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EDColor.cpp 16.64 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Cagri 提交于 2018-08-17 18:50 . Git initial commit
#include "EDColor.h"
#include "ED.h"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
EDColor::EDColor(Mat srcImage, int gradThresh, int anchor_thresh , double sigma, bool validateSegments)
inputImage = srcImage.clone();
// check parameters for sanity
if (sigma < 1) sigma = 1;
if (gradThresh < 1) gradThresh = 1;
if (anchor_thresh < 0) anchor_thresh = 0;
if (validateSegments) { // setup for validation
anchor_thresh = 0;
divForTestSegment = 2.25;
// split channels (OpenCV uses BGR)
Mat bgr[3];
split(srcImage, bgr);
blueImg = bgr[0].data;
greenImg = bgr[1].data;
redImg = bgr[2].data;
height = srcImage.rows;
width = srcImage.cols;
// Allocate space for L*a*b color space
L_Img = new uchar[width*height];
a_Img = new uchar[width*height];
b_Img = new uchar[width*height];
// Convert RGB2Lab
// Allocate space for smooth channels
smooth_L = new uchar[width*height];
smooth_a = new uchar[width*height];
smooth_b = new uchar[width*height];
// Smooth Channels
smoothChannel(L_Img, smooth_L, sigma);
smoothChannel(a_Img, smooth_a, sigma);
smoothChannel(b_Img, smooth_b, sigma);
// Allocate space for direction and gradient images
dirImg = new uchar[width*height];
gradImg = new short[width*height];
// Compute Gradient & Edge Direction Maps
// Validate edge segments if the flag is set
if (validateSegments) {
// Get Edge Image using ED
ED edgeObj = ED(gradImg, dirImg, width, height, gradThresh, anchor_thresh, 1, 10, false);
segments = edgeObj.getSegments();
edgeImage = edgeObj.getEdgeImage();
sigma /= 2.5;
smoothChannel(L_Img, smooth_L, sigma);
smoothChannel(a_Img, smooth_a, sigma);
smoothChannel(b_Img, smooth_b, sigma);
edgeImg = edgeImage.data; // validation steps uses pointer to edgeImage
// Extract the new edge segments after validation
else {
ED edgeObj = ED(gradImg, dirImg, width, height, gradThresh, anchor_thresh);
segments = edgeObj.getSegments();
edgeImage = edgeObj.getEdgeImage();
segmentNo = edgeObj.getSegmentNo();
// Fix 1 pixel errors in the edge map
fixEdgeSegments(segments, 1);
// clean space
delete[] L_Img;
delete[] a_Img;
delete[] b_Img;
delete[] smooth_L;
delete[] smooth_a;
delete[] smooth_b;
delete[] gradImg;
delete[] dirImg;
cv::Mat EDColor::getEdgeImage()
return edgeImage;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> EDColor::getSegments()
return segments;
int EDColor::getSegmentNo()
return segmentNo;
int EDColor::getWidth()
return width;
int EDColor::getHeight()
return height;
void EDColor::MyRGB2LabFast()
// Inialize LUTs if necessary
if (!LUT_Initialized)
// First RGB 2 XYZ
double red, green, blue;
double x, y, z;
// Space for temp. allocation
double *L = new double[width*height];
double *a = new double[width*height];
double *b = new double[width*height];
for (int i = 0; i<width*height; i++) {
red = redImg[i] / 255.0;
green = greenImg[i] / 255.0;
blue = blueImg[i] / 255.0;
red = LUT1[(int)(red*LUT_SIZE + 0.5)];
green = LUT1[(int)(green*LUT_SIZE + 0.5)];
blue = LUT1[(int)(blue*LUT_SIZE + 0.5)];
red = red * 100;
green = green * 100;
blue = blue * 100;
//Observer. = 2, Illuminant = D65
x = red*0.4124564 + green*0.3575761 + blue*0.1804375;
y = red*0.2126729 + green*0.7151522 + blue*0.0721750;
z = red*0.0193339 + green*0.1191920 + blue*0.9503041;
// Now xyz 2 Lab
double refX = 95.047;
double refY = 100.000;
double refZ = 108.883;
x = x / refX; //ref_X = 95.047 Observer= 2, Illuminant= D65
y = y / refY; //ref_Y = 100.000
z = z / refZ; //ref_Z = 108.883
x = LUT2[(int)(x*LUT_SIZE + 0.5)];
y = LUT2[(int)(y*LUT_SIZE + 0.5)];
z = LUT2[(int)(z*LUT_SIZE + 0.5)];
L[i] = (116.0*y) - 16;
a[i] = 500 * (x / y);
b[i] = 200 * (y - z);
} //end-for
// Scale L to [0-255]
double min = 1e10;
double max = -1e10;
for (int i = 0; i<width*height; i++) {
if (L[i]<min) min = L[i];
else if (L[i]>max) max = L[i];
} //end-for
double scale = 255.0 / (max - min);
for (int i = 0; i<width*height; i++) { L_Img[i] = (unsigned char)((L[i] - min)*scale); }
// Scale a to [0-255]
min = 1e10;
max = -1e10;
for (int i = 0; i<width*height; i++) {
if (a[i]<min) min = a[i];
else if (a[i]>max) max = a[i];
} //end-for
scale = 255.0 / (max - min);
for (int i = 0; i<width*height; i++) { a_Img[i] = (unsigned char)((a[i] - min)*scale); }
// Scale b to [0-255]
min = 1e10;
max = -1e10;
for (int i = 0; i<width*height; i++) {
if (b[i]<min) min = b[i];
else if (b[i]>max) max = b[i];
} //end-for
scale = 255.0 / (max - min);
