diff --git "a/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/app.js" "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/app.js"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ed57c47fc86716c337dee0e196bdbbac27abfe5
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/app.js"
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// app.js
+ onLaunch() {
+ // 展示本地存储能力
+ const logs = wx.getStorageSync('logs') || []
+ logs.unshift(Date.now())
+ wx.setStorageSync('logs', logs)
+ // 登录
+ wx.login({
+ success: res => {
+ // 发送 res.code 到后台换取 openId, sessionKey, unionId
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ globalData: {
+ userInfo: null
+ }
diff --git "a/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/app.json" "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/app.json"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d90dbac23e5e4f0defc858c7aab5e5d96758de12
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/app.json"
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "pages":[
+ "pages/index/index",
+ "pages/search/search",
+ "pages/logs/logs"
+ ],
+ "permission": {
+ "scope.userLocation": {
+ "desc": "你的位置信息将用于小程序位置接口的效果展示"
+ }
+ },
+ "window":{
+ "backgroundTextStyle":"light",
+ "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#fff",
+ "navigationBarTitleText": "天气预报",
+ "navigationBarTextStyle":"black"
+ },
+ "style": "v2",
+ "sitemapLocation": "sitemap.json"
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60194c3c05e1208ab0d1b6b00f60cd0a0296ee7f
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/app.wxss"
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git "a/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/index/index.js" "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/index/index.js"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f970764095a36f1596fda6e7a31d80aec473f0db
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/index/index.js"
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// index.js
+// 获取应用实例
+const app = getApp()
+ data: {
+ city:'龙岩',
+ rq:['2021-7-12','2021-7-13','2021-7-14','2021-7-15','2021-7-16'],
+ days:['今天','明天','后天'],
+ locationX:'',
+ locationY:''
+ },
+ onLoad: function (option) {
+ if(option.lat&&option.lon){
+ this.getCityByLocation(option.lat,option.lon)
+ }else{
+ this.getLocationXY()
+ }
+ },
+ //获得当前的坐标,通过百度地图API
+ //
+ getLocationXY: function () {
+ var that=this;
+ wx.getLocation({
+ success: function(res) {
+ var locationX=res.latitude;
+ var locationY=res.longitude;
+ //通过坐标获得具体的位置
+ that.getCityByLocation(locationX, locationY);
+ },
+ })
+ },
+ //通过坐标获得具体的位置名称,关联腾讯地图API
+ getCityByLocation: function (locationX,locationY) {
+ var that=this;
+ wx.request({
+ url: 'https://geoapi.qweather.com/v2/city/lookup',
+ data:{
+ location:locationY+","+locationX,
+ key: '6c764218c0694a068da82b510b7a5ec8',
+ },
+ success:function(res){
+ // console.log(that.data.city)
+ var city=res.data.location[0].adm2;
+ that.setData({city:city});
+ },
+ fail:function(res){},
+ complete:function(res){},
+ });
+ var that=this;
+ console.log(that.data.city)
+ //和风api 获取天气
+ wx.request({
+ url: 'https://devapi.qweather.com/v7/weather/now',
+ data:{
+ location:locationY+","+locationX,
+ key:'6c764218c0694a068da82b510b7a5ec8',
+ },
+ success:function(res){
+ console.log(res)
+ console.log(res.data.now);
+ var now = res.data.now
+ that.setData({
+ info:{weather:now}
+ })
+ // }else if(now.text=='阴'){
+ // document.getElementById('backgorund').className='cloudy'
+ // }else if(now.text=='小雨'||now.text=='大雨'||now.text=='雷阵雨'){
+ // document.getElementById('backgorund').className='rain'
+ // }
+ },
+ fail:function(res){},
+ })
+ //和风天气天信息
+ wx.request({
+ url: 'https://devapi.qweather.com/v7/weather/3d?',
+ data:{
+ location:locationY+","+locationX,
+ key:'c82edbacf76d4f0e8921b0fd3ffe7410',
+ },
+ success:function(res){
+ console.log(res.data.daily)
+ var future = res.data.daily
+ that.setData({
+ future:future
+ })
+ console.log('----',that.data.future);
+ },
+ fail:function(res){},
+ })
+ },
+ onShow: function () {
+ },
+ onHide: function () {
+ },
+ onUnload: function () {
+ },
+ onPullDownRefresh: function () {
+ },
+ onReachBottom: function () {
+ },
+ onShareAppMessage: function () {
+ }
diff --git "a/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/index/index.json" "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/index/index.json"
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+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/index/index.json"
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+ "usingComponents": {}
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/index/index.wxml"
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ ➣{{city}}
+ {{item.temp}}℃
+ {{item.text}}
+ 湿度 {{item.humidity}}%
+ 未来天气预报
+ {{item.fxDate}}
+ {{days[index]}}
+ ☀ {{item.textDay}}
+ 🌦 {{item.textDay}}
+ 🌦 {{item.textDay}}
+ 🌦 {{item.textDay}}
+ 🌤 {{item.textDay}}
+ ⛈ {{item.textDay}}
+ ☁ {{item.textDay}}
+ {{item.tempMin}}℃/{{item.tempMax}}℃
\ No newline at end of file
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+ ) no-repeat;
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+ padding: 30rpx 0rpx 0rpx 20rpx;
+ font-size: 60px;
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+ font-size: 20px;
+ flex-direction: row;
+ justify-content: space-around;
+ display: flex;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid gray;
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+.future .x{
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+.container {
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+.container {
+ height: 100%;
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+ flex-direction: column;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/logs/logs.js"
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// logs.js
+const util = require('../../utils/util.js')
+ data: {
+ logs: []
+ },
+ onLoad() {
+ this.setData({
+ logs: (wx.getStorageSync('logs') || []).map(log => {
+ return {
+ date: util.formatTime(new Date(log)),
+ timeStamp: log
