# *- coding:utf-8 -*-
import re
import csv
import numpy as np
import time
import heapq
1. 文件名配置
config_file = '/data/config.ini'
demand_file = '/data/demand.csv'
qos_file = '/data/qos.csv'
site_bandwidth_file = '/data/site_bandwidth.csv'
output_file = '/output/solution.txt'
config_file = 'data/config.ini'
demand_file = 'data/demand.csv'
qos_file = 'data/qos.csv'
site_bandwidth_file = 'data/site_bandwidth.csv'
output_file = 'output/solution.txt'
2. 模型参数
class Config:
def __init__(self):
# 训练次数
self.train_num = 1000
# 轮次
self.num_epoch = 1
self.first_num_epoch = 10
self.early_stop = 100
# adam优化器参数
self.lr = 0.05
self.beta1 = 0.9
self.beta2 = 0.999
self.eps = 1e-30
3. 工具包
class My_PriorityQueue(object):
def __init__(self):
self._queue = []
self._index = 0
def push(self, item, priority):
队列由 (priority, index, item) 形式组成
priority 增加 "-" 号是因为 heappush 默认是最小堆
index 是为了当两个对象的优先级一致时,按照插入顺序排列
heapq.heappush(self._queue, (-priority, self._index, item))
self._index += 1
def pop(self):
return heapq.heappop(self._queue)[-1]
def qsize(self):
return len(self._queue)
def empty(self):
return True if not self._queue else False
4. 数据输入
with open(config_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
qos = int(re.search(r'qos_constraint=(\d+)', f.read()).group(1))
with open(demand_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
lines = csv.reader(f)
header = next(lines)[1:]
demand = np.array([[int(item) for item in line[1:]] for line in lines])
client_node2id = {}
for idx, item in enumerate(header):
client_node2id[item] = idx
with open(qos_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
lines = csv.reader(f)
header = next(lines)[1:]
edge_node2id = {}
lines = list(lines)
num_edge, num_client = len(lines), len(header)
edge_client_qos = np.zeros((num_edge, num_client), dtype=np.int32)
idx_tran_tmp = {}
for idx, item in enumerate(header):
idx_tran_tmp[idx] = client_node2id[item]
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
edge_node2id[line[0]] = idx
for idx2, value in enumerate(line[1:]):
edge_client_qos[idx, idx_tran_tmp[idx2]] = int(value)
with open(site_bandwidth_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
site_bandwidth = np.zeros((num_edge), dtype=np.int32)
lines = csv.reader(f)
for line in lines:
site_bandwidth[edge_node2id[line[0]]] = int(line[1])
# qos : int 阈值
# demand : np.Array 需求 [时刻数 * 客户数]
# edge_client_qos : np.Array 时延 [边缘节点 * 客户节点]
# site_bandwidth : np.Array 带宽限制 [边缘节点]
# client_node2id : dic str->idx
# edge_node2id : dic str->idx
4. 选择top4的节点无限使用
T,C = demand.shape
E, = site_bandwidth.shape
result = np.zeros((T,E,C),dtype=int)
eps = 1e-8
mask = edge_client_qos < qos
# mask矩阵 mask[e,c]为True表示边缘节点e可以分配给用户节点c
time_demand = demand.sum(axis = 1).tolist()
pq = My_PriorityQueue()
for idx,value in enumerate(time_demand):
# time_demand 每个时间点所需要的流量
need_edges = mask.sum(axis = 1) > 0 # [E]
num_set = 0
edge_left = np.array([int(T*0.05) for i in range(E)]) * need_edges
customer_priority = mask.sum(axis = 0).tolist() # [C]
sorted_priority = [(customer_id,customer_value)for customer_id,customer_value in enumerate(customer_priority)]
sorted_priority.sort(key=lambda x:x[1])
