continue;
double diff1, diff2;
if (circles[j].isEllipse) {
diff1 = fabs(majorAxisLength - circles[j].majorAxisLength);
diff2 = fabs(minorAxisLength - circles[j].minorAxisLength);
else {
diff1 = fabs(majorAxisLength - circles[j].r);
diff2 = fabs(minorAxisLength - circles[j].r);
} //end-else
if (diff1 > AXIS_LENGTH_DIFF_THRESHOLD) continue;
if (diff2 > AXIS_LENGTH_DIFF_THRESHOLD) continue;
// Add to candidates
candidateCircles[noCandidateCircles] = j;
} //end-for
// Try to join the current arc with the candidate arc (if there is one)
double XC = circles[i].xc;
double YC = circles[i].yc;
double R = circles[i].r;
double CircleFitError = circles[i].circleFitError;
bool CircleFitValid = false;
EllipseEquation Eq;
double EllipseFitError;
bool EllipseFitValid = false;
if (noCandidateCircles > 0) {
int noPixels = circles[i].noPixels;
double *x = bm->getX();
double *y = bm->getY();
memcpy(x, circles[i].x, noPixels * sizeof(double));
memcpy(y, circles[i].y, noPixels * sizeof(double));
for (int j = 0; j<noCandidateCircles; j++) {
int CandidateArcNo = candidateCircles[j];
int noPixelsSave = noPixels;
memcpy(x + noPixels, circles[CandidateArcNo].x, circles[CandidateArcNo].noPixels * sizeof(double));
memcpy(y + noPixels, circles[CandidateArcNo].y, circles[CandidateArcNo].noPixels * sizeof(double));
noPixels += circles[CandidateArcNo].noPixels;
bool circleFitOK = false;
if (EllipseFitValid == false && circles[i].isEllipse == false && circles[CandidateArcNo].isEllipse == false) {
double xc, yc, r, error = 1e10;
CircleFit(x, y, noPixels, &xc, &yc, &r, &error);
taken[CandidateArcNo] = true;
XC = xc;
YC = yc;
R = r;
CircleFitError = error;
circleFitOK = true;
CircleFitValid = true;
} //end-if
} // end-if
bool ellipseFitOK = false;
if (circleFitOK == false) {
// Try to fit an ellipse
double error = 1e10;
EllipseEquation eq;
if (EllipseFit(x, y, noPixels, &eq)) {
error = ComputeEllipseError(&eq, x, y, noPixels);
} //end-if
taken[CandidateArcNo] = true;
Eq = eq;
EllipseFitError = error;
ellipseFitOK = true;
EllipseFitValid = true;
CircleFitValid = false;
} // end-if
} //end-if
if (circleFitOK == false && ellipseFitOK == false) {
noPixels = noPixelsSave;
} //end-if
} // end-for
} //end-if
// Add the new circle/ellipse to circles2
if (CircleFitValid) {
addCircle(circles3, noCircles3, XC, YC, R, CircleFitError, NULL, NULL, 0);
else if (EllipseFitValid) {
addCircle(circles3, noCircles3, XC, YC, R, CircleFitError, &Eq, EllipseFitError, NULL, NULL, 0);
else {
circles3[noCircles3] = circles[i];
} //end-else
} //end-for
delete taken;
delete candidateCircles;
void EDCircles::JoinArcs1()
AngleSet angles;
// Sort the arcs with respect to their length so that longer arcs are at the beginning
sortArc(edarcs1->arcs, edarcs1->noArcs);
int noArcs = edarcs1->noArcs;
MyArc *arcs = edarcs1->arcs;
bool *taken = new bool[noArcs];
for (int i = 0; i<noArcs; i++) taken[i] = false;
struct CandidateArc {
int arcNo;
int which; // 1: (SX, SY)-(sx, sy), 2: (SX, SY)-(ex, ey), 3: (EX, EY)-(sx, sy), 4: (EX, EY)-(ex, ey)
double dist; // min distance between the end points
CandidateArc *candidateArcs = new CandidateArc[noArcs];
int noCandidateArcs;
for (int i = 0; i<noArcs; i++) {
if (taken[i]) continue;
if (arcs[i].isEllipse) {
edarcs2->arcs[edarcs2->noArcs++] = arcs[i]; continue; }
// Current arc
bool CircleEqValid = false;
double XC = arcs[i].xc;
double YC = arcs[i].yc;
double R = arcs[i].r;
double CircleFitError = arcs[i].circleFitError;
int Turn = arcs[i].turn;
int NoPixels = arcs[i].noPixels;
int SX = arcs[i].sx;
int SY = arcs[i].sy;
int EX = arcs[i].ex;
int EY = arcs[i].ey;
// Take the pixels making up this arc
int noPixels = arcs[i].noPixels;
double *x = bm->getX();
double *y = bm->getY();
memcpy(x, arcs[i].x, noPixels * sizeof(double));
memcpy(y, arcs[i].y, noPixels * sizeof(double));
angles.set(arcs[i].sTheta, arcs[i].eTheta);
while (1) {
bool extendedArc = false;
// Find other arcs to join with
noCandidateArcs = 0;
for (int j = i + 1; j<noArcs; j++) {
if (taken[j]) continue;
if (arcs[j].isEllipse) continue;
double minR = MIN(R, arcs[j].r);
double maxR = MAX(R, arcs[j].r);
double radiusDiffThreshold = minR*0.25;
double diff = fabs(R - arcs[j].r);
if (diff > radiusDiffThreshold) continue;
// If 50% of the current arc overlaps with the existing arc, then ignore this arc
if (angles.overlap(arcs[j].sTheta, arcs[j].eTheta) >= 0.50) continue;
// Compute the distances
// 1: (SX, SY)-(sx, sy)
double dx = SX - arcs[j].sx;
double dy = SY - arcs[j].sy;
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
int which = 1;
// 2: (SX, SY)-(ex, ey)
dx = SX - arcs[j].ex;
dy = SY - arcs[j].ey;
double d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d2 < d) { d = d2; which = 2; }
// 3: (EX, EY)-(sx, sy)
dx = EX - arcs[j].sx;
dy = EY - arcs[j].sy;
d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d2 < d) { d = d2; which = 3; }
// 4: (EX, EY)-(ex, ey)
dx = EX - arcs[j].ex;
dy = EY - arcs[j].ey;
d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d2 < d) { d = d2; which = 4; }
// Endpoints must be very close
double maxDistanceBetweenEndpoints = minR*1.75; //1.5;
if (d > maxDistanceBetweenEndpoints) continue;
// This is to give precedence to better matching arc
d += diff;
// They have to turn in the same direction
if (which == 2 || which == 3) {
if (Turn != arcs[j].turn) continue;
else {
if (Turn == arcs[j].turn) continue;
} //end-else
// Add to candidate arcs in sorted order. User insertion sort
int index = noCandidateArcs - 1;
while (index >= 0) {
if (candidateArcs[index].dist < d) break;
candidateArcs[index + 1] = candidateArcs[index];
} //end-while
// Add the new candidate arc to the candidate list
candidateArcs[index].arcNo = j;
candidateArcs[index].which = which;
candidateArcs[index].dist = d;
} //end-for
// Try to join the current arc with the candidate arc (if there is one)
if (noCandidateArcs > 0) {
for (int j = 0; j<noCandidateArcs; j++) {
int CandidateArcNo = candidateArcs[j].arcNo;
int Which = candidateArcs[j].which;
int noPixelsSave = noPixels;
memcpy(x + noPixels, arcs[CandidateArcNo].x, arcs[CandidateArcNo].noPixels * sizeof(double));
memcpy(y + noPixels, arcs[CandidateArcNo].y, arcs[CandidateArcNo].noPixels * sizeof(double));
noPixels += arcs[CandidateArcNo].noPixels;
double xc, yc, r, circleFitError;
CircleFit(x, y, noPixels, &xc, &yc, &r, &circleFitError);
if (circleFitError > LONG_ARC_ERROR) {
// No match. Continue with the next candidate
noPixels = noPixelsSave;
else {
// Match. Take it
extendedArc = true;
CircleEqValid = true;
XC = xc;
YC = yc;
R = r;
CircleFitError = circleFitError;
NoPixels = noPixels;
taken[CandidateArcNo] = true;
taken[i] = true;
angles.set(arcs[CandidateArcNo].sTheta, arcs[CandidateArcNo].eTheta);
// Update the end points of the new arc
switch (Which) {
// (SX, SY)-(sy, sy)
case 1: SX = EX, SY = EY; EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ex; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ey;
if (Turn == 1) Turn = -1; else Turn = 1; // reverse the turn direction
// (SX, SY)-(ex, ey)
case 2: SX = EX, SY = EY; EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sx; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sy;
if (Turn == 1) Turn = -1; else Turn = 1; // reverse the turn direction
// (EX, EY)-(sx, sy)
case 3: EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ex; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ey; break;
// (EX, EY)-(ex, ey)
case 4: EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sx; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sy; break;
} //end-switch
break; // Do not look at the other candidates
} //end-if
} //end-for
} //end-if
if (extendedArc == false) break;
} //end-while
if (CircleEqValid == false) {
// Add to arcs
edarcs2->arcs[edarcs2->noArcs++] = arcs[i];
else {