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }
diff --git "a/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/logs/logs.json" "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/logs/logs.json"
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+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/logs/logs.json"
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "navigationBarTitleText": "查看启动日志",
+ "usingComponents": {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/logs/logs.wxml" "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/logs/logs.wxml"
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b6b6456f7ac8b92181e8aff296890fd7d3d86a3
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/logs/logs.wxml"
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ {{index + 1}}. {{log.date}}
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+.log-list {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ padding: 40rpx;
+.log-item {
+ margin: 10rpx;
diff --git "a/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/search/search.js" "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/search/search.js"
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--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/pages/search/search.js"
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+const app = getApp();
+ data: {
+ isSearch: false,
+ result: [],
+ value: '',
+ hotCity: ['北京市', '深圳', '广州', '哈尔滨','厦门','上海'],
+ history: []
+ },
+ inputHandle(e) {
+ const { value } = e.detail
+ if (value) {
+ wx.request({
+ url: 'https://geoapi.qweather.com/v2/poi/lookup',
+ data:{
+ key:'7364f1d6588041229b5a69633d058c95',
+ location:value,
+ type:"scenic"
+ },
+ success:function (res) {
+ console.log('--------',res.data)
+ var lat = res.data.poi[0].lat
+ var lon = res.data.poi[0].lon
+ wx.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/index/index?lat='+lat+'&lon='+lon,
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ // wx.navigateTo({
+ // url: '/page/index/index?vule',
+ // })
+ }
+ },
+ onLoad() {
+ this.setData({
+ history: this.getLocal()
+ })
+ // console.log("--------",app.globalData.hotCity);
+ },
+ cancelHandle() {
+ wx.navigateBack()
+ },
+ selectItem(e) {
+ const { lat, lng } = e.currentTarget.dataset
+ console.log('-----',e)
+ wx.navigateTo({
+ url: `pages/index/index`
+ })
+ },
+ clearHandle() {
+ this.setData({
+ value: ''
+ })
+ },
+ clearHistory() {
+ wx.removeStorage({ key: 'history'})
+ this.setData({
+ history: []
+ })
+ },
+ dwHandle() {
+ wx.navigateTo({
+ url: `/pages/index/index`
+ })
+ },
+ hotHandle(e) {
+ const { value } = e.currentTarget.dataset
+ this.setLocal(value)
+ wx.request({
+ url: 'https://geoapi.qweather.com/v2/poi/lookup',
+ data:{
+ key:'7364f1d6588041229b5a69633d058c95',
+ location:value,
+ type:"scenic"
+ },
+ success:function (res) {
+ console.log('------------------------------------',res)
+ var lat = res.data.poi[0].lat
+ var lon = res.data.poi[0].lon
+ wx.navigateTo({
+ url: '/pages/index/index?lat='+lat+'&lon='+lon,
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ // 设置历史记录
+ setLocal(val) {
+ const arr = this.getLocal()
+ if (!arr.includes(val)) {
+ console.log(arr)
+ arr.push(val)
+ wx.setStorageSync('history', arr)
+ }
+ },
+ getLocal() {
+ return wx.getStorageSync('history') ? wx.getStorageSync('history') : []
+ },
+ delHandle(e) {
+ const { value } = e.currentTarget.dataset
+ const arr = this.getLocal()
+ if (arr.includes(value)) {
+ const index = arr.indexOf(value)
+ arr.splice(index, 1)
+ wx.setStorageSync('history', arr)
+ this.setData({
+ history: arr
+ })
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "usingComponents": {}
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@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ {{item.title}},
+ {{item.city}},
+ {{item.province}}
+ 热门城市
+ 定位
+ {{item}}
+ 历史搜索
+ {{item}}
+ 清空历史
\ No newline at end of file
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+ margin: 0 10px;
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+ flex: 1;
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+ color: #e9e9e9;
+.search-input .input {
+ flex: 1;
+.search-input .cancel{
+ font-size: 14px;
+ border: 0;
+.result .item {
+ font-size: 12px;
+ padding: 10px;
+.history .clear {
+ font-size: 14px;
+.default .title {
+ display: block;
+ padding: 10px;
+ font-size: 14px;
+.history {
+ width:calc(100% - 20px);
+ margin: auto;
+.hot .item.dw {
+ background: rgb(123, 180, 228);
+ border-radius: 5px;
+ color: #fff;
+.hot .item,
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+ width:calc((100% - 30px) / 3);
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ text-align: center;
+ line-height: 30px;
+.hot .item:nth-child(3n),
+.hot .history:nth-child(3n) {
+ margin-right: 10px;
+.history .icon-del {
+ padding: 10px;
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+ color: rgb(211, 210, 210);
+ display: block;
+ font-size: 14px;
+ text-align: center;
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+ zoom:1;
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+ clear:both;
+ content:'';
+ display:block;
+ width:0;
+ height:0;
+ visibility:hidden;
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+ },
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+ "list": []
+ },
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+ "list": []
+ },
+ "plugin": {
+ "list": []
+ },
+ "gamePlugin": {
+ "list": []
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--- /dev/null
+++ "b/\345\272\204\346\230\255\345\261\261/weatherSearch/utils/util.js"
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+const formatTime = date => {
+ const year = date.getFullYear()
+ const month = date.getMonth() + 1
+ const day = date.getDate()
+ const hour = date.getHours()
+ const minute = date.getMinutes()
+ const second = date.getSeconds()
+ return `${[year, month, day].map(formatNumber).join('/')} ${[hour, minute, second].map(formatNumber).join(':')}`
+const formatNumber = n => {
+ n = n.toString()
+ return n[1] ? n : `0${n}`
+module.exports = {
+ formatTime