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metabase.py 10.90 KB
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云金杞 提交于 2021-12-18 20:38 . update backtrader files
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8; py-indent-offset:4 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Daniel Rodriguez
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from collections import OrderedDict
import itertools
import sys
import backtrader as bt
from .utils.py3 import zip, string_types, with_metaclass
def findbases(kls, topclass):
retval = list()
for base in kls.__bases__:
if issubclass(base, topclass):
retval.extend(findbases(base, topclass))
return retval
def findowner(owned, cls, startlevel=2, skip=None):
# skip this frame and the caller's -> start at 2
for framelevel in itertools.count(startlevel):
frame = sys._getframe(framelevel)
except ValueError:
# Frame depth exceeded ... no owner ... break away
# 'self' in regular code
self_ = frame.f_locals.get('self', None)
if skip is not self_:
if self_ is not owned and isinstance(self_, cls):
return self_
# '_obj' in metaclasses
obj_ = frame.f_locals.get('_obj', None)
if skip is not obj_:
if obj_ is not owned and isinstance(obj_, cls):
return obj_
return None
class MetaBase(type):
def doprenew(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return cls, args, kwargs
def donew(cls, *args, **kwargs):
_obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
return _obj, args, kwargs
def dopreinit(cls, _obj, *args, **kwargs):
return _obj, args, kwargs
def doinit(cls, _obj, *args, **kwargs):
_obj.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return _obj, args, kwargs
def dopostinit(cls, _obj, *args, **kwargs):
return _obj, args, kwargs
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
cls, args, kwargs = cls.doprenew(*args, **kwargs)
_obj, args, kwargs = cls.donew(*args, **kwargs)
_obj, args, kwargs = cls.dopreinit(_obj, *args, **kwargs)
_obj, args, kwargs = cls.doinit(_obj, *args, **kwargs)
_obj, args, kwargs = cls.dopostinit(_obj, *args, **kwargs)
return _obj
class AutoInfoClass(object):
_getpairsbase = classmethod(lambda cls: OrderedDict())
_getpairs = classmethod(lambda cls: OrderedDict())
_getrecurse = classmethod(lambda cls: False)
def _derive(cls, name, info, otherbases, recurse=False):
# collect the 3 set of infos
# info = OrderedDict(info)
baseinfo = cls._getpairs().copy()
obasesinfo = OrderedDict()
for obase in otherbases:
if isinstance(obase, (tuple, dict)):
# update the info of this class (base) with that from the other bases
# The info of the new class is a copy of the full base info
# plus and update from parameter
clsinfo = baseinfo.copy()
# The new items to update/set are those from the otherbase plus the new
info2add = obasesinfo.copy()
clsmodule = sys.modules[cls.__module__]
newclsname = str(cls.__name__ + '_' + name) # str - Python 2/3 compat
# This loop makes sure that if the name has already been defined, a new
# unique name is found. A collision example is in the plotlines names
# definitions of bt.indicators.MACD and bt.talib.MACD. Both end up
# definining a MACD_pl_macd and this makes it impossible for the pickle
# module to send results over a multiprocessing channel
namecounter = 1
while hasattr(clsmodule, newclsname):
newclsname += str(namecounter)
namecounter += 1
newcls = type(newclsname, (cls,), {})
setattr(clsmodule, newclsname, newcls)
setattr(newcls, '_getpairsbase',
classmethod(lambda cls: baseinfo.copy()))
setattr(newcls, '_getpairs', classmethod(lambda cls: clsinfo.copy()))
setattr(newcls, '_getrecurse', classmethod(lambda cls: recurse))
for infoname, infoval in info2add.items():
if recurse:
recursecls = getattr(newcls, infoname, AutoInfoClass)
infoval = recursecls._derive(name + '_' + infoname,
setattr(newcls, infoname, infoval)
return newcls
def isdefault(self, pname):
return self._get(pname) == self._getkwargsdefault()[pname]
def notdefault(self, pname):
return self._get(pname) != self._getkwargsdefault()[pname]
def _get(self, name, default=None):
return getattr(self, name, default)
def _getkwargsdefault(cls):
return cls._getpairs()
def _getkeys(cls):
return cls._getpairs().keys()