// Add the current OR the extended arc to the new arcs
double sTheta, eTheta;
angles.computeStartEndTheta(sTheta, eTheta);
double coverage = ArcLength(sTheta, eTheta) / TWOPI;
if ((coverage >= FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO && CircleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR))
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, XC, YC, R, CircleFitError, x, y, NoPixels);
addArc(edarcs2->arcs, edarcs2->noArcs,XC, YC, R, CircleFitError, sTheta, eTheta, Turn, arcs[i].segmentNo, SX, SY, EX, EY, x, y, NoPixels, angles.overlapRatio());
} //end-if
} //end-for
delete taken;
delete candidateArcs;
void EDCircles::JoinArcs2()
AngleSet angles;
// Sort the arcs with respect to their length so that longer arcs are at the beginning
sortArc(edarcs2->arcs, edarcs2->noArcs);
int noArcs = edarcs2->noArcs;
MyArc *arcs = edarcs2->arcs;
bool *taken = new bool[noArcs];
for (int i = 0; i<noArcs; i++) taken[i] = false;
struct CandidateArc {
int arcNo;
int which; // 1: (SX, SY)-(sx, sy), 2: (SX, SY)-(ex, ey), 3: (EX, EY)-(sx, sy), 4: (EX, EY)-(ex, ey)
double dist; // min distance between the end points
CandidateArc *candidateArcs = new CandidateArc[noArcs];
int noCandidateArcs;
for (int i = 0; i<noArcs; i++) {
if (taken[i]) continue;
// Current arc
bool EllipseEqValid = false;
EllipseEquation Eq;
double EllipseFitError;
double R = arcs[i].r;
int Turn = arcs[i].turn;
int NoPixels = arcs[i].noPixels;
int SX = arcs[i].sx;
int SY = arcs[i].sy;
int EX = arcs[i].ex;
int EY = arcs[i].ey;
// Take the pixels making up this arc
int noPixels = arcs[i].noPixels;
double *x = bm->getX();
double *y = bm->getY();
memcpy(x, arcs[i].x, noPixels * sizeof(double));
memcpy(y, arcs[i].y, noPixels * sizeof(double));
angles.set(arcs[i].sTheta, arcs[i].eTheta);
while (1) {
bool extendedArc = false;
// Find other arcs to join with
noCandidateArcs = 0;
for (int j = i + 1; j<noArcs; j++) {
if (taken[j]) continue;
if (arcs[j].segmentNo != arcs[i].segmentNo) continue;
if (arcs[j].turn != Turn) continue;
double minR = MIN(R, arcs[j].r);
double radiusDiffThreshold = minR*2.5;
double diff = fabs(R - arcs[j].r);
if (diff > radiusDiffThreshold) continue;
// If 75% of the current arc overlaps with the existing arc, then ignore this arc
if (angles.overlap(arcs[j].sTheta, arcs[j].eTheta) >= 0.75) continue;
// Compute the distances
// 1: (SX, SY)-(sx, sy)
double dx = SX - arcs[j].sx;
double dy = SY - arcs[j].sy;
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
int which = 1;
// 2: (SX, SY)-(ex, ey)
dx = SX - arcs[j].ex;
dy = SY - arcs[j].ey;
double d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d2 < d) { d = d2; which = 2; }
// 3: (EX, EY)-(sx, sy)
dx = EX - arcs[j].sx;
dy = EY - arcs[j].sy;
d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d2 < d) { d = d2; which = 3; }
// 4: (EX, EY)-(ex, ey)
dx = EX - arcs[j].ex;
dy = EY - arcs[j].ey;
d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d2 < d) { d = d2; which = 4; }
// Endpoints must be very close
double maxDistanceBetweenEndpoints = 5; //10;
if (d > maxDistanceBetweenEndpoints) continue;
// Add to candidate arcs in sorted order. User insertion sort
int index = noCandidateArcs - 1;
while (index >= 0) {
if (candidateArcs[index].dist < d) break;
candidateArcs[index + 1] = candidateArcs[index];
} //end-while
// Add the new candidate arc to the candidate list
candidateArcs[index].arcNo = j;
candidateArcs[index].which = which;
candidateArcs[index].dist = d;
} //end-for
// Try to join the current arc with the candidate arc (if there is one)
if (noCandidateArcs > 0) {
for (int j = 0; j<noCandidateArcs; j++) {
int CandidateArcNo = candidateArcs[j].arcNo;
int Which = candidateArcs[j].which;
int noPixelsSave = noPixels;
memcpy(x + noPixels, arcs[CandidateArcNo].x, arcs[CandidateArcNo].noPixels * sizeof(double));
memcpy(y + noPixels, arcs[CandidateArcNo].y, arcs[CandidateArcNo].noPixels * sizeof(double));
noPixels += arcs[CandidateArcNo].noPixels;
// Directly fit an ellipse
EllipseEquation eq;
double ellipseFitError = 1e10;
if (EllipseFit(x, y, noPixels, &eq)) ellipseFitError = ComputeEllipseError(&eq, x, y, noPixels);
if (ellipseFitError > ELLIPSE_ERROR) {
// No match. Continue with the next candidate
noPixels = noPixelsSave;
else {
// Match. Take it
extendedArc = true;
EllipseEqValid = true;
Eq = eq;
EllipseFitError = ellipseFitError;
NoPixels = noPixels;
taken[CandidateArcNo] = true;
taken[i] = true;
R = (R + arcs[CandidateArcNo].r) / 2.0;
angles.set(arcs[CandidateArcNo].sTheta, arcs[CandidateArcNo].eTheta);
// Update the end points of the new arc
switch (Which) {
// (SX, SY)-(sy, sy)
case 1: SX = EX, SY = EY; EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ex; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ey;
if (Turn == 1) Turn = -1; else Turn = 1; // reverse the turn direction
// (SX, SY)-(ex, ey)
case 2: SX = EX, SY = EY; EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sx; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sy;
if (Turn == 1) Turn = -1; else Turn = 1; // reverse the turn direction
// (EX, EY)-(sx, sy)
case 3: EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ex; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ey; break;
// (EX, EY)-(ex, ey)
case 4: EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sx; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sy; break;
} //end-switch
break; // Do not look at the other candidates
} //end-if
} //end-for
} //end-if
if (extendedArc == false) break;
} //end-while
if (EllipseEqValid == false) {
// Add to arcs
edarcs3->arcs[edarcs3->noArcs++] = arcs[i];
else {
// Add the current OR the extended arc to the new arcs
double sTheta, eTheta;
angles.computeStartEndTheta(sTheta, eTheta);
double XC, YC, R, CircleFitError;
CircleFit(x, y, NoPixels, &XC, &YC, &R, &CircleFitError);
double coverage = ArcLength(sTheta, eTheta) / TWOPI;
if ((coverage >= FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO && CircleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR))
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, XC, YC, R, CircleFitError, x, y, NoPixels);
addArc(edarcs3->arcs, edarcs3->noArcs, XC, YC, R, CircleFitError, sTheta, eTheta, Turn, arcs[i].segmentNo, &Eq, EllipseFitError, SX, SY, EX, EY, x, y, NoPixels, angles.overlapRatio());
// Move buffer pointers
} //end-if
} //end-for
delete taken;
delete candidateArcs;
void EDCircles::JoinArcs3()
AngleSet angles;
// Sort the arcs with respect to their length so that longer arcs are at the beginning
sortArc(edarcs3->arcs, edarcs3->noArcs);
int noArcs = edarcs3->noArcs;
MyArc *arcs = edarcs3->arcs;
bool *taken = new bool[noArcs];
for (int i = 0; i<noArcs; i++) taken[i] = false;
struct CandidateArc {
int arcNo;
int which; // 1: (SX, SY)-(sx, sy), 2: (SX, SY)-(ex, ey), 3: (EX, EY)-(sx, sy), 4: (EX, EY)-(ex, ey)
double dist; // min distance between the end points
CandidateArc *candidateArcs = new CandidateArc[noArcs];
int noCandidateArcs;
for (int i = 0; i<noArcs; i++) {
if (taken[i]) continue;
// Current arc
bool EllipseEqValid = false;
EllipseEquation Eq;
double EllipseFitError;
double R = arcs[i].r;
int Turn = arcs[i].turn;
int NoPixels = arcs[i].noPixels;
int SX = arcs[i].sx;
int SY = arcs[i].sy;
int EX = arcs[i].ex;
int EY = arcs[i].ey;
// Take the pixels making up this arc
int noPixels = arcs[i].noPixels;
double *x = bm->getX();
double *y = bm->getY();
memcpy(x, arcs[i].x, noPixels * sizeof(double));
memcpy(y, arcs[i].y, noPixels * sizeof(double));
angles.set(arcs[i].sTheta, arcs[i].eTheta);
while (1) {
bool extendedArc = false;
// Find other arcs to join with
noCandidateArcs = 0;
for (int j = i + 1; j<noArcs; j++) {
if (taken[j]) continue;
* It seems that for minimum false detections,
* radiusDiffThreshold = minR*0.5 & maxDistanceBetweenEndpoints = minR*0.75.