sorted_priority = [customer_id for customer_id,customer_value in sorted_priority]
# 这里没有完全利用
sum_need_edges = np.sum(need_edges)
while not pq.empty() and num_set < sum_need_edges * (int(T*0.05)):
max_t = pq.pop()
demand_t = demand[max_t] # [C]
mask_d = mask
edge_t = np.matmul(mask_d,demand_t) # 每个边缘节点的加权值
edge_t_list = [(edge_id,edge_value) for edge_id,edge_value in enumerate(edge_t)]
edge_t_list.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)
# 针对t时间
select = False
for edge_id,edge_value in edge_t_list:
if edge_left[edge_id] == 0 or result[max_t,edge_id].sum()>0:
# 按照优先级选择客户节点,优先选择可分配用户少的
cur_value = 0
for customer_id in sorted_priority:
if not mask[edge_id,customer_id]:
tran = min(demand[max_t,customer_id],site_bandwidth[edge_id]-cur_value)
cur_value += tran
demand[max_t,customer_id] -= tran
result[max_t,edge_id,customer_id] += tran
if cur_value == site_bandwidth[edge_id]:
if cur_value>0:
edge_left[edge_id] -= 1
select = True
if select: # 尽最大可能选择完毕
num_set += 1
top4 = result.sum(axis=2)
top4_mask = top4 == 0
5. 模型搭建
class Model(object):
def __init__(self,mask,demand,site_bandwidth,top4_mask,config):
self.T,_,self.C = demand.shape
_,self.E = site_bandwidth.shape
# self.X = np.random.normal(size=(self.T,self.E,self.C))*4 # [ T, E, C] norm_dim = 1
self.X = np.zeros((self.T,self.E,self.C)) # [ T, E, C] norm_dim = 1
self.mask = mask # [1, E, C]
self.top4_mask = top4_mask # [T,E,1]
self.demand = demand # [T,1,C]
self.site_bandwidth = site_bandwidth # [1,E]
self.best_X = np.zeros((self.T,self.E,self.C)) # [ T, E, C] norm_dim = 1
self.min_loss = -1
self.config = config
self.X_m = np.zeros((self.T,self.E,self.C))
self.X_v = np.zeros((self.T,self.E,self.C))
self.X_m_hat = np.zeros((self.T,self.E,self.C))
self.X_v_hat = np.zeros((self.T,self.E,self.C))
X_tmp = np.exp(self.X - np.max(self.X,axis=1,keepdims=True))
self.X_norm = X_tmp / (np.sum(X_tmp,axis=1,keepdims=True) + self.config.eps)
self.X_masked = self.X_norm * self.mask * self.top4_mask
self.X_prob = self.X_masked / (np.sum(self.X_masked,axis=1,keepdims=True)+self.config.eps) # [ T, E, C]
self.edge_use = (self.X_prob * self.demand).sum(axis=2) # [ T, E]
# time 为挑选次数
# 选择top_time
def select_top(self,time):
if time == 0:
tmp = self.demand.sum(axis = 1)
self.top_time = heapq.nlargest(max(int(self.T*0.2),1),range(len(tmp)),tmp.take) # [C]
self.top_demand = self.demand[self.top_time]
self.top_4mask = self.top4_mask[self.top_time]
self.edge_use[self.top_time] = self.top_edge_use # [ T, E]
self.top_time = list(set(self.edge_use.argmax(axis=0))) # [E]
self.top_demand = self.demand[self.top_time]
self.top_4mask = self.top4_mask[self.top_time]
# self.edge_use_mean = self.edge_use.sum(axis = 0,keepdims=True) / (int(0.95*self.T) + self.config.eps)
self.edge_max = self.edge_use.max(axis = 0,keepdims=True) #
def forward(self):
self.top_x = self.X[self.top_time]
X_tmp = np.exp(self.top_x - np.max(self.top_x,axis = 1,keepdims = True))
self.top_norm = X_tmp / (np.sum(X_tmp,axis = 1,keepdims=True)+self.config.eps)
self.top_masked = self.top_norm * self.mask * self.top_4mask
