# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
# from osgeo import gdal
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
class IOUMetric:
Class to calculate mean-iou using fast_hist method
def __init__(self, num_classes):
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.hist = np.zeros((num_classes, num_classes))
def _fast_hist(self, label_pred, label_true):
mask = (label_true >= 0) & (label_true < self.num_classes)
hist = np.bincount(
self.num_classes * label_true[mask].astype(int) +
label_pred[mask], minlength=self.num_classes ** 2).reshape(self.num_classes, self.num_classes)
return hist
def evaluate(self, predictions, gts):
for lp, lt in zip(predictions, gts):
assert len(lp.flatten()) == len(lt.flatten())
self.hist += self._fast_hist(lp.flatten(), lt.flatten())
# miou
iou = np.diag(self.hist) / (self.hist.sum(axis=1) + self.hist.sum(axis=0) - np.diag(self.hist))
miou = np.nanmean(iou)
# mean acc
acc = np.diag(self.hist).sum() / self.hist.sum()
acc_cls = np.nanmean(np.diag(self.hist) / self.hist.sum(axis=1))
freq = self.hist.sum(axis=1) / self.hist.sum()
fwavacc = (freq[freq > 0] * iou[freq > 0]).sum()
return acc, acc_cls, iou, miou, fwavacc
def read_img(filename):
im_width = dataset.RasterXSize
im_height = dataset.RasterYSize
im_geotrans = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
im_proj = dataset.GetProjection()
im_data = dataset.ReadAsArray(0,0,im_width,im_height)
del dataset
return im_proj,im_geotrans,im_width, im_height,im_data
def write_img(filename, im_proj, im_geotrans, im_data):
if 'int8' in im_data.dtype.name:
datatype = gdal.GDT_Byte
elif 'int16' in im_data.dtype.name:
datatype = gdal.GDT_UInt16
datatype = gdal.GDT_Float32
if len(im_data.shape) == 3:
im_bands, im_height, im_width = im_data.shape
im_bands, (im_height, im_width) = 1,im_data.shape
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
dataset = driver.Create(filename, im_width, im_height, im_bands, datatype)
if im_bands == 1:
for i in range(im_bands):
del dataset
def eval_re(label_path, predict_path, eval_path):
pres = os.listdir(predict_path)
labels = []
predicts = []
for im in pres:
if im[-4:] == '.tif':
label_name = im.split('.')[0] + '.tif'
lab_path = os.path.join(label_path, label_name)
pre_path = os.path.join(predict_path, im)
im_proj,im_geotrans,im_width, im_height, label = read_img(lab_path)
im_proj,im_geotrans,im_width, im_height, pre = read_img(pre_path)
# label = cv2.imread(lab_path,0)
# pre = cv2.imread(pre_path,0)
label[label>0] = 1
pre[pre>0] = 1
label = np.uint8(label)
pre = np.uint8(pre)
el = IOUMetric(2)
acc, acc_cls, iou, miou, fwavacc = el.evaluate(predicts, labels)
pres = os.listdir(predict_path)
init = np.zeros((2,2))
for im in pres:
lb_path = os.path.join(label_path, im)
pre_path = os.path.join(predict_path, im)
# lb = cv2.imread(lb_path,0)
# pre = cv2.imread(pre_path,0)
im_proj,im_geotrans,im_width, im_height, lb = read_img(lb_path)
im_proj,im_geotrans,im_width, im_height, pre = read_img(pre_path)
lb[lb>0] = 1
pre[pre>0] = 1
lb = np.uint8(lb)
pre = np.uint8(pre)
lb = lb.flatten()
pre = pre.flatten()
confuse = confusion_matrix(lb, pre)
init += confuse
precision = init[1][1]/(init[0][1] + init[1][1])
recall = init[1][1]/(init[1][0] + init[1][1])
accuracy = (init[0][0] + init[1][1])/init.sum()
f1_score = 2*precision*recall/(precision + recall)
with open(eval_path, 'a') as f:
f.write('accuracy: ' + str(accuracy) + '\n')
f.write('recal: ' + str(recall) + '\n')
f.write('miou: ' + str(miou))
def eval_func(label_path, predict_path):
pres = os.listdir(predict_path)
labels = []
predicts = []
for im in pres:
if im[-4:] == '.png':
label_name = im.split('.')[0] + '.png'
lab_path = os.path.join(label_path, label_name)
pre_path = os.path.join(predict_path, im)
label = cv2.imread(lab_path,0)
pre = cv2.imread(pre_path,0)
label[label>0] = 1
pre[pre>0] = 1
label = np.uint8(label)
pre = np.uint8(pre)
el = IOUMetric(2)
acc, acc_cls, iou, miou, fwavacc = el.evaluate(predicts,labels)
print('acc: ',acc)
print('acc_cls: ',acc_cls)
print('iou: ',iou)
print('miou: ',miou)
print('fwavacc: ',fwavacc)
pres = os.listdir(predict_path)
init = np.zeros((2,2))
for im in pres:
lb_path = os.path.join(label_path, im)
pre_path = os.path.join(predict_path, im)
lb = cv2.imread(lb_path,0)
pre = cv2.imread(pre_path,0)
lb[lb>0] = 1
pre[pre>0] = 1
lb = np.uint8(lb)
pre = np.uint8(pre)
lb = lb.flatten()
pre = pre.flatten()
confuse = confusion_matrix(lb, pre)
init += confuse
precision = init[1][1]/(init[0][1] + init[1][1])
recall = init[1][1]/(init[1][0] + init[1][1])
accuracy = (init[0][0] + init[1][1])/init.sum()
f1_score = 2*precision*recall/(precision + recall)
print('class_accuracy: ', precision)
print('class_recall: ', recall)
print('accuracy: ', accuracy)
print('f1_score: ', f1_score)
def eval_new(label_list, pre_list):
el = IOUMetric(2)
acc, acc_cls, iou, miou, fwavacc = el.evaluate(pre_list, label_list)
print('acc: ',acc)
# print('acc_cls: ',acc_cls)
print('iou: ',iou)
print('miou: ',miou)
print('fwavacc: ',fwavacc)
init = np.zeros((2,2))
for i in range(len(label_list)):
lab = label_list[i].flatten()
pre = pre_list[i].flatten()
confuse = confusion_matrix(lab, pre)
init += confuse
precision = init[1][1]/(init[0][1] + init[1][1])
recall = init[1][1]/(init[1][0] + init[1][1])
accuracy = (init[0][0] + init[1][1])/init.sum()
f1_score = 2*precision*recall/(precision + recall)
print('class_accuracy: ', precision)
print('class_recall: ', recall)
# print('accuracy: ', accuracy)
print('f1_score: ', f1_score)
if __name__ == "__main__":
label_path = './data/build/test/labels/'
predict_path = './data/build/test/re/'
eval_func(label_path, predict_path)
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