* But these parameters results in many valid misses too!
double minR = MIN(R, arcs[j].r);
double diff = fabs(R - arcs[j].r);
if (diff > minR) continue;
// If 50% of the current arc overlaps with the existing arc, then ignore this arc
if (angles.overlap(arcs[j].sTheta, arcs[j].eTheta) >= 0.50) continue;
// Compute the distances
// 1: (SX, SY)-(sx, sy)
double dx = SX - arcs[j].sx;
double dy = SY - arcs[j].sy;
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
int which = 1;
// 2: (SX, SY)-(ex, ey)
dx = SX - arcs[j].ex;
dy = SY - arcs[j].ey;
double d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d2 < d) { d = d2; which = 2; }
// 3: (EX, EY)-(sx, sy)
dx = EX - arcs[j].sx;
dy = EY - arcs[j].sy;
d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d2 < d) { d = d2; which = 3; }
// 4: (EX, EY)-(ex, ey)
dx = EX - arcs[j].ex;
dy = EY - arcs[j].ey;
d2 = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (d2 < d) { d = d2; which = 4; }
// Endpoints must be very close
if (diff <= 0.50*minR) { if (d > minR*0.75) continue; }
else if (diff <= 0.75*minR) { if (d > minR*0.50) continue; }
else if (diff <= 1.00*minR) { if (d > minR*0.25) continue; }
else continue;
// This is to allow more circular arcs a precedence
d += diff;
// They have to turn in the same direction
if (which == 2 || which == 3) {
if (Turn != arcs[j].turn) continue;
else {
if (Turn == arcs[j].turn) continue;
} //end-else
// Add to candidate arcs in sorted order. User insertion sort
int index = noCandidateArcs - 1;
while (index >= 0) {
if (candidateArcs[index].dist < d) break;
candidateArcs[index + 1] = candidateArcs[index];
} //end-while
// Add the new candidate arc to the candidate list
candidateArcs[index].arcNo = j;
candidateArcs[index].which = which;
candidateArcs[index].dist = d;
} //end-for
// Try to join the current arc with the candidate arc (if there is one)
if (noCandidateArcs > 0) {
for (int j = 0; j<noCandidateArcs; j++) {
int CandidateArcNo = candidateArcs[j].arcNo;
int Which = candidateArcs[j].which;
int noPixelsSave = noPixels;
memcpy(x + noPixels, arcs[CandidateArcNo].x, arcs[CandidateArcNo].noPixels * sizeof(double));
memcpy(y + noPixels, arcs[CandidateArcNo].y, arcs[CandidateArcNo].noPixels * sizeof(double));
noPixels += arcs[CandidateArcNo].noPixels;
// Directly fit an ellipse
EllipseEquation eq;
double ellipseFitError = 1e10;
if (EllipseFit(x, y, noPixels, &eq)) ellipseFitError = ComputeEllipseError(&eq, x, y, noPixels);
if (ellipseFitError > ELLIPSE_ERROR) {
// No match. Continue with the next candidate
noPixels = noPixelsSave;
else {
// Match. Take it
extendedArc = true;
EllipseEqValid = true;
Eq = eq;
EllipseFitError = ellipseFitError;
NoPixels = noPixels;
taken[CandidateArcNo] = true;
taken[i] = true;
R = (R + arcs[CandidateArcNo].r) / 2.0;
angles.set(arcs[CandidateArcNo].sTheta, arcs[CandidateArcNo].eTheta);
// Update the end points of the new arc
switch (Which) {
// (SX, SY)-(sy, sy)
case 1: SX = EX, SY = EY; EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ex; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ey;
if (Turn == 1) Turn = -1; else Turn = 1; // reverse the turn direction
// (SX, SY)-(ex, ey)
case 2: SX = EX, SY = EY; EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sx; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sy;
if (Turn == 1) Turn = -1; else Turn = 1; // reverse the turn direction
// (EX, EY)-(sx, sy)
case 3: EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ex; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].ey; break;
// (EX, EY)-(ex, ey)
case 4: EX = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sx; EY = arcs[CandidateArcNo].sy; break;
} //end-switch
break; // Do not look at the other candidates
} //end-if
} //end-for
} //end-if
if (extendedArc == false) break;
} //end-while
if (EllipseEqValid == false) {
// Add to arcs
edarcs4->arcs[edarcs4->noArcs++] = arcs[i];
else {
// Add the current OR the extended arc to the new arcs
double sTheta, eTheta;
angles.computeStartEndTheta(sTheta, eTheta);
double XC, YC, R, CircleFitError;
CircleFit(x, y, NoPixels, &XC, &YC, &R, &CircleFitError);
double coverage = ArcLength(sTheta, eTheta) / TWOPI;
if ((coverage >= FULL_CIRCLE_RATIO && CircleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR))
addCircle(circles1, noCircles1, XC, YC, R, CircleFitError, x, y, NoPixels);
addArc(edarcs4->arcs, edarcs4->noArcs, XC, YC, R, CircleFitError, sTheta, eTheta, Turn, arcs[i].segmentNo, &Eq, EllipseFitError, SX, SY, EX, EY, x, y, NoPixels, angles.overlapRatio());
} //end-if
} //end-for
delete taken;
delete candidateArcs;
Circle * EDCircles::addCircle(Circle *circles, int &noCircles,double xc, double yc, double r, double circleFitError, double * x, double * y, int noPixels)
circles[noCircles].xc = xc;
circles[noCircles].yc = yc;
circles[noCircles].r = r;
circles[noCircles].circleFitError = circleFitError;
circles[noCircles].coverRatio = noPixels / (TWOPI*r);
circles[noCircles].x = x;
circles[noCircles].y = y;
circles[noCircles].noPixels = noPixels;
circles[noCircles].isEllipse = false;
return &circles[noCircles - 1];
Circle * EDCircles::addCircle(Circle *circles, int &noCircles,double xc, double yc, double r, double circleFitError, EllipseEquation * pEq, double ellipseFitError, double * x, double * y, int noPixels)
circles[noCircles].xc = xc;
circles[noCircles].yc = yc;
circles[noCircles].r = r;
circles[noCircles].circleFitError = circleFitError;
circles[noCircles].coverRatio = noPixels / computeEllipsePerimeter(pEq);
circles[noCircles].x = x;
circles[noCircles].y = y;
circles[noCircles].noPixels = noPixels;
circles[noCircles].eq = *pEq;
circles[noCircles].ellipseFitError = ellipseFitError;
circles[noCircles].isEllipse = true;
return &circles[noCircles - 1];
void EDCircles::sortCircles(Circle *circles, int noCircles)
for (int i = 0; i<noCircles - 1; i++) {
int max = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j<noCircles; j++) {
if (circles[j].r > circles[max].r) max = j;
} //end-for
if (max != i) {
Circle t = circles[i];
circles[i] = circles[max];
circles[max] = t;
} // end-if
} //end-for
} //end-sort
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Given an ellipse equation, computes the length of the perimeter of the ellipse
// Calculates the ellipse perimeter wrt the Ramajunan II formula
double EDCircles::computeEllipsePerimeter(EllipseEquation * eq)
double mult = 1;
double A = eq->A()*mult;
double B = eq->B()*mult;
double C = eq->C()*mult;
double D = eq->D()*mult;
double E = eq->E()*mult;
double F = eq->F()*mult;
double A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, theta; //rotated coefficients
double D3, E3, F3; //ellipse form coefficients
double cX, cY, a, b; //(cX,cY) center, a & b: semimajor & semiminor axes
double h; //h = (a-b)^2 / (a+b)^2
bool rotation = false;
#define pi 3.14159265
//Normalize coefficients
B /= A; C /= A; D /= A; E /= A; F /= A; A /= A;
if (B == 0) //Then not need to rotate the axes
A2 = A;
B2 = B;
C2 = C;
D2 = D;
E2 = E;
F2 = F;
else if (B != 0) //Rotate the axes
rotation = true;
//Determine the rotation angle (in radians)
theta = atan(B / (A - C)) / 2;
//Compute the coefficients wrt the new coordinate system
A2 = 0.5 * (A * (1 + cos(2 * theta) + B * sin(2 * theta) + C * (1 - cos(2 * theta))));
B2 = (C - A) * sin(2 * theta) + B * cos(2 * theta); //B2 should turn to be zero?
C2 = 0.5 * (A * (1 - cos(2 * theta) - B * sin(2 * theta) + C * (1 + cos(2 * theta))));
D2 = D * cos(theta) + E * sin(theta);
E2 = -D * sin(theta) + E * cos(theta);
F2 = F;
//Transform the conic equation into the ellipse form
D3 = D2 / A2; //normalize x term's coef
//A3 = 1; //A2 / A2
E3 = E2 / C2; //normalize y term's coef
//C3 = 1; //C2 / C2
cX = -(D3 / 2); //center X
cY = -(E3 / 2); //center Y
F3 = A2 * pow(cX, 2.0) + C2 * pow(cY, 2.0) - F2;
//semimajor axis
a = sqrt(F3 / A2);
//semiminor axis
b = sqrt(F3 / C2);
//Center coordinates have to be re-transformed if rotation is applied!
if (rotation)
double tmpX = cX, tmpY = cY;
cX = tmpX * cos(theta) - tmpY * sin(theta);
cY = tmpX * sin(theta) + tmpY * cos(theta);
//Perimeter Computation(s)
h = pow((a - b), 2.0) / pow((a + b), 2.0);
//Ramajunan I
//double P1 = pi * (a + b) * (3 - sqrt(4 - h));
///printf("Perimeter of the ellipse is %.5f (Ramajunan I)\n", P1);
//Ramajunan II
double P2 = pi * (a + b) * (1 + 3 * h / (10 + sqrt(4 - 3 * h)));
// printf("Perimeter of the ellipse is %.5f (Ramajunan II)\n", P2);
// High-school formula
// double P3 = 2 * pi * sqrt(0.5 * (a*a + b*b));
// printf("Perimeter of the ellipse is %.5f (simple formula)\n", P3);
return P2;
#undef pi
double EDCircles::ComputeEllipseError(EllipseEquation * eq, double * px, double * py, int noPoints)
double error = 0;
double A = eq->A();
double B = eq->B();
double C = eq->C();
double D = eq->D();
double E = eq->E();
double F = eq->F();
double xc, yc, major, minor;
ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(eq, &xc, &yc, &major, &minor);
for (int i = 0; i<noPoints; i++) {
double dx = px[i] - xc;
double dy = py[i] - yc;
double min;
double xs, ys;
if (fabs(dx) > fabs(dy)) {
// The line equation is of the form: y = mx+n
double m = dy / dx;
double n = yc - m*xc;
// a*x^2 + b*x + c
double a = A + B*m + C*m*m;
double b = B*n + 2 * C*m*n + D + E*m;
double c = C*n*n + E*n + F;
double det = b*b - 4 * a*c;
if (det<0) det = 0;
double x1 = -(b + sqrt(det)) / (2 * a);
double x2 = -(b - sqrt(det)) / (2 * a);
double y1 = m*x1 + n;
double y2 = m*x2 + n;
dx = px[i] - x1;
dy = py[i] - y1;
double d1 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
dx = px[i] - x2;
dy = py[i] - y2;
double d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (d1<d2) { min = d1; xs = x1; ys = y1; }
else { min = d2; xs = x2; ys = y2; }
else {
// The line equation is of the form: x = my+n
double m = dx / dy;
double n = xc - m*yc;
// a*y^2 + b*y + c
double a = A*m*m + B*m + C;
double b = 2 * A*m*n + B*n + D*m + E;
double c = A*n*n + D*n + F;
double det = b*b - 4 * a*c;
if (det<0) det = 0;
double y1 = -(b + sqrt(det)) / (2 * a);
double y2 = -(b - sqrt(det)) / (2 * a);
double x1 = m*y1 + n;
double x2 = m*y2 + n;
dx = px[i] - x1;
dy = py[i] - y1;
double d1 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
dx = px[i] - x2;
dy = py[i] - y2;
double d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (d1<d2) { min = d1; xs = x1; ys = y1; }
else { min = d2; xs = x2; ys = y2; }
} //end-else
// Refine the search in the vicinity of (xs, ys)
double delta = 0.5;
double x = xs;
while (1) {
x += delta;
double a = C;
double b = B*x + E;
double c = A*x*x + D*x + F;
double det = b*b - 4 * a*c;
if (det < 0) det = 0;
double y1 = -(b + sqrt(det)) / (2 * a);
double y2 = -(b - sqrt(det)) / (2 * a);
dx = px[i] - x;
dy = py[i] - y1;
double d1 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
dy = py[i] - y2;
double d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (d1 <= min) { min = d1; }
else if (d2 <= min) { min = d2; }
else break;
} //end-while
x = xs;
while (1) {
x -= delta;
double a = C;
double b = B*x + E;
double c = A*x*x + D*x + F;
double det = b*b - 4 * a*c;
if (det < 0) det = 0;
double y1 = -(b + sqrt(det)) / (2 * a);
double y2 = -(b - sqrt(det)) / (2 * a);
dx = px[i] - x;
dy = py[i] - y1;
double d1 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
dy = py[i] - y2;
double d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (d1 <= min) { min = d1; }
else if (d2 <= min) { min = d2; }
else break;
} //end-while
error += min;
} //end-for
error = sqrt(error / noPoints);
return error;
// also returns rotate angle theta
double EDCircles::ComputeEllipseCenterAndAxisLengths(EllipseEquation * eq, double * pxc, double * pyc, double * pmajorAxisLength, double * pminorAxisLength)
double mult = 1;
double A = eq->A()*mult;
double B = eq->B()*mult;
double C = eq->C()*mult;
double D = eq->D()*mult;
double E = eq->E()*mult;
double F = eq->F()*mult;
double A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, theta; //rotated coefficients
double D3, E3, F3; //ellipse form coefficients
double cX, cY, a, b; //(cX,cY) center, a & b: semimajor & semiminor axes
bool rotation = false;
#define pi 3.14159265
//Normalize coefficients
B /= A; C /= A; D /= A; E /= A; F /= A; A /= A;
if (B == 0) //Then not need to rotate the axes
A2 = A;
B2 = B;
C2 = C;
D2 = D;
E2 = E;
F2 = F;
// printf("No Rotation is applied\n\n");
else if (B != 0) //Rotate the axes
rotation = true;
//Determine the rotation angle (in radians)
theta = atan(B / (A - C)) / 2;
//Compute the coefficients wrt the new coordinate system
A2 = 0.5 * (A * (1 + cos(2 * theta) + B * sin(2 * theta) + C * (1 - cos(2 * theta))));
B2 = (C - A) * sin(2 * theta) + B * cos(2 * theta); //B2 should turn to be zero?
C2 = 0.5 * (A * (1 - cos(2 * theta) - B * sin(2 * theta) + C * (1 + cos(2 * theta))));
D2 = D * cos(theta) + E * sin(theta);
E2 = -D * sin(theta) + E * cos(theta);
F2 = F;
// printf("Rotation in degrees: %.2f\n\n", theta * 180 / pi);
//Transform the conic equation into the ellipse form
D3 = D2 / A2; //normalize x term's coef
//A3 = 1; //A2 / A2
E3 = E2 / C2; //normalize y term's coef
//C3 = 1; //C2 / C2
cX = -(D3 / 2); //center X
cY = -(E3 / 2); //center Y
F3 = A2 * pow(cX, 2.0) + C2 * pow(cY, 2.0) - F2;
//semimajor axis
a = sqrt(F3 / A2);
//semiminor axis
b = sqrt(F3 / C2);
//Center coordinates have to be re-transformed if rotation is applied!
if (rotation)
double tmpX = cX, tmpY = cY;
cX = tmpX * cos(theta) - tmpY * sin(theta);
cY = tmpX * sin(theta) + tmpY * cos(theta);
*pxc = cX;
*pyc = cY;
*pmajorAxisLength = a;
*pminorAxisLength = b;
//if (a > b) {
// *pmajorAxisLength = a;
// *pminorAxisLength = b;
//else {
// *pmajorAxisLength = b;
// *pminorAxisLength = a;
//} //end-else
return theta;
#undef pi
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Given an ellipse equation, computes "noPoints" many consecutive points
// on the ellipse periferi. These points can be used to draw the ellipse
// noPoints must be an even number.
void EDCircles::ComputeEllipsePoints(double * pvec, double * px, double * py, int noPoints)
if (noPoints % 2) noPoints--;
int npts = noPoints / 2;
double **u = AllocateMatrix(3, npts + 1);
double **Aiu = AllocateMatrix(3, npts + 1);
double **L = AllocateMatrix(3, npts + 1);
double **B = AllocateMatrix(3, npts + 1);
double **Xpos = AllocateMatrix(3, npts + 1);
double **Xneg = AllocateMatrix(3, npts + 1);
double **ss1 = AllocateMatrix(3, npts + 1);
double **ss2 = AllocateMatrix(3, npts + 1);
double *lambda = new double[npts + 1];
double **uAiu = AllocateMatrix(3, npts + 1);
double **A = AllocateMatrix(3, 3);
double **Ai = AllocateMatrix(3, 3);
double **Aib = AllocateMatrix(3, 2);
double **b = AllocateMatrix(3, 2);
double **r1 = AllocateMatrix(2, 2);
double Ao, Ax, Ay, Axx, Ayy, Axy;
double pi = 3.14781;
double theta;
int i;
int j;
double kk;
memset(lambda, 0, sizeof(double)*(npts + 1));
Ao = pvec[6];
Ax = pvec[4];
Ay = pvec[5];
Axx = pvec[1];
Ayy = pvec[3];
Axy = pvec[2];
A[1][1] = Axx; A[1][2] = Axy / 2;
A[2][1] = Axy / 2; A[2][2] = Ayy;
b[1][1] = Ax; b[2][1] = Ay;
// Generate normals linspace
for (i = 1, theta = 0.0; i <= npts; i++, theta += (pi / npts))
u[1][i] = cos(theta);
u[2][i] = sin(theta);
inverse(A, Ai, 2);
AperB(Ai, b, Aib, 2, 2, 2, 1);
A_TperB(b, Aib, r1, 2, 1, 2, 1);
r1[1][1] = r1[1][1] - 4 * Ao;
AperB(Ai, u, Aiu, 2, 2, 2, npts);
for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
for (j = 1; j <= npts; j++)
uAiu[i][j] = u[i][j] * Aiu[i][j];
for (j = 1; j <= npts; j++)
if ((kk = (r1[1][1] / (uAiu[1][j] + uAiu[2][j]))) >= 0.0)
lambda[j] = sqrt(kk);
lambda[j] = -1.0;
// Builds up B and L
for (j = 1; j <= npts; j++)
L[1][j] = L[2][j] = lambda[j];
for (j = 1; j <= npts; j++)
B[1][j] = b[1][1];
B[2][j] = b[2][1];
for (j = 1; j <= npts; j++)
ss1[1][j] = 0.5 * (L[1][j] * u[1][j] - B[1][j]);
ss1[2][j] = 0.5 * (L[2][j] * u[2][j] - B[2][j]);
ss2[1][j] = 0.5 * (-L[1][j] * u[1][j] - B[1][j]);
ss2[2][j] = 0.5 * (-L[2][j] * u[2][j] - B[2][j]);
AperB(Ai, ss1, Xpos, 2, 2, 2, npts);
AperB(Ai, ss2, Xneg, 2, 2, 2, npts);
for (j = 1; j <= npts; j++)
if (lambda[j] == -1.0)
px[j - 1] = -1;
py[j - 1] = -1;
px[j - 1 + npts] = -1;
py[j - 1 + npts] = -1;
px[j - 1] = Xpos[1][j];
py[j - 1] = Xpos[2][j];
px[j - 1 + npts] = Xneg[1][j];
py[j - 1 + npts] = Xneg[2][j];
DeallocateMatrix(u, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(Aiu, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(L, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(B, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(Xpos, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(Xneg, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(ss1, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(ss2, 3);
delete lambda;
DeallocateMatrix(uAiu, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(A, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(Ai, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(Aib, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(b, 3);
DeallocateMatrix(r1, 2);
// Tries to join the last two arcs if their end-points are very close to each other
// and if they are part of the same segment. This is useful in cases where an arc on a segment
// is broken due to a noisy patch along the arc, and the long arc is broken into two or more arcs.
// This function will join such broken arcs
void EDCircles::joinLastTwoArcs(MyArc *arcs, int &noArcs)
if (noArcs < 2) return;
int prev = noArcs - 2;
int last = noArcs - 1;
if (arcs[prev].segmentNo != arcs[last].segmentNo) return;
if (arcs[prev].turn != arcs[last].turn) return;
if (arcs[prev].isEllipse || arcs[last].isEllipse) return;
// The radius difference between the arcs must be very small
double minR = MIN(arcs[prev].r, arcs[last].r);
double radiusDiffThreshold = minR*0.25;
double diff = fabs(arcs[prev].r - arcs[last].r);
if (diff > radiusDiffThreshold) return;
// End-point distance
double dx = arcs[prev].ex - arcs[last].sx;
double dy = arcs[prev].ey - arcs[last].sy;
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
double endPointDiffThreshold = 10;
if (d > endPointDiffThreshold) return;
// Try join
int noPixels = arcs[prev].noPixels + arcs[last].noPixels;
double xc, yc, r, circleFitError;
CircleFit(arcs[prev].x, arcs[prev].y, noPixels, &xc, &yc, &r, &circleFitError);
if (circleFitError <= LONG_ARC_ERROR) {
arcs[prev].noPixels = noPixels;
arcs[prev].circleFitError = circleFitError;
arcs[prev].xc = xc;
arcs[prev].yc = yc;
arcs[prev].r = r;
arcs[prev].ex = arcs[last].ex;
arcs[prev].ey = arcs[last].ey;
// arcs[prev].eTheta = arcs[last].eTheta; -- Fails in a very nasty way in a very special case (recall circles9 with cvsmooth(7x7)!) So, do not use.
AngleSet angles;
angles.set(arcs[prev].sTheta, arcs[prev].eTheta);
angles.set(arcs[last].sTheta, arcs[last].eTheta);
angles.computeStartEndTheta(arcs[prev].sTheta, arcs[prev].eTheta);
// arcs[prev].coverRatio = noPixels/(TWOPI*r);
arcs[prev].coverRatio = ArcLength(arcs[prev].sTheta, arcs[prev].eTheta) / (TWOPI);
} //end-if
// Add a new arc to arcs
void EDCircles::addArc(MyArc *arcs, int &noArcs, double xc, double yc, double r, double circleFitError, double sTheta, double eTheta, int turn, int segmentNo, int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, double * x, double * y, int noPixels, double overlapRatio)
arcs[noArcs].xc = xc;
arcs[noArcs].yc = yc;
arcs[noArcs].r = r;
arcs[noArcs].circleFitError = circleFitError;
arcs[noArcs].sTheta = sTheta;
arcs[noArcs].eTheta = eTheta;
arcs[noArcs].coverRatio = ArcLength(sTheta, eTheta) / (TWOPI);
arcs[noArcs].turn = turn;
arcs[noArcs].segmentNo = segmentNo;
arcs[noArcs].isEllipse = false;
arcs[noArcs].sx = sx;
arcs[noArcs].sy = sy;
arcs[noArcs].ex = ex;
arcs[noArcs].ey = ey;
arcs[noArcs].x = x;
arcs[noArcs].y = y;
arcs[noArcs].noPixels = noPixels;
// See if you can join the last two arcs
joinLastTwoArcs(arcs, noArcs);
// Add an elliptic arc to the list of arcs
void EDCircles::addArc(MyArc * arcs, int & noArcs, double xc, double yc, double r, double circleFitError, double sTheta, double eTheta, int turn, int segmentNo, EllipseEquation * pEq, double ellipseFitError, int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, double * x, double * y, int noPixels, double overlapRatio)
arcs[noArcs].xc = xc;
arcs[noArcs].yc = yc;
arcs[noArcs].r = r;
arcs[noArcs].circleFitError = circleFitError;
arcs[noArcs].sTheta = sTheta;
arcs[noArcs].eTheta = eTheta;
arcs[noArcs].coverRatio = (double)((1.0 - overlapRatio)*noPixels) / computeEllipsePerimeter(pEq);
// arcs[noArcs].coverRatio = noPixels/ComputeEllipsePerimeter(pEq);
// arcs[noArcs].coverRatio = ArcLength(sTheta, eTheta)/(TWOPI);
arcs[noArcs].turn = turn;
arcs[noArcs].segmentNo = segmentNo;
arcs[noArcs].isEllipse = true;
arcs[noArcs].eq = *pEq;
arcs[noArcs].ellipseFitError = ellipseFitError;
arcs[noArcs].sx = sx;
arcs[noArcs].sy = sy;
arcs[noArcs].ex = ex;
arcs[noArcs].ey = ey;
arcs[noArcs].x = x;
arcs[noArcs].y = y;
arcs[noArcs].noPixels = noPixels;
// Given a circular arc, computes the start & end angles of the arc in radians
void EDCircles::ComputeStartAndEndAngles(double xc, double yc, double r, double * x, double * y, int len, double * psTheta, double * peTheta)
double sx = x[0];
double sy = y[0];
double ex = x[len - 1];
double ey = y[len - 1];
double mx = x[len / 2];
double my = y[len / 2];
double d = (sx - xc) / r;
if (d > 1.0) d = 1.0; else if (d < -1.0) d = -1.0;
double theta1 = acos(d);
double sTheta;
if (sx >= xc) {
if (sy >= yc) {
// I. quadrant
sTheta = theta1;
else {
// IV. quadrant
sTheta = TWOPI - theta1;
} //end-else
else {
if (sy >= yc) {
// II. quadrant
sTheta = theta1;
else {
// III. quadrant
sTheta = TWOPI - theta1;
} //end-else
} //end-else
d = (ex - xc) / r;
if (d > 1.0) d = 1.0; else if (d < -1.0) d = -1.0;
theta1 = acos(d);
double eTheta;
if (ex >= xc) {
if (ey >= yc) {
// I. quadrant
eTheta = theta1;
else {
// IV. quadrant
eTheta = TWOPI - theta1;
} //end-else
else {
if (ey >= yc) {
// II. quadrant
eTheta = theta1;
else {
// III. quadrant
eTheta = TWOPI - theta1;
} //end-else
} //end-else
// Determine whether the arc is clockwise (CW) or counter-clockwise (CCW)
double circumference = TWOPI*r;
double ratio = len / circumference;
if (ratio <= 0.25 || ratio >= 0.75) {
double angle1, angle2;
if (eTheta > sTheta) {
angle1 = eTheta - sTheta;
angle2 = TWOPI - eTheta + sTheta;
else {
angle1 = sTheta - eTheta;
angle2 = TWOPI - sTheta + eTheta;
} //end-else
angle1 = angle1 / TWOPI;
angle2 = angle2 / TWOPI;
double diff1 = fabs(ratio - angle1);
double diff2 = fabs(ratio - angle2);
if (diff1 < diff2) {
// angle1 is correct
if (eTheta > sTheta) {
else {
double tmp = sTheta;
sTheta = eTheta;
eTheta = tmp;
} // end-else
else {
// angle2 is correct
if (eTheta > sTheta) {
double tmp = sTheta;
sTheta = eTheta;
eTheta = tmp;
else {
} // end-else
} //end-else
else {
double v1x = mx - sx;
double v1y = my - sy;
double v2x = ex - mx;
double v2y = ey - my;
// cross product
double cross = v1x*v2y - v1y*v2x;
if (cross < 0) {
// swap sTheta & eTheta
double tmp = sTheta;
sTheta = eTheta;
eTheta = tmp;
} //end-if
} //end-else
double diff = fabs(sTheta - eTheta);
if (diff < (TWOPI / 120)) {
sTheta = 0;
eTheta = 6.26; // 359 degrees
} //end-if
// Round the start & etheta to 0 if very close to 6.28 or 0
if (sTheta >= 6.26) sTheta = 0;
if (eTheta < 1.0 / TWOPI) eTheta = 6.28; // if less than 1 degrees, then round to 6.28
*psTheta = sTheta;
*peTheta = eTheta;
void EDCircles::sortArc(MyArc * arcs, int noArcs)
for (int i = 0; i<noArcs - 1; i++) {
int max = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j<noArcs; j++) {
if (arcs[j].coverRatio > arcs[max].coverRatio) max = j;
} //end-for
if (max != i) {
MyArc t = arcs[i];
arcs[i] = arcs[max];
arcs[max] = t;
} // end-if
} //end-for
// Fits a circle to a given set of points. There must be at least 2 points
// The circle equation is of the form: (x-xc)^2 + (y-yc)^2 = r^2
// Returns true if there is a fit, false in case no circles can be fit
bool EDCircles::CircleFit(double * x, double * y, int N, double * pxc, double * pyc, double * pr, double * pe)
*pe = 1e20;
if (N < 3) return false;
double xAvg = 0;
double yAvg = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) {
xAvg += x[i];
yAvg += y[i];
} //end-for
xAvg /= N;
yAvg /= N;
double Suu = 0;
double Suv = 0;
double Svv = 0;
double Suuu = 0;
double Suvv = 0;
double Svvv = 0;
double Svuu = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) {
double u = x[i] - xAvg;
double v = y[i] - yAvg;
Suu += u*u;
Suv += u*v;
Svv += v*v;
Suuu += u*u*u;
Suvv += u*v*v;
Svvv += v*v*v;
Svuu += v*u*u;
} //end-for
// Now, we solve for the following linear system of equations
// Av = b, where v = (uc, vc) is the center of the circle
// |N Suv| |uc| = |b1|
// |Suv Svv| |vc| = |b2|
// where b1 = 0.5*(Suuu+Suvv) and b2 = 0.5*(Svvv+Svuu)
double detA = Suu*Svv - Suv*Suv;
if (detA == 0) return false;
double b1 = 0.5*(Suuu + Suvv);
double b2 = 0.5*(Svvv + Svuu);
double uc = (Svv*b1 - Suv*b2) / detA;
double vc = (Suu*b2 - Suv*b1) / detA;
double R = sqrt(uc*uc + vc*vc + (Suu + Svv) / N);
*pxc = uc + xAvg;
*pyc = vc + yAvg;
// Compute mean square error
double error = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) {
double dx = x[i] - *pxc;
double dy = y[i] - *pyc;
double d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) - R;
error += d*d;
} //end-for
*pr = R;
*pe = sqrt(error / N);
return true;
// Computes the points making up a circle
void EDCircles::ComputeCirclePoints(double xc, double yc, double r, double * px, double * py, int * noPoints)
int len = (int)(TWOPI*r + 0.5);
double angleInc = TWOPI / len;
double angle = 0;
int prevX = -1;
int prevY = -1;
int count = 0;
while (angle < TWOPI) {
int x = (int)(cos(angle)*r + xc + 0.5);
int y = (int)(sin(angle)*r + yc + 0.5);
angle += angleInc;
px[count] = x;
py[count] = y;
} //end-while
*noPoints = count;
void EDCircles::sortCircle(Circle * circles, int noCircles)
for (int i = 0; i<noCircles - 1; i++) {
int max = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j<noCircles; j++) {
if (circles[j].r > circles[max].r) max = j;
} //end-for
if (max != i) {
Circle t = circles[i];
circles[i] = circles[max];
circles[max] = t;
} // end-if
} //end-for
bool EDCircles::EllipseFit(double * x, double * y, int noPoints, EllipseEquation * pResult, int mode)
double **D = AllocateMatrix(noPoints + 1, 7);
double **S = AllocateMatrix(7, 7);
double **Const = AllocateMatrix(7, 7);
double **temp = AllocateMatrix(7, 7);
double **L = AllocateMatrix(7, 7);
double **C = AllocateMatrix(7, 7);
double **invL = AllocateMatrix(7, 7);
double *d = new double[7];
double **V = AllocateMatrix(7, 7);
double **sol = AllocateMatrix(7, 7);
double tx, ty;
int nrot = 0;
memset(d, 0, sizeof(double) * 7);
switch (mode)
case (FPF):
//fprintf(stderr, "EllipseFit: FPF mode");
Const[1][3] = -2;
Const[2][2] = 1;
Const[3][1] = -2;
//fprintf(stderr, "EllipseFit: BOOKSTEIN mode");
Const[1][1] = 2;
Const[2][2] = 1;
Const[3][3] = 2;
} //end-switch
if (noPoints < 6)
return false;
// Now first fill design matrix
for (int i = 1; i <= noPoints; i++) {
tx = x[i - 1];
ty = y[i - 1];
D[i][1] = tx * tx;
D[i][2] = tx * ty;
D[i][3] = ty * ty;
D[i][4] = tx;
D[i][5] = ty;
D[i][6] = 1.0;
} //end-for
// Now compute scatter matrix S
A_TperB(D, D, S, noPoints, 6, noPoints, 6);
choldc(S, 6, L);
inverse(L, invL, 6);
AperB_T(Const, invL, temp, 6, 6, 6, 6);
AperB(invL, temp, C, 6, 6, 6, 6);
//pm(C,"The C matrix");
jacobi(C, 6, d, V, nrot);
//pm(V,"The Eigenvectors"); /* OK */
//pv(d,"The eigevalues");
A_TperB(invL, V, sol, 6, 6, 6, 6);
//pm(sol,"The GEV solution unnormalized"); /* SOl */
// Now normalize them
for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++) /* Scan columns */
double mod = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
mod += sol[i][j] * sol[i][j];
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
sol[i][j] /= sqrt(mod);
//pm(sol,"The GEV solution"); /* SOl */
double zero = 10e-20;
double minev = 10e+20;
int solind = 0;
int i;
switch (mode)
case (BOOKSTEIN): // smallest eigenvalue
for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
if (d[i] < minev && fabs(d[i]) > zero)
solind = i;
case (FPF):
for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
if (d[i] < 0 && fabs(d[i]) > zero)
solind = i;
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "SOLUTIONS: Selected: %d\n", solind);
for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "d[i]: %e, a: %.7lf, b: %.7lf, c: %.7lf, d: %.7lf, e: %.7lf, f: %.7lf\n",
d[i], sol[1][i], sol[2][i], sol[3][i], sol[4][i], sol[5][i], sol[6][i]);
} //end-for
bool valid = true;
if (solind == 0) valid = false;
if (valid) {
// Now fetch the right solution
for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++) {
pResult->coeff[j] = sol[j][solind];
} //end-for
} //end-if
DeallocateMatrix(D, noPoints + 1);
DeallocateMatrix(S, 7);
DeallocateMatrix(Const, 7);
DeallocateMatrix(temp, 7);
DeallocateMatrix(L, 7);
DeallocateMatrix(C, 7);
DeallocateMatrix(invL, 7);
delete d;
DeallocateMatrix(V, 7);
DeallocateMatrix(sol, 7);
if (valid) {
int len = (int)computeEllipsePerimeter(pResult);
if (len <= 0 || len > 50000) valid = false;
} //end-else
return valid;
double ** EDCircles::AllocateMatrix(int noRows, int noColumns)
double **m = new double *[noRows];
for (int i = 0; i<noRows; i++) {
m[i] = new double[noColumns];
memset(m[i], 0, sizeof(double)*noColumns);
} // end-for
return m;
void EDCircles::A_TperB(double ** _A, double ** _B, double ** _res, int _righA, int _colA, int _righB, int _colB)
int p, q, l;
for (p = 1; p <= _colA; p++)
for (q = 1; q <= _colB; q++)
_res[p][q] = 0.0;
for (l = 1; l <= _righA; l++)
_res[p][q] = _res[p][q] + _A[l][p] * _B[l][q];
// Perform the Cholesky decomposition
// Return the lower triangular L such that L*L'=A
void EDCircles::choldc(double ** a, int n, double ** l)
int i, j, k;
double sum;
double *p = new double[n + 1];
memset(p, 0, sizeof(double)*(n + 1));
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for (j = i; j <= n; j++)
for (sum = a[i][j], k = i - 1; k >= 1; k--) sum -= a[i][k] * a[j][k];
if (i == j)
if (sum <= 0.0)
// printf("\nA is not poitive definite!");
p[i] = sqrt(sum);
a[j][i] = sum / p[i];
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (j = i; j <= n; j++) {
if (i == j)
l[i][i] = p[i];
l[j][i] = a[j][i];
l[i][j] = 0.0;
} //end-for-inner
} // end-for-outer
delete p;
int EDCircles::inverse(double ** TB, double ** InvB, int N)
int k, i, j, p, q;
double mult;
double D, temp;
double maxpivot;
int npivot;
double **B = AllocateMatrix(N + 1, N + 2);
double **A = AllocateMatrix(N + 1, 2 * N + 2);
double **C = AllocateMatrix(N + 1, N + 1);
double eps = 10e-20;
for (k = 1; k <= N; k++)
for (j = 1; j <= N; j++)
B[k][j] = TB[k][j];
for (k = 1; k <= N; k++)
for (j = 1; j <= N + 1; j++)
A[k][j] = B[k][j];
for (j = N + 2; j <= 2 * N + 1; j++)
A[k][j] = (double)0;
A[k][k - 1 + N + 2] = (double)1;
for (k = 1; k <= N; k++)
maxpivot = fabs((double)A[k][k]);
npivot = k;
for (i = k; i <= N; i++)
if (maxpivot < fabs((double)A[i][k]))
maxpivot = fabs((double)A[i][k]);
npivot = i;
if (maxpivot >= eps)
if (npivot != k)
for (j = k; j <= 2 * N + 1; j++)
temp = A[npivot][j];
A[npivot][j] = A[k][j];
A[k][j] = temp;
D = A[k][k];
for (j = 2 * N + 1; j >= k; j--)
A[k][j] = A[k][j] / D;
for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
if (i != k)
mult = A[i][k];
for (j = 2 * N + 1; j >= k; j--)
A[i][j] = A[i][j] - mult * A[k][j];
{ // printf("\n The matrix may be singular !!") ;
DeallocateMatrix(B, N + 1);
DeallocateMatrix(A, N + 1);
DeallocateMatrix(C, N + 1);
return (-1);
} //end-else
/** Copia il risultato nella matrice InvB ***/