self.top_prob = self.top_masked / (np.sum(self.top_masked,axis=1,keepdims=True) + self.config.eps)
self.top_edge_use = (self.top_prob * self.top_demand).sum(axis = 2)
# self.top_edge_use_mean = self.top_edge_use.mean(axis = 0,keepdims=True)
self.loss = np.sum(np.max(self.top_edge_use,axis=0))
self.idx = np.argmax(self.top_edge_use,axis=0)
# print(self.loss)
# if self.min_loss == -1 or self.loss < self.min_loss:
# self.min_loss = self.loss
# self.best_X = self.X.copy()
def backward(self):
self.top_T = len(self.top_time)
tmp = self.top_edge_use - self.site_bandwidth
self.d_top_edge_use = np.zeros((self.top_T,self.E))
self.d_top_edge_use[self.idx,np.arange(self.E)] = 1 # 最大值损失
self.d_top_edge_use += 1 * (self.top_edge_use - self.edge_max) + \
100 * tmp * (tmp>0) # 超出限制损失
self.d_top_prob = np.expand_dims(self.d_top_edge_use,axis = 2) * self.top_demand
top_sum_x = np.sum(self.top_masked,axis=1,keepdims=True)
self.d_top_masked = 1/(top_sum_x + self.config.eps) * (self.d_top_prob - np.sum(self.d_top_prob*self.top_prob,axis=1,keepdims=True))
self.d_top_norm = self.d_top_masked * self.mask * self.top_4mask
self.d_top_x = self.top_norm * (self.d_top_norm - np.sum(self.d_top_norm*self.top_norm,axis=1,keepdims=True))
# 更新参数
def update(self,t):
# 更新参数 adam优化器
self.X_m[self.top_time] = self.config.beta1*self.X_m[self.top_time]+(1-self.config.beta1)*self.d_top_x
self.X_v[self.top_time] = self.config.beta2*self.X_v[self.top_time]+(1-self.config.beta2)*self.d_top_x*self.d_top_x
self.X_m_hat[self.top_time] = self.X_m[self.top_time] / (1-np.power(self.config.beta1,t+1))
self.X_v_hat[self.top_time] = self.X_v[self.top_time] / (1-np.power(self.config.beta2,t+1))
update_X = self.config.lr*self.X_m_hat[self.top_time]/(np.sqrt(self.X_v_hat[self.top_time])+self.config.eps)
self.X[self.top_time] = self.X[self.top_time] - update_X
# self.X[self.top_time] = self.X[self.top_time] - self.d_top_x
def train(self):
for time in range(self.config.train_num):
if time % 10 == 0:
self.config.lr *= 0.9
if time == 0 :
num_epoch = self.config.first_num_epoch
num_epoch = self.config.num_epoch
for epoch in range(num_epoch):
# self.caculate_cost()
def caculate_cost(self):
X_tmp = np.exp(self.X - np.max(self.X,axis=1,keepdims=True))
self.X_norm = X_tmp / (np.sum(X_tmp,axis=1,keepdims=True) + self.config.eps)
self.X_masked = self.X_norm * self.mask * self.top4_mask
self.X_prob = self.X_masked / (np.sum(self.X_masked,axis=1,keepdims=True) + self.config.eps) # [ T, E, C]
self.edge_use = (self.X_prob * self.demand).sum(axis=2) # [ T, E]
# self.edge_mean = self.edge_use.sum(axis=0)/(int(T*0.95))
# self.var = np.power(self.edge_use-self.edge_mean,2)
# self.loss = np.sum(self.var) # 真正损失为最小化方差
# 计算花费b2
self.loss = np.sum(np.max(self.edge_use,axis=0))
def decode(self):
X_tmp = np.exp(self.X - np.max(self.X,axis=1,keepdims=True))
self.X_norm = X_tmp / (np.sum(X_tmp,axis=1,keepdims=True) + self.config.eps)
self.X_masked = self.X_norm * self.mask * self.top4_mask
self.X_prob = self.X_masked / (np.sum(self.X_masked,axis=1,keepdims=True) + self.config.eps) # [ T, E, C]
self.d_answer = self.X_prob * self.demand
self.edge_use = self.d_answer.sum(axis=2) # [ T, E]