def _getdefaults(cls):
return list(cls._getpairs().values())
def _getitems(cls):
return cls._getpairs().items()
def _gettuple(cls):
return tuple(cls._getpairs().items())
def _getkwargs(self, skip_=False):
l = [
(x, getattr(self, x))
for x in self._getkeys() if not skip_ or not x.startswith('_')]
return OrderedDict(l)
def _getvalues(self):
return [getattr(self, x) for x in self._getkeys()]
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
obj = super(AutoInfoClass, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
if cls._getrecurse():
for infoname in obj._getkeys():
recursecls = getattr(cls, infoname)
setattr(obj, infoname, recursecls())
return obj
class MetaParams(MetaBase):
def __new__(meta, name, bases, dct):
# Remove params from class definition to avoid inheritance
# (and hence "repetition")
newparams = dct.pop('params', ())
packs = 'packages'
newpackages = tuple(dct.pop(packs, ())) # remove before creation
fpacks = 'frompackages'
fnewpackages = tuple(dct.pop(fpacks, ())) # remove before creation
# Create the new class - this pulls predefined "params"
cls = super(MetaParams, meta).__new__(meta, name, bases, dct)
# Pulls the param class out of it - default is the empty class
params = getattr(cls, 'params', AutoInfoClass)
# Pulls the packages class out of it - default is the empty class
packages = tuple(getattr(cls, packs, ()))
fpackages = tuple(getattr(cls, fpacks, ()))
# get extra (to the right) base classes which have a param attribute
morebasesparams = [x.params for x in bases[1:] if hasattr(x, 'params')]
# Get extra packages, add them to the packages and put all in the class
for y in [x.packages for x in bases[1:] if hasattr(x, packs)]:
packages += tuple(y)
for y in [x.frompackages for x in bases[1:] if hasattr(x, fpacks)]:
fpackages += tuple(y)
cls.packages = packages + newpackages
cls.frompackages = fpackages + fnewpackages
# Subclass and store the newly derived params class
cls.params = params._derive(name, newparams, morebasesparams)
return cls
def donew(cls, *args, **kwargs):
clsmod = sys.modules[cls.__module__]
# import specified packages
for p in cls.packages:
if isinstance(p, (tuple, list)):
p, palias = p
palias = p
pmod = __import__(p)
plevels = p.split('.')
if p == palias and len(plevels) > 1: # 'os.path' not aliased
setattr(clsmod, pmod.__name__, pmod) # set 'os' in module
else: # aliased and/or dots
for plevel in plevels[1:]: # recurse down the mod
pmod = getattr(pmod, plevel)
setattr(clsmod, palias, pmod)
# import from specified packages - the 2nd part is a string or iterable
for p, frompackage in cls.frompackages:
if isinstance(frompackage, string_types):
frompackage = (frompackage,) # make it a tuple
for fp in frompackage:
if isinstance(fp, (tuple, list)):
fp, falias = fp
fp, falias = fp, fp # assumed is string
# complain "not string" without fp (unicode vs bytes)
pmod = __import__(p, fromlist=[str(fp)])
pattr = getattr(pmod, fp)
setattr(clsmod, falias, pattr)
for basecls in cls.__bases__:
setattr(sys.modules[basecls.__module__], falias, pattr)
# Create params and set the values from the kwargs
params = cls.params()
for pname, pdef in cls.params._getitems():
setattr(params, pname, kwargs.pop(pname, pdef))
# Create the object and set the params in place
_obj, args, kwargs = super(MetaParams, cls).donew(*args, **kwargs)
_obj.params = params
_obj.p = params # shorter alias
# Parameter values have now been set before __init__
return _obj, args, kwargs
class ParamsBase(with_metaclass(MetaParams, object)):
pass # stub to allow easy subclassing without metaclasses
class ItemCollection(object):
Holds a collection of items that can be reached by
- Index
- Name (if set in the append operation)
def __init__(self):
self._items = list()
self._names = list()
def __len__(self):
return len(self._items)
def append(self, item, name=None):
setattr(self, name, item)
if name:
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._items[key]
def getnames(self):
return self._names
def getitems(self):
return zip(self._names, self._items)
def getbyname(self, name):
idx = self._names.index(name)
return self._items[idx]
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