for (int i = 0; i<width*height; i++) { b_Img[i] = (unsigned char)((b[i] - min)*scale); }
// clean space
delete[] L;
delete[] a;
delete[] b;
void EDColor::ComputeGradientMapByDiZenzo()
memset(gradImg, 0, sizeof(short)*width*height);
int max = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < height - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < width - 1; j++) {
#if 1
// Prewitt for channel1
int com1 = smooth_L[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_L[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
int com2 = smooth_L[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_L[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gxCh1 = com1 + com2 + (smooth_L[i*width + j + 1] - smooth_L[i*width + j - 1]);
int gyCh1 = com1 - com2 + (smooth_L[(i + 1)*width + j] - smooth_L[(i - 1)*width + j]);
// Prewitt for channel2
com1 = smooth_a[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_a[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
com2 = smooth_a[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_a[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gxCh2 = com1 + com2 + (smooth_a[i*width + j + 1] - smooth_a[i*width + j - 1]);
int gyCh2 = com1 - com2 + (smooth_a[(i + 1)*width + j] - smooth_a[(i - 1)*width + j]);
// Prewitt for channel3
com1 = smooth_b[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_b[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
com2 = smooth_b[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_b[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gxCh3 = com1 + com2 + (smooth_b[i*width + j + 1] - smooth_b[i*width + j - 1]);
int gyCh3 = com1 - com2 + (smooth_b[(i + 1)*width + j] - smooth_b[(i - 1)*width + j]);
// Sobel for channel1
int com1 = smooth_L[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_L[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
int com2 = smooth_L[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_L[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gxCh1 = com1 + com2 + 2 * (smooth_L[i*width + j + 1] - smooth_L[i*width + j - 1]);
int gyCh1 = com1 - com2 + 2 * (smooth_L[(i + 1)*width + j] - smooth_L[(i - 1)*width + j]);
// Sobel for channel2
com1 = smooth_a[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_a[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
com2 = smooth_a[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_a[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gxCh2 = com1 + com2 + 2 * (smooth_a[i*width + j + 1] - smooth_a[i*width + j - 1]);
int gyCh2 = com1 - com2 + 2 * (smooth_a[(i + 1)*width + j] - smooth_a[(i - 1)*width + j]);
// Sobel for channel3
com1 = smooth_b[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_b[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
com2 = smooth_b[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_b[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gxCh3 = com1 + com2 + 2 * (smooth_b[i*width + j + 1] - smooth_b[i*width + j - 1]);
int gyCh3 = com1 - com2 + 2 * (smooth_b[(i + 1)*width + j] - smooth_b[(i - 1)*width + j]);
int gxx = gxCh1*gxCh1 + gxCh2*gxCh2 + gxCh3*gxCh3;
int gyy = gyCh1*gyCh1 + gyCh2*gyCh2 + gyCh3*gyCh3;
int gxy = gxCh1*gyCh1 + gxCh2*gyCh2 + gxCh3*gyCh3;
#if 1
// Di Zenzo's formulas from Gonzales & Woods - Page 337
double theta = atan2(2.0*gxy, (double)(gxx - gyy)) / 2; // Gradient Direction
int grad = (int)(sqrt(((gxx + gyy) + (gxx - gyy)*cos(2 * theta) + 2 * gxy*sin(2 * theta)) / 2.0) + 0.5); // Gradient Magnitude
// Koschan & Abidi - 2005 - Signal Processing Magazine
double theta = atan2(2.0*gxy, (double)(gxx - gyy)) / 2; // Gradient Direction
double cosTheta = cos(theta);
double sinTheta = sin(theta);
int grad = (int)(sqrt(gxx*cosTheta*cosTheta + 2 * gxy*sinTheta*cosTheta + gyy*sinTheta*sinTheta) + 0.5); // Gradient Magnitude
// Gradient is perpendicular to the edge passing through the pixel
if (theta >= -3.14159 / 4 && theta <= 3.14159 / 4)
dirImg[i*width + j] = EDGE_VERTICAL;
dirImg[i*width + j] = EDGE_HORIZONTAL;
gradImg[i*width + j] = grad;
if (grad > max) max = grad;
} // end outer for
// Scale the gradient values to 0-255
double scale = 255.0 / max;
for (int i = 0; i<width*height; i++)
gradImg[i] = (short)(gradImg[i] * scale);
void EDColor::smoothChannel(uchar *src, uchar *smooth, double sigma)
Mat srcImage = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1, src);
Mat smoothImage = Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1, smooth);
if (sigma == 1.0)
GaussianBlur(srcImage, smoothImage, Size(5, 5), 1);
else if (sigma == 1.5)
GaussianBlur(srcImage, smoothImage, Size(7, 7), 1.5); // seems to be better?