self.edge_topk = np.max(self.edge_use,axis=0)
self.answer = np.zeros((self.T,self.E,self.C),dtype=int)
self.site_bandwidth = self.site_bandwidth.squeeze()
self.demand = self.demand.squeeze()
self.mask = self.mask.squeeze()
self.top4_mask = self.top4_mask.squeeze()
for t in range(self.T):
for c in range(self.C):
for e in range(self.E):
self.answer[t,e,c] = int(self.d_answer[t,e,c])
need_to_distribution = self.demand[t,c] - np.sum(self.answer[t,:,c])
e = 0
while need_to_distribution > 0 and e < self.E:
if np.sum(self.answer[t,e,:]) < int(self.edge_topk[e]) and self.mask[e,c] and self.top4_mask[t,e]:
distribution = min(need_to_distribution,int(self.edge_topk[e]) - np.sum(self.answer[t,e,:]))
# assert distribution >= 0
self.answer[t, e, c] += distribution
need_to_distribution -= distribution
elif np.sum(self.answer[t,e,:]) > int(self.edge_topk[e]) and self.mask[e,c] and self.top4_mask[t,e]\
and need_to_distribution>0 and np.sum(self.answer[t,e,:])<self.site_bandwidth[e] :
distribution = min(need_to_distribution,self.site_bandwidth[e] - np.sum(self.answer[t,e,:]) )
# assert distribution >= 0
self.answer[t, e, c] += distribution
need_to_distribution -= distribution
e += 1
if e == self.E and need_to_distribution>0:
e = 0
while need_to_distribution > 0 and e < self.E:
if np.sum(self.answer[t,e,:]) == int(self.edge_topk[e]) and self.mask[e,c] and self.top4_mask[t,e]\
and need_to_distribution > 0 and np.sum(self.answer[t, e, :]) < self.site_bandwidth[e]:
distribution = min(need_to_distribution, self.site_bandwidth[e] - np.sum(self.answer[t,e,:]))
# assert distribution > 0
self.answer[t, e, c] += distribution
need_to_distribution -= distribution
e += 1
# assert need_to_distribution == 0
for e in range(self.E):
# 没超过边缘节点阈值
if np.sum(self.answer[t,e,:]) <= self.site_bandwidth[e]:
need = np.sum(self.answer[t,e,:]) - self.site_bandwidth[e]
# 超过边缘节点阈值
for c in range(self.C):
# e 对应的 c节点分配给其他的e
for e2 in range(self.E):
if not self.mask[e2, c] or e == e2 or np.sum(self.answer[t,e2,:]) >= self.site_bandwidth[e2] or not self.top4_mask[t,e2]:
# 需要多少 和 能提供多少 取最小值
distribution = min(need,self.site_bandwidth[e2] - np.sum(self.answer[t,e2,:]),self.answer[t,e,c])
# assert distribution > 0
need -= distribution
self.answer[t,e,c] -= distribution
self.answer[t,e2,c] += distribution
if need == 0:
if need == 0:
# assert need == 0
def output_file(self,edge_node2id,client_node2id):
output_list = []
cost = self.answer.sum(axis = 2).max(axis=0).sum()
print('cost final:',cost) # 损失一边降一边选
self.answer = self.answer + result # 加上第一步的结果
for t in range(self.T):
for client_name,client_id in client_node2id.items():
string = f'{client_name}:'
first = True
for edge_name,edge_id in edge_node2id.items():
if self.answer[t,edge_id,client_id] >0:
if not first:
string += ','
string += f'<{edge_name},{self.answer[t,edge_id,client_id]}>'
first = False
with open(output_file,'w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
start = time.time()
config = Config()
m = Model(np.expand_dims(mask,0),np.expand_dims(demand,1),np.expand_dims(site_bandwidth,0),np.expand_dims(top4_mask,2),config)
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