for (k = 1, p = 1; k <= N; k++, p++)
for (j = N + 2, q = 1; j <= 2 * N + 1; j++, q++)
InvB[p][q] = A[k][j];
DeallocateMatrix(B, N + 1);
DeallocateMatrix(A, N + 1);
DeallocateMatrix(C, N + 1);
return (0);
void EDCircles::DeallocateMatrix(double ** m, int noRows)
for (int i = 0; i<noRows; i++) delete m[i];
delete m;
void EDCircles::AperB_T(double ** _A, double ** _B, double ** _res, int _righA, int _colA, int _righB, int _colB)
int p, q, l;
for (p = 1; p <= _colA; p++)
for (q = 1; q <= _colB; q++)
_res[p][q] = 0.0;
for (l = 1; l <= _righA; l++)
_res[p][q] = _res[p][q] + _A[p][l] * _B[q][l];
void EDCircles::AperB(double ** _A, double ** _B, double ** _res, int _righA, int _colA, int _righB, int _colB)
int p, q, l;
for (p = 1; p <= _righA; p++)
for (q = 1; q <= _colB; q++)
_res[p][q] = 0.0;
for (l = 1; l <= _colA; l++)
_res[p][q] = _res[p][q] + _A[p][l] * _B[l][q];
void EDCircles::jacobi(double ** a, int n, double d[], double ** v, int nrot)
int j, iq, ip, i;
double tresh, theta, tau, t, sm, s, h, g, c;
double *b = new double[n + 1];
double *z = new double[n + 1];
memset(b, 0, sizeof(double)*(n + 1));
memset(z, 0, sizeof(double)*(n + 1));
for (ip = 1; ip <= n; ip++)
for (iq = 1; iq <= n; iq++) v[ip][iq] = 0.0;
v[ip][ip] = 1.0;
for (ip = 1; ip <= n; ip++)
b[ip] = d[ip] = a[ip][ip];
z[ip] = 0.0;
nrot = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 50; i++)
sm = 0.0;
for (ip = 1; ip <= n - 1; ip++)
for (iq = ip + 1; iq <= n; iq++)
sm += fabs(a[ip][iq]);
if (sm == 0.0)
delete b;
delete z;
if (i < 4)
tresh = 0.2 * sm / (n * n);
tresh = 0.0;
for (ip = 1; ip <= n - 1; ip++)
for (iq = ip + 1; iq <= n; iq++)
g = 100.0 * fabs(a[ip][iq]);
// if (i > 4 && fabs(d[ip]) + g == fabs(d[ip])
// && fabs(d[iq]) + g == fabs(d[iq]))
if (i > 4 && g == 0.0)
a[ip][iq] = 0.0;
else if (fabs(a[ip][iq]) > tresh)
h = d[iq] - d[ip];
if (g == 0.0)
t = (a[ip][iq]) / h;
theta = 0.5 * h / (a[ip][iq]);
t = 1.0 / (fabs(theta) + sqrt(1.0 + theta * theta));
if (theta < 0.0) t = -t;
c = 1.0 / sqrt(1 + t * t);
s = t * c;
tau = s / (1.0 + c);
h = t * a[ip][iq];
z[ip] -= h;
z[iq] += h;
d[ip] -= h;
d[iq] += h;
a[ip][iq] = 0.0;
for (j = 1; j <= ip - 1; j++)
ROTATE(a, j, ip, j, iq, tau, s);
for (j = ip + 1; j <= iq - 1; j++)
ROTATE(a, ip, j, j, iq, tau, s);
for (j = iq + 1; j <= n; j++)
ROTATE(a, ip, j, iq, j, tau, s);
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
ROTATE(v, j, ip, j, iq, tau, s);
for (ip = 1; ip <= n; ip++)
b[ip] += z[ip];
d[ip] = b[ip];
z[ip] = 0.0;
//printf("Too many iterations in routine JACOBI");
delete b;
delete z;
void EDCircles::ROTATE(double ** a, int i, int j, int k, int l, double tau, double s)
double g, h;
g = a[i][j]; h = a[k][l]; a[i][j] = g - s * (h + g * tau);
a[k][l] = h + s * (g - h * tau);
void AngleSet::_set(double sTheta, double eTheta) {
int arc = next++;
angles[arc].sTheta = sTheta;
angles[arc].eTheta = eTheta;
angles[arc].next = -1;
// Add the current arc to the linked list
int prev = -1;
int current = head;
while (1) {
// Empty list?
if (head < 0) { head = arc; break; }
// End of the list. Add to the end
if (current < 0) {
angles[prev].next = arc;
} //end-if
if (angles[arc].eTheta <= angles[current].sTheta) {
// Add before current
if (prev < 0) {
angles[arc].next = current;
head = arc;
else {
angles[arc].next = current;
angles[prev].next = arc;
} //end-else
else if (angles[arc].sTheta >= angles[current].eTheta) {
// continue
prev = current;
current = angles[current].next;
// End of the list?
if (current < 0) {
angles[prev].next = arc;
} //end-if
else {
// overlaps with current. Join
// First delete current from the list
if (prev < 0) head = angles[head].next;
else angles[prev].next = angles[current].next;
// Update overlap amount.
if (angles[arc].eTheta < angles[current].eTheta) {
overlapAmount += angles[arc].eTheta - angles[current].sTheta;
else {
overlapAmount += angles[current].eTheta - angles[arc].sTheta;
} //end-else
// Now join current with arc
if (angles[current].sTheta < angles[arc].sTheta) angles[arc].sTheta = angles[current].sTheta;
if (angles[current].eTheta > angles[arc].eTheta) angles[arc].eTheta = angles[current].eTheta;
current = angles[current].next;
} //end-else
} //end-while
void AngleSet::set(double sTheta, double eTheta)
if (eTheta > sTheta) {
_set(sTheta, eTheta);
else {
_set(sTheta, TWOPI);
_set(0, eTheta);
} //end-else
double AngleSet::_overlap(double sTheta, double eTheta)
double o = 0;
int current = head;
while (current >= 0) {
if (sTheta > angles[current].eTheta) { current = angles[current].next; continue; }
else if (eTheta < angles[current].sTheta) break;
// 3 cases.
if (sTheta < angles[current].sTheta && eTheta > angles[current].eTheta) {
o += angles[current].eTheta - angles[current].sTheta;
else if (sTheta < angles[current].sTheta) {
o += eTheta - angles[current].sTheta;
else {
o += angles[current].eTheta - sTheta;
} //end-else
current = angles[current].next;
} //end-while
return o;
double AngleSet::overlap(double sTheta, double eTheta)
double o;
if (eTheta > sTheta) {
o = _overlap(sTheta, eTheta);
else {
o = _overlap(sTheta, TWOPI);
o += _overlap(0, eTheta);
} //end-else
return o / ArcLength(sTheta, eTheta);
void AngleSet::computeStartEndTheta(double & sTheta, double & eTheta)
// Special case: Just one arc
if (angles[head].next < 0) {
sTheta = angles[head].sTheta;
eTheta = angles[head].eTheta;
} //end-if
// OK. More than one arc. Find the biggest gap
int current = head;
int nextArc = angles[current].next;
double biggestGapSTheta = angles[current].eTheta;
double biggestGapEtheta = angles[nextArc].sTheta;
double biggestGapLength = biggestGapEtheta - biggestGapSTheta;
double start, end, len;
while (1) {
current = nextArc;
nextArc = angles[nextArc].next;
if (nextArc < 0) break;
start = angles[current].eTheta;
end = angles[nextArc].sTheta;
len = end - start;
if (len > biggestGapLength) {
biggestGapSTheta = start;
biggestGapEtheta = end;
biggestGapLength = len;
} //end-if
} //end-while
// Compute the gap between the last arc & the first arc
start = angles[current].eTheta;
end = angles[head].sTheta;
len = TWOPI - start + end;
if (len > biggestGapLength) {
biggestGapSTheta = start;
biggestGapEtheta = end;
} //end-if
sTheta = biggestGapEtheta;
eTheta = biggestGapSTheta;
double AngleSet::coverRatio()
int current = head;
double total = 0;
while (current >= 0) {
total += angles[current].eTheta - angles[current].sTheta;
current = angles[current].next;
} //end-while
return total / (TWOPI);
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