GaussianBlur(srcImage, smoothImage, Size(), sigma);
// Validate the edge segments using the Helmholtz principle (for color images) channel1, channel2 and channel3 images
void EDColor::validateEdgeSegments()
int maxGradValue = MAX_GRAD_VALUE;
H = new double[maxGradValue];
memset(H, 0, sizeof(double)*maxGradValue);
memset(edgeImg, 0, width*height); // clear edge image
// Compute the gradient
memset(gradImg, 0, sizeof(short)*width*height); // reset gradient Image pixels to zero
int *grads = new int[maxGradValue];
memset(grads, 0, sizeof(int)*maxGradValue);
for (int i = 1; i<height - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j<width - 1; j++) {
// Gradient for channel1
int com1 = smooth_L[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_L[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
int com2 = smooth_L[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_L[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gxCh1 = abs(com1 + com2 + (smooth_L[i*width + j + 1] - smooth_L[i*width + j - 1]));
int gyCh1 = abs(com1 - com2 + (smooth_L[(i + 1)*width + j] - smooth_L[(i - 1)*width + j]));
int ch1Grad = gxCh1 + gyCh1;
// Gradient for channel2
com1 = smooth_a[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_a[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
com2 = smooth_a[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_a[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gxCh2 = abs(com1 + com2 + (smooth_a[i*width + j + 1] - smooth_a[i*width + j - 1]));
int gyCh2 = abs(com1 - com2 + (smooth_a[(i + 1)*width + j] - smooth_a[(i - 1)*width + j]));
int ch2Grad = gxCh2 + gyCh2;
// Gradient for channel3
com1 = smooth_b[(i + 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_b[(i - 1)*width + j - 1];
com2 = smooth_b[(i - 1)*width + j + 1] - smooth_b[(i + 1)*width + j - 1];
int gxCh3 = abs(com1 + com2 + (smooth_b[i*width + j + 1] - smooth_b[i*width + j - 1]));
int gyCh3 = abs(com1 - com2 + (smooth_b[(i + 1)*width + j] - smooth_b[(i - 1)*width + j]));
int ch3Grad = gxCh3 + gyCh3;
// Take average
int grad = (ch1Grad + ch2Grad + ch3Grad + 2) / 3;
gradImg[i*width + j] = grad;
} //end-for
} //end-for
Mat gradImage = Mat(height, width, CV_16SC1, gradImg);
imwrite("newGrad.pgm", gradImage);
// Compute probability function H
int size = (width - 2)*(height - 2);
// size -= grads[0];
for (int i = maxGradValue - 1; i>0; i--)
grads[i - 1] += grads[i];
for (int i = 0; i<maxGradValue; i++)
H[i] = (double)grads[i] / ((double)size);
// Compute np: # of segment pieces
np = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<segments.size(); i++) {
int len = segments[i].size();
np += (len*(len - 1)) / 2;
} //end-for
// Validate segments
for (int i = 0; i< segments.size(); i++) {
testSegment(i, 0, segments[i].size() - 1);
} //end-for
// clear space
delete[] H;
delete[] grads;
// Resursive validation using half of the pixels as suggested by DMM algorithm
// We take pixels at Nyquist distance, i.e., 2 (as suggested by DMM)
void EDColor::testSegment(int i, int index1, int index2)
int chainLen = index2 - index1 + 1;
if (chainLen < MIN_PATH_LEN)
// Test from index1 to index2. If OK, then we are done. Otherwise, split into two and
// recursively test the left & right halves
// First find the min. gradient along the segment
int minGrad = 1 << 30;
int minGradIndex;
for (int k = index1; k <= index2; k++) {
int r = segments[i][k].y;
int c = segments[i][k].x;
if (gradImg[r*width + c] < minGrad) { minGrad = gradImg[r*width + c]; minGradIndex = k; }
} //end-for
// Compute nfa
double nfa = NFA(H[minGrad], (int)(chainLen / divForTestSegment));
if (nfa <= EPSILON) {
for (int k = index1; k <= index2; k++) {
int r = segments[i][k].y;
int c = segments[i][k].x;
edgeImg[r*width + c] = 255;
} //end-for
} //end-if
// Split into two halves. We divide at the point where the gradient is the minimum
int end = minGradIndex - 1;
while (end > index1) {
int r = segments[i][end].y;
int c = segments[i][end].x;
if (gradImg[r*width + c] <= minGrad) end--;
else break;
} //end-while
int start = minGradIndex + 1;
while (start < index2) {
int r = segments[i][start].y;
int c = segments[i][start].x;
if (gradImg[r*width + c] <= minGrad) start++;
else break;
} //end-while
testSegment(i, index1, end);
testSegment(i, start, index2);
// After the validation of the edge segments, extracts the valid ones
// In other words, updates the valid segments' pixel arrays and their lengths
void EDColor::extractNewSegments()
vector< vector<Point> > validSegments;
int noSegments = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
int start = 0;
while (start < segments[i].size()) {
while (start < segments[i].size()) {
int r = segments[i][start].y;
int c = segments[i][start].x;
if (edgeImg[r*width + c]) break;
} //end-while
int end = start + 1;
while (end < segments[i].size()) {
int r = segments[i][end].y;
int c = segments[i][end].x;
if (edgeImg[r*width + c] == 0) break;
} //end-while
int len = end - start;
if (len >= 10) {
// A new segment. Accepted only only long enough (whatever that means)
//segments[noSegments].pixels = &map->segments[i].pixels[start];
//segments[noSegments].noPixels = len;
vector<Point> subVec(&segments[i][start], &segments[i][end - 1]);
validSegments[noSegments] = subVec;
} //end-else
start = end + 1;
} //end-while
} //end-for
// Update
segments = validSegments;
segmentNo = noSegments; // = validSegments.size()
double EDColor::NFA(double prob, int len)
double nfa = np;
for (int i = 0; i<len && nfa > EPSILON; i++)
nfa *= prob;
return nfa;
// Fix edge segments having one or two pixel fluctuations
// An example one pixel problem getting fixed:
// x
// x x --> xxx
// An example two pixel problem getting fixed:
// xx
// x x --> xxxx
void EDColor::fixEdgeSegments(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> map, int noPixels)
/// First fix one pixel problems: There are four cases
for (int i = 0; i < map.size(); i++) {
int cp = map[i].size() - 2; // Current pixel index
int n2 = 0; // next next pixel index
while (n2 < map[i].size()) {
int n1 = cp + 1; // next pixel
cp = cp % map[i].size(); // Roll back to the beginning
n1 = n1 % map[i].size(); // Roll back to the beginning
int r = map[i][cp].y;
int c = map[i][cp].x;
int r1 = map[i][n1].y;
int c1 = map[i][n1].x;
int r2 = map[i][n2].y;
int c2 = map[i][n2].x;
// 4 cases to fix
if (r2 == r - 2 && c2 == c) {
if (c1 != c) {
map[i][n1].x = c;
} //end-if
cp = n2;
n2 += 2;
else if (r2 == r + 2 && c2 == c) {
if (c1 != c) {
map[i][n1].x = c;
} //end-if
cp = n2;
n2 += 2;
else if (r2 == r && c2 == c - 2) {
if (r1 != r) {
map[i][n1].y = r;
} //end-if
cp = n2;
n2 += 2;
else if (r2 == r && c2 == c + 2) {
if (r1 != r) {
map[i][n1].y = r;
} //end-if
cp = n2;
n2 += 2;
else {
} //end-else
} //end-while
} // end-for
void EDColor::InitColorEDLib()
if (LUT_Initialized)
double inc = 1.0 / LUT_SIZE;
for (int i = 0; i <= LUT_SIZE; i++) {
double d = i * inc;
if (d >= 0.04045) LUT1[i] = pow(((d + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);
else LUT1[i] = d / 12.92;
} //end-for
inc = 1.0 / LUT_SIZE;
for (int i = 0; i <= LUT_SIZE; i++) {
double d = i * inc;
if (d > 0.008856) LUT2[i] = pow(d, 1.0 / 3.0);
else LUT2[i] = (7.787*d) + (16.0 / 116.0);
} //end-for
LUT_Initialized = true;
bool EDColor::LUT_Initialized = false;
double EDColor::LUT1[LUT_SIZE + 1] = {0};
double EDColor::LUT2[LUT_SIZE + 1] = {